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Quote of the day - from a Singapore woman


Alfrescian (Inf)
154th: "Are you worried about the spill over from the European crisis?

Ms Phua Caiyun, 22, undergraduate: "Not really. In the meantime, it's a wise decision to make a trip to Europ to capitalise on the weakening Euro"



154th: "Are you worried about the spill over from the European crisis?

Ms Phua Caiyun, 22, undergraduate: "Not really. In the meantime, it's a wise decision to make a trip to Europ to capitalise on the weakening Euro"



One vocab for Sinkie women like this

dominated or characterized by materialistic pursuits or concerns.
a person whose political, economic, and social opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability.


Stoopid bimbo bitch. If the Euro crisis worsens, she can be prepared to take on a 'challenging' career as a tutor! :oIo:


Lol a challenging career as a tutor pays well both extrinsic n instrinc:wink: 50 bucks an he is decent n Wen e tutees do well oso feel gud:wink:
bt weakening economy may ensure she dun get e students lol



One vocab for Sinkie women like this

dominated or characterized by materialistic pursuits or concerns.
a person whose political, economic, and social opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability.


Youre a real clown but a damn good one!!!!!!!!


Stoopid bimbo bitch. If the Euro crisis worsens, she can be prepared to take on a 'challenging' career as a tutor! :oIo:

I always remember back in the early days of the Asian Crisis in 1998 when the Thai baht was rapidly devaluing. Many of my guy friends were joking that now for the same amount of $$, can screw Thai prostitutes twice or even three times.

I do not think many pple were laughing when they got retrenched and had problem finding work.



dominated or characterized by materialistic pursuits or concerns.
a person whose political, economic, and social opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability.

huh??? doesn't bourgeois simply refer to the middle class? or in some cases, the property-owning class?


huh??? doesn't bourgeois simply refer to the middle class? or in some cases, the property-owning class?
Bourgeois used to refer to Middle class a few hundred years ago. Over time, the term has evolved mah

Depends on who is using this word:
Some people use it as a pejorative (negative word)

In the rhetoric of some Communist parties, "bourgeois" is sometimes used as a pejorative, and those who are perceived to collaborate with the bourgeoisie are called its lackeys. Socialists, especially Marxists, have multiple uses for the term: the original meaning, the social class of capitalists, and the pejorative. Something or someone is described as bourgeois it generally lacks authenticity, is superficial, and/or is counterrevolutionary.

In the United States—outside of Marxism and anarchism[—the word bourgeois often refers to the social stereotype of the middle classes. It is associated with consumerist lifestyles often emphasising conspicuous consumption and material status.

Main Entry: bour·geois
Pronunciation: \ˈbu̇rzh-ˌwä also ˈbu̇zh- or ˈbüzh- or bu̇rzh-ˈ\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Old French burgeis townsman, from burc, borg town, from Latin burgus
Date: circa 1565
1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the townsman or of the social middle class
2 : marked by a concern for material interests and respectability and a tendency toward mediocrity
3 : dominated by commercial and industrial interests : capitalistic
— bour·geois·ifi·ca·tion \ˌbu̇(r)zh-ˌwä-zə-fə-ˈkā-shən\ noun
— bour·geois·ify \bu̇(r)zh-ˈwä-zə-ˌfī\ verb


Both in context and usage he is right. I am surprised that you are not aware the the term is more popular for its euphemistic use than anything else. It is similar to how the the word "cool" is applied which does not mean that the person is feeling less warm in the original literal sense in regards to the ambient temperature.

The lady in question who prefers to go shopping rather than worry about the oil leak is indeed displaying bourgeois tendencies. It has in this context nothing to do with owning property or being in the middle class. Its her attitude.

please cite your sources



likewise, please cite your source. slang.com doesn't cut it.

don't know what sources u want but if you want an definition, can try m-w or dictionary.com

i guess its depends on the context discussed.. if you are talking about social definitions, the term draws its roots from Europe, when trade made a lot of ppl rich

this book may explain that: http://www.amazon.com/Bourgeois-Vir...=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277179015&sr=8-3

in modern age, i guess some people try to correlate the attitude of contemporary society to that of europe when commerce was flourishing


Alfrescian (Inf)
Read at NewPaper today lah, wah lau, i read liao i nearly fell off my chair :biggrin::biggrin: Its one of the rare moment 154th makes me laugh


"If my boyfriend comes inside me and I jump up and down, I won't get pregnant".


Alfrescian (Inf)
If she's lucky, she might get promoted to the position of supervisor and wear a red uniform! :o

You mean this???:confused::confused::confused:



Another Sinkie Woman said this:

I want to see what u guys think if he is serious about me.

There is a guy that is trying to go into a relation with me. I really dunno he is going for real of just flirting around.

Im mid 20s this year n he is 1year older than me. both of us are working now.

becos the problem lies with my background. im a divorcee with a 3yo kid. He knows about it n said he dun mind. he visited my home before during cny.

Another problem lies with both our living style. We are both clubbers. Night lifers.

In fact, we met in a club. He was my fren fren. 80% the time we met, we will end up in a club at the end of the day after dinner etc. the 2nd time I met him, thru my fren again, I asked for his hp number. n since then, we have been contacting each other without going thru my fren.

He got a lot of frens everywhere. Frens working in the club. Walk around can see his frens, hp keep beeping thru out the night those type.

Number of females frens as well. I have seen a female fren of him after being drunk, just throw herself on him, collapse, lean against him like tat. I really wonder if im not around that night, will he go home with her? He told me this particular female is a very close fren of him since schooling days n he treat her like sister only. All his frens know her too, so I assume he is saying the truth.

Whenever we go clubbing, with his frens, there will always be unknown girls talking to him. I think those are his not so close fren. He will say they are his fren fren etc. But at least end of the day, he still stick with me and send me home.

He is not extremely handsome. but not ugly, and not fat. No tummy body those kind. But he is a party animal, he knows how to club n I never get boring when im with him.

He declared to me at first, but I told him we need more time. and he continue contacting me after that day. now, as times goes by, I think im starting to like him also. Im very afraid to go into another relation due to my first marriage breakage. I really dunno he is going for real or just flirting around. but if he want flirt, cannot be flirt so long rite, I know him about 7months now.

He really like me for who I am or he is just playing and going after my body cos im pretty? I dun think it is that easy for a guy to accept my background.