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Silly NT$10million BMW engine died on rail road crossing - grandma died


Silly NT$10 million luxury BMW can have dead engine right on top of railroad crossing? :eek::*::mad: WAF quality is that?

That BMW failed to start after re-trying by driver - and train arrived. So driver and grandpa and aunty and nurse fled the car. But 83 year old grandma was unable to flee in time, so got killed by train.:(

IF that was $5000 junk car I can understand, but super luxury $NT10 million BMW then WAF? :*::rolleyes:


[h=1]車卡鐵道慌了 4人逃出83歲嬤撞死[/h] <cite class="byline vcard">自由時報 – <abbr title="2011-12-29T03:53:13+00:00">2011年12月29日 上午11:53</abbr></cite>


在加拿大讀大學的22歲青年徐祥勝傷心痛哭,昨天上午他駕駛價值近千萬元的BMW 760Li轎車,載著祖母、祖父、姑姑和外籍看護,到苗栗縣銅鑼鄉九華山參拜,途經銅鑼鄉樟樹村平交道時,車子突然熄火而停在鐵軌上,眼看火車疾駛而來,他和祖父、姑姑及外籍看護,4人及時逃出車外,但高齡已83歲的徐陳泉妹,卻因逃生不及而留在車內,遭火車猛烈撞擊後傷重而亡。
BMW突然熄火 發不動
徐祥勝含淚表示,車子通過平交道時,平交道警鈴還沒響,柵欄也沒有降下(應為遮桿式),但開到鐵軌上,車子卻突然熄火,再也發不動,後座的姑姑趕緊 下車,跑去按平交道緊急按鈕示警,不料,不到1分鐘,火車就已駛近,這時警鈴也開始響起、柵欄逐漸降下;徐的姑姑難過地說,媽媽(指徐陳泉妹)當時坐在副 駕駛座,她想去拉媽媽逃生,卻眼看火車快速逼近,實在來不及救媽媽。
聞緊急鈕 火車已煞不及
依徐祥勝說法,他姑姑按下平交道緊急按鈕,是在平交道警鈴響之前,按理列車應有足夠時間應變,但自強號賴姓駕駛員說,當時時速約108公里,煞車安 全距離約需600公尺,但他收到緊急按鈕通報的訊息時,距平交道已不到200公尺,雖緊急煞車仍來不及;坐在自強號第9車廂的女乘客謝文元證實,撞擊之 前,列車有先煞車,後來感覺列車撞到硬物,列車晃動後停下。
台鐵運務處詹鴻漳表示,事發後先拖吊移開事故車輛,並調派三義站電聯車,去接駁自強號的乘客,昨天上午9點34分到12點4分之間,事發後,西部幹 線銅鑼至三義站之間只能單線通車,中午過後才恢復雙向,共影響15班列車,平均每班列車耽誤40分鐘,共影響3380人,台鐵仍在計算硬體及營運損失。




[Liberty Times reporter Fu tidemark, Zhang Xun Tang, Lin Jiaqi / roundup] "I watched a favorite grandmother, too late to escape the vehicle, was hit by the train killed ...!"
University in Canada, 22-year-old youth Xu Xiangsheng sad crying, yesterday morning he was driving the BMW 760Li worth nearly a million cars, carrying the grandmother, grandfather, aunt and foreign care, Tongluo Township, Miaoli County visit Jiuhua Mountain, camphor through rural village gong crossing, the car suddenly stalled and stopped on the tracks, seeing the train sped along came, he and his grandfather, aunt and foreign care, four in time to escape the vehicle, but old age has been 83-year-old Xu Chenquan girl, less than the left because of escape In the car, was seriously injured after a train crashing to death.
Yesterday, 9:23, Xu Xiangsheng black BMW driving their own cars, is 108 times Tzu train north from the car and knocked smashes the left, under the strong impact force push, and even crossing the base of the cement barrier have been uprooted ; folder Xu Chenquan girl trapped inside the crushed sternum knocked rescued hospital died, the surviving Xu Xiangsheng and arrived at the scene of the parents cried.
BMW made a sudden turn off fixed
Xu Xiangsheng tears, said the car through the crossing, the crossing alarm bells not ring, there is no fence down (it should cover the rod), but open to the tracks, the car suddenly stalled and could not move hair, the back seat aunt hurried off, ran to the emergency button by crossing warning, unexpectedly, less than 1 minute, the train had been approaching, when the alarm began to ring, fence gradually lowered; Xu's aunt, sad to say, my mother (refer to Xu Chenquan sister ) was sitting vice driver's seat, pulling her mother she wanted to escape, but seeing the fast approaching train, it is too late to save the mother.
Witnessed the accident crossing surnamed Deng also said that security staff, BMW into the crossing, the alarm does not ring sounded, and there is no break at the crossing, but the car faster by Shique suddenly stopped, even if the alarm was sounded, then If re-launch, there is enough time from the crossing.
Train emergency button has been heard less evil
By Xu Xiangsheng said, crossing his aunt pressed the emergency button, alarm rang in the crossing before the train reasonably should have enough time to response, but the driver surnamed Lai Tzu said, was about 108 kilometers per hour, braking safety distance is about 600 meters, but he received a notification message when the emergency button, has less than 200 meters away from the crossing, though the emergency brake is still too late; sitting Tzu female passenger compartment 9 Xie Yuan confirmed that before the collision, the train with the first brake , and later felt the train hit a hard object, after the train stopped shaking.
Police Xu Xiangsheng implementation wine testing, breath alcohol test value is 0, prosecutors and police are investigating the cause of the accident, to clarify whether it is "stalled car" brewing trouble, or break crossing cause? By the alarm, the train failed to brake in time, this part should be investigated.
The deceased lived with her husband Xu Chenquan sister Tahu in Miaoli County, Fu Village, the old couple had farming, but his son business successful construction company, will build the whole villa type residential home for parents to old age, nursing, nursing care daily by the foreign, vacation, children and grandchildren will be happy to return home from the field; neighbors said, the old couple treat gas, along with the neighbors happy, I heard an accident, we are very sad.
TRA David Chan Yun Zhang Department said the incident before the accident towing away vehicles and deployed Sanyi Station Union car, number of passengers to self-connection, assigned yesterday 9:34 12:04 between the incident made, the western route gong three single justice can only be opened to traffic between stations, two-way did not resume after noon, 15 trains were affected, the average delay per train 40 minutes, 3380 people were affected, the Taiwan Railway and operation of the hardware is still calculated the loss.


obviously u never own luxury cars before. poor man car can run on any thing see indonesia cars put lousy oil also run.


obviously u never own luxury cars before. poor man car can run on any thing see indonesia cars put lousy oil also run.

I am one such person with the experience and practical skill to completely take apart car engines and service them. Change gaskets and bearings etc. Put it all back and drive it. I can tell you for sure that you have posted something totally out of the perspective. A moving car stopped and failed to restart this way is very unlikely to be engine oil related. 75% is ignition / fuel injection related. 3% could be electrical system. For BMW, more than 10% is on board computer related. BMW's computerised circuits are so notorious for failures, vomit blood to get parts. Many BMW owners complains I heard are closely related to software bugs / software quality.:p:*: