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[Singapore] - PCF Sparkletots vs You Tiao Man : PCF staff member worried whether food being touched by tattooed Ah Beng staff still Halal?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The same problem will happen if the government made tudung optional. Religious zealots like this m&d would try to make wearing tudung compulsory in the name of her moon god. She already tried to get the chink ah beng fired from his food handling job for simply not appearing moslem.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sometimes you just can't cure stupidity. If only there was an award for Sinkie Idiot of the Year, then this over zealous female Taliban would have been a strong contender to win it.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Sometimes you just can't cure stupidity. If only there was an award for Sinkie Idiot of the Year, then this over zealous female Taliban would have been a strong contender to win it.

There are more Chinese muslims in the world than there are Malay muslims.


You Tiao Man CEO 'upset' after PCF Sparkletots staff points out tattooed staff & questions halal status
The CEO added that You Tiao Man is 'colour-blind' to race, gender, age and appearances.
Ashley Tan |

March 20, 2021, 07:45 PM

The CEO of You Tiao Man, a local you tiao (fried dough stick) business, has come forward online to dispute a woman who questioned its Halal certification.
Audrey Chew said in a Facebook post that the email she received from the woman had "made [her] a bit upset".
The email, which appears to be sent using the woman's professional work email at PCF Sparkletots, included mentions of a You Tiao Man staff's race and appearance.
Questions on hygiene and halal certification
Chew revealed that the query came after CNA's feature of their business.
The woman said she was "very curious" about the business's hygiene standards as the staff pictured did not wear gloves while prepping the dough.
She also asked: "Can that consider halal as the man look like Chinese man with tattoo using hand."
Photo from Audrey Chew / FB
This appears to have been the staff in question.
Photo from You Tiao Man / YouTube
Chew subsequently penned a lengthy reply which she shared on Facebook.
She first addressed the woman's concerns about hygiene by explaining that all of You Tiao Man's food handlers are trained and registered by the Singapore Food Authority.
The staff was also not wearing gloves as you tiao dough requires shaping and stretching by hand, and the dough would stick onto the gloves.
"Underlying tones of biases"
Chew assured the woman of their products' Halal certification by MUIS, saying that she "would be happy to show her their license upon request".
She added that they have followed all the guidelines as required by MUIS, and "are very proud of [their] Halal certification and we are extremely honoured to share our food with our Muslim friends".
Chew also asserted that the business is "colour-blind" to race, gender, age and appearances, and that the You Tiao Man team is a multi-racial one.
"While tattoos may be negatively perceived by some in the past, today they are widely considered as an art form and an expression of individualism."
"Seeing a multi-racial team working together is a great source of pride for me. This means that as a company, we have done something right to attract such a diverse pool of employees."
She further emphasised that the business respects everyone "regardless of where they come from", and expressed her concerns that the woman had "underlying tones of biases" in her email.
You can read Chew's full response here.
Photo from Audrey Chew / FBDo not reflect PCF's views
In response to Mothership's queries, PCF Sparkletots's Director of Strategic Planning & Communications, Yvonne Tang, said that the email was sent by a non-teaching support staff.
The comments do not reflect PCF's views, Tang said, and the staff will be counselled about her "inappropriate actions".
She added:
"PCF believes in, champions and teaches the importance of multiracialism. Our diversity means that we all need to be tolerant, understanding and inclusive."
Top photo from You Tiao Man / YouTube and Audrey Chew / FB

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She has a point about hygiene concerns on not using gloves when handling food. Some gloves are perfectly well suited to handle dough.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's why employers should do their best to avoid hiring Muslims, especially those with 'social justice warrior' tendencies. Those can be weeded out with a little effort using psychometric tests. It's not too hard, just boils down to a matter whether you want to do it or not.

But for public institutions such as the PAP kindergarten, they have their racial quotas to fulfil, to showcase their much-ballyhooed 'racial/religious harmony' and 'diversity'. :rolleyes:


That's why employers should do their best to avoid hiring Muslims, especially those with 'social justice warrior' tendencies. Those can be weeded out with a little effort using psychometric tests. It's not too hard, just boils down to a matter whether you want to do it or not.

But for public institutions such as the PAP kindergarten, they have their racial quotas to fulfil, to showcase their much-ballyhooed 'racial/religious harmony' and 'diversity'. :rolleyes:

Looking at the English proficiency and PCF's clarification that it's a support staff, chances are the employee is most likely a junior level admin clerk. Generally organizations are not going to find a lot of local Chinese/Indian to take up such low paying roles, PCF being PCF also means foreigners are out of the question, so that leaves only a very small pool of locals from that demographic.

Scrooball (clone)

This type of useless Minah is really no brain. Instead of spending her time during working hours to do proper actual work, she used her workplace email to send out this type of personal agenda email.

That’s why…ppl always say oh many ppl are racist to them….If they do some self reflection, they will realize they are reinforcing the stereotype that they are concerned about nonsense stuff than do actual work.

Scrooball (clone)

My goodness… I was certainly relieved that this ‘concerned’ Minah (Karen equivalent) is a support staff, not a teaching staff. Look at the atrocious grammatical errors in her email. She can’t even piece together a complete coherent sentence!



Can we just ban muslims from all chinese food. Stop stealing out culture. Shit touchers should not be hired in this pandemic


Alfrescian (Inf)
She has a point about hygiene concerns on not using gloves when handling food. Some gloves are perfectly well suited to handle dough.

Tere was once i gave a feedback to Nat Env. I noticed a makcik put a plastic in a container n adjusted it with her left hand. Touched money with her left hand too. N all these while her hand was covered with the same plastic over her left hand. Very unhygienic.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's why employers should do their best to avoid hiring Muslims, especially those with 'social justice warrior' tendencies. Those can be weeded out with a little effort using psychometric tests. It's not too hard, just boils down to a matter whether you want to do it or not.

But for public institutions such as the PAP kindergarten, they have their racial quotas to fulfil, to showcase their much-ballyhooed 'racial/religious harmony' and 'diversity'. :rolleyes:

Frankly i love cheena rojak. Also have yew cha kueh. I dont feel waswas. So muslims have a choice. If feel doubtful then dont patronise the stall. Simple as tat. So dont bring down all Muslims lah. Sebab nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga

Scrooball (clone)

If only they spend half as much time minding their own business and doing actual work, instead of constantly thinking about any of the following:

is this good for my religion?
Is this an insult to my religion?
Should I pray about this?