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Saudi Arabia says it helped defend Israel against Iran — report



Saudi Arabia says it helped defend Israel against Iran — report​

By TOVAH LAZAROFF Published: APRIL 15, 2024 15:56Updated: APRIL 15, 2024 21:58
 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia December 6, 2023. (photo credit: Sputnik/Sergei Savostyanov/Pool via REUTERS)
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia December 6, 2023.(photo credit: Sputnik/Sergei Savostyanov/Pool via REUTERS)
Saudi Arabia acknowledged that it had helped the newly forged regional military coalition — Israel, the United States, Jordan, the United Kingdom, and France — repel an Iranian attack against the Jewish state early Sunday morning, according to a story on KAN News.

The story spoke of the Saudi involvement in the military defensive operation in which 99% of the Iranian drones and missiles were destroyed before hitting their targets.

Many of the drones and missiles had to travel over Jordanian and Saudi airspace to reach Israel.

A source connected to the Saudi Royal family told KAN that the country had a system to automatically intercept any suspicious entity in its airspace.

That source also charged that Iran had instigated the Gaza war, through its proxy group Hamas, to thwart US efforts for a Saudi normalization deal.

 An anti-missile system operates after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, as seen from Ashkelon, Israel April 14, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
An anti-missile system operates after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, as seen from Ashkelon, Israel April 14, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)

Israel-Saudi normalization seemed on the horizon before Oct 7​

In the weeks before Hamas’s October 7 invasion, the United States had been involved in intense diplomatic activity to promote a three-way deal that would have included a strategic pact between Riyadh and Washington against Iran, a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia and Israel, and a renewed pathway to Palestinian statehood.

Hamas's October 7 attack against Israel scuttled those efforts but did not hinder the ability of Western powers, with armies stationed in the region to work together with Arab partners, including Saudi Arabia, to build a military alliance against Iran.

The joint defensive military maneuvers marked the first time that the five armies, with help from Saudi Arabia, had worked together as a nascent coalition to repel an Iranian attack.


Fucking hamas is such a stupid pig-organisation.
All the oil rich and wealthy Nation is not moving a finger to help, yet they keep fighting the war alone. Being slaughtered by Israel army.
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Even the Saud dynasty no hiew their bro Muslims the Fakestinians and the Idiot-ranians. The world has changed. Modern Muslims want peace and prosperity, not Jihadism and ruin. Learn from Dubai! Qatar better wake up, wait Qatar hairlines kena ban again.


many muslim countries in the M.E. rather support israel than iran
US , Israel they are all together.

Iran is bring supported by Russia and China. China is in Fucking big trouble ..trying to export their way of our misery. Russia is having a hard time taking down Ukraine. Weapons are all depleted. Even the t34 is being brought out to fight the war

syed putra

US , Israel they are all together.

Iran is bring supported by Russia and China. China is in Fucking big trouble ..trying to export their way of our misery. Russia is having a hard time taking down Ukraine. Weapons are all depleted. Even the t34 is being brought out to fight the war
It is Israel that is in trouble with its massacre of Palestinians and seizure of Palestinian properties since the creation of Israel. This unjust behaviour must end.

syed putra

Even the Saud dynasty no hiew their bro Muslims the Fakestinians and the Idiot-ranians. The world has changed. Modern Muslims want peace and prosperity, not Jihadism and ruin. Learn from Dubai! Qatar better wake up, wait Qatar hairlines kena ban again.
There will Be no Peace until the Palestinian issue is settled amicably.
The Arab monarchies are frighten of Hamas as israelis. They all will Be toppled one after another. Hamas was voted into power. The monarchs are not.


Monarch are rich and powerful.
Who cares about sized land, the rich is being powerful and enjoying their staus and wealth that comes with it ?
The massacre is the Palestine asking for it.
As the World progresses, so does the Muslim.
But some Muslim refuse to let go and asking for it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the so called saudi-iranian peace deal brokered by ccp must be a dud and proved to be hot air, like the middle eastern desert.

syed putra

Monarch are rich and powerful.
Who cares about sized land, the rich is being powerful and enjoying their staus and wealth that comes with it ?
The massacre is the Palestine asking for it.
As the World progresses, so does the Muslim.
But some Muslim refuse to let go and asking for it.
These monarchs were put my in place by the British. The original rulers of Mecca, the HASHEMITES were played out by the British but were given Iraq and Transjordan. They are not even from these areas. In Iraq, the HASHEMITES were violently overthrown by baath party communists and Saddam got into power. I think Jordan will be next. And Saudi too.


That's is why they sided with the USA.They won't side with Russia and china.
These monarchs were put my in place by the British. The original rulers of Mecca, the HASHEMITES were played out by the British but were given Iraq and Transjordan. They are not even from these areas. In Iraq, the HASHEMITES were violently overthrown by baath party communists and Saddam got into power. I think Jordan will be next. And Saudi too.


The rich Arab knows that if they want to be rich and in control. They can only side with the Ang Mo.

China and Russia is only good for trade and Economic reasons.

syed putra

The rich Arab knows that if they want to be rich and in control. They can only side with the Ang Mo.

China and Russia is only good for trade and Economic reasons.
The monarchs days are numbered. There is a brewing discontent on the ground on their leadership, from Egypt to Jordan.


US , Israel they are all together.

Iran is bring supported by Russia and China. China is in Fucking big trouble ..trying to export their way of our misery. Russia is having a hard time taking down Ukraine. Weapons are all depleted. Even the t34 is being brought out to fight the war

LOL. so is ukraine still winning?