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Power Xijinping can ARREST regardless you flee anywhere! Can harbor anyone! Can Counter-Arrest yours if you arrested his! PAY-YOU-COCK??


So Ang Moh arrested 孟晚舟 [ great great grand daughter of 孟子??] Xi counter arrested bunch of Ang Moh put on death row!

So Dr M want to Tangkap Jho Low, Xi can shelter him, nobody can touch!

So to wanted fugitives want to flee from X's laws, they Lan-Lan surrender in a matter of time, or got captured and sent to China.


Loong's PAY-YOU-COCK fled fugitive from PAP famiLEE LEEgime 3 generations of PM from LKY era, until eunuch Goh Emeritus and LKY up lorry, LHL nearly Emeritus already then PAY-YOU-COCK return to Changi to enjoy FOC meals and medical care! What a deal for being ex-PAP MP and CUNT chief and Singapore's Najib!


他列百名红通人员第3号 出逃前赃款转移到10多国

2019年02月24日 09:03 澎湃新闻


案例一 “狡兔十三窟”也难敌追逃“天网”


案例二 取得绿卡也难逃被引渡回国的命运





案例三 成功阻截被调查人离境的24小时






案例四 外逃17年仍被人赃俱获






He listed 100 Hongtong personnel No. 3 before the escape, the money was transferred to more than 10 countries.

February 24, 2019 09:03 澎湃News


Original title: Anti-corruption international pursuit of new breakthroughs: "The Thirteen Caves of Rex Rabbit" is also difficult to chase "Skynet"
In 2018, the anti-corruption international pursuit and re-emergence transcripts: 1335 people were recovered from more than 110 countries and regions, including 5 "100 Hongtong personnel", the amount of the memorial was 3.541 billion yuan; the total number of escaped persons was recovered. And the amount of recovery is 3% and 261% higher than 2017 respectively. Behind the solid data, it is the concrete practice of transforming the institutional advantage of the supervision system reform into the effectiveness of governance, highlighting the deepening of international cooperation against corruption and promoting the pursuit of escape and escape. New breakthrough.
"Hundreds of Red Cross personnel" Qiao Jianjun was arrested after a night of whiteheads.
Case 1 "The Thirteen Caves of the Rex Rabbit" is also difficult to chase "Skynet"
Qiao Jianjun, “Hundreds of Red Cross Personnel” No. 3, former director of the warehouse in Henan Province, Zhoukou directly under the warehouse, fled to the United States in November 2011. According to the "Red Wanted" feature film, before Qiao Jianjun fled, he transferred the money to 13 countries and regions such as Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States, Canada, Sweden, etc., which can be described as "The Thirteen Caves of the Rabbit". In addition, he also prepared a number of identities for himself, not only holding the US green card, but also using the pseudonym Li Feng to obtain the Saint Kitts and Nevis passport in the Caribbean.
The sly fox can't escape the hunter's eyes. After Qiao Jianjun fled, China and the United States began judicial cooperation on this case. Qiao Jianjun was not only wanted by both China and the United States, but his family Zhao Shilan was also arrested in the United States and pleaded guilty in the court. Since Qiao Jianjun fled the United States in 2012, he has been escaping in many countries and regions, and his arrest has repeatedly failed. Finally, there are clues that Joe Jianjun is in Sweden. On June 25, 2018, Sweden arrested him in Stockholm on the basis of clues and requests from China. Although China and Sweden have not signed an extradition treaty, they have cooperated on the basis of the principle of diplomatic reciprocity under the framework of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. At present, China has submitted an extradition request to Sweden, and the Swiss side is conducting relevant investigations.
Comments: Qiao Jianjun is the first case of China's first extradition in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption in the absence of an extradition treaty and has been recognized and executed by the other party. It is also the statutory duty given by the State Supervision Commission to focus on the supervision law. The specific embodiment of the judiciary. The fact that Qiao Jianjun has prepared for his own “post-road” in 13 countries and regions is still incapable of being arrested. The anti-corruption international law enforcement cooperation has been deepening in innovation, and the “Skynet” that has pursued the pursuit has been densely covered around the world.

On November 30, 2018, Yao Jinqi, a Hongtong person who fled for 13 years, was extradited from Bulgaria.

Case 2 It is also difficult to escape the fate of being extradited to the country after obtaining a green card.

Before Yao Jinqi fled, he was a member of the Standing Committee of Xinchang County Committee of Zhejiang Province and the deputy head of the county government. On December 19, 2005, he was exposed to other crimes and suspected of accepting bribes. Since then, he has transferred to six countries and obtained a Bulgarian green card in a false identity.

After the reform of the national supervision system, the case was handed over to the Shaoxing Municipal Supervision Commission for investigation in March 2018. Under the overall coordination of the Central Pursuit Office, the handling unit obtained key information such as Yao Jinqi’s false identity and potential hiding place within 3 months; on October 3, Coordinating Interpol issued a red wanted order; 14 days later, Yao Jinqi was The police arrested and detained; on November 30, Yao Jinqi was extradited from Bulgaria to China.

According to the relevant comrades of the Central Pursuit Office, after Yao Jinqi was arrested, we sent a working group to Bulgaria to learn more about the Bulgarian extradition procedures and details, and ensure the smooth progress of the extradition work. In order to speed up the extradition procedure, we guided the Zhejiang Province to pursue the shortest time in accordance with the requirements of the insurance party, and completed the key evidence collection and extradition requirements for the extradition request, which was highly recognized by the insurance party. In the end, Yao Jinqi, who has already obtained the green card, has been extradited from the net to the country, and it took only 44 days to complete the extradition process that usually takes several years.

Comments: Yao Jinqi was extradited to the country as the first case of extradition after the establishment of the State Supervision Commission, which made a vivid footnote for the further improvement of the standardization of anti-corruption international law enforcement cooperation. With the further deepening of the reform of the supervision system, the legal organs of the supervisory organs to pursue the pursuit of recovery are more complete and the procedures are more standardized. In addition to persuasion, more use of extradition, recourse, repatriation, etc., to chase after the recovery is more powerful. .

Case 3 Successfully intercepted the 24-hour departure of the respondent

On the evening of August 22, 2018, the Commissioner of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Miyun District of Beijing discovered a clue to a suspected major duty crime case. Three investigators including Li Hua (female) were suspected of corruption, involving more than 20 million yuan. This is a case involving a multi-person case. Because there are more people involved in the interview, the respondent may have already noticed it.

In response to this situation, the handling department of the Miyun District Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission immediately launched the anti-escape plan and arranged a special person to be responsible for the anti-escape work. Upon inquiry, Li Hua and other three respondents all held entry and exit documents, and had multiple entry and exit records, and the risk of flight was high. In accordance with the requirements of the main leaders of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection, the relevant departments of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Miyun District immediately took measures and passed the relevant departments to control the three investigators such as Li Hua at 16:30 on August 24 in accordance with the law. At 15:44 on August 25, the staff of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection was informed by the Beijing Entry-Exit Frontier Defense Station that Li Hua was restricted from leaving the airport at the airport for check-in at Bangkok, Thailand. At this time, the distance control measures for Li Hua are less than 24 hours! Li Hua is one of the main investigators in this case. If he flees out of the country, it will adversely affect the investigation of the case.

Comments: Prevent one, equal to recover one. Adhering to the pursuit of escape and escape, the supervisory organ has included new monitoring targets in the scope of anti-escape, established a mechanism for preventing and escaping early warning and emergency response, and focused on eliminating the “vacuum” of control and building a firm “dam”. With the further advancement of anti-escape work, the path of corrupt elements has become narrower and narrower.

On July 11, 2018, Xu Chaofan, who had fled for 17 years, was escorted from the United States.

Case 4: 17 years of escape, still being robbed

On July 11, 2018, Beijing Capital International Airport, with an international flight from the United States landing in the rain, the largest bank corruption case in New China - Xu Chaofan, one of the principal investigators of the Bank of China in Guangdong Kaiping Branch The road has come to an end. On this day, under the overall coordination of the Central Pursuit Office, under the concerted efforts of the law enforcement departments of China and the United States, Xu Chaofan, who had fled the United States for 17 years, was forced to return to the country.

According to the "Red Wanted" feature film, in October 2001, after Xu Chaofan fled, China filed assistance based on the criminal justice assistance agreement signed with the United States and effective, so that Xu Chaofan and other related accounts were quickly frozen. According to the relevant evidence provided by China, the US Department of Justice issued a wanted order and eventually arrested and arrested Xu Chaofan and others.

During the promotion of Xu Chaofan's case, the Central Pursuit Office coordinated and coordinated all units to adhere to the rule of law and the rule of law to carry out work, organize and coordinate the highest inspection, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice and other units to provide the United States with 150,000 pages of evidence materials, creating For the first time, Chinese witnesses were allowed to testify to the US courts through remote video and other "firsts." Thanks to these solid work, the case not only enabled Xu Chaofan to be repatriated from the United States, but also successfully recovered more than RMB 2 billion from domestic and overseas sources, thus maximizing economic losses. It is reported that the World Bank and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have listed the case as a successful example of international memorial work.

Comments: The case of Xu Chaofan can be described as "all people get what they get, and both crimes and punishments". This fully shows that there is no such thing as a "sin-avoiding paradise" in the world. With the deepening of the reform of the supervision system, the confiscation procedures for illegal gains, the trials and regulations such as trials in absentia have become more complete, the international cooperation mechanism for asset recovery has become smoother, and the ability of the supervisory authorities to pursue their abilities has been further improved. For those who are still fleeing, this means that they not only face the possibility of being extradited or repatriated, but the economic base of their survival will also be destroyed.

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine


The deal is better LL surrender yourself for a Commuted Sentence. 自首立功减罪! The more you try to flee the more Jia Lat you kenna!