Compare her with this vile, gossipy bitch (八婆):
You wonder the PSC criteria for selecting President Scholar (PS).
Sim Ann was a PS; Vivian Bala another one. Don't they look into conduct of the candidates when selecting PS ?
At least for Vivian, you could see from his eyes he wasn't enjoying his role. If you look deep into his eye expression, you could sense he was suppressing his conscience in order to protect his worldly status and power.
But the same cannot be said of Sim Ann. Look at the video. She is so natural in playing the role of the villain and she seems fucking enjoying her role as it was custom made for her.
The parents of Singapore whose children are still in Secondary Schools should take a close look at this video. Do you want your children to be a President Scholar ?
You have a highly educated woman who is in charge of the Education Ministry doing a demonstration video for the whole Singapore educating you on how money and more money can exterminate human decency.
Vivian was a top school debater, but it seems that his debating skills have fallen to flux after being fed with gunny sacks of money every month. Vivian has simply lost his mojo.
That debating talent he once possessed has since vanished, and I guess wisdom is often tied to righteousness and compassion. When you forgo righteousness and compassion, wisdom will desert you too. Don't believe ? Watch the video again. What is that duckling mumbling ?
Sim Ann, reputation is temporary, character is permanent. You don't have both. You are not even fit to stoop down and untie Dr Chee's shoe lace.