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Primary 6 student catches male teacher, 44, taking upskirt photos of female teacher, 28, during oral exam


Primary 6 student catches male teacher, 44, taking upskirt photos of female teacher, 28, during oral exam - Mothership.SG
A 44-year-old primary school teacher repeatedly took upskirt images of a younger female colleague over two months.
According to Shin Min Daily News, the man claimed to be "secretly in love" with her.
A Primary 6 student saw him taking upskirt images of the 28-year-old female teacher during an oral examination.
The man was charged with voyeurism and violating the Computer Misuse Act. He was sentenced to six weeks' jail on Oct. 30, 2023.

The first upskirt incident​

The court heard that the man had been teaching at the primary school since 2020, Shin Min reported.
On Jul. 4, 2021, while the victim was teaching music in a classroom, the man arrived at 8:30am to prepare for his maths class.
While the victim was preoccupied with the students, he snuck out his phone and secretly took upskirt images of her.

Forwarded private messages from her phone to himself​

On Aug. 27, 2021, after the female victim returned to the staffroom from using the washroom, she realised her messages to another person had been forwarded to the man.
She was sure she had locked the phone and didn't know how he accessed it.
The victim was also unable to tell if the man had forwarded other files.

Victim lodged police report​

That same month, a Primary 6 student saw the man take an upskirt photo of the female teacher during an oral examination.
Troubled by the man's behaviour, the victim lodged a police report on Sep. 18, 2021.
In the report, she stated that she sat opposite the accused in the staffroom, with a low partition separating their desks.
She added that in July 2021, she discovered that the man had placed his mobile phone at the corner of the partition, with the camera pointed at her, but could not verify if he was filming.

Arrested, found with upskirt photos on phone and laptop​

Police seized the male teacher's phone on Sep. 29, 2021, as part of investigations.
They found upskirt photos of the victim stored on the device.
Additionally, police searched the man's laptop and found photos and videos that he had secretly recorded of the victim in the staffroom, over a period from Aug. 20, 2020, to Sep. 17, 2021.
Top image from Mothership.

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