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PM Wong congratulates India's Modi on re-election win



PM Wong congratulates India's Modi on re-election win​

He also spoke about Singapore and India as strategic partners who share a "warm and multifaceted relationship".

"As we look forward to the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations next year, we will continue to cooperate closely to enhance this partnership and expand our collaboration in new areas like digitalisation, skilling, and healthcare."

Mr Wong wished Mr Modi good health and success, adding that he looked forward to meeting him again and working together to further deepen ties.
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So which areas of " digitalisation, skilling, and healthcare " does Laolan Wong intend to expand?

How is he going to " deepen ties " with Modi?

How many CECA roaches does he intend to flood Spore?


Modi lost seats because of mass unemployed youths and graduates in India! Ah Wong should signed CECA+ agreement, import these hungry, lunch stealing, smart talents to fuck useless Sinkies!



Alfrescian (Inf)
No wonder my friend said when he put up his flat for rent, more than two dozen CECA family line up to view the house. Can anyone here verify the truth?


Modi lost seats because of mass unemployed youths and graduates in India! Ah Wong should signed CECA+ agreement, import these hungry, lunch stealing, smart talents to fuck useless Sinkies!

That's the irony, isn't it? Gahment love to say that Ceca talents are here to create jobs. But these filthy cockroaches can't even create jobs in their own country to begin with.


No wonder my friend said when he put up his flat for rent, more than two dozen CECA family line up to view the house. Can anyone here verify the truth?
Not surprising...



That's the irony, isn't it? Gahment love to say that Ceca talents are here to create jobs. But these filthy cockroaches can't even create jobs in their own country to begin with.

Yes, looks like Modi's strategy to solve their youth unemployment is to mass export these roaches to infest other countries and send back monies which help to boost their GDP.

He is killing two birds with one stone. Very genius.

And Laolan Wong is complicit in helping him.

This farker must be voted out in next GE NBCB.


Yes, looks like Modi's strategy to solve their youth unemployment is to mass export these roaches to infest other countries and send back monies which help to boost their GDP.

He is killing two birds with one stone. Very genius.

And Laolan Wong is complicit in helping him.

This farker must be voted out in next GE NBCB.
polluting and destroying other countries.


No wonder my friend said when he put up his flat for rent, more than two dozen CECA family line up to view the house. Can anyone here verify the truth?

I knew one private landlord instruct his property agent: No Indians. Why ? His past Indian tenants left the house in a dilapidated condition.He has to get a contractor to do deep cleaning and repainting of his house.:biggrin: