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Singpost incurs wrath of yet another angry customer


Hi Singpost, you need to wake up to the reality that people do not have the luxury to stay home as much as they want to during office hours just to wait for your elusive postman.

If you truly want to manage your massive queues at Singpost for picking up of parcels, why not deliver in evenings and on weekends when people are actually home?

By the way, do you hire Ninjas as delivery guys? I’ve got one Ninja Postman called Irene who doesn’t even bother to ring the bell or knock. Simply just slide the pre-prepared “Not home” slip at an inconspicuous corner so she can run off to the next victim, I mean home. That way you save our post office colleague from managing collection huh?

Very bad. Very very bad, we have to visit your post office on average 2-3 times a week! Or is this a marketing ploy to draw people to your AXA Agents huh?

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Singpost incurs wrath of yet another angry customer


my uncle say he answer on behalf of singpost.
he say you turbine ter nao tam chia sinkie thought you are a customer to me paying a few cents? he say you puki have a choice to use me or else deliver your own parcel. he say you puki I'm not at your mercy but you are you know.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I gave up on Singpost years ago when I called up to find the nearest branch and was automatically directed to their outsourced India based call centre.
I could not understand the thick Indian accent and every time I asked a question he has to look at the map to answer.
Imagine a India based Indian directing a local Singaporean how to travel in Singapore!

Recently my families 50th NS Anniversary packets never arrive and we have to go to SAFRA Mt Faber to collect it personally/
The SAFRA official said the Singpost deliveryman claimed no one was at home and left a message -in actual fact we were home all the time and no message was left by the delivery person.
This is symptomatic of the decline in quality across all areas since the son came into power and I cannot imagine how it will be when a 3rd generation of the family were to take over

greedy and cunning

tis iz what happened when you copied americaunt capitalism mindlessly.

in americunt , the ceo manage the stock price rather than the company.
company is required to provide quarterly financial report
which has the adverse effect of forcing the ceo to care for short term result
rather than the long term interest .


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are customer you are right but not always.
If you are the postman, would you want to deliver on weekend? Would you want to deliver late evening?

Scrooball (clone)

Frankly speaking, so many business models are outdated.

Why work LONG hours, when u should be working RIGHT hours? Most of the time, people are out working and nobody is home to receive mail. Why can't pay people to work after 6pm to deliver mails? All registered mail should be done this way, at least if it is a residential address. SinkPost is just an asshole company who doesn't care about the customers. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi Singpost, you need to wake up to the reality that people do not have the luxury to stay home as much as they want to during office hours just to wait for your elusive postman.

If you truly want to manage your massive queues at Singpost for picking up of parcels, why not deliver in evenings and on weekends when people are actually home?

By the way, do you hire Ninjas as delivery guys? I’ve got one Ninja Postman called Irene who doesn’t even bother to ring the bell or knock. Simply just slide the pre-prepared “Not home” slip at an inconspicuous corner so she can run off to the next victim, I mean home. That way you save our post office colleague from managing collection huh?

Very bad. Very very bad, we have to visit your post office on average 2-3 times a week! Or is this a marketing ploy to draw people to your AXA Agents huh?

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Singpost incurs wrath of yet another angry customer
I can relate to that situation. Once I was at home waiting for the postman when I saw a swift shadow outside the window, no sound no alarm. I jumped to the door as quickly as I could but the postman was even faster. Than I saw a piece of registered mail pick up notice lying on the door. This is plain lazy from Singpost who learned well from our leader.

greedy and cunning

This is plain lazy from Singpost who learned well from our leader.

sometimes u have to look from another angle to see the reason.
why was he doing it that way ?
the fcuk greedy board and the ceo wanted to make more $,
easy and fast way to cut cost is reduce staff.
the delivery man is given certain quota which must be completed.
u think he like to run and rush ?

so your anger should rightly be directed at those at the top.