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SG propaganda on SQ321 pilot's negligence: "pilots saved our lives" wor...


What were the weather conditions in the Thai Basin when this incident took place?

The Press had done its best to help other others understand Turbulence, which may had been a major factor, portraying 'Clean air' which is INVISIBLE but consists of atmospheric pressures unknown to the naked eye.

However, visibility may had been a factor for the pilot crews reactions as that area had experienced cyclones & major tropical storms recently, & may not had experienced 'clean air' - clear skies.

But WHAT made the pilot crews perform that dangerous & abnormal stunt that only single or dual seater jet fighter pilots would do?

Turbulence can be felt, but Boeing aircrafts are manufactured to be able to withstand even extreme turbulence. So what did the pilot crews saw that they had to take drastic & even reckless actions to save lives & integrity of aircraft?

Was it some Paranormal activities happening within that visibility fog, or was just a figment of imagination from the flight captain?

It was reported that the flight captain had 15 years of experience, which accounts for not much as EACH flight is a NEW flight with new challenges. Assuming that he was 25yrs old when he started flying full time, he would be 40yrs old today. When was the flight captain & 2nd Officer had their psychology assessment done?

It will need honest & open investigation of this incident before Humankind will confidently take to the skies again...which they will, as most believed such are isolated incidents, but still worth investigating so as to prevent another such incident & save lives with better counter measures when such incident happens again....

The investigation should be carried out by an independent party, not the team from SIA@


Alfrescian (Inf)
Be extremely wary whenever this regime excessively lionizes a person or a group of individuals.

Case in point: healthcare workers during the height of the scamdemic.




So many airplanes used that same airspace on that same day and at the same time as SIA but all of them were safe and sound.
A case of SQ 321 being in the 'wrong place at the wrong time', & what the flight crew saw made them react on an abnormal flight manoeuvre to save lives & integrity of aircraft?

Numerous cases had been reported by both military & civilian aircrafts of encounters of the 'paranormal', with even camera video evidences provided by even the US Navy of such encounters......

The truth is out there, but can the public HANDLE THE TRUTH?.....Honest investigations may shed light on how to deal with such encounters - real or presumed, & may even shed light on the tragic flight of MH 370, as when faced with highly EXTREME turbulences based upon science such as collision between Matter, - atoms & molecular structures WILL VAPORIZE & leave no trace or debris.....



A case of SQ 321 being in the 'wrong place at the wrong time', & what the flight crew saw made them react on an abnormal flight manoeuvre to save lives & integrity of aircraft?

Numerous cases had been reported by both military & civilian aircrafts of encounters of the 'paranormal', with even camera video evidences provided by even the US Navy of such encounters......

The truth is out there, but can the public HANDLE THE TRUTH?.....Honest investigations may shed light on how to deal with such encounters - real or presumed, & may even shed light on the tragic flight of MH 370, as when faced with highly EXTREME turbulences based upon science such as collision between Matter, - atoms & molecular structures WILL VAPORIZE & leave no trace or debris.....



Turbulences are warning signs for an approaching object. In a highly EXTREME felt turbulence, to approach Straight towards the epicenter of this high power source would only be suicidal, as the turbulent forces had proven it is able to toss & turn a 700,000 pound object from a distance away.

Such turbulences derive from a source at its vortex, and is mostly of electro-magnetic fields. Such are NOT simple hand held magnets made of ferrous metals that reacts to Earth's magnetic field. The electro-magnetic field of various elements are vast & within storm clouds which can stretched even to Continent size & beyond safety height limits of a passenger aircraft, the tossing & turning of heavy objects such as an aircraft is only a beginning & warning.... & flying over or below is not even an option...

For many, they hold on to the belief that it was the jet stream - winds & air currents. For most, many would realized that even wind - Kinetic power - can transform to a source of ENERGY such as windmills or wind turbines, to generate ELECTRICITY. Jet streams winds are NOT beach breezes, but full capable of producing even high energy or high electrical power & charges.....

To go thru its high energy epicenter, all Matter - atoms & molecular structures, will eventually VAPORIZE, due to the intense & high heat & ENERGY that created such a vortex, akin to continuous waves of nuke explosion.

When SQ321 landed eventually in Bangkok, escaped from the high energy vortex, the weather condition even in Bangkok was bad with tropical storms, heavy rain & lightning, but at least far from the energy vortex that erupted in the Irrawaddy Basin....

For the passengers of SQ321 whom are thinking of monetary compensation by others, do think twice.

Not only are such high energy vortex works of Nature, or till evidences show that it is something paranormal, they had LIVED & SURVIVED thru it, probably because of the structurally tensile strength of the manufactured aircraft as well as courageous efforts of the flight crew whom are in the know of such events & their reactions, and may had SAVED lives, for passengers & crew to live another day & even for those in vegetative state - to see another sunrise & critically, for their loved ones to still be able to see them alive today....A TREASURED 2nd CHANCE in life, to live LIFE, that is priceless....

Think instead of the ill-fated MH370 flight & the victims families. Till today, despite funds & efforts poured in to find the aircraft & passengers for years, there is still NO closure, not a single debris found, not even a chance to say 'I love you' or sadly, a last sight or a last goodbye.... It is like that flight - aircraft & passengers, had just simply VAPORIZED into air with no trace or debris found......

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Turbulences are warning signs for an approaching object. In a highly EXTREME felt turbulence, to approach Straight towards the epicenter of this high power source would only be suicidal, as the turbulent forces had proven it is able to toss & turn a 700,000 pound object from a distance away.

Such turbulences derive from a source at its vortex, and is mostly of electro-magnetic fields. Such are NOT simple hand held magnets made of ferrous metals that reacts to Earth's magnetic field. The electro-magnetic field of various elements are vast & within storm clouds which can stretched even to Continent size & beyond safety height limits of a passenger aircraft, the tossing & turning of heavy objects such as an aircraft is only a beginning & warning.... & flying over or below is not even an option...

For many, they hold on to the belief that it was the jet stream - winds & air currents. For most, many would realized that even wind - Kinetic power - can transform to a source of ENERGY such as windmills or wind turbines, to generate ELECTRICITY. Jet streams winds are NOT beach breezes, but full capable of producing even high energy or high electrical power & charges.....

To go thru its high energy epicenter, all Matter - atoms & molecular structures, will eventually VAPORIZE, due to the intense & high heat & ENERGY that created such a vortex, akin to continuous waves of nuke explosion.

When SQ321 landed eventually in Bangkok, escaped from the high energy vortex, the weather condition even in Bangkok was bad with tropical storms, heavy rain & lightning, but at least far from the energy vortex that erupted in the Irrawaddy Basin....

For the passengers of SQ321 whom are thinking of monetary compensation by others, do think twice.

Not only are such high energy vortex works of Nature, or till evidences show that it is something paranormal, they had LIVED & SURVIVED thru it, probably because of the structurally tensile strength of the manufactured aircraft as well as courageous efforts of the flight crew whom are in the know of such events & their reactions, and may had SAVED lives, for passengers & crew to live another day & even for those in vegetative state - to see another sunrise & critically, for their loved ones to still be able to see them alive today....A TREASURED 2nd CHANCE in life, to live LIFE, that is priceless....

Think instead of the ill-fated MH370 flight & the victims families. Till today, despite funds & efforts poured in to find the aircraft & passengers for years, there is still NO closure, not a single debris found, not even a chance to say 'I love you' or sadly, a last sight or a last goodbye.... It is like that flight - aircraft & passengers, had just simply VAPORIZED into air with no trace or debris found......

Knn, vaporized your head lah. MH370 did not just disappear for your own fuck sake. It was REMOTE HIJACKED by the bad guys (Uncle Jib was part of the show) and flew to a remote island called Diego Garcia (Don't bother searching on Google map, its not even there).

Reasons for the remote hijacking were varied: there were some high-level Chinese scientists holding top secrets, and there's a US mobile military equipment onboard which is on the way to its next buyer (No need to guess who's the buyer). As for the passengers and the pilots/crew, they were brainwashed and given new identities.

On another note, you should just stick to writing screen play for the theatres.


Knn, vaporized your head lah. MH370 did not just disappear for your own fuck sake. It was REMOTE HIJACKED by the bad guys (Uncle Jib was part of the show) and flew to a remote island called Diego Garcia (Don't bother searching on Google map, its not even there).

Reasons for the remote hijacking were varied: there were some high-level Chinese scientists holding top secrets, and there's a US mobile military equipment onboard which is on the way to its next buyer (No need to guess who's the buyer). As for the passengers and the pilots/crew, they were brainwashed and given new identities.

On another note, you should just stick to writing screen play for the theatres.
Can create a youtube ahow liao


Nasa regularly recruits the best inquisitive & scientific minds from all over our World, with its aim for Humanity's complex space programs. Thus, being already busy with such complexities, our planet's own complexities, such as the true causes of Turbulences, are often left behind in explanations, as funding & research are scarce for such. Most would just attribute such anomalies as caused by 'jet streams', with pilots avoiding as much as possible when over such recorded & known areas.

As the scientific method is rigorous, most scientists would regard that any anomaly that happened which is not repeated or repeatable, it is not science, & dismissed as fringe science.

However, Nature does NOT follow the perceptions & ASS U Me - assumptions of mere mortals. Take the case of the 'jet stream' hypothesis:-

Every atom consists of protons & electrons. It is the electrons that produces ELECTRICITY or at least an ENERGY field. Based upon Einstein's theory of E=MC2, whereby a element that has a mass would only gather MORE mass as it spins & moves.

A single droplet of water ( moisture) has a mass, unlike photons which is light & have no mass, thus when Billions or even Trillions of droplets are moving at high speed within jet streams, just wonder at how much mass & electrical energy it produces per second, & proven that such energy can even toss & turn a 700,000 pound object such as an aircraft in the air, far from its source -the vortex....How much more worse will happen if an aircraft reaches the high power source?

There needs to be further research upon such anomalies. As such energy is NOT regular, scientists would simply dismiss it, without realizing that Nature itself, is NOT regular. Such explosions of electrical charges that can vaporize all Matter may only happen within less than a second, thus may not be visible to radar or even instruments yet to be developed.

After one high intense charge, it will take time to REBUILD the speeds to explode such charges again, at times perhaps the next second or even hours later, dependent on the speed of the gathering jet streams...& thus, as it is not REGULAR, Scientists deemed it didn't happen, to the detriment & danger to aircrafts or ships & lives entering such anomalies.....



Nasa regularly recruits the best inquisitive & scientific minds from all over our World, with its aim for Humanity's complex space programs. Thus, being already busy with such complexities, our planet's own complexities, such as the true causes of Turbulences, are often left behind in explanations, as funding & research are scarce for such. Most would just attribute such anomalies as caused by 'jet streams', with pilots avoiding as much as possible when over such recorded & known areas.

As the scientific method is rigorous, most scientists would regard that any anomaly that happened which is not repeated or repeatable, it is not science, & dismissed as fringe science.

However, Nature does NOT follow the perceptions & ASS U Me - assumptions of mere mortals. Take the case of the 'jet stream' hypothesis:-

Every atom consists of protons & electrons. It is the electrons that produces ELECTRICITY or at least an ENERGY field. Based upon Einstein's theory of E=MC2, whereby a element that has a mass would only gather MORE mass as it spins & moves.

A single droplet of water ( moisture) has a mass, unlike photons which is light & have no mass, thus when Billions or even Trillions of droplets are moving at high speed within jet streams, just wonder at how much mass & electrical energy it produces per second, & proven that such energy can even toss & turn a 700,000 pound object such as an aircraft in the air, far from its source -the vortex....How much more worse will happen if an aircraft reaches the high power source?

There needs to be further research upon such anomalies. As such energy is NOT regular, scientists would simply dismiss it, without realizing that Nature itself, is NOT regular. Such explosions of electrical charges that can vaporize all Matter may only happen within less than a second, thus may not be visible to radar or even instruments yet to be developed.

After one high intense charge, it will take time to REBUILD the speeds to explode such charges again, at times perhaps the next second or even hours later, dependent on the speed of the gathering jet streams...& thus, as it is not REGULAR, Scientists deemed it didn't happen, to the detriment & danger to aircrafts or ships & lives entering such anomalies.....

Double slit experiment - Observer effect

A possible hint in provide a correlation btw Quantum Physics randomization pattern - wave function like behavior and our General Relativity certainity



Alfrescian (Inf)

Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 turbulence tragedy could have been avoided, claims expert​

Sarah Pollok

By Sarah Pollok
Multimedia Journalist·NZ Herald·
23 Sep, 2024

Aftermath of the turbulence on Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 that killed one and injured many others.

Aftermath of the turbulence on Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 that killed one and injured many others.
  • An investigation questions if the Singapore Airlines flight SQ321′s turbulence disaster could have been avoided.
  • Ex-Qantas pilot Richard Woodward stated the pilots may have miscalculated storm strength, leading to severe injuries.
  • Singapore Airlines has apologised and is discussing compensation with affected passengers, including a woman who was left paralysed from the waist down.
An investigation into one of the worst turbulence disasters has questioned whether the tragedy could have been avoided.
On May 21, Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 hit extreme turbulence while flying from London to Singapore. As the Boeing 777 flew through the storm, 211 passengers were shaken and thrown around the cabin.
One passenger died from a reported heart attack, six experienced brain or skull injuries and one was paralysed from the waist down.
According to one expert, the disaster could have been avoided, 60 Minutes reported.

A Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300 at Changi Airport.  Photo / Grant Bradley
A Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300 at Changi Airport. Photo / Grant Bradley
Richard Woodward, a former Qantas pilot and member of the Australian Air Force with more than 30 years of passenger aircraft experience, told the Australian current affairs programme 60 Minutes it was caused by a “terrible miscalculation”.
On May 21, radar imagery showed other nearby planes diverting to avoid storm activity but SQ321 maintained its planned flight path across Myanmar.
Woodward said the images indicated a large area of thunderstorm activity developing, which the plane consequently was caught up in.
Reports claim the seatbelt sign illuminated approximately eight seconds before the plane experienced its first drop.

“The airplane falls effectively falls 178ft, which puts everyone who’s not strapped in on the roof in the back of the airplane and you pin there while the airplane’s falling,” Woodward said.
“But within a couple of seconds, it goes back to positive G-force and you bang back down to whatever’s below you – seat backs, seats, floor, you name it, whack – it’s all over in 4.6 seconds.”
Woodward said the level of damage in such a short time was “unheard of” and speculated the pilots underestimated the strength of the storm.
“I think in their view, this is benign area and they think they can just over fly it, keep going,” he said.

Initial media reports stated it was caused by “clear air turbulence” but Woodward said the phenomenon does not typically occur in Myanmar.
Singapore Airlines has not explained why the aircraft did not change course, which Woodward called a “profound question”.
“The crew would be seeing all these cells developing on the radar and weighing up whether they need to go around it or not, but it appears from the fact that they’re not deviating, they think they can fit through,” he told 60 Minutes.
“You don’t get to sit in the front of a big airliner unless you’ve done years and years of training, but we don’t know what was going on in the flight deck and we don’t know what they were looking at.”
Singapore Airlines has issued an apology to all passengers on board flight SQ321 and a spokesperson said the airline was fully co-operating with the inquiry being made by the Singapore Transport Safety Investigation Bureau.
The airline said compensation was being discussed with passengers individually. Some reportedly received offers of up to $16,330 the days following the event.

South Australian Kerry Jordan was sitting down after a trip to the bathroom when the flight hit turbulence. Yet to buckle her seatbelt, Jordan was thrown out of her seat and onto the ceiling; her spine broke on impact, leaving her paralysed from the waist down.
Jordan was a dance teacher but now must use a wheelchair to get around and has spent a long period in hospital.
Jordan and her partner, who was also on the flight, claimed Singapore Airlines offered them A$75,000 in compensation.