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Serious Sinkie PMET Charged for Allowing Cheebye Selling Chiobus to stay in his Hotel!



Hotel keeper charged with allowing sex workers to stay at Beach Road hotel​

Screengrab from Google Street View of the Lion Peak Hotel Bugis at 103, Beach Road.
Screengrab from Google Street View of the Lion Peak Hotel Bugis at 103, Beach Road.

SINGAPORE — A man overseeing a hotel in Beach Road was charged in court on Monday (Dec 18) with allowing sex workers to occupy rooms at the establishment.
Michael Tay Fook Meng, a 51-year-old Singaporean, was handed one count of contravening the Hotel Licensing Regulations as a "hotel keeper".


According to the Hotels Licensing Board, a hotel keeper must be a person who holds a post of chief executive officer, general manager or an equivalent role at the hotel.
The charge sheet stated that Tay's receptionist, Do Thi Tuyet Nhung, allowed three people whom she knew to be sex workers to occupy rooms at the Lion Peak Hotel Bugis on Apr 26, 2023.
Under the Hotels Act, managers are liable for any act by an employee that contravenes the Hotels Licensing Regulations.
Tay is accused of flouting Regulation 24 of the Hotels Licensing Regulations, which states that no licensee shall permit any person whom he knows or has reason to believe is a sex worker, catamite or bad character to occupy a room in the hotel or to frequent the premises.
According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary, a catamite was a boy kept by a man in ancient Greece and Rome for him to have sex with.

Tay was represented by Ms Mary Magdeline Pereira from Whitefield Law Corporation.
He will return to court in January.
If convicted, he could be fined up to S$1,000 if he is a first-time offender, or double that if he is a repeat offender.
On top of this, the court may cancel or suspend any certificate or registration, or cancel any licence granted under the Hotels Act. CNA


Alfrescian (Inf)
Prostitution should be decriminalized and regulated. Enough of this bullshit. :rolleyes:

What's next? Raiding hotel rooms and demanding proof of marriage from the couple? Sounds exactly like what an Islamofascist state would do. :roflmao:


Prostitution should be decriminalized and regulated. Enough of this bullshit. :rolleyes:

What's next? Raiding hotel rooms and demanding proof of marriage from the couple? Sounds exactly like what an Islamofascist state would do. :roflmao:
Deary, once decriminalized, they will come to realize Singapore itself is a Red dot of prostitutes everywhere, not limited to Geylang and Mayfair.

Vlad Tepes

Cb ,all way ang, knn must be hotel owner offended someone or never satisfied the condition,lol
It's obvious someone didn't take the cut from the earnings and divulged their CB secret operation. The Duty Manager, Managing Director, General Manager and Admin assistant are so spherical in diameter that they will block the sun and moon on this island if they gathered together. I'm gonna buy some stocks for insulin, these 4 are definitely heavy hitters.

Hey, it's a good news for them though. The secretary would be able to pull in more earnings as their per intended usage for their establishment. :o-o:



Hotel keeper charged with allowing sex workers to stay at Beach Road hotel​

Screengrab from Google Street View of the Lion Peak Hotel Bugis at 103, Beach Road.
Screengrab from Google Street View of the Lion Peak Hotel Bugis at 103, Beach Road.

SINGAPORE — A man overseeing a hotel in Beach Road was charged in court on Monday (Dec 18) with allowing sex workers to occupy rooms at the establishment.
Michael Tay Fook Meng, a 51-year-old Singaporean, was handed one count of contravening the Hotel Licensing Regulations as a "hotel keeper".


According to the Hotels Licensing Board, a hotel keeper must be a person who holds a post of chief executive officer, general manager or an equivalent role at the hotel.
The charge sheet stated that Tay's receptionist, Do Thi Tuyet Nhung, allowed three people whom she knew to be sex workers to occupy rooms at the Lion Peak Hotel Bugis on Apr 26, 2023.
Under the Hotels Act, managers are liable for any act by an employee that contravenes the Hotels Licensing Regulations.
Tay is accused of flouting Regulation 24 of the Hotels Licensing Regulations, which states that no licensee shall permit any person whom he knows or has reason to believe is a sex worker, catamite or bad character to occupy a room in the hotel or to frequent the premises.
According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary, a catamite was a boy kept by a man in ancient Greece and Rome for him to have sex with.

Tay was represented by Ms Mary Magdeline Pereira from Whitefield Law Corporation.
He will return to court in January.
If convicted, he could be fined up to S$1,000 if he is a first-time offender, or double that if he is a repeat offender.
On top of this, the court may cancel or suspend any certificate or registration, or cancel any licence granted under the Hotels Act. CNA
His official Title should be TuaPakGongology Director


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Only got Check Colour Health Specualist for stress reflief...

Not anymore. Grassroots leaders have been working closely with the police to weed out all these vice from our lovely neighbourhood.