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(Religion of Violence): Austria: Knife-wielding Muslim migrant screaming ‘Infidel, I’ll slaughter you’ attempts to murder man


“‘Infidel, I’ll slaughter you’: Long imprisonment for knife Islamist,” translated from “‘Ungläubiger, ich werde dich schlachten’: Lange Haft für Messer-Islamisten,” Wochenblick, October 1, 2020 (thanks to Medforth):

At the Innsbruck Regional Court, a suspected Islamist was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment on suspicion of membership in a terrorist organization and for attempting to murder an acquaintance.

Even if there is disagreement about his exact origin – the Krone describes him as a stateless Palestinian, oe24 as a Syrian – one thing is clear: the man, who had been in Austria since 2005, continued to radicalize himself in Tyrol. This was confirmed by a local woman who had taken him in – in the end he didn’t even shake hands with her. At the turn of the year he attacked an acquaintance.

Islamist: “I must hate all enemies of Allah”

After being placed with a family in Ausserfern, along with stops in the asylum camps in Traiskirchen and in Vienna, the “specialist” made a living from gardening. And he also became more and more religious. The accommodation provider tells how he suddenly grew a beard and downloaded more and more anti-Israeli symbols onto his cell phone. Flags of the terrorist militia “Islamic State” hung in his room. Finally he announced to his hosts: “I must hate all enemies of Allah”.

He must have seen one of these in an Iraqi man who was repairing a car in a garage in Höfen (Reutte district) on New Year’s Day. The two men got into an argument before the alleged stabber threatened to kill his friend for religious reasons. He said, “Infidel! Why don’t you pray why are you drinking? I’ve already told you many times – I’ll slaughter you! ” Then he stabbed – and his victim was only unharmed because he cleverly repelled the attack.

Contact with the jihadist scene in Vienna

How far the radicalization had progressed by that time, officials then realized during a raid. Because next to the flags in his room, the migrant even advertised the “Islamic State” on the mailbox of his cell phone! He was also in contact with jihadists who are wanted by police from Vienna.

The man himself tried to appease the court: “I’m only interested in religions, but I’m not a psychopath.” The jury was not deterred and passed a unanimous – albeit not yet final – verdict: 14 years imprisonment. Why the constitutional service only became aware of the man after the attack remains unclear for the time being.

syed putra

Chinese man 'killed 17 neighbours to cover up murder of parents'
  • 30 September 2016

kunming map

A Chinese man has confessed to killing his parents in an argument over money and then killing 17 neighbours in an attempt to cover up his crime, state media reported.
The youngest victim of the murderous rampage in a remote village in southwest China was three, the oldest 72. They were members of six families.
Suspect Yang Qingpei, aged in his 20s, went to his home village on Wednesday.
He was arrested in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, on Thursday.
The Xinhua state news agency report did not say how the villagers were killed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinese man 'killed 17 neighbours to cover up murder of parents'

kunming map

A Chinese man has confessed to killing his parents in an argument over money and then killing 17 neighbours in an attempt to cover up his crime, state media reported.
The youngest victim of the murderous rampage in a remote village in southwest China was three, the oldest 72. They were members of six families.
Suspect Yang Qingpei, aged in his 20s, went to his home village on Wednesday.
He was arrested in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, on Thursday.
The Xinhua state news agency report did not say how the villagers were killed.

1 man kill 19..............now that's a true criminal................not a coward MuSLIME that only attack weaker victims.............


Chinese man 'killed 17 neighbours to cover up murder of parents'

kunming map

A Chinese man has confessed to killing his parents in an argument over money and then killing 17 neighbours in an attempt to cover up his crime, state media reported.
The youngest victim of the murderous rampage in a remote village in southwest China was three, the oldest 72. They were members of six families.
Suspect Yang Qingpei, aged in his 20s, went to his home village on Wednesday.
He was arrested in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, on Thursday.
The Xinhua state news agency report did not say how the villagers were killed.
5000 year old abalone culture

syed putra

Islam is in crisis all over the world today, not just in France - Islam berkrisis di seluruh dunia, bukan sahaja di Perancis

Under France's strict principles govt is separated by law from religion
idea is people of different religions, beliefs equal before the law

France's President Macron vows to fight 'Islamist separatism'
Macron announced tougher laws to tackle "Islamist separatism"
France has largest population of Muslims in Western Europe
Macron said minority of France's 6m Muslims forming "counter-society"
radical Islam danger to France
Islam increasingly seen as threat to France's core values
it held its own laws above all others and creates counter-society
sectarianism kept children out of school
sports, culture, community activities teach principles against laws of France

His speech a result of months of discussions with religious leaders, intellectuals
to talk openly, without embarrassment about dangers posed by radical Islam
Islam is in crisis all over the world today, not just in France

Macron proposes stricter oversight of schools
control foreign funding of mosques
plans closer scrutiny of Muslim private schools
stricter monitoring of sports organisations, associations
to avoid become front for Islamist teaching
end to imams being imported into France from abroad
improved oversight of financing of mosques
home-schooling restricted
measures will go to parliament before end of the year

My comments :

Sila lihat nasihat berikut oleh babuji Zakir Naik berkata ianya adalah HARAM bagi orang Islam berhijrah ke negara bukan Islam untuk mencari 'better living'.
Untuk jimatkan masa anda boleh fastforward ke minit 6.55 dalam video ini:

Jadi babuji kata untuk tujuan education atau berdakwah ok tetapi untuk mencari better living ianya adalah haram untuk berhijrah ke negara non Muslim.

Jadi soalannya timbul kenapa pula 6.0 juta orang Islam itu telah berhijrah ke negara Perancis? Perancis adalah negara majoriti Kristian dan sistem kerajaan pula adalah secular, scientific dan super modern.

Jelas bahawa sistem pentadbiran secular, scientific dan super modern di Perancis itu jauh lebih sesuai bagi 6.0 juta 'pendatang' Islam daripada sistem yang wujud di negara asal mereka (negara-negara Islam pula itu).

Actually the truth is like this - kalau boleh hampir kesemua orang 'Islam' di Timur Tengah, Afrika, Pakistan, Bangladesh lebih suka berhijrah ke negara Kristian di Barat. Mereka lebih suka hidup di London, Eropah, Amerika, Canada, Australia dan sebagainya. Dan tujuan mereka simple - untuk mencari a better living. Yang babuji kata adalah haram.

Saya cadangkan begini tuan-tuan. Jangan berhijrah ke negara Kristian lah.

1st - ia amat memalukan geng lebai tabung tin Milo. Sebab setiap kali seorang Islam hijrah ke negara majoriti Kristian seperti Perancis atau Amerika Syarikat ianya menunjuk kegagalan geng lebai untuk membimbing masyarakat Islam kepada kejayaan dan kesejahteraan hidup. Mereka sudah gagal. Sebab itu begitu ramai orang islam hidup bermasalah dalam dunia ini. Sebab itu begitu ramai orang Islam lebih suka cari 'better living' di Perancis, Australia dan Amerika.

2nd - why not berhijrah ke negara Islam yang lain? Kenapa tidak hijrah ke Arab Saudi, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Bangladesh dan begitu? Bukankah itu semua negara majoriti Islam? Bukankah negara majoriti Islam lebih baik daripada negara majoriti bukan islam?

Contohnya tak payah lah buat kempen 'Buy Muslim First'. Semua orang di sekeliling, kiri dan kanan semuanya mesti Muslim. Mesti segalanya buatan Muslim. Computer, kereta, bas, teksi, smartfon, LCD TV semuanya buatan Muslim dah. Tak payah pun kempen Buy Musim First. So please hijrah ke negara majoriti Islam.

3rd - dan jangan masuk campur urusan negara majoriti Kristian seperti Perancis. Mereka tahu mengurus negara mereka dengan baik. Negara mereka sebenarnya serupa syurga di atas bumi. Negara mereka maju, cantik, bersih, teratur, super moden, demokratik, semua orang bebas ikut apa pun, bebas cakap pasal apa pun, up to you. Dan negara mereka aman. Sangat kurang bahaya bagi orang temui maut sewenang-wenangnya (arbitrary atau random death) terutama sekali mati akibat kebodohan pemerintah dan pentadbir negara (Contohnya pemerintah subahat bunuh orang, letupkan orang, culik dan "hilangkan" orang, mati akibat bumbung stadium jatuh, jambatan jatuh, mati sebab hostel sekolah terbakar, silap rawatan di hospital, tak cukup ubat di hospital, dialisis tak ada dsbnya).

Jadi negara Barat, negara maju yang SEMUANYA bukan negara 'Islam' pandai membangun dan majukan negara mereka. Sehingga berjuta orang Islam dari negara majoriti Islam berebut, sanggup timbul-tenggelam di laut, menceroboh sempadan hanya untuk mencari "better living" di negara bukan Islam.

Ikut nasihat babuji dalam video itu ianya HARAM bagi orang Islam berhijrah ke negara bukan islam atas alasan untuk mencari 'better living' sahaja. So tuan-tuan duduklah diam-diam di negara sendiri.

Kenapa pi usik Perancis ke, President Macron ke? Kesian kat President Macron - macam lah tak cukup Perancis pun kena pandemik corona, kena bantu Lebanon repair kerosakan daripada letupan gergasi di Beirut (akibat kebodohan pak arab dunggu) tetapi sekarang Macron kena ajar 6.0 juta pendatang islam cara mana nak bangun pagi, macam mana nak gosok gigi, bancuh kopi, jangan usik jiran, jangan gaduh dengan jiran dan banyak lagi. Why not suruh 6.0 juta pendatang islam itu balik ke negara asal mereka sahaja. Negara asal mereka semuanya negara Islam belaka. Negara Islam kan lebih baik daripada negara majoriti Kristian?

A Singaporean

Muslims are despicable whereby murder and rape will guarantee you a place in heaven with 72 virgins. Fucking your sisters and daughters are additional benefits.