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Prostitute, 51, sexually assaulted and shoved down stairs by angry john: NYPD



Prostitute, 51, sexually assaulted and shoved down stairs by angry john: NYPD​

By Rocco Parascandola
Police Bureau Chief
Jun 15, 2023 at 8:42 am

A 51-year-old xes worker was shoved down a flight of stairs inside a Brooklyn building then sexually assaulted by a man angry she didn’t have a condom, a police source said.

The victim and the attacker agreed to meet at 5:30 p.m. on June 7 for sex inside a residential building near Bradford St. and Pitkin Ave. in East New York, according to cops.

Neither had a condom, police said, and the attacker then shoved the woman down the stairs before xesually assaulting her.

The woman suffered a fractured eye socket, jaw and ribs and was taken to a hospital.

A 51-year-old xes worker was shoved down a flight of stairs inside a Brooklyn building then xesually assaulted by a man angry she didn’t have a condom. The woman suffered a fractured eye socket, jaw and ribs and was taken to a hospital. The incident happened 5:30 p.m. on June 7, 2023. Police said the victim and the attacker agreed to meet for xes inside a residential building near Bradford St. and Pitkin Ave. in East New York. (NYPD / DCPI)

Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS.


The customer



Prostitute, 51, sexually assaulted and shoved down stairs by angry john: NYPD​

By Rocco Parascandola
Police Bureau Chief
Jun 15, 2023 at 8:42 am

A 51-year-old xes worker was shoved down a flight of stairs inside a Brooklyn building then sexually assaulted by a man angry she didn’t have a condom, a police source said.

The victim and the attacker agreed to meet at 5:30 p.m. on June 7 for sex inside a residential building near Bradford St. and Pitkin Ave. in East New York, according to cops.

Neither had a condom, police said, and the attacker then shoved the woman down the stairs before xesually assaulting her.

The woman suffered a fractured eye socket, jaw and ribs and was taken to a hospital.

A 51-year-old xes worker was shoved down a flight of stairs inside a Brooklyn building then xesually assaulted by a man angry she didn’t have a condom. The woman suffered a fractured eye socket, jaw and ribs and was taken to a hospital. The incident happened 5:30 p.m. on June 7, 2023. Police said the victim and the attacker agreed to meet for xes inside a residential building near Bradford St. and Pitkin Ave. in East New York. (NYPD / DCPI)

Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS.


The customer

A similar incident will happen very soon to a certain whore in Jurong East.