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PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass patch


Alfrescian (Inf)
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PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass patch


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STOMPer Tan wrote:

"I was shocked upon seeing these China nationals leaving their clothes, soft toys and pillows on the ground at Pasir Ris Drive 6.

"I know this might be common for some but what about bringing their luggage down?

"They brought their laptop and hot tea with some snacks while waiting for their stuffs to dry. Worst of all, they were in their pyjamas while at the void deck.

"Do they think that they are still in China?"

Click on thumbnails for larger image


Alfrescian (Inf)
is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, sloppy.

PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass patch
Posted on 02 Jan 2012

A STOMPer was shocked to see a resident, who she believes to be from China, airing a wide array of items all over a grass patch in Pasir Ris. The resident also created a makeshift clothesline for airing their clothes by tying a string to two trees.

STOMPer Tan wrote:

"I was shocked upon seeing these China nationals leaving their clothes, soft toys and pillows on the ground at Pasir Ris Drive 6.

"I know this might be common for some but what about bringing their luggage down?

"They brought their laptop and hot tea with some snacks while waiting for their stuffs to dry. Worst of all, they were in their pyjamas while at the void deck.

"Do they think that they are still in China?"





Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

Electricity bills expensive. No harm making use of nature to save on bills. Adds colour to the landscape too.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

Please la Singaporeans. We have to be gracious and open our hearts to accept these foreign talents and their way of life among us. Is this not a good idea to be green and save the earth. this foreign talent is just doing what he thinks is right and it right after all unlike us Singaporeans only talk about saving the earth but don't dare to do what this compatriot is doing. Come on open your hearts to them. Hell if only I can I will upz this FT with SBF points.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass pa

hi there

1. no, prc will never leave such items outside in chineyland.
2. everything will be stolen almost immediately.
3. besides, there is such great pollution there.
4. its skyline is always grey.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

If not happy with initiative shown and to deter this particular behavior, I have a suggestion - throw coffee water bombs down on the clothes. Sure solve problem. If no coffee, urine bombs also can.


Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

LOLO! i i really luv these Lau FU Zhis...obviously the grandma is from country bumkpin refugee status, and dosen't know what a Dryer is. LOL!!!

Upon close examniation, look at the luggage nearby, the clothes looks Indian villager type sarongs and such, definately from Dhaka. the Sun logo explains that.

They have arrived *FacePalm*

He arrived from the Suez canel ! thus the results !

he dosen't know that Tigger airways can be flying him there ! that Indian bumkpin! KERALALa Lah !

definately call centre or IT backend ! tampines and pasir ris type. ah neh banking *facepalmed*. with entire village idiots +great grand

I would definately luv to see more of them come in, they're a howler ! I lv to see they bullock carts
Last edited:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

If not happy with initiative shown and to deter this particular behavior, I have a suggestion - throw coffee water bombs down on the clothes. Sure solve problem. If no coffee, urine bombs also can.

Agree. Why stomp and kpkb....doubt the town council will render any assistance.
Bring your dog for a walk and pee there or get your kids to cycle to run there.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

The FTs are very bold and they know they can get away because they knew Sinkees only action is to stomp and make some noise on the internet forum.

Years of brainwashing by the ruling party has turn Sinkees into law abiding boy scouts and girl guides.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass pa

Forget pee, poo and coffee water bombs, here is the solution:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass pa

so is it keling or china? I think keling.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass pa

Forget pee, poo and coffee water bombs, here is the solution:


Wahlaneh! Relax man bro. This method is overkill liao. Causing mischief by fire can be quite serious. Mischief itself no big deal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass pa

You need not commit arson. Just pretend to burn some joss paper, and... oops! A fire 'accident'.

Burning joss paper is not mischief. Religious harmony, world peace yada yada. Comprehendo?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC resident airs clothing, luggage and even mattress all over Pasir Ris grass pa

How about some salted fishs & dried prawns ?


Lunch Corporal
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

If not happy with initiative shown and to deter this particular behavior, I have a suggestion - throw coffee water bombs down on the clothes. Sure solve problem. If no coffee, urine bombs also can.

Urine bombs police dog can trace, coffee costs 50cents more but harder to trace who threw it. Best is indian ink bombs


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

pasar malam??? LOL


Re: is this what singapore education about? lazyiness and no attention to detail, slo

What's wrong with it? Sinkees always complain. No wonder garment have to import FT to support the country. Otherwise sink Liao.