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Remembering Mah Bow Tan and his housing policies


This bastard lost maiden erection in Potong Pasir n dare not stand there the next round......... what do you expect from a coward with angmoh cheebye wife?
Chinese pussy not good enuf for him Or izzit angmoh one each to dupe?


A minister who worked against the interest of the people shud be hung by his balls
How come he was only punished by mere loss of office? Heard that he soon will be rewarded like Wong KS with aTermasick golden carparking lot courtesy of PM's wife Whore Jinx ...
Why the fuck was he limelighted recently with Garden by the Bay project inauguration? He is out means he is OUT


remember? We are still being fucked by them! One estimates that it will at least take another 5 years of rapid building just to cover his lazy do nothing years! First he built unsellable flats. Then his balls shrink and he stopped building. He thought he could force the dumbos into buying his unwanted shit. And what happens when supply cannot meet demand?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Boon Wan is churning out so many flats within a year, averaging 25,000 or more. The latest announcement was 33,568 for this year. And this is still not enough and the demand is mounting.

With the benefits of hindsight, we can see what happened over the last few years. We, the low down untalented citizens, only have hindsight to say our piece. Foresight is only the reserve of the supertalents. With foresight, over the horizon ability, they could predict the future, plan ahead, nip problems in the bud before they went out of control. With hindsight, we can see how problems were not nip in the bud, no proactive actions, and problems got blown out of proportion.

We now know the cutting down of building HDB flats to less than 10,000 units for several years prior to Boon Wan’s ramping up the building of new flats was a gross mistake. We also know that there were pent up demands by a growing population. We also know that when HDB was not building enough flats, the population was increasing like crazy with hundreds of thousands of foreigners being allowed into the island and needing more flats. Hindsight can tell the uninformed and ill informed citizens of the truth, of what really happened and what really went wrong.

Did the super talents with their foresight saw what were coming? Definitely. They cannot be that stupid right? And neither could they be sleeping on the job and not knowing that so many foreigners were let into the country and the cutting down in building HDB flats would cause a big shortage of housing while the demand was rising.
What actually happened then that resulted in such a huge housing shortage problem and the ballooning of housing prices? What were they thinking or planning or scheming?

With all the foresight and hindsight, maybe someone would want to tell the people what actually went ‘right’? Got to say right, saying what went wrong would not be nice and would not get an answer. What went right?


But the flats are still unaffordable to most sinkees ...the PAP government masks the unaffordability by using the CPF payment scheme ...people tend to be short-term in their outlook and thus don't see the reality that they are totally broke after paying for the flat.


Alfrescian (Inf)
HDB is a statutory board that provides housng for S'poreans only.
Mah did nothing wrong...local Sporeans only 2.5 mil.
Who the fcuk says let in 6.9mil?
If foreigners wanna come, they are not entitled to HDB housing privileges meant for S'poreans.
Khaw and HDB should not be in a hurry to ramp out HDB flats production. How fast can 2.5 mil grow given the low fertility rates.
Should let S'poreans chop the foreigners first with high rentals. And give a chance for private developers to meet the demand n chop the foreigners too.
Last thing we want is a glut and oversupply of HDB flats...if the foreigners go, asset prices will slump.

HDB is a big money-making operation for the PAP. Everytime, the PAP needs dough, they create the conditions to push up the price of the flats. The only problem is that they don't know how to bring the price without unleashing the ballistic fury of sinkees. So, the PAP is playing a balancing game ...they can't bring price down too much as the current owners will see their home equity disappear and they can't let price keep going up without upsetting those needing a flat.

The PAP is screwed ....the housing issue plus the influx of foreigners will destroy the party.


Alfrescian (Inf)
erh........... my fren who works in HDB tells me confidentially many of HDB units went to Pinoys, Ah Neh, Burmese, Cambodians n not forgetting Malaysians....... just like taking away jobs from us the traitors are giving away queue numbers belongng to us, to them!!
That is Y gahmen cajoled that we must not say: them n us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we have Obama as PM.......... he is a lot cheaper and much better esp his Obamacare: Obama cares but LHL does not!!!

My fren is pissed even though his bread is buttered by HDB aka gahment

Do you have friends in ICA to tell us how many instant sinkees they are minting from the pool of foreigners? Sinkapore is the only country that mint instant sinkees by the thousands every year. Come 2015, they will ramp it up to hundreds of thousands. And the world thinks that the PAP is free of corruption ...this practice is no different from how the Malaysian government create instant citizens from Indons and Muslim Pinoy in Sabah.