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Putin's Defense Minister announced adoption of old PLA Navy Strategy = 100% identical 不对称战略 Asymmetrical strategy of War~!



‘We don’t need aircraft carriers, we need weapons to sink them with’ – Russian defense minister
Published time: 22 Sep, 2019 12:34 Edited time: 23 Sep, 2019 10:14
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‘We don’t need aircraft carriers, we need weapons to sink them with’ – Russian defense minister

The USS Ronald Reagan leaves Victoria Harbour. © REUTERS / Caixin Media / Liang Yingfei
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The US may have a military budget that far exceeds that of Russia, but it doesn’t matter since the Russian military is there to defend the country, not attack other nations, the Russian defense minister said.
Russia’s military budget received a hike a few years ago for a massive rearmament program, but has been rolled back in recent years. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimated Russia to be the world’s sixth biggest defense spender in 2018, behind the US, China, Saudi Arabia, India, and France. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has been showered with money under the Trump administration, dwarfing other nations’ military budgets.
Also on rt.com US Navy’s most expensive ship ever can’t get ammo to deck, can’t launch new F-35 fighters
But the man in charge of the Russian Defense Ministry says his fellow Russians have no reasons to worry, because their taxpayer rubles are well spent.
“The US spends huge amounts of money on private military contractors, on aircraft carriers. Well, does Russia really need five to ten aircraft carrier strike groups, considering that we do not intend to attack anyone?” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told a Russian newspaper.
We need the means we could use against the enemy’s carrier strike groups should our country come under attack. They are far less costly and more efficient.
The minister also criticized Washington for its habit of justifying its military interventions throughout the world by the interests of the people living in the nations it targets.
“In which of the nations they went ‘to bring democracy’ did democracy flourish? Was that Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria?” Shoigu said. “And one certainly can forget about sovereignty and independence after American involvement.”
Also on rt.com Trump deploys reinforcements to Persian Gulf to defend ‘American oil’ & other assets, not US allies
He added that the US doesn’t seem to be losing its appetite for ruining other nations, be it through military intervention or other means.
“Our Western colleagues love to accuse Russia of waging ‘hybrid wars’ or whatever. Well, I say [the] West is the one conducting actual hybrid warfare. The US now is about to leave Afghanistan in half-ruins and at the same time they work hard to stir things in Venezuela – all for the ‘triumph of democracy’ of course.”
The US tried this year to topple the Venezuelan government by supporting Juan Guaido, who declared himself interim president of the Latin American country. His pretendership, however, has not been that successful. His two attempts at triggering a large-scale public uprising and ousting President Nicolas Maduro fizzled despite Washington’s promise that it would lift crippling economic sanctions against Venezuela once their man takes control.


You don't need to beat your enemy by their way of games, you don't need to do what they are doing, you defeat them cheaply sabotaging their efforts, you don't need to have what your enemy have, you get rid of what they have got! They spent huge budget and effort and time to get something, you take all that away from them! To bring them down to same level as yourself.

If your enemy rides horses, and you have none, spear their horses 1st! Chop at the legs of their horses 1st! Make your enemy fall off their horses! That way you make them injured from falling horses, and lost all their advantages.


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2018-10-23 | 冷兵器研究所 原创 收藏(0) | 阅读(381)











Tony Tan

USA build dozens of expensive and useless carriers, now only left with 11 still usable. Putin got none usable left.

PLA from day one use strategy of Sinking US Navy carriers cheaply to counter them instead of trying to build carriers - during past decades. Now PLA is too rich. So they just build many carriers anyway. However, PLA can sink any warships above 5000 tons globally and without having to step out of their base camps. Just fire Dong Feng Missiles ICBMs and all can be sunk within 20 mins unless you are submarines.

So Putin adopted the PLA's old strategy.

Many Russian missiles are now HGV Hypersonic anti-ship type which USA have no way to intercept at all.

With help from Beijing & Moscow now even Tehran's Allah can Piak away US Navy Carriers, therefore Dotard dare not go near.


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Peaceful explorer or war criminal: Who was Zheng He, China's Muslim symbol of diplomacy?
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Graphic shows Zheng He next to his boat and in front of the forbidden city.
PHOTO Zheng He has been dubbed the "Chinese Columbus".

He was a six-foot-five Muslim eunuch who sailed from China to the coast of Africa. The greatest explorer you've never heard of.

Key points:
Zheng He has been promoted as a symbol of China's peaceful rise
His fleets sailed from China through South-East Asia, the Middle East and Africa
Some dispute the 'peaceful explorer' narrative and say he represents aggressive expansion
While it presides over a major crack down against Muslims, the Chinese Communist Party is also revitalising the myth of Zheng He — a naval admiral who commanded epic voyages in the early 15th century throughout South-East Asia, India, the Middle East and beyond.

As he spruiks the Belt and Road Initiative from Asia to Europe, President Xi Jinping has regularly invoked Zheng as a symbol of friendship with the world, particularly in South-East Asia, and peaceful Chinese ascendency.

Dubbed "Chinese Columbus", the explorer has even inspired a trendy coffee shop in Melbourne.

But was he truly the symbol of diplomacy that Beijing would have us believe?

Dozens of men dressed in blue row in the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony.
PHOTO The 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony had a large segment dedicated to the voyages of Zheng He.

Who was Zheng He?
Leading voyages across the globe a century before Christopher Columbus reached the Americas, Zheng has been described as one of the greatest explorers of all time.

Image shows Zheng He's ship (L) and his face (R).
PHOTO Zheng He is seen to embody the spirit of Chinese exploration and diplomacy.

He was born Ma He in 1371 in China's southern Yunnan province to parents from the ethnic Hui minority, who are majority Muslim.

While little is known about his family, Zheng's father and grandfather both made the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia — more than 5,000 kilometres from China.

His name Ma — the Chinese derivative of Muhammad — would later be replaced by Zheng, a name conferred on him by the Ming emperor as he rose to the highest possible rank for a eunuch.

Two model ships are shown to scale - a smaller European one in the foreground and a large junk.
PHOTO Zheng He's ship is shown to scale compared with that of Columbus at an exhibition in Dubai in 2006.

Zheng undertook a series of epic voyages between 1405 and 1433, leading more than 20,000 men aboard a fleet consisting of more than 100 ships — easily the most advanced navy of its day.

He is thought to have become interested in Buddhist teachings later in life and died in India.

While Zheng's fleet showed off Chinese might and naval prowess, orthodox Chinese histories depict him as never engaging in gunboat diplomacy, rather developing friendships with foreign leaders.

A map depicts the voyage route from China to India, the Middle East and Africa.
PHOTO Zheng He sailed to Africa a century before Columbus reached the Americas.

"He did not occupy a single piece of land, establish any fortress, or seize any wealth from other countries," China's then-deputy minister of communications Xu Zu-yuan said in 2004.

"In the commercial and trade activities, he adopted the practice of giving more than he received, and thus he was welcomed and lauded by the people of the various countries along his routes."
This is clearly how Beijing would like to be viewed internationally today, with the People's Liberation Army Navy naming one of its ships the Zheng He.

In 2012, the vessel undertook a "harmonious mission" to countries including Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Italy, Canada and Indonesia, with the aim of strengthening ties with foreign navies.

Two mid-sized naval ships are shown docked at Pearl Harbour.
PHOTO Chinese naval vessel Zheng He moored in Pearl Harbour in 2015.

What is his significance for Chinese foreign policy?
Xi Jinping drew upon Zheng's fleet during his opening speech to the Belt and Road forum in 2017.

"These pioneers won their place in history not as conquerors with warships, guns or swords. Rather, they are remembered as friendly emissaries," Mr Xi said.
"Generation after generation, the silk routes travellers have built a bridge for peace and East-West cooperation."

A temple dedicated to Chinese explorer Cheng Ho in Semarang, Indonesia.
PHOTO A temple dedicated to the Chinese explorer in Semarang, Indonesia.

Zheng is the "key person that represents the maritime Silk Road", said Sow Keat Tok of the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne.

The explorer's legacy looms large in South-East Asia — a fact Beijing has sought to leverage in its dealings with the region.

"If you look how Zheng He is spoken about in folklore and oral accounts, it was generally positive," Dr Tok told the ABC.

In Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia, Zheng holds special status for his role in propagating Islam, remembered with mosques, temples and museums across the archipelago.

The inside of a colourful mosque looks out to a mural of Cheng Ho and his ship.
PHOTO Interior of the Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Xiamen University historian Liao Dake has written that he "supported the independence of the Melaka kingdom, injecting a driving force to the diffusion of Islam".

While reporting on an Indonesian parliamentarian's visit to the country last week, Chinese state media noted that Zheng's "legacy in places like Indonesia continues to show that his expeditions established important links that went beyond diplomacy and economics to include cultural aspects and other ties".

Prior to visiting Manila in November 2018, Mr Xi wrote an opinion piece widely published by Philippine newspapers that declared: "Over 600 years ago, Chinese navigator Zheng He made multiple visits to the Manila Bay on his seven overseas voyages seeking friendship and cooperation."

Philippine President Duterte and his Chinese counterpart Xi in front of their national flags.
PHOTO Xi Jinping has particularly emphasised Zheng He in dealings with the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.

But Philippine Supreme Court justice Antonio Carpio claimed last month that historians had proven Zheng never came to the Philippines, and that his myth was simply part of China's attempts to justify its territorial claims in the South China Sea.

"I call this the fake history of the millennium, the fake news of the century," he said.
Was Zheng a peaceful explorer or something more sinister?
According to Dr Tok, Beijing's drawing upon the memory of Zheng "conveys the message that China is becoming a more powerful country without being more threatening".

Can China's rise be 'peaceful'?
Can China's rise be 'peaceful'?
Beijing has long maintained its rise will be "peaceful", yet its exceptional growth as a power is commonly referred to as a "threat", with experts calling its foreign policy "menancing".
While Beijing has emphasised the allegedly pacifist nature of his exploration, however, some Western observers see Zheng as representing something else.

Last year, the United States' then-secretary of defence James Mattis declared China had "long-term designs to rewrite the existing global order".

"The Ming Dynasty appears to be their model, albeit in a more muscular manner, demanding other nations become tribute states, kowtowing to Beijing; espousing One Belt, One Road."
Geoff Wade, an Australian historian focused on China's engagement with South-East Asia, has argued that Zheng's voyages represented a violent form of "maritime proto-colonialism".

A woman polishes models of the full fleet led by Ming Dynasty eunuch explorer Cheng Ho.
PHOTO China has continued to promote history of Zheng He's voyages, which took him as far as the mouth of the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa.

In the case of Vietnam, for example, Dr Wade has written: "There was invasion, occupation, the imposition of a military and civil administration, economic exploitation, and domination by a court in the capital of the dominating power."

Ming rule of Vietnam is part of 1,000 years of Chinese domination of the South-East Asian country, which continues to anger Vietnamese nationalists to this day.

Dr Wade has written that the Zheng He voyages "involved the use of huge military force to invade peoples who were ethnically different from the Chinese, to occupy their territory, to break that territory into smaller administrative units, to appoint pliant rulers and 'advisers', and to economically exploit the regions so occupied".

Ancient Chinese map alongside a statue of Zheng He.
PHOTO Zheng He's maps have been the topic of debate, with some claiming to prove he made it to the Americas.

Wildly different interpretations of Zheng's history reflect contemporary debates in Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

Is China a benevolent power seeking win-win relations with smaller states, or a bully seeking to economically exploit them?

Can a Muslim figure be a Communist Party-endorsed icon?
While Zheng's cosmopolitan image is being boosted on the world stage, the Communist Party is cracking down against Islam at home.

Xinjiang families torn apart
Xinjiang families torn apart
China's mass internment of its ethnic Uyghur population appears to be the largest imprisonment of people on the basis of religion since the Holocaust.
The Hui are culturally more similar to the ethnic Han majority, and thus, until recently, had not been targeted by Beijing to the extent of Turkic Uyghurs.

But Human Rights Watch has described "increasing scrutiny" of Hui people in their home region of Ningxia in north-central China.

Authorities have ordered mosques deemed too Arabic in style to be altered or demolished, as part of a broader policy to "Sinicise Islam".

Last year, thousands of Hui people protested the demolition of the Grand Mosque in the Ningxia town of Weizhou — a rare display of defiance from a group often described as a "model Muslim minority".

"Chinese authorities' exploitation of the great expeditions of Zheng He, a Muslim, for diplomatic and commercial gains — while interning millions of Muslims in the Xinjiang region — is the height of hypocrisy and shamelessness," Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China, told the ABC.

A mosque is shown in the foreground of a smoggy Chinese city.
PHOTO Zheng He 'Hometown Mosque' in Kunyang, Yunnan, China.

"It also exposes the real goal of empire building and creation of vassal states along the Belt and Road route."
"The Chinese Communist Party's ongoing ideological indoctrination of all sectors of Chinese society with 'Xi Jinping thought' and efforts to 'Sinicise' religion make a mockery of any claims by authorities to respecting pluralism," Ms Hom said.

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