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Singapore elderly poor



Singapore elderly poor

Singapore has been seeing record GDP over the past decade, but that has not translated into a better standard of living for its people. The elderly are particularly one such group who have been left out and forgotten by the progress. While the Singapore PAP government woos the super-rich, the super-poor are left to fend for themselves. Unlike the other countries, there is little social safety net for the island state which prides itself as a Meritocratic country. One such example is Mr Wang, a 50 year old cleaner working in Bugis:


Most elderly in Singapore works in low end jobs which faces fierce competition from cheap foreign labor. The PAP government has given Singapore’s businesses an ample supply of cheap foreign labor, which have in turn depressed salaries over the past decade. Singapore’s rich-poor income gap has continued to grow, fast surpassing that of any developed countries like the United States and Russia. This has prompted the former National Wages Council Chairman, Professor Lim Chong Yah, to urge for a wage shock therapy and a first ever hourly Minimum Wage of $5.68 for Singapore’s low income workers. The PAP government however do not believe in a Minimum Wage, and prefer Workfare, an one-off cash payout for the workers.
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50 years old considered elderly? Other cuntries 50years old is the new 30. People change careers at 50 in western cuntries. they go back to school and stuff. In peesai 50 years old work as cleaner and hope to die faster just to avoid huge medical bills in the future. How sad..


50 years old considered elderly? Other cuntries 50years old is the new 30. People change careers at 50 in western cuntries. they go back to school and stuff. In peesai 50 years old work as cleaner and hope to die faster just to avoid huge medical bills in the future. How sad..

In Peasantpore, 40 is the new 60. Serfs are retired at 40 and condemned to low-end jobs while unlimited supply of foreigners at all level stream into the island, boosting corporate profits. Indeed, it is a Golden Age when workers can retire at 40 and subsist on their rental income for the rest of their lives without having to work another day in their life! I believe at least one forummer here can attest to that.


Alfrescian (Inf)
IF they bought property at the beginning,,they would be millionaires now as they would have had HDB in queenstown, tiong bahru etc...they can liquidate and rent and the money they earn will see them through the rest of their lives,,if they didnt buy,,tough luck


IF they bought property at the beginning,,they would be millionaires now as they would have had HDB in queenstown, tiong bahru etc...they can liquidate and rent and the money they earn will see them through the rest of their lives,,if they didnt buy,,tough luck

Guess who are the ones complaining now? Indeed, these are part of the 30% hardcore oppo votes who will never switch because the PAP has disenfranchised them. Too costly to ever convert to PAP votes, and this group is also growing in numbers.


IF they bought property at the beginning,,they would be millionaires now as they would have had HDB in queenstown, tiong bahru etc...they can liquidate and rent and the money they earn will see them through the rest of their lives,,if they didnt buy,,tough luck

Gong jiao wei. That Queenstown million-dollar property you're referring to is an executive maisonette. If these poor ah peks ah mms could afford executive maisonettes then, you think they would be poor today?


50 years old considered elderly? Other cuntries 50years old is the new 30. People change careers at 50 in western cuntries. they go back to school and stuff. In peesai 50 years old work as cleaner and hope to die faster just to avoid huge medical bills in the future. How sad..

That is so pessimistic. Now, you make people sad. I don't think the elderly here care about PAP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Even cock up hdb flats in good location are more than 1/2 a million hor,,,,

Gong jiao wei. That Queenstown million-dollar property you're referring to is an executive maisonette. If these poor ah peks ah mms could afford executive maisonettes then, you think they would be poor today?


Pap likes to use filial piety as a reason that there should be no old people suffering. But really kids and grandkids got more shit on their hands and these kids of the older generation are worst off in the future. This 90 year old man probably dont wanna burden his kids just like most old timers who choose to do menial jobs in their twilight years.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have seen and talk to a 90 over years old cleaner working at the Hawker Center !

In other countries people truly retire at 50 years of age and start to "eat-wind" or chiak-hong.

In tiny Singapore (nation of 3 million citizens, excluding tonnes of foreigners with PR), they have to work till they drop dead.

Sinnathambi Rajaratnam, the famed Minister of Culture and writer of Singapore Pledge once said that "nothing is for free, singaporeans must be prepared to work till they drop dead". What an honourable statement.

Poor thing. He himself wore pampers as a bed-ridden for umpteen years before DEATH took him away. However he was different and could employ many maids to take care of him. Everything he owned was left to his relatives as he and Alex Josey sister were childless.

I as a kay-poh, too have spoken and seen many ah-peks and ah ermms working while bent with age. These folks collect aluminium cans, old newspapers, clothings and card-board boxes which they sell at a pittance. Not enough to buy them a decent meal.

In this tiny nation, we have old men (some with mild strokes) performing 12 hours duty as security guards earning a miserable sum of less then 50 dollars per day.
Day in and day out some of these people are scolded by the factory bosses, many of whom are foreigners. One of the guard even told me that an ang-mor, the owner of the company where he works as a guard, chided him and told him to F**K OFF, just because he limps around slowly. What a Pity tyo see our old folks being verbally abused by such haughty employers.

Our security guards and cleaners are not entitled to medical claims.They are NOT PAID when falling sick and staying at home. Off course, there are some exceptions where the security agency may be a kind person who come forward and pay for the funeral expenses of EXPIRED Guards.

Lately, there had been so much talk about increasing the salaries of people employed as guards and cleaners BUT so far it is nothing but RHETORIC.

Professor Lim Chong Yah's warning and advice on pay rise is not heeded.

The divide between the rich and poor is widening.

In desperation, people flock to 4-D outlets hoping for "someone called GOD" to give them luck.

In the process they loose more money. A drowning man clutches at the straw. Such desperation.........Pitiful......

These forgotten lot has been left with only one way - COMMIT SUICIDE as a form of Escape from the reality of life in tiny and rich Singapore.

These poor helpless people cannot expect their children to assist as the latter too has lots of financial commitments like housing mortgages, utilities bills, hospital bills, kids education bills and many many many many other bills to bear.

The government has shed responsibility by successfully playing tai-chi in introducing a law that requires kids to maintain their parents. This law has led to many kids becoming enemies with their aged parents, especially in cases where they (aged parents) take their "errant" kids to court. So sad...What filial piety are they talking about.???

Many an old folk wish that the British were still our masters or they were born in countries like Australia and many Scandinavian and European nations.

Fatal falls from highrise buildings and jumping onto the path of trains involving old people is becoming a common occurence here.

Can't the government that collects billions in revenue from so many taxes look after the interest of these few old folks????

SINGAPORE thou art truly UNIQUE.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes i agree,,,need to give them an option of a proper death like in soylent green than let them continue on in their suffering,,when i reach that age,,I hope i have the option,,death is part of life,,,so deal with it

They need to be culled.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes i agree,,,need to give them an option of a proper death like in soylent green than let them continue on in their suffering,,when i reach that age,,I hope i have the option,,death is part of life,,,so deal with it

How about Euthanasia? but remember to sign your form first to donate your parts for 'resale'... ha ha ha


Alfrescian (Inf)
I sign my Do Not Resuscitate and told my family members that is my wish,,,and I warned them not to play play,,if they resuscitate me and I am alived,,I will make sure they wish I was dead,,,,death is part of life, get used to it

How about Euthanasia? but remember to sign your form first to donate your parts for 'resale'... ha ha ha



In other countries people truly retire at 50 years of age and start to "eat-wind" or chiak-hong.

Which countries, Greece, Spain ? Even France, considered very socialized is 62 to retire now. The truth is that if you save enough money, you can retire at anytime.

50 yeas old is still pretty young considering may people will live beyond 80+ and the average health of 50+ is still pretty good. Also, how come these old people did not save when they were young ?