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Policy watch: Economy strategy


Alfrescian (Inf)
Frankly the PAP has no economic policy, all they want is to follow on with the rent seeking behaviour and win elections by cheating,,name the few things PAP has done right after the last erection?all we get is the same ol same ol,,a sorry which is nothing but lip service and more of the same ol same ol again,.,,


Frankly the PAP has no economic policy, all they want is to follow on with the rent seeking behaviour and win elections by cheating,,name the few things PAP has done right after the last erection?all we get is the same ol same ol,,a sorry which is nothing but lip service and more of the same ol same ol again,.,,

LHL and Tarma's strategy is to help SMEs grow into world class companies by supplying them with all the FTs and FWs they want. I dislike it but I admit I cannot tell if the strategy has been effective if the aim is to create good jobs for Singaporeans.


LHL and Tarma's strategy is to help SMEs grow into world class companies by supplying them with all the FTs and FWs they want. I dislike it but I admit I cannot tell if the strategy has been effective if the aim is to create good jobs for Singaporeans.

FT-higher prices are for MNCs,not for SMEs,SMEs employ low cost foreign workers so that is the easy way out,the strategy is a total failure.


It’s not slower growth, stupid!
November 22nd, 2012 | Author: VD

"Hey, an email from Void Decker!"

Dear Vivi,

Long time no hear! Having fun immersing yourself in your current job as Environment and Water Resources Minister? I was so happy to see you in the news yesterday. It’s always good as a politician to keep your profile up despite your literally shitty portfolio. Remember, visibility is key!

For bloggers, it’s easy because they can just write some silly things to make fun of the government. Politicians, on the other hand, are supposed to be wise. I’m glad you have used the old trick of looking clever by repeating the party mantra when you actually have nothing of value to add. It’s a good one you’ve picked this time, to warn of slower growth. Singaporeans can be a little daft sometimes and need a constant reminder, so it’s timely that you have added to what our MTI folks and Shanmy have already told us recently. Naturally I’m also aware of this letter your guys planted in the Straits Times Forum last week. Now that was a good laugh! I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before you get it into their stubborn heads.

I spoke to a few Singaporeans today and unfortunately they don’t quite agree with what you said. It can be quite exasperating to be honest and I feel like telling them, it’s the economy, stupid! It’s amazing how many Singaporeans don’t realise that this tagline you guys stole from Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign is as relevant today as it was in 1992. And these are supposed to be our bright young men, the future of our nation. Anyway, I’m writing you today to provide some feedback from them.

You see, these guys told me you have misunderstood them. They are not asking for slower growth. What they are asking for is growth that is more organic, sustainable, and real. But because Singapore is not very good at doing that right now, the result will likely be slower growth as we restructure our economy. They said it’s bad to have artificial growth on steroids, because steroids are unhealthy and make our women grow facial hair and sound like men, which creates more problems by depressing our already pathetic birth rates. A little protein supplement is fine, according to these guys, but we do need to do our own lifting now and then for our muscles to grow. It’s a bit abstract to me, but I guess you can check with Kee Chiu that crazy gym rat what that means.

I probed them further — how can growth be unreal or bad? So they pointed out a few examples in the corporate and investment world of the kinds of growth that are not healthy.

Some companies grow by buying up other companies, they said. This is typically the modus operandi of those with loads of cash in reserves but where the management has run out of ideas (it did ring a bell as I was hearing this). In most cases, acquisitions allow revenues to go up, but there may be ‘negative synergies’. Costs may go up, for example, resulting in lower earnings per share. Or employees may feel marginalised due to restructuring. The company gets bigger but not necessarily better. That is why shareholders may object and stock price may go down if the market thinks it’s a bad idea. To get a better idea of how it relates to us, substitute GDP for revenue, living costs for company costs, and citizens for employees and shareholders.

The guys referred me to some finance website that explains what is organic growth:

Organic growth represents the true growth for the core of the company. It is a good indicator of how well management has used its internal resources to expand profits. Organic growth also identifies whether managers have used their skills to improve the business.

I’m still not convinced though. After all, any growth is good growth. And as the old man tells us, a rising tide that lifts all boats will take care of the rest. We really shouldn’t change what has worked for us all these years. What is the phrase in that book we learned from? More stitches, less riches?

Then the guys gave another example in the investment world of a type of fund that does not grow by generating returns internally. Artificial returns are paid out using money from new investments. Since you need to constantly pump in new investments, it has to go bust one day even if you manage to suck up all the money in the world. They won’t tell me what it’s called because it supposedly goes by a dirty name that can get one sued for saying it. I thought the way it works is similar to what you guys are doing over there with the economy and foreign workers, but I quickly shut up when they informed me it’s illegal.

In essence, this is the message they asked me to convey to you and your colleagues:

We want an emphasis on growth through internal means such as innovation and productivity improvement, not through massive labour influx. Ceteris paribus, high growth is unquestionably ideal. But what is the point when Singaporeans are worse off as a result? That’s what we want from the government — consider the people’s well-being and the necessary trade-offs, which may mean slower growth, instead of using GDP numbers as the underlying guide to every social and economic policy decision.

In response to what Dr Balakrishnan said, we are not asking for slower growth in the hope that it might reduce social inequality. We are asking for a refocus on organic, sustainable growth and an urgent address into social inequality, which will likely result in slower growth, at least in the near term. We hope the minister understands the difference.

I imagine, of course, that you are a busy man constantly trying to keep your head above the water, what with the floods, foam and all. Therefore, I have taken the liberty to summarise the above and highlighted in bold the important words. Selective listening is an art these days and you need all the help you can get. So please use the below as your Zeitgeist reading on the people’s concerns.

We want… slower growth. We are… asking for slower growth. We are asking for… slower growth.

Oh, one last thing, the guys asked me what’s with your sinister advice to “think carefully about what you want for your future”. They asked me if it was a threat! I’m sure that wasn’t your intention, but it does sound a little like what I saw on Homeland last evening when Claire Danes asked the bad guy she was interrogating to think carefully about what he wanted for his daughter’s future. Try not to be so creepy and cryptic the next time the media is around, okay? You know they have a tendency to report the wrong things.

Hey Vivi, that’s all for now. Sorry for the long letter, but I get terribly excited when I read of you in the news, which doesn’t happen very often these days. Visit me some time in London when you are not busy treading water!


Void Decker

* The writer blogs at www.voiddecker.com. He lives in London.


1M thanks to the White Scums, Singapore is still stuck in the strategy formulated decades ago, plague by failed policies and missed opportunities.

That's why our economy is so affected by manufacturing output.

*** HINT: you know why the White Scums are so keen to continue importing cheaperest foreigners?***

And do you know why recently many normally chobolan White Scums came out to say importation of cheaperest foreigners is slowing? To blame the recession on less foreigners, and they'll tell you not to say they never warn you earlier

Fucking retard. When SG world record growth in 2010 U got thank PAP or not. When U didnt lose your job in 08-09 you got thank govt or not. When SG raised median income by close to 30% from 2001 - 2010 you got thank PAP or not. Typical moronic ungrateful opposition supporting fucktard.


Fucking retard. When SG world record growth in 2010 U got thank PAP or not. When U didnt lose your job in 08-09 you got thank govt or not. When SG raised median income by close to 30% from 2001 - 2010 you got thank PAP or not. Typical moronic ungrateful opposition supporting fucktard.

Before you come up with any label for others, use your brain for a moment. It's so embarrassingly stupid and lame that I dun even know where to start to rebut you.

I'd been paying my tax religiously all those decades which went into their million dollar part time salary. Has any White Scum thank me when they look at their CPF account?

Or are you speculating/dreaming that they had delivered over what they are supposedly paid to deliver?


Let's see.

What exact reasons does Botak Shan have in mind when he said Singapore will see low growth?

Less foreigners that would otherwise drive up consumption, GDP?

Low end, lame businesses moving out because their free flow of cheaperest foreigner is no more?

Or what?

I doubt Singapore economy will really see any serious impact. So why is Botak Shan trying to scare us?

That ah neh botak useless one.


SMRT bus drivers’ strike: A sign of things to come?

Singapore’s low-wage foreign worker employment system hinges mainly on the import not simply of the workers themselves, but also the low wages and poor working conditions of their source countries to Singapore, he noted.

“Rather than provide the wages and working conditions needed to get a Singaporean to do the job, many employers prefer to pay the much lower wage needed to convince a foreign worker to leave his/her home and come to Singapore,” he explained.

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darling • 2 days 4 hours ago Report Abuse

our system haywire just like LHL hair, messy govt keep focusing on $$$$ that they forgot the feeling of its citizen, they creating singapore into money making HUB just like how they increase their salary by million$ and to increase low wages workers salary to S$1,000 Lim Swee Say oppose as it is high risk.???? does govt talking sense nowadays.

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Yt • 2 days 14 hours ago Report Abuse

What baffles me is this - if transport is a national issue, then why is it corporatised? Why do we allow foreigners to operate it? The recent event deminstrates that our transport system can be held at ransom by a few. Is bottom line the driving force one of the main considerations at the expense of national security? We argue the merits and demerits and the winner depends on who holds the rein the power doesn't it? So, I think hte govt has has a lot of explaning. We need to get back to the core of transportation - no more flowery talk, no more sleek arguments. Nationalise transportation to make it really a national asset instead of meandering through numbers and arguments. No more crap.

Sue N Sue
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Sue N Sue • 2 days 9 hours ago Report Abuse

No point having Low Wage Foreign Workers here. As we can see these past few years it's surpose to bring down our cost of living but turn out to be Sky High. What we badly need right now is Low Wage Minister not Foreign Workers.

syed putra

very weird.
Around singapore, the ASEAN economy is expanding and export reporting growth, especially regional exports.


No kidding !!!!

It is precisely because the White Scums have long ran out of ideas how to lead Singaporeans and their children forward, and have been relying on economy strategy formulated decades ago, that's why today we still need to work hard and long, instead of differentiating/positioning ourselves with innovations.

Polytechnic students do not see eye-to-eye with Lawrence Wong at Singapore Conversation session
The Malaysian Insider, 21 Dec 2012
....In particular, the students hoped for a “stress-free” society, less competition at the workplace and a four-day work week - wishes that are at odds with the increasingly competitive global environment that Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong tried to paint to them.
The participants’ views prompted Wong to explain at length the increasingly competitive global environment that Singapore will find itself in.
... Full story