Fuckeins always say HK n Macau had no choice as they were never independent...or Macau had a choice but the Portuguese gave it up. HK bcos of the 99 year lease of the new territories basically fuck everything up. Dumb ass poms signed a 99 year contract when they could have everything. How dumb could the poms beDidn't cantonese meekly surrender too? In macao and Hong Kong?
That US stooge Joseph Wu has also slammed Musk for calling Taiwan an integral part of China.
George Yeo thought that he would be awarded the Nobel peace prize for his brilliant China Commonwealth idea that he thought would make both Taiwan and China happy and avoid a nuclear WW III, but instead, he felt hurt that he was, instead of being gratefully thanked for his brilliant idea, kena accused by Taiwan of being China's dog. Poor George Yeo! He never imagined anyone could ever accuse him of being China's dog, something totally unexpected and unthinkable in George Yeo's mind.
It was the US that switched diplomatic recognition from ROC to PRC in 1979 to counter the threat of the USSR. .Elon Musk is special case, his sweatshops are in Tiongland, he is being held hostage due to his Tesla business. Once in a while he would be paraded out to produce some soundbites that make the CCP regime happy, and also used as propaganda to brainwash the low IQ Tiongs living behind the Great Firewall.
Propaganda like this:
There's a lot of merit to GY's suggestion, but what he lacks is diplomatic EQ. In this time of heightened US-China rivalry and rising tensions in the Taiwan Strait, certain things are best left unsaid.
Everyone knows that Taiwan can never afford independence, that in one way or another it will be subsumed under the gigantic Chinese economy eventually. The Chinese are prepared to wait. After all, they've waited a century and a half since the crumbling of the effete latter Qing dynasty to arrive at today's world stage. No one has more patience than the Chinese - plans, strategies are all formulated in terms of decades and centuries into the future. The CCP will never admit it, but knowing their own history they are aware that it will not last longer than any of China's most prosperous dynasties without drastic reforms.
Every Taiwanese I've spoken to doesn't want war; they want the status quo, they long for the relative peace of the status quo Taiwan enjoyed up till the early 2000s. While the older KMT generation (dwindling in numbers) and some of their descendants long for reunion with the motherland, the younger native Taiwanese have no emotional connection with the CCP.
If the CCP wants to win over this group it will have to re-invent itself, make itself indispensable to continued economic well-being of the Taiwanese people, and give them enough leeway to continue living their lives in democratic freedom, maybe as a federated province with vast autonomous powers.
Right on.It was the US that switched diplomatic recognition from ROC to PRC in 1979 to counter the threat of the USSR. .
Now that the USSR is dissolved, the US considers China as a threat to its place as the greatest power in the world.
The US has no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only its national interests.
The Taiwanese must realize this. The DPP is serving US interests.
1. Can you blame the Chinese for wanting to go it alone when they see first how Russia is being slowly strangled and encroached by NATO, and then the encirclement of China with Quad, pivoting Korea and Japan and India against it, and the debilitating sanctions against wide swaths of its tech industry?Problem with the Tiong under Xinjinping is a total retard. They expanded the influence outside China and they start to tightened the control of internal greatly with their own set of ISA .
They drive away the foreigners and MNC. They wanted to do it all. But they can't. They wanted to lock themselves up and think they can be self sufficient in All ways. It just totally rubbish. It just very short sighted and idiotic. They want to dominate the world by changing the rule, they want to end USD domination by using their own RMB. But their RMB can't be traded freely around the world. How do you dominate the world and build trust when other can't see your leadership ??
These CCP though powerful and rich but they are sorely lacking in all ways. China should reinvent themselves and tell the world that by following China , there will be superior in many ways then the present system. If you can convince the world , unification of Taiwan is just not an issue. Taiwan will want to join PRC voluntarily. A lot of Taiwanese business abandon Taiwan to join China, but now is leaving China to regroup into other regions.
As for George Yeo, he should just waddle back to PAP and ask for forgiveness from Loong. Rejoin PAP. He is nothing outside of Singapore. He is neither brillant nor a mountain mover. Just like TCJ when he left PAP, PAP strip him off everything.
If the CCP wants to win over this group it will have to re-invent itself, make itself indispensable to continued economic well-being of the Taiwanese people, and give them enough leeway to continue living their lives in democratic freedom, maybe as a federated province with vast autonomous powers.
It's not mine perspective.Reminder.
'From a Singaporean's perspective'... the temerity. Don't presume to speak on our behalf you Chicom dog.![]()
If they have to, they will allow trade to flourish between themselves and USA and to the rest of the World.1. Can you blame the Chinese for wanting to go it alone when they see first how Russia is being slowly strangled and encroached by NATO, and then the encirclement of China with Quad, pivoting Korea and Japan and India against it, and the debilitating sanctions against wide swaths of its tech industry?
2. When they saw how the US$ was weaponised against Iran and Russia, can you blame them for joining the de-dollarization trend, which includes not just China but the entire BRICS, ASEAN (Indonesia and M'sia strong proponents), Kenya, UAE, Saudi Arabia?
3. China is not interested in changing the world, or turning it to communism. They want to feed 1.4 bil mouths, maintain stability, lift living standards, invest in education, healthcare and infrastructure, minimise unrest so that the CCP's legitimacy is secured. But to do this they need money, they need resources, and to this end many of their polices like the Belt & Road initiative and wooing of African countries are formulated. And they will never budge an inch on its territory - Taiwan. The humiliations of the 19th century are still too painful to bear for long Chinese memories.
4. Agree, China will have to find a way to woo young Taiwanese who have no emotional affinity with the mainland. How is the big question.