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PM Lee: We dont give $$ becos...


PM Lee assures S'poreans they're not alone in coping with downturn
By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 25 November 2008 1003 hrs

No money to pump into local economy say so lah, becos you lost it all elsewhere and have to take from locals again. As usual.

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the country cannot simply stimulate demand during this time of crisis by raising government spending.

While that may be what other countries are doing to stem the downturn, Mr Lee said it cannot work for Singapore because of its small economy.

Mr Lee made the point during a dialogue session with business leaders in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Monday.

PM Lee said Singapore is watching what other governments are doing around the world to deal with the financial crisis.

And he noted that each government is adapting and improvising as they go along because the current economic slump is unprecedented.

When asked what strategies Singapore has to deal with the problem, the Prime Minister outlined several measures in place, including helping the low income and ramping up training to help Singaporeans secure jobs.

Mr Lee said: "In a big economy, you can boost consumption. The government gives money, people spend it and it's spent within the economy. Most of it stays in, a little bit of it leaks out. You get a multiplier and the economic activity goes up.

“In Singapore if people spend money, most of the money goes overseas because we are so open and most of the demand is abroad. Most of the money we spend is spent on things which come from abroad so it's not possible for us to pump- prime the economy in the same way that other governments do. But there are other things we can do (such as) reducing costs and helping citizens directly.”

What about the so called INVESTMENTS OVERSEAS? Lost money liao, talkcock. Might just as well invest locally?

PM Lee also explained the thinking behind the government's recent move to support an additional S$2.3 billion in loans to help local firms gain access to credit.

He continued: "In a downturn, in an uncertain period, all banks become more cautious because they have to be. And when they become more cautious, the small companies, the SMEs have the greatest difficulties.

“Therefore we have had schemes which co-share the risk of banks lending to small companies. The government takes on a significant part of the risk and the banks make the evaluation so that the banks don't just make loans and pass the problem to the government.

Mr Lee hinted at more help for businesses in areas such as rental and wage costs to be announced at the upcoming Budget which has been brought forward to January.

But the key message behind the initiatives is to show Singaporeans they are not alone in coping with the downturn.

The Prime Minister said: "I think one more very important thing apart from specific measures is to maintain confidence and make sure people know that they are not in this alone. The government is helping them.

“That they have to work together to deal with the problem and they also have to make maximum efforts because you cannot just sit there and wait and be carried along to have the problem solved. You have to make your own effort and that's the political responsibility of the government.”

Mr Lee's bilateral visit to Brazil is also an attempt at further diversifying Singapore's economic linkages. Although Brazil is Singapore's second largest trading partner in Latin America, both sides said there's definitely more room for growth.

Mr Lee is now in Brasilia where he'll meet Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva. Both sides are expected to sign separate agreements on Wednesday in the areas of air services, science and technology as well as trade and investment. - CNA/vm


I just don understand, if singapore economy is so small . Why are we paying you and your team so much money to manage singapore ? Where did we get so much money amounting to billion to invest overseas in the 1st place ? Is the reserve fake ?

Singapore economy is too small ????????????????????????????????? Just cant understand !


While that may be what other countries are doing to stem the downturn, Mr Lee said it cannot work for Singapore because of its small economy.

Now he says Singapore has a small economy but strange we did not hear him say so when he justified their obscene salaries.

Mr Lee said: "In a big economy, you can boost consumption. The government gives money, people spend it and it's spent within the economy. Most of it stays in, a little bit of it leaks out. You get a multiplier and the economic activity goes up.

In Singapore if people spend money, most of the money goes overseas because we are so open and most of the demand is abroad. Most of the money we spend is spent on things which come from abroad so it's not possible for us to pump- prime the economy in the same way that other governments do.

So is he dishing out a tight slap on the face of wooden Goh who called on Singaporeans to spend to stimulate the economy?



“In Singapore if people spend money, most of the money goes overseas because we are so open and most of the demand is abroad. Most of the money we spend is spent on things which come from abroad so it's not possible for us to pump- prime the economy in the same way that other governments do. But there are other things we can do (such as) reducing costs and helping citizens directly.”

That ass hole finally learnt something from the Sammyboy.Com people who kept fucking his ass hole day in day out all these years. This is what we had fucked GCT during those days they were squandering on so called infrastructure buildings.

They got it now, but too late.


Now he says Singapore has a small economy but strange we did not hear him say so when he justified their obscene salaries.

So is he dishing out a tight slap on the face of wooden Goh who called on Singaporeans to spend to stimulate the economy?

The problem with white scums is there are plenty of MM, SM, PM, MP all speaking to the 154th media that only report them good. If peasant wanna ask question, there's no chance to...


That ass hole finally learnt something from the Sammyboy.Com people who kept fucking his ass hole day in day out all these years. This is what we had fucked GCT during those days they were squandering on so called infrastructure buildings.

They got it now, but too late.
Well , when you award construction tender ....... award to local tender ! Not foriegn construction company. Help local become SATO KYgyo ....... Help local construction so that they can compete with international builders. Like tunneling project .... etc etc ........

Local may not have technical expertise, that what Temesak can do with all the money. Buy up foreign company and pass their technical know how to local so that local construction can compete with others. You cant always ask GLC come in and compete directly with small businesses. They must build up core base before they can compete. It time to build on local enterprise. Take out the GLC and ask them to compete globally.

Dan Now

Heya Yorker :smile:

Allow me to transalate the crap state media report to something more comprehensible. PAP Propaganda at its best, let's decipher it together shall we ?


By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 25 November 2008 1003 hrs

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the country cannot simply stimulate demand during this time of crisis by raising government spending.

( Yes, but raising salary going against the global trend in setting record benchmark is a can do ? )

While that may be what other countries are doing to stem the downturn, Mr Lee said it cannot work for Singapore because of its small economy.

( Oh ? Changing goal post again ? But your daddy say Singapore is a 4 trillion dollar economy. You mean your wife lost so much money lately that we have suddenly become small ? )

Mr Lee made the point during a dialogue session with business leaders in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Monday.

( Why didn't you bring daddy along ? I am sure they would to see him more then you. )

PM Lee said Singapore is watching what other governments are doing around the world to deal with the financial crisis.

( Yes, basically waiting to copy ideas. Whatever happen to your talk about Singapore's most talented talents who could even prevent moses from parting the sea ? Why the humble pie now Ah Loong San ? )

And he noted that each government is adapting and improvising as they go along because the current economic slump is unprecedented.

( He hasn't been reading the papers about what Gordon Brown and Obama is going to do ? First he says, other countries are going to spend on infrastruture building in a bid to stimulate growth, now he says other countries are adapting ? So what the hell are you saying ? )

When asked what strategies Singapore has to deal with the problem, the Prime Minister outlined several measures in place, including helping the low income and ramping up training to help Singaporeans secure jobs.

( Whats the point of securing jobs when the GLC and Temasek which your family rans is the FIRST to retrench workers thru DBS and NOL ? Is that a strategy ? )

Mr Lee said: "In a big economy, you can boost consumption. The government gives money, people spend it and it's spent within the economy. Most of it stays in, a little bit of it leaks out. You get a multiplier and the economic activity goes up.

( Yes, we don't need your economic 101 lessons here. You are addressing world leaders, not school students. Wah lau. )

“In Singapore if people spend money, most of the money goes overseas because we are so open and most of the demand is abroad. Most of the money we spend is spent on things which come from abroad so it's not possible for us to pump- prime the economy in the same way that other governments do. But there are other things we can do (such as) reducing costs and helping citizens directly.”

( Such a NONSENSICAL crap statement. Who are you trying to kid ? The world economy is linked la. Everything the whole world buys does not need to come from its country. Even China is not self sufficient now. Wah lau eh... So Ah Loong, you help citizens directly by doing what ? Increasing your own pay and hike GST ? Kudos ! )

PM Lee also explained the thinking behind the government's recent move to support an additional S$2.3 billion in loans to help local firms gain access to credit.

( You mean to inject the money into Temasek Holdings and other humbug government linked companies ? We all know what LOCAL companies means okay. )

He continued: "In a downturn, in an uncertain period, all banks become more cautious because they have to be. And when they become more cautious, the small companies, the SMEs have the greatest difficulties.

( Oh man here we go again. Lecture time zzz )

“Therefore we have had schemes which co-share the risk of banks lending to small companies. The government takes on a significant part of the risk and the banks make the evaluation so that the banks don't just make loans and pass the problem to the government.

( How strange your mind works Ah Loong, didn't the various Temasek link company made losses ? Who garuntees their performance and soundness of their decsions ? One standard for others ? Another one for your family ? We all know that Temasek and GLC problems are pass directly to the citizens. So who are you kidding ? )

Mr Lee hinted at more help for businesses in areas such as rental and wage costs to be announced at the upcoming Budget which has been brought forward to January.

( Is Teasing part of the PAPies culture now ? I mean are we fans of Monkey Peep shows ? Or are you simply saying that you are going to move more FTs into Singapore and quickly make them citizens, so that the citizens do not take you into account in the coming elections ? )

But the key message behind the initiatives is to show Singaporeans they are not alone in coping with the downturn.

( You said you are not going to spend on an economic stimulus package. Now you say that there are initiatives to help Singaporeans ? Would you please make up your mind ? )

The Prime Minister said: "I think one more very important thing apart from specific measures is to maintain confidence and make sure people know that they are not in this alone. The government is helping them.

( Yes, help us by increasing the GST to 10 percent ? Help us with more price Hikes ? Help us with having more FTs to be in Singapore ? Help us by increasing your own pay ? Help us with what ??? Damn I would love to believe you, but we all know when the PAP helps, its an open invitation of MORE HELL to come. So sorry ar no thanks. I rather you stop helping and mind your own business. )

“That they have to work together to deal with the problem and they also have to make maximum efforts because you cannot just sit there and wait and be carried along to have the problem solved. You have to make your own effort and that's the political responsibility of the government.”

( Oh gee, so now the citizens must ran the government for you now and you are pushing away your responsibilities ? I thought Solving problems is what we got for footing the bill of your salary. And please Mr. Loong have more respect for your citizens. No one is sitting around doing nothing. Do not chacracter assinatate your citizens in front of the world. If we have been sitting around, how do you explain our unemployment figures which is the lowest in the world. NOT THAT YOU HAVE WELFARE SCHEMES to take care of us in the first place. )

Mr Lee's bilateral visit to Brazil is also an attempt at further diversifying Singapore's economic linkages. Although Brazil is Singapore's second largest trading partner in Latin America, both sides said there's definitely more room for growth.

( LINKAGE ? You mean leakage ? Bring more Singapore money thru Temasek and invest in crap companies there ? So spending on our citizens is a no go, but you would allow Temasek and other GLC to keeping bringing money OUT OF SINGAPORE ? Is that a Strategy Mr Loong ? )

Mr Lee is now in Brasilia where he'll meet Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva. Both sides are expected to sign separate agreements on Wednesday in the areas of air services, science and technology as well as trade and investment. - CNA/vm[/quote]
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Local may not have technical expertise, that what Temesak can do with all the money. Buy up foreign company and pass their technical know how to local so that local construction can compete with others. You cant always ask GLC come in and compete directly with small businesses. They must build up core base before they can compete. It time to build on local enterprise. Take out the GLC and ask them to compete globally.

LKY's thinking is that local CMI and he need some scholars with academic excellence to lead the charge. And he think he is right or his lackeys have to make him look right.

That's what we see those scholars led GLC are doing well local but when venture oversea, they fumbled and some were BIG! But he cannot be wrong after all his son and lackey had to preserve his reputation as "great founding father" on the red dot.

Dan Now

What about the thousands upon thousands of FTs here who have been remiting money back to their homeland ?

And Ah Loong, YOU worry that Singaporean spending would lead to a LEAKAGE ? OH MY WAH LAU EH. This is surely the NEWEST LOW OF THE BAR WHICH THE PAP CRAP LOGIC HAVE DIP TO THE LOWEST OF LOW. A world record in moronic logic have been set by the PAPies today again.

3 Cheers for the Cheng Hu who won't do anything for us and are running out of ideas.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is nice to see sinkies getting screwed. Dun blamed the PAP, it is you sinkies that vote for them. Just swalllow and deserve it.


The problem with white scums is there are plenty of MM, SM, PM, MP all speaking to the 154th media that only report them good. If peasant wanna ask question, there's no chance to...

What I will never understand is, given all the publicity they are getting in the press showing one contradicting another, and even cases where same person contradicts himself, that there are so many people out there who do not see through all their double talk and still vote them back into power.

Have these people lost their ability to think and question these so-called demi gods? All I hear from these people are the same rhetorics - "The PAP has delivered in the past"; "No credible opposition", as though the PAP themselves are credible. The PAP are just loud mouths, who like gangsters, have the brute force of the law in their pockets.


What I will never understand is, given all the publicity they are getting in the press showing one contradicting another, and even cases where same person contradicts himself, that there are so many people out there who do not see through all their double talk and still vote them back into power.

Have these people lost their ability to think and question these so-called demi gods? All I hear from these people are the same rhetorics - "The PAP has delivered in the past"; "No credible opposition", as though the PAP themselves are credible. The PAP are just loud mouths, who like gangsters, have the brute force of the law in their pockets.

not everyone can see the contradicting views. those who see it has very limited avenues to point it out to educate the general public. this forum is one of the few remaining avenues but they try to populate to spoilers.

many cannot and does not have the ability to migrate or uproot and leave. in short, they r stuck. the rulers employ fear tactics on the hand that feeds them; ISA, threats to replace livelihood with FTs, public undermining of people who oppose them and shameless propaganda about their own greatness while moving on with their glaring boo-boos.

thus, the population is silent, resigned to the fact that their leaders r peddling them to foreign corporations like cheap whores, working us to our deaths (thus no time to make babies) for a fraction of the price.:( where else can u find third-world priced prostitutes like us, in a first world country???

oh yes, we sillyporeans r genetically re-engineered to be born balless. so, dont bother. there r not enough balls out there to start a revolution.


We don't give $$$ becos...


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Singapore cannot practice the crutch mentality. Giving out money is giving out fishes, not teaching you how to fish. And if you just spend it, then there is no multiplier effect.
Our leaders are right!


Alfrescian (Inf)
PM Lee assures S'poreans they're not alone in coping with downturn
By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 25 November 2008 1003 hrs

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the country cannot simply stimulate demand during this time of crisis by raising government spending.
- CNA/vm

Like I said before, the messages are just repetition from the past. Our govt has no strategy and prefer to be see how other countries solve their problem. I don't get to see the whole team of pap people moving forward except a couple of them talking rhetoric by self praising and peasant criticing.

Singapore is the only country led by world highly paid retard.


not everyone can see the contradicting views. those who see it has very limited avenues to point it out to educate the general public. this forum is one of the few remaining avenues but they try to populate to spoilers.

many cannot and does not have the ability to migrate or uproot and leave. in short, they r stuck. the rulers employ fear tactics on the hand that feeds them; ISA, threats to replace livelihood with FTs, public undermining of people who oppose them and shameless propaganda about their own greatness while moving on with their glaring boo-boos.

thus, the population is silent, resigned to the fact that their leaders r peddling them to foreign corporations like cheap whores, working us to our deaths (thus no time to make babies) for a fraction of the price.:( where else can u find third-world priced prostitutes like us, in a first world country???

oh yes, we sillyporeans r genetically re-engineered to be born balless. so, dont bother. there r not enough balls out there to start a revolution.

Being born balless is one thing but being brainless in allowing the evil perpetuating itself is another. One has to wake up to the fact that if they do not act to release themselves from the clutches of evil then they are responsible for their own and their future generation's sufferings.

To surrender their lives and that of their future generations to perpetual damnation is just plain stupidity and the situation is just going to get worse for all of us as time passes.