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[Sg] - SQ321 turbulence: Australian AMDL dance teacher breaks spine, permanently paralysed


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

  • Wow
Reactions: pig

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
so many sob stories start surfacing after SIA offer 10K compensation. Trying to sue millions off SIA no doubt.


Alfrescian (Inf)
so many sob stories start surfacing after SIA offer 10K compensation. Trying to sue millions off SIA no doubt.

If the media here were doing its job, this would be nothing unusual.

Instead, what we get has been damage control, propaganda, spin jobs, the honorary SIA PR department.

10k is puta money. Add at least another zero to it. :rolleyes:


Right after SIA fat cats paid themselves 8 months bonus. Is this karma?

This is why it's a good thing to not brag about making lots of money or getting/distributing an unexpected windfall.

Life has a funny way of making sure that if you got more than you rightly deserved, one way or another you will be paying that extra away for something else later on.

I will laugh seriously if SIA takes a big haircut on their 2024 profit because of all the damage payouts from SQ321. Or even makes a loss. Except this time better don't let people hear them do hiring freeze, retrench ppl, or ask for government bailout again to save their asses.

Scrooball (clone)

This is why it's a good thing to not brag about making lots of money or getting/distributing an unexpected windfall.

Life has a funny way of making sure that if you got more than you rightly deserved, one way or another you will be paying that extra away for something else later on.

I will laugh seriously if SIA takes a big haircut on their 2024 profit because of all the damage payouts from SQ321. Or even makes a loss. Except this time better don't let people hear them do hiring freeze, retrench ppl, or ask for government bailout again to save their asses.
This is SIA top execs way of filling their pockets to the brim without being pointed out as being selfish and greedy. By giving bonuses to everyone in the company, they can appear to be saints. But of course we know these bastards probably earn $60,000 per month so that’s way more than the average stewardess paid $6,000.


This is why it's a good thing to not brag about making lots of money or getting/distributing an unexpected windfall.

Life has a funny way of making sure that if you got more than you rightly deserved, one way or another you will be paying that extra away for something else later on.

I will laugh seriously if SIA takes a big haircut on their 2024 profit because of all the damage payouts from SQ321. Or even makes a loss. Except this time better don't let people hear them do hiring freeze, retrench ppl, or ask for government bailout again to save their asses.

Socialise cost, privatise profits! Rinse repeat for dumb singkee sheeps