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Sinkie chiobu architect gone missing in Spain

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)

Missing: Singaporean architect who travelled to Spain alone uncontactable since April 10​


Singaporean Audrey Fang went on a solo trip to Xabia, Spain, on April 4, and was due to return to Singapore on April 12. PHOTO: FANG DIROU/FACEBOOK

Chin Soo Fang
Senior Correspondent

APR 17, 2024, 04:50 PM

SINGAPORE - A Singaporean woman who travelled alone to Xabia, Spain, has been uncontactable since April 10.

Ms Audrey Fang Dirou, a 39-year-old architect, departed Singapore on April 4 and was due to return on April 12.

According to a family friend, Ms Lee Si Hui, 30, Ms Fang was last seen on the hotel’s closed circuit television (CCTV) on April 9 at 8.45pm, which is six hours behind Singapore time.

The family lodged a report with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11.

Her brother, who was at Changi Airport to receive her, found out she did not board her return flight on April 12. He made a police report the same day. When contacted by The Straits Times, the police confirmed a report has been lodged.

The family found out she had left her hotel room on April 9 but did not return. Her belongings were still in the room.

She had told her family that she might be meeting a friend in Spain, but they do not know the person’s identity.

Ms Fang, who is single, lives with her father and younger brother. She was due to start a new job in May after a trip to Japan with her aunt and cousin at the end of April.

“She is very close to her aunt and cousin, and is looking forward to her new job,” Ms Lee told ST. “The family feels that because she has a lot of exciting things waiting for her, she would not disappear just like that.”

This is not the first time Ms Fang has travelled overseas alone.

“So far, the only unusual thing is that she did not share her flight and hotel details with the family, which she usually does,” Ms Lee added.

“Her family and friends are quite distressed now and are all gathering together to offer whatever help and support they can to find her.”

Ms Lee is on her way to Spain with Ms Fang’s brother and cousin to trace her whereabouts.

The family is also appealing for information about her in the Spanish media.
  • Wow
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I just find it weird the authorities of both countries are unable to retrieve the records of her watzapp or whatever comms app/email she was using in this day and age...really as much as technology has progressed you are on your own when shit hits the fan...


Just a few days a way u get worried? Sinkie parents sure are worrywarts. May be having some guilt free fun some where. :cool:



Missing: Singaporean architect who travelled to Spain alone uncontactable since April 10​


Singaporean Audrey Fang went on a solo trip to Xabia, Spain, on April 4, and was due to return to Singapore on April 12. PHOTO: FANG DIROU/FACEBOOK

Chin Soo Fang
Senior Correspondent

APR 17, 2024, 04:50 PM

SINGAPORE - A Singaporean woman who travelled alone to Xabia, Spain, has been uncontactable since April 10.

Ms Audrey Fang Dirou, a 39-year-old architect, departed Singapore on April 4 and was due to return on April 12.

According to a family friend, Ms Lee Si Hui, 30, Ms Fang was last seen on the hotel’s closed circuit television (CCTV) on April 9 at 8.45pm, which is six hours behind Singapore time.

The family lodged a report with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11.

Her brother, who was at Changi Airport to receive her, found out she did not board her return flight on April 12. He made a police report the same day. When contacted by The Straits Times, the police confirmed a report has been lodged.

The family found out she had left her hotel room on April 9 but did not return. Her belongings were still in the room.

She had told her family that she might be meeting a friend in Spain, but they do not know the person’s identity.

Ms Fang, who is single, lives with her father and younger brother. She was due to start a new job in May after a trip to Japan with her aunt and cousin at the end of April.

“She is very close to her aunt and cousin, and is looking forward to her new job,” Ms Lee told ST. “The family feels that because she has a lot of exciting things waiting for her, she would not disappear just like that.”

This is not the first time Ms Fang has travelled overseas alone.

“So far, the only unusual thing is that she did not share her flight and hotel details with the family, which she usually does,” Ms Lee added.

“Her family and friends are quite distressed now and are all gathering together to offer whatever help and support they can to find her.”

Ms Lee is on her way to Spain with Ms Fang’s brother and cousin to trace her whereabouts.

The family is also appealing for information about her in the Spanish media.
she got bugs bunny teeth