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Six single family office funds linked to a S$3 billion ($2.2 billion) money laundering case received tax incentives


Six single family office funds linked to a S$3 billion ($2.2 billion) money laundering case in Singapore have received tax incentives from the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The tax benefits were withdrawn starting from the financial year the owners of these family office funds or their spouses were charged or convicted, said Deputy Prime Minister and MAS chair Gan Kim Yong in a written parliamentary reply. The benefits accorded prior to that won’t be clawed back, unless there were breaches of the tax incentive conditions then, Gan added.


syed putra

Non residents can park their money here tax free as long as they do not stay for more than 180 days or year. Or something like that.
So if you earn a good income in Jiu hu working for multinational, you may opt for your income to be paid in sinkie. And declare that income in sinkie.