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Putin is not doing an invasion, he is cleaning out the Santanic establishments in Ukraine


March 1, 2022
War and Peace

You can read a little bit of a background explanation about the causes of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine in my past articles.

There were urgent meetings between the Pleiadians and top Russian military brass in the last few days before the war broke out and the Pleiadians have advised against a full scale Russian military operation in Ukraine. From their perspective, the main objectives could be reached by Russian peacekeeping forces in Lugansk and Donetsk and with refusing to react to Jesuit-backed provocations from the West, who want to create World war III to fulfill their end time prophecies:

Putin has succumbed to pressure from some of his Jesuit-controlled advisers in the Russian military and the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Jesuits got the war they wanted, but it will not go as they have planned.

Putin has chosen the moment of maximum weakness of the West at USA Pluto return to attack:

His main goal is to demilitarize Ukraine to secure Russia from immediate military threats, to clear dangerous biolabs and to purge Ukraine from Neonazi elements:

There are many factions within Ukraine with strong Neonazi inclination that have committed heavy crimes, often with tacit approval from the Ukrainian government:

The Jesuits are influencing Ukraine with their
Zionist proxies:

Russian minority in Ukraine is being harassed to a great extent:

Sources have confirmed that Russian military is not directly attacking civilians in this war, and there is a great deal of disinfo propagated through the Western media:

Sources have also stated that the goal of Russian military is NOT to topple Zelensky, and that the Russian military will retreat as soon as the strategic goals listed above will be reached, which is in about two weeks as per their estimate. If Jesuit-controlled Western allies do not manage to escalate the situation further, peace in the region could realistically happen in a few weeks.

There are peace talks scheduled for tomorrow:

Positive sources have drafted a peace proposal that could work, if people on both sides use common sense and are willing to reach a rational compromise. Diplomatic personnel reading this can forward this proposal to relevant parties:

Ukraine can be accepted into EU and Zelensky stays as a legitimately elected president, but Ukraine must stay out of NATO forever, remain militarily neutral (such as Switzerland) and all foreign military aid to Ukraine must cease, as per 1990 NATO guarantees of non-expansion to the East. Ukrainian government must ban and criminalize all Neonazi organizations on its territory and rights of Russian minority in Ukraine must be respected. Crimea must be internationally recognized as part of

Russian territory, as per 2014 Crimean status referendum. Donetsk (territorially all Donetsk oblast) and Lugansk (territorially the whole Lugansk oblast) must be internationally recognized as sovereign independent countries, as per 2014 Donbas status referendum. As soon as above conditions are met, all Russian military must leave the rest of Ukrainian territory immediately. As soon as that happens, all international sanctions against Russia must be canceled and normal international relations resumed.

It is very unlikely that reason will win because the Jesuits will do whatever possible to undermine any peace proposal, but it is worth a try.

Nevertheless, financial sanctions against Russia will accelerate developments of alternative payment systems such as CIPS in China and SPFS in Russia, weaken the already declining petrodollar and reinvigorate the BRICS alliance:

Meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still urgently needed and the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!



February 28, 2022

Greetings, my dear beloved children!

And again I would like to talk about Ukraine, with too many interests interweaving and situation developing swiftly there.

Many of you are wondering why special military operation in this country has begun just now.

It is certainly to have happened not by chance.

This way it was possible to prevent vehement provocations and rescue lives of millions of civilians.

As I have already told you a cornered predator will stop at nothing but the things that were prepared by globalists in this country are beyond compare with their previous atrocities.

They were going to have tests of biological weapons of mass destruction in this country so as to extend this experience to the whole world too.

It was Ukraine where laboratories for these weapons development were located, and where they were going to test them for the first time.

As you see, “pocket” government of globalists allowed not only to ruin the country in terms of politics, economy and morals, but has gone further than that tolerating on their territory the placement of biological life-threatening laboratories.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Ukraine’s population, just as that of the world too, lives their everyday life not seeing what is literally occurring under their noses taking for gospel what politicians tell them.

Their conscience cannot get through the information “veil” of the mainstream media that are in total submission to criminal government of this country.

So now, it is time to get requital for their “blindness” and “deafness”, for their inability to tell the truth from a lie, for their passivity and slavish obedience.

You have got an expression: “Every nation deserves the government it has”, and in this case it suits by far the best to describe the situation in Ukraine.

The paradox of the situation is that the majority of the population of this country takes their rescuers for enemies up till the very last minute believing the false propaganda of the world government’s marionettes.

They still do not understand or believe they are just grey mass for them, slaves, “cannon fodder” – whomever but not personalities deserving love and respect – Divine creatures.

Lie and hypocrisy have impregnated this unfortunate country to the extent that it has to be protected from internal and external enemies by force returning not gratitude for this but hatred that is encouraged not only by local but international mainstream media who plaster Russia with all their arsenal of stock phrases worked out for centuries, as well as distorted facts and provocative claims.

It is hard for a common person to sort all the information out, and not everyone can hear their Soul.

It takes time to realize what happens, as well as new people at the helm, honest and decent.

Only they will be able to cure the crippled souls and give them not “hope” for a better happy life but such life itself thereby returning the Ukrainians their initial – human – values based on Love, Equality and Brotherhood that are the only ones capable of leading their way to prosperity in all spheres of their life.

And I bless the long-suffering Ukrainian nation for this!

Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta


Brings up some great history. Remember Putin cleaned up the Deep State Cabal in Russia by getting rid of the KGB. He got rid of the Central Banking Cabal and bought religion back to Russia. He stopped the starvation of Siberians and also gave people 2 hec acres to grow food and will only allow organic food imports. He warned the whole population about microwave ovens.

All his main hits in the Ukraine were the 13 bio weapons labs that are just like Wuhan. He secured Chernobyl so that the deep state could not bomb it and send radiation all over and also all the airports. Remember when Putin gave the soccer ball to Trump and said, "the ball is in your court". Inside the ball, it had a thumb drive with all the evidence against Ukraine and the Biden's. Ukraine has been the epee center of the world's corruption. They've done drug running, money laundering, organ trafficking,

Human trafficking and so much money. They are a cess pool, not unlike Washington DC.
Starts out a little fuzzy but this is a great piece all the way to the end.

Is Ukraine Invasion Putin's Deep State Clean-Up?


March 2, 2022
HISTORIC MISSION - Father - Absolute

Greetings, my dear beloved children!

My today’s message is addressed to those of you who still cannot put up with the idea that for the ultimate victory of the Light Forces on Earth a military operation had to be resorted to.

I know that some of you have cognitive dissonance since for so many years you have been called for energy work only and peaceful solution of any problems that you face in life.

But when the thing at issue is the rescue of Earth from alien invaders, and this is what the Draco reptiles are who have been ruling your planet for millennia, sometimes the game has to be played according to their rules.

These creatures due to their origin cannot understand or feel what love and sympathy, good and charity, equality and brotherhood are.

They recognize only money and power and for the sake of this they are ready to commit any crimes.

It is impossible to negotiate with them since there is only one language for them, that of force, and everything else is regarded as weakness by them.

Remember your history: how many wars and revolutions they unleashed, how many millions of human lives ruined.

They feed on human energy of pain and suffering.

All the power and money are in these creatures’ grip.

Governments of almost all countries of the world are headed by their protégés.

All mainstream media are under their control, as well as all financial institutions.

They founded themselves or penetrated into all the international organizations.

They overwhelmed science, medicine, the whole pharmaceutical industry.

They call the tune in education and cultural life.

In a word, they control the whole world.

And the situation has become so aggravated that they have decided to get total control over health, life and conscience of people.

The things that they have managed to do just in two years is the evidence of them being advancing to their goal with seven-league strides.

And if they are not stopped right now, the consequences for people will be catastrophical.

And it has turned out impossible to make it only by peaceful means, so the fight with your enslavers has reached the final stage at the physical level now.

People have turned out to be unprepared for this, especially those for who comfort and conveniences are top priority in their life.

To leave comfort zone having left behind the usual quiet life is within depth of few indeed.

Fortunately, such people can still be found on Earth, and they are ready to give their lives for the sake of the planet’s liberation and rescue of other people.

And this is what is going on now in the conflict zone.

And those of you who can accept this situation not by mind but by heart listening to your intuition, not to the false propaganda of the media understand that there is in progress a military operation against globalists on the territory they have turned into their own private domain, testing area, the place for money laundering, with corruption having assumed unprecedented scale, as well as poverty of people.

Some people realize it quickly, while others still remain in ignorance, but there is no other way out this time.

The quantity of the negative energy in this country has reached a critical point and the activity of its government – the summit of degradation, which threatened the whole world now since everything on Earth is interconnected both physically and in terms of energy.

It was necessary to destroy this source of evil, and this great mission was assumed by Russia.

So far few understand that it is saving not only itself but the whole world but gradually the revived part of humanity will be able to understand and accept it with Love and Gratitude.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta


March 3, 2022
Ashtar Sheran - Talk of Public Disclosure
Sharon Stewart

My notes: Putin has moved his family into an underground nuclear city designed to survive nuclear war. The DS is out to vilify Putin as the next Hitler, who was their creation anyway, and make themselves out to be the good guys. THEY ALWAYS DO THIS. This is a consistent tactic they have used in every one of their campaigns. That's how they trick so many naive people, but we're smarter than that. They vilify anyone who opposes them: first it was Trump, now it's Putin.

Me: I hear Ashtar. Are you kidding me? Is that what you're saying?

Ashtar: I am, Sharon. If they start a full scale nuclear war, we will intervene. And we, the GFL, will take the opportunity to show ourselves as the ones who save planet earth. That will be the moment of disclosure.

Me: Too bad I don't have the TV station going yet.

Ashtar: Yes, it is. The draconians got in our way, however we can break into any channel we want to.

Me: Maybe that's why people see people dancing in the streets.

Ashtar: Perhaps.

Me: So what happens then?

Ashtar: The Deep State will still not be vanquished. All will carry on however we of the GFL will have a more “hands-on” position in your politics.

Me: That'd be great, Ashtar. I love it!

Ashtar: Yes, plans have changed. You asked for us to intervene. We have no desire to see earth blown up by Santa Nicks. Their other programs will continue and you will be expected to deal with them, as has always been the case.

Me: So you'll only intervene if there's no other way, then, right, Ashtar?

Ashtar: Yes. We're watching this play out.

Me: Yes, Ivo's been very quiet the last week.

Ashtar: We are all quiet. Looking on with concern but we knew it would come to this.

Me: Yes, same old, same old. It's that the Santa Nicks enjoy killing, just like the Christ Consciousness people enjoy living.

Ashtar: Exactly. Adonai, Sharon. Please get this out.

Me: It's out. It's out!

Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
On sale now at smashwords.com - Ashtar Sheran on the Storm. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1123006
Get your copy of our new book, "Ashtar Sheran: Your Future on Eden" today! Your download is available now, at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1010871

Good!! so we can see positive ETs appearing and bring out the med beds eventually to prevent vaccine mass death.
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go get yourself an education and learn about the plight of Ukrainian civilians, women and children being slaughtered by the Russian bombardments.

you are obviously mentally ill. seek help and take the medication.


March 3d, 2022

Questions and Answers regarding situation in the Ukraine by Per Staffan

: Hi! Am just curious. There are 2 recent messages (today) from Father Absolute that seem to contradict each other and I am asking for any insight? One says that the Ukraine invasion was brought on by the dark forces of world government to distract the world from other activities and to lower consciousness levels and freedom attempts.

The other one says that the attack is done by the light forces to rid the evil that has been taking place in that area and that Russia has taken on this mission to eliminate those evils. Both from Father Absolute. I am not being argumentative...only want to understand why those channelings from the same source seem so different? Thanks!

Per Staffan: Hello Rasia,

Good question. Yes, I can see your point and put this way it might appear contradictory. Let me answer in this way:

The dark forces of governments (cabal) decided to distract people with a war to lower People's vibration and again create a new source of fear, after the pandemic has fizzled out or will do so. Mass media is selling this as a major war - everybody is in on it. In fact it is a targeted military operation where Russia and Putin is trying to minimize civilian casualties. The Western media is portraying a false image of war as propaganda against Putin. So, the dark cabal is in some sense reaching its goal of creating a war in the minds of the people in the West. However, they have not managed to get to a real world war, which is what they want.

Putin on the other hand was more or less forced to act since Russian could not accept the push towards NATO membership for the Ukraine. This was only one of the reasons - as he has stated he wants to denazify Ukraine, in other words throwing the cabal out of the country. The cabal hates Russia more than anything else and they were behind the Russian Revolution in 1917 and formed the Sovjetunion under Stalin. The cabal also formed the European Union and so on.

Now, the cabal have had plans for atrocious events coming out of the 13 bio-labs that cabal in the US has erected in the Ukraine. Putin's so called attack plans are more or less focused on where the labs are located. The bio warfare potential of these labs would have devastated the Ukraine, Russia, Europe and the world. Taking down these labs is a major objective for Putin. Actually, he is in touch with Trump who more or less is in agreement with Putin to take down the labs to save Humanity.

See a link to an article below. They speak on the phone fairly frequently. Trump would rather Putin does this "dirty job" while Biden is in power, than having to do it himself.

As the Russian forces go after the bio-labs they have come across "pedophile dens" with mostly Russian young children, but also American and other Western children. A core feature of the cabal is that they are pedophiles. Putin has now made its his mission to break up the pedophile rings in the Ukraine. Biden och Hunter

Biden has much illicit traffic and activities based in the Ukraine. They are now very afraid this information will fall in the hands of the Russians and past on to Trump and the Alliance.

So, the cabal around the world wants it to look like a war. They also want to drag other countries into it and NATO to create a real world war and pretend there already is one going on. Putin and Trump and the Alliance see it as limited Military Operation to reach the objectives mentioned above, which of course would mean the demise of the cabal and they will fight tooth and nail with propaganda and trying to create a real war.

Currently the cabal has total control over the Western Media and this information is not coming out. However, it will come with the help of Trump Social or Truth Social that is just being launched.

I hope this clarifies things a bit
Love and Light,
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go get yourself an education and learn about the plight of Ukrainian civilians, women and children being slaughtered by the Russian bombardments.

you are obviously mentally ill. seek help and take the medication.
He always claim to be avoiding all women and be free from troubles. So, the slaughtering of women doesn't bother him a slight bit. People with such characteristics do indeed have mental problems, unless he's a gay. :cool:


The dark forces of governments (cabal) decided to distract people with a war to lower People's vibration and again create a new source of fear, after the pandemic has fizzled out or will do so.
Yes , the pandemic is on the process of fizzling out.

However, the stuffs that are injected into the body of millions of people is still there not fizzling out, while the drama is on the exit.


5 March 2022
LIBERATION WAR - Final victory over the Dark Forces is the reunion of the great Slavic nations

Ashtar Sheran

Greetings, my dear earthlings!

Today I have come to you as the commander-in-chief of the space fleet of human-friendly civilizations.

And I would like to share my vision of the current military conflict that attention of all Earth’s inhabitants is focused on.

All the hysteria, lie and hatred in respect of Russia that the so-called “developed countries” are seized with are accounted for by the fact that Russian people have managed to change the scenario written by the deep state.

The plans of the remains of the world government were so horrible that could have annihilated humanity as a species.

But, luckily, they were known to the authorities of Russia too – the part of them that globalists failed to submit.

These honest and brave people passed just one step ahead of globalists thereby saving not only themselves, the Ukrainian nation but the whole humanity too.

I would like you to know that this war unleashed on your long-suffering Earth is a Liberation one.

This is the reason why glorious Russian warriors have been showered with all the undisguised hatred and aggression by globalists and their marionettes in the government of many countries’ as well as in the mainstream media.

Right now both in Ukraine and in the international information space the game is being played not according to the rules, not only against the Laws of the Universe but even against the basic laws of the third dimension world.

Discrimination and separation are apparent in everything.

Thus, any kind of crimes – financial, political, humanitarian – are neglected when there are at issue globalists’ henchmen, while the desire to liberate people from neofascism and globalism bringing people so much sorrow is being represented as crimes and aggression.

We see the energy chaos that is holding sway over Earth now, the skillful way reptiloids are playing off one group of people against the other feeding on the energy of suffering, fear and hatred to each other.

We see them stirring up this suffering at the Ukrainian land allowing neonazies to use people as a live shield.

We see them distorting facts, telling lies at every corner passing the desirable for reality.

We see the cruelty they are treating the captives with and gloating over their victims suffering.

But we also see the complicated, really intricate military operation that Russian warriors are trying to carry out reducing casualties to the minimum.

We see them suffering from the fact that Ukrainian people do not understand the aims and goals their commanders set for them.

War is war and whatever the aims it has, it is not easy for common people to understand what is happening when military operation is in progress, when their life is at risk.

It takes time for them to be able to look at what happened from aside, calmly and impartially to finally realize that it was not a war against the Ukrainian nation but the
Great Battle for liberation of humanity – war of Good against Evil.

And the fact that this war is being made at the territory of Ukraine is not by chance, of course.

The condition for the Light Forces’ final victory over the Dark Forces is the reunion of the great Slavic nations featuring the Gene of God in its original form.

It was well known to the Draco reptiles who are trying to stay at the helm just by playing off these nations’ representatives against each other.

Having the true knowledge of the history of Earth that they have been carefully concealing from people for millennia, they are trying now, taking advantage of this knowledge, to save themselves ruining the Divine “seeds” – the best representatives of humanity.

But we and you, our dear, are supporting you in this crucial battle for the liberation of Earth.

We ask you to be mindful and not to breed negative energies that are being provoked by now ex-“masters” of the world.

They have lost, and their hatred to the Russian nation is the very agony of the wounded beast that is at last to pay the bill, which will happen in the nearest future now.

Sincerely loving you,
Ashtar Sheran spoke to you
Channeled by Marta


March 6, 2022
Archangel Michael Warrior Group - Week 46

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Light Community.

We are now all familiar with the fact that there is a war occurring in eastern Europe, in the Ukraine and there are many reasons for this war, not the least of which is that Vladimir Putin has decided he's had enough of the DS tactics and is now fighting back.

Mr Putin has sent in troops to secure vulnerable areas such as Chernobyl and he has bombed facilities that were being used against his people in Russia, otherwise he has done nothing to irritate the people of the Ukraine. However, the news is saying otherwise. These are false flags or actual attacks on the Ukranian people by the Deep State and UN forces but are being presented to the world as Mr Putin's evil.

It is not. We must help in revealing to the world by increasing the Light in the Ukraine. This week, however, will be a bit different in that we will be targeting the Khazarian Mafia, in whatever way you may sense them, be they in Khazaria, Switzerland, Antarctica or America, we are targeting all of those responsible for this heinous attacks on the Ukranian people.

Simply state that you wish your energy of love to go to the Khazarian Mafia responsible for this attack on Ukraine and your intention will guide your energy. You may be able to see faces, you may not. Perhaps you will see their demons, perhaps not. Regardless, simply send your loving energy. The energy of love empowers love and disempowers evil. Our intent this week is to disempower and destabilize these evil people. Understand that many world leaders are complicit in this attack.

Khazaria is the main station of these evil beings, and to have an attack on its homeland would be devastating for them. The Ukraine is part of what was Khazaria. Mr Putin is tired of his proud people suffering at the hands of these criminals, and so he will bring them down.

If your desire is to destabilize the efforts of the media in your country which is also complicit in this attack, then feel free to do so as well.

We would like to destabilize this attack on many fronts and there are many ways to do it. Choose whichever you feel most comfortable with.

A suggestion to you: If you can gather with friends and family to send your collective Light as one, then please do so. These meditation circles are very powerful and combine the energies of all involved.

I am Archangel Michael, I am sovereign, I am God, I am your truth bringer and the Light. We are Legion.


Me: For your Spanish speakers, remember to check out Odeon's blog on his website, which I'll link in, to see what his target is for this week. Thank you

Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega

On sale now at smashwords.com - Ashtar Sheran on the Storm. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1123006

Get your copy of our new book, "Ashtar Sheran: Your Future on Eden" today! Your download is available now, at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1010871




Russia claims Ukraine is destroying evidence of massive US-funded bioweapons program

As Russian troops entered Ukraine, the government in Kiev ordered the “emergency destruction” of pathogens including plague and anthrax at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow claimed on Sunday. Earlier rumors that the Russian military was targeting US-run biolabs were written off as so called conspiracy theories, but the ministry has promised to back up its claims with documents.

“We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases,” read a statement from the ministry.


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Russia FM Lavrov:

"We have information that US built two biological warfare labs in Kiev & Odessa.

They have developed pathogens in those labs in Ukraine️."


Putin might have saved us from another round of plandemic from the product of US gain of function "research".


March 7, 2022

Adama of Telos - Nuclear War

As Ivo isn't available right now, I've asked Adama to sub in for him for a bit. Ivo is super focused on the problem welling up in the Ukraine right now. What he's doing he won't say but he's busy as is Ashtar, so busy he won't channel to us right now. No worries, there are plenty of people I have contact with who would love to talk to you so I thought I'd open the lines.

Me: So, we're there again, Adama. How do you feel having to share this world with these bat shit crazy leaders on the surface?

Adama: Hello, Sharon. Yes, they're at it again. History repeats itself because history is comprised of only one agenda: the agenda to kill the surface population. We've intervened so many times to just keep enough of you alive, but this time we see you're going to pull through.

Me: So you're taking this a lot better than I thought you would. How has history put us in this situation before?

Adama: What do you think Atlantis was?

Me: Ah yes. Was it nuclear?

Adama: It was crystalline technology they used to sink the island.

Me: Which is even more powerful?

Adama: Yes, and they created a riff in the quantum fields extending from earth all the way to heaven. It's been a task trying to repair them. What we have around earth now is what you'd call bad sectors on your computers (I'm feeling it's something like unusable space) so with the new timeline that's being populated now (we are splitting into two timelines right now – or some people call it Democrats and Republicans but humanity is in two camps) we will be able to repair those bad sectors.

Me: Interesting.

Adama: The Agarthans have worked hard to hold the fabric of space time together around earth. So have other races such as yours, Sharon.

Me: Is that what Ivo's doing now? He won't tell me.

Adama: Yes, and they're searching for any nuclear weapons that have evaded them so far.

Me: I know they have control over most of them, but I'll bet that the DS has a stash somewhere in some DUMB or maybe Antarctica.

Adama: We're searching for them. We've got people on the inside, willing to give up their lives in order to even just source these weapons.
We don't see anything large exploding, though. We're working with Mr Putin to keep earth safe.

Me: This sucks.

Adama: Don't despair, Sharon.

Me: I'm getting tired of living with the threat of war. I'm 60 years old and there was only four years of my entire life that there was no warring and that was 2016 – 2020.

Adama: There's a reason that wars were only a threat to others than the North American people. They were real for many others, though. After this event is over with, the DS will be arrested and the flip will begin. People will begin to take back control of their lives.

Me: People will ask if the St Germain funds will come out.

Adama: This depends on the economy. The economy has to flip. Ashtar has already stated that he'll disclose benevolent extraterrestrial life to the public if this war goes nuclear.

They don't have the power, Sharon. Don't worry. We've been able to gather and defuse many of their weapons. Remember, too, that they use other types of weapons such as direct energy weapons as well. A threat of nuclear war is done to scare you, as well as to rip holes in the fabric of time space.

Me: Well, they are trying to kill off the people of earth and they haven't been successful to date.

Adama: They won't get away with it, Sharon. You have a lot of help and you don't even realize the extent of the help we can aid you with.
I hear what you're asking me. Typically wars they reserved for overtaking of areas of the planet. That was up until just recently, as a matter of fact. Then they learned how to create global wars and this had to do with the fact that they controlled so many regions upon the planet's exterior. When the Dutch went to war, they had to protect their interests such as Indonesia.

Me: Yes, my father served and it was then he killed a man. It was kill or be killed so he killed the guy.

Adama: Yes, so unfortunate.
In the past, they used sickness to kill off a lot of the population, and yes, timelines were reversed and intervened with in order to keep enough people alive for the population to live on.

The black plague, Spanish flu was another attempt, and the release of malaria was another one. Back in the day there was no medical help to be had. Now they use antibiotics to cure people, but there was nothing of the sort back then.

Me: So I see the first recorded case of malaria was around the first century BC.

Adama: It was around long before that.

Me: Okay.

Adama: With the proliferation of forested areas with water, mosquitos were rampant. All they needed to do was infect the mosquitos to use them as carriers and then kill off some of the natural enemies of the mosquitos such as certain types of birds and bats. This way they created their own system of killer insects. They've been attempting these things over and over throughout history, Sharon, and we've been working to stop them, to keep the surface population alive.

Me: Interesting. What about the plague?

Adama: The plague was spread by rodents and at the time, people lived with them. Rats and mice found their way into people's homes and infected people through their fleas and their feces. Why do you think house cats became so common?

Me: I have my own little mouse chaser here. He does a good job.

Adama: Felines don't get sick with the plague, but a human will.

Me: So the reason house cats became so common was for the welfare of the human. Who knew?

Adama: We knew. We tipped off people on the surface to start housing cats in order to control the population of rodents in the urban areas.

Me: What about typhoid fever?

Adama: This was spread by bacteria and you realize that in Europe habits of cleanliness were lax for many years. Again, there was intervention to help people learn to use soap and hot water to clean themselves and their homes. We have been behind all of these campaigns to improve life in the outer population: We send in our emissaries to help stem these diseases.

Me: What about tuberculosis?

Adama: There were campaigns of it launched around the world. It is still not in remission but many people have developed immunity and continue to do so so it is no threat to them. Immunity is passed through the parents to children so vaccination is not really necessary.

What they have done is they understand that the immune system of the human is adept at protecting one from disease or from allowing diseases to overtake the body, so they have systematically worked at weakening your immune systems. And this is where you find yourselves now.

Me: I do. I'm allergic to everything.

Adama: And it can be overcome. The body is strong and if you feed it properly you can make great strides.

Me: What about some of their others campaigns?

Adama: There was nuclear war in India and in Africa. They have worked throughout the eons to craft a human being that cannot resist them. When a sector became too strong, they started wars in their areas to wipe out the population and alter their DNA.

Me: So here we are again. They just can't get rid of us. LOL

Adama: No, you see how resilient the human body is.

Me: So nukes won't happen at least in a measurable amount, this year. That's what the DS wants and we won't allow it.

Adama: You have to see who you're dealing with and that they don't care about you. This was never made known in their prior campaigns or those who spread the news were killed to keep them quiet. This was the job of many members of clergy and of royalty: to protect the narrative just as it is being done now.

Me: So these people knew what was going on?

Adama: Of course. You are led to believe your kings and queens reigned over their kingdoms with benevolence, but many of them were two faced, such as your leaders are now. They smile to your faces but behind your backs, they have the worst for you in mind.

This is why Jesus came: to tell you of this as well. But of course the bible was created and these records stricken from it.

Me: Interesting. Thanks Adama, always interesting.

Adama: You're most welcome, Sharon. And yes, this is being discussed at Galactic Council. Of course there is concern but we have seen you come to this point in your history before and you have always prevailed, and you will this time again. We are helping you as we always have done but this time we are striking out the evil ones and are helping to open your eyes. Earthlings need to take their power back and so it will be done.

Me: Thanks Adama.

Adama: I bid you adieu.

Folks, it just sounds like history repeats itself until we finally get past this point and take our planet back. I get the feeling it's been like a skipping record, a stumbling block earth could never get past. It's been an impasse for the DS as well as for the people of earth: butting up head to head but nobody wins. Now we win. Before, they used natural circumstances to help them cull the herd, but as they grew in power and cunning, they created the circumstances they believed would lead to our demise. They didn't. Ashtar has commented that the world's population has flourished for this very reason: so humans could live on.

Channelled by: Sharon Stewart


March 7, 2022
Galactic Federation of Light, Sirius

Greetings, our dear earthlings!

At this moment critical for you we would like to support you and add our vision of the things taking place on your planet.

Just as all human-friendly civilizations we are carefully following the recent events on Earth since it is them that determine the course of history at present.

We see how few are people who take the mission of the great Slavonic country with sympathy and understanding.

The determining battle of Good against Evil is being represented to humanity in a perverted manner, with all the notions being substituted and facts being misinterpreted, as a result of which liberators become aggressors in people’s eyes and criminals become heroes.

Of course, it is not by chance.

It is only like this – through chaos, confrontation and present world leaders’ remarks being brought to the point of absurdity – that it was possible to ultimately reveal their essence.

Believe us, dear, it is the last agony of the Dark Forces on Earth indeed.

The great Slavonic nation has managed to prevent a global catastrophe since the shadow government was planning not just to unleash another war but to commit a gross crime against the whole humanity.

For several decades at the territory of Ukraine there were developed and tested on this country’s citizens forbidden types of weapons: psychotronic and biological ones.

And wide application of them was already planned in other countries and, first of all, in Russia.

Fortunately, this crime of a universe scale indeed was prevented on the very first days of the military operation in Ukraine.

This is the reason for the hysteria of the universe scale again for the part of the shadow government’s marionettes who are trying with all the means available to conceal the traces of their crimes redirecting the public’s attention to the so-called “Russian aggression”.

Yet, they have failed to conceal the truth from people, as well as to slander those who have interfered in their appalling plans.

Soon everything will get sorted out, and the truth will triumph.

While we and representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations friendly to you are monitoring the course of events in this region so as to secure you and in case of discharge of any harmful substances into atmosphere to neutralize them at once which we have done a lot of times before.

Try not to get emotionally involved into the things in progress in this country so as not to breed negative energies that are in plenty there anyway.

Always remember that those who are not ready to live on the new Earth will leave it sooner or later, while those who are destined to make Transition will get there by all means even if it happens to some of them through their physical death.

And it is especially true about the people who gave their lives for humanity rescue.

Send the brave warriors all your Love and support.

Dissolve with Light all the negative energies holding sway over the region of the hostilities.

Help to make closer the great victory of the Light Forces over the Forces of Dark.

And do know that we are always there for you and ready to lend you a helping hand at short notice.

The Council of Elders of Sirius spoke to you

Channeled by Marta