My father is Chinese. So my race is Chinese. That's stated on my NRIC. That's clear and no ambiguity.
If I should embrace Indian values, customs, religion and enjoy the support of the Indian community, it does not make me an Indian. The "wise men" from pap or Sinda cant classify me as an Indian. My race is still Chinese.
Likewise, Halimah Yacob's father is an Indian. That is stated in her NRIC. She is an Indian. Just because she embraces Islam, wears a tudung, practises Malay culture and mixes with malay friends, it does not change her race to Malay. We cant allow some PAP "wise men" and some pap cronies from the Malay community to claim that HY is Malay.
This is a serious matter. It makes a mockery of our NRIC and Race.
If pap and its malay cronies try to claim that Halimah Yacob is a Malay and therefore eligible to stand for Presidential Election, can we bring them to Court and ask for a Judicial decision on such a ridiculous claim?
Our fight is not against Halimah. It is against PAP and its rubbish. Halimah has allowed herself to be made use of by LHL and PAP. Singaporeans must not allow a few bad PAP people to throw rubbish at us.
If I should embrace Indian values, customs, religion and enjoy the support of the Indian community, it does not make me an Indian. The "wise men" from pap or Sinda cant classify me as an Indian. My race is still Chinese.
Likewise, Halimah Yacob's father is an Indian. That is stated in her NRIC. She is an Indian. Just because she embraces Islam, wears a tudung, practises Malay culture and mixes with malay friends, it does not change her race to Malay. We cant allow some PAP "wise men" and some pap cronies from the Malay community to claim that HY is Malay.
This is a serious matter. It makes a mockery of our NRIC and Race.
If pap and its malay cronies try to claim that Halimah Yacob is a Malay and therefore eligible to stand for Presidential Election, can we bring them to Court and ask for a Judicial decision on such a ridiculous claim?
Our fight is not against Halimah. It is against PAP and its rubbish. Halimah has allowed herself to be made use of by LHL and PAP. Singaporeans must not allow a few bad PAP people to throw rubbish at us.
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