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Report to LEONGSAM: abuse of power by forummer Ramseth

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Usually when people are taken to the cleaners, it is by their own hand.

QXP left enough clues that escobar and the rest managed to connect back to him when he committed that stupid act with the bicycle chain. Goh Meng Seng simply did not know when to stop and allowed forum life to disrupt his political life. Amazingly, this is happening even today. Others were pushed to point of no return when a flurry of real-life identities got revealed with Bob Sim and Ramseth at the epicenter of the maelstrom. Even Ramseth friend(s) were not spared; they had to change nicks just to avoid harassment and continue posting.

It is quite fitting that this time round it is the epicentre of the storm that gets taken out rather than those foolish enough to be found sticking at the periphery.

Guys take it easy. This forum will continue to see characters of all colours and creed. That has been Sam's credo and most of us like it that way. The World is not going to collapse anytime soon. Every now and then someone will be taken to the cleaners. This time it was Ramseth for banning our lovable Clinton. Cooleo on the other hand was bullying newbies by getting points from dimwits who have no clue what is going on. People have to bear in mind that Cooleo was never banned. He left. Anyone who has been in a forum will realise within a month that you can ban the nick but not the person. Bob Sim, personal friend of Ramseth knows that more than anyone. If anyone bothers to notice that he was never banned but his posts were dutifully moved to the Rubbish folder everyday until he tired out.

Maximilian Chua-Heng

Bye, Uncle Ram!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SudVVrw44Bc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thanks for all see me so much, paying attention to me whether as a supporter or detractor, I take it as compliment. I won't be here anymore for at least a month, maybe be longer till next year or forever never. I must apologize to two persons. Joetys who offers to host me in Thailand and Drifter who offers to host me in Japan. I wish I can accept both offers but life is not as us wish. Also, I mean no ill-will or mean it as retaliation to those I infracted or zapped points. Nothing personal. I just follow Leongsam's rulebook. If I don't make it back alive, you guys won't be hearing from me anymore anyway.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Such is how when yet another forum attention whore meets their just deserts. True to form, must also create so much drama just to save what little face before they fuck off.

Cya Ramseth! No one will give a shit!

Thanks for all see me so much, paying attention to me whether as a supporter or detractor, I take it as compliment. I won't be here anymore for at least a month, maybe be longer till next year or forever never. I must apologize to two persons. Joetys who offers to host me in Thailand and Drifter who offers to host me in Japan. I wish I can accept both offers but life is not as us wish. Also, I mean no ill-will or mean it as retaliation to those I infracted or zapped points. Nothing personal. I just follow Leongsam's rulebook. If I don't make it back alive, you guys won't be hearing from me anymore anyway.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
LOL...like the emigration folder ending up being a pissing contest between who was a better property punter.

The incumbents compared to see who could piss higher (blah blah I got more tax loopholes...blah blah property appreciation...blah blah ROI...blah blah I got more property) while the newbies got pissed on (blah blah suckered new migrants, blah blah my portfolio so established, blah blah my salary so high...blah blah sinkies not welcome)

Sad that they don't see that they are the people taken out from stinkie, but that the stinkie cannot be taken out from them.

you're not a johor contributor, but you'll realize that i love to take a dig at the irony of johor....sinkies running away from sinkies only to find more sinkies waiting for you and hoping their properties would appreciate. ultimately, any successful sinkie forum will not be about political discourse but all about monetary and material intercourse.
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Looks like Ramseth is still very much in this forum.
The forummer, not the nickname.
Everyone gets what he wants.


I am bored, resting between surfing.:rolleyes:

Bored go and read my little ditty..................

So fast u miss the "self proclaimed handsome linguist whose hot with the ladies, alternating between praising, criticising, abusing and mocking depending on his mood and state of intoxication, using different nicknames" already?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bored go and read my little ditty..................

So fast u miss the "self proclaimed handsome linguist whose hot with the ladies, alternating between praising, criticising, abusing and mocking depending on his mood and state of intoxication, using different nicknames" already?

My, the cogs in my head is turning at great speed. Next ditty may, I said may be dedicated to Ram.


LOL...like the emigration folder ending up being a pissing contest between who was a better property punter.

The incumbents compared to see who could piss higher (blah blah I got more tax loopholes...blah blah property appreciation...blah blah ROI...blah blah I got more property) while the newbies got pissed on (blah blah suckered new migrants, blah blah my portfolio so established, blah blah my salary so high...blah blah sinkies not welcome)

Sad that they don't see that they are the people taken out from stinkie, but that the stinkie cannot be taken out from them.

Those are quitters. It's not that they resent the Sinkie way of life and the Sinkie milieu. It's just that they are not strong enough to survive in the country with the highest density of millionaires in the world.


Well he nearly got away again by trying to change the subject and doing his usual " I buy you dinner or you buy me dinner" dialogue". I think his jaws fell when Drifter gave his main detractor the points which he removed.
Usually when people are taken to the cleaners, it is by their own hand. It is quite fitting that this time round it is the epicentre of the storm that gets taken out rather than those foolish enough to be found sticking at the periphery.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Windsor said:
I think Bangkok has enough interested members to make another epic thread.

I think "How to survive the Next Recession" will make a good thread that can occupy us for the next few years.


Since we seemed to have moved to the subject of Johore, here is a little story and the meaning of context.

A senior superscale officer holding a sensitive post was called up by his boss to explain his purchase of a house in Johore and his weekend trip. This was nearly 10 years ago. He was asked to stop. The guy managed to convince his boss by inviting to visit the homes that expats based in Singapore were building in Johore. Those who are not aware, the Bali of the yesteryears has disappeared. The expats have bought large plots of land, designed and built Balinese style houses with flowing pools, thatched roof huts in the garden etc at a fraction of the cost. So instead of flying to Bali on Fridays, they drive up north. Large lavish parties are held. That boss has his own Balinese weekender now. And he is not the only one.

Don't knock the guys in Johore. Johore is the only place where not only the the peasants get a respite but the well heeled and the discerning. It has the climate, the the flora and fauna to make it your own paradise at a small cost. Contrary to comments in some places, it is not a emigration destination but a weekender for most.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Anyone who seriously believes that Ramseth is leaving the forum is an idiot.
The nickname Ramseth maybe.
Have you already forgotten what happened the last time?

Whahahah...totally agreed with you bro :wink: