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Pfizer jab deadlier than AstraZeneca across Europe – leaked study


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Have you had any of the vaccines?
Whats NZ vaccine plan? Very low vaccination rate?

I'm too scared... not of dying but from growing hairy eyeballs because of the mRNA induced spikes on my cornea.


This is more scary than the disease!!!!!
Fresh from the "masks don't work" to the "masks do work" pivot, you are now back to smearing vaccines. Boy, you will try anything to invite debate and attention...

Anyway, nothing scary about the report, so no need to put 5 exclamations to make it sound serious to attract attention.:roflmao: 24 alleged deaths (doubtful if caused by vaccination) in 1 million doses is nothing compared to over 400 yearly deaths from taking paracetamol (panadol). People die from various causes. That's a fact. Strange to note that some people, in this day and age, still thinks vaccinations kill and masks don't work.

Interesting to note too: No matter how "sensational" conspiracy theories are or how backward-thinking anti-vaxxers like SOS, Laksaboy and the gang yap on and on and posts fervently about how dangerous vaccines are, nothing ever sticks because truth always prevails over lies. The fact remains: Vaccinations protect 95% and downgrades the disease to a mild form so people will not die or get seriously ill. 3 billion people around the world have been vaccinated including over half of sinkees. Herd immunity is imminent. Nothing changes. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
there’s a 3rd jab trial underway with moderna. whether you have j&j (1 jab) or pfizer (2 jabs) previously, you qualify. trial data and results will be out in 6.9 weeks. 3rd (mrna) jab is aimed at q4 2021 mass rollout for potential ccp virus resurgence. also in the pipeline: more shit cumming out of prc after ccp spy chief defects to u.s. and spills the beans of massive ccp coverup.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Interesting to note too: No matter how "sensational" conspiracy theories are or how backward-thinking anti-vaxxers like SOS, Laksaboy and the gang yap on and on and posts fervently about how dangerous vaccines are, nothing ever sticks because truth always prevails over lies. The fact remains: Vaccinations protect 95% and downgrades the disease to a mild form so people will not die or get seriously ill. 3 billion people around the world have been vaccinated including over half of sinkees. Herd immunity is imminent. Nothing changes. :biggrin:

The immediate effect of the vaccines is that they prevent Covid or make it a lot milder. However the long term effect could be absolutely disastrous and nobody can claim otherwise because the future has not happened yet.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
And because the future has not happened yet it could also be that there is no long term adverse problem with the vaccine.

I am sure when people first tried eating things like Durian there were people saying that after eating it you will die or something too. Lol! Durian fruit first sight doesnt look like something edible. And the fruit itself the smell turns some off putrid they say. So who first ate durian?

Vaccine takers are risk takers.

It could very well be the biggest medical disaster in human history. True. But we dont know yet.

For those of you who are scared and wont take it are you hoping you are correct and billions die or suffer so you are correct and say heng ar see i clever those people all so fucking dumb serve them right? That's what is going on in your mind?

Or do you hope you yourselves are wrong and the vaccine turns out to be safe long term and we finally defeated covid? But then you will be wrong and eat humble pie?

I'm taking the attenuated virus vaccine. The rest of my family has taken the mRNA. I sincerely hope nothing happens long term as it would mean losing my loved ones.

If it does I'll have to tell them before they go "I told you not to take that shit.".

If I catch Covid and end up in ICU they'll be saying "I told you mRNA is far better.".


And because the future has not happened yet it could also be that there is no long term adverse problem with the vaccine.

I am sure when people first tried eating things like Durian there were people saying that after eating it you will die or something too. Lol! Durian fruit first sight doesnt look like something edible. And the fruit itself the smell turns some off putrid they say. So who first ate durian?

Vaccine takers are risk takers.

It could very well be the biggest medical disaster in human history. True. But we dont know yet.

For those of you who are scared and wont take it are you hoping you are correct and billions die or suffer so you are correct and say heng ar see i clever those people all so fucking dumb serve them right? That's what is going on in your mind?

Or do you hope you yourselves are wrong and the vaccine turns out to be safe long term and we finally defeated covid? But then you will be wrong and eat humble pie?
Bro, you must be dreaming of durian. I mean the real fresh ones found here and not the frozen type found in supermarkets in Canada. :biggrin:


The immediate effect of the vaccines is that they prevent Covid or make it a lot milder. However the long term effect could be absolutely disastrous and nobody can claim otherwise because the future has not happened yet.
Don't worry. The kind of research, thought and stringent testing that go into making the vaccines are much more substantial than you think. It makes no sense however way you look at it, either in the business sense or otherwise to be taking risks with people's lives. It does nobody any good. The researchers involved in the vaccine are not the low-IQ type of people that sit behind a keyboard and type nonsense like SOS, Laksaboy and the entire gang of assorted nuts here. :rolleyes:


Lol. I am not a foodie.

The frozen durian is actually pretty good. Maybe cos nothing else to compare with. Haha.

Someho durian popped in my mind. Other fruits would be soursop. Mangosteen. I remember reading before people thought tomatoes were poisonous.

And god knows who were those who ate puffer fish first?
I lived in Toronto for a while with a relative and absolutely hated how Asian food tasted... Frozen durian tastes like shit and doesn't do justice to how fresh durians taste. No wonder the locals dislike it. Even the peanut sauce that came with the "satay" tastes like peanut butter. Yucks!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Don't worry. The kind of research, thought and stringent testing that go into making the vaccines are much more substantial than you think. It makes no sense however way you look at it, either in the business sense or otherwise to be taking risks with people's lives. It does nobody any good. The researchers involved in the vaccine are not the low-IQ type of people that sit behind a keyboard and type nonsense like SOS, Laksaboy and the entire gang of assorted nuts here. :rolleyes:

How many of those vaccine manufacturers have a waiver on liability?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Yeah. Most of us doctors are good people. Sure we are no genius and rely on good data and research from our colleagues. But we trust one another as a team on the whole. It is always about weighig benefits vs risks. As people on the frontline we see the results and complications too. So it is a feedback system.

I often hear people saying pharma controls doctors. It doesnt actually. Especially when it comes to recommending things that have MORE HARM than good. That one no way. But recommending stuff that may not have as good benefits as they say yes many instances but later eventually corrected.

The true people who control and influence are those so called "guideline committees". Group of specialists sitting around a table and deciding what to write in a guideline. Does pharma influence yes it can with sending some specialists who do research for them. Which is why the make up of the committee is important. Good to have some family doctors and other specialists from other specialties giving their views.

But it is political. Those senior drs will always have more say. And you dont really want to make enemies of people who might influence on your licensing and whether college audits you and makes your life difficult.

Same with covid. In many countries the decisions are all made by ONE dr. The public health person. I find this a bit too limited. But again political cos the public health guy is also heavily influenced by his or her boss the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister or Premier.

My point is you either trust the medical profession or you dont. You have to decidem if you dont trust then dont go doctor! I hate it when people come to us for help and then argue that we dont know what we are doing and try to teach us to do different.

Please lah. If you dont believe dont agree just go DIY. Or find some rogue dr who will just do whay you want. Can find one. They wont be mainstream for obvious reasons but you ask around can find them one.

I don't trust the system because I was almost a Thalidomide victim.


Hmm i would invite you to Calgary.

The best SG food is the one my wife cooks using Thermomix recipes.

There are some pretty good Cantonese cuisine reataurants here.

The frozen durian they even have mao shan wang although i havent tried.

When were you in Toronto? Maybe quality has improved now since the market is not for the whites but the immigrants.

Durian.. prc and hongkie dont eat. Indian? Not really. So market very small lah.

You go anywhere market small usually means no interest to bring in. Not to mention good quality high value $$ stuff. Order ship in and throw away? Not good business.
In the early 2000s.


In 2016 i visited Quebec and Toronto. We went to the so called good asian restaurants in Montreal amd found the food sucked. Lol!

Toronto was better. All chinese restaurant.

Didnt see any like SG Malaysian type cuisine.

The Banana Leaf Tropical here in Calgary has Malaysian food. Roti Canai which is the closest to roti prata we can find. Laksa (their laksa not like sg nonya one). Chicken rice.....now i have yet to go to a restaurant and have good chicken rice. All their so called hainanese chicken rice sucks.

There is another outlet called Tropical Delights which is a small take out shop in Hidden Valley in Calgary. Run by Brunei immigrants. Again the food cannot lah. I dunno why but the laksa always is too watery and spicy no coconut milk very oily. And when they fry kway teow no wok hei. Same goes for the curry for the roti canai

Interestingly we have found some chinese restaurants able to do fried rice noodlea (flat) that turns out a flavoruful variation of Char Kway Teow

Pad thai is another possibility.

If you want something asian in western country i would suggest Vietnamese. The Pho and subs usually good lah.

My guess is immigrants from our ASEAN region tend to be professionals not cooks or restaurateurs. But out of necessity they turn to running F&B. Not many also. Most go do professional white collar work eventually.

Whereas with Vietnamese i am sure many among the boat people were really good cooks running away for their lives. Then setup and passed down the recipes to their children

So vietnamese food always got a standard. Otherwise they cannot compete.

But yeah. Best sg malaysia food is at my house.
The relative of mine owns an Asian restaurant and he's a great cook. Anyway, I think for Asian foodfare, I would prefer to eat those found in Vancouver.


Your relative's restaurant is what kind of cuisine?

Yes. That's where the market is. Lots of Asians.

But that's food lah. As you know there are pros and cons living where lots of asians are.

I actually think Vancouver probably very similar to SG and HK. Lots of Asians. Expensive housing. Flashy sports cars.

I wonder what people do for work though. Realtors? Lol!
Asian restaurant. Toronto is full of Asians as well, but I much prefer British Columbia because it's more scenic. Calgary sounds nice but I didn't get to go there. Heard it's really cold out there. :biggrin:

I am really more at home in SG and BKK. If Sam can track locations, he'll probably know where I am connecting from now.:wink: I am more suited for the "local" life...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Asian restaurant. Toronto is full of Asians as well, but I much prefer British Columbia because it's more scenic. Calgary sounds nice but I didn't get to go there. Heard it's really cold out there. :biggrin:

I am really more at home in SG and BKK. If Sam can track locations, he'll probably know where I am connecting from now.:wink: I am more suited for the "local" life...
Are you near Hua Chiew?