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Philippines: Muslims murder 14 people in jihad suicide bombings in front of grocery store and computer shop (Why they keep happening?)


These attacks happen so often, in so many countries around the world, that most people are inured to them. They’re just the way things are. That’s one of the main reasons why they keep happening.

“Twin bombs in Philippines kill at least 14, blamed on Islamic State-linked rebels,” Associated Press, August 24, 2020:

Muslim militants allied with Islamic State set off a powerful motorcycle explosive followed by a suicide bombing that together killed 14 people on Monday, many of them soldiers, in the worst extremist attack in the Philippines this year, military officials said.

At least 75 soldiers, police and civilians were wounded in the midday bombings in Jolo town in southern Sulu province, regional military commander Lieutenant General Corleto Vinluan said. The bombings were staged as the government grapples with the highest number of coronavirus infections in Southeast Asia.

Vinluan said most of the victims, including children, were killed and wounded in the first attack, when a bomb attached to a motorcycle exploded near two parked army trucks in front of a grocery store and computer shop in Jolo.

“It was a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device which exploded while our soldiers were on a marketing run,” Vinluan told reporters.

A second blast, apparently from a female suicide attacker, occurred about an hour later and killed the bomber, a soldier, a police commando and wounded several others, a military report said. The suspected bomber walked out of a snack shop, approached soldiers who were securing a Roman Catholic cathedral and “suddenly blew herself up”.

Snipers were deployed in the area to guard against more bombers as the victims were carried to an ambulance.

A third unexploded bomb was reportedly found in a public market. Jolo was immediately placed in a security lockdown by troops and police….

syed putra

Its becayse the region has no work. No economy to speak of. Only way to eat is go join the terrorist groups or separatist. The leaders of these groups have access to funds whether its saudi or even malaysia.