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PAP's Broken Promises


Alfrescian (Inf)
Source: The Real Singapore

Post date: 3 Jan 2015 - 11:42am


It was regression all the way from the year 1985 as mentioned in previous articles published by TRE. LKY thought he was the driver for our Singapore’s success and so did many. Without his “old work-horses” (his chauffeurs in the past), he thought he could do the same with this new younger team. How wrong he was. He thought with his ‘intelligence’, he could drive the new “young team” to a greater height. Unfortunately, it was not to be. The new PAP team now is performing worse than his old team. This can be seen in the percentage of valid votes PAP garnered in the last GE. It obtained the lowest result at 60% since the independence of Singapore.

To achieve success, PAP now has to resort to getting in more foreign workforce. All that was achieved in the past will slowly disintegrate into mere nothing.

Citizenry becomes a second priority. Priority is “economic growth”. But then, who are the ones benefiting from such economic growth in Singapore? The PMET who is now forced to drive a taxi making $1,500 a month for driving 12 hours a day? Or the grassroots leader who obtains a nice contract from the town council?

Today, more Singaporeans are being replaced by the foreign counterparts. Singapore has become a nation for ‘everybody’ with foreign imports crowding an already crowded island. Some joker even said that Singapore can accommodate 10 million people! The Singapore identity is in danger of losing itself. The ‘so-called’ true blue Singaporeans will be extinct in the next century or may be earlier.

The extracts below were taken to remind us the ‘broken promises’ (30 years ago) they made. It also showed how good they are in making ‘nonsensical’ speeches.

If we don’t do anything and continue to let PAP lead us, we will surely be going off the cliff cause we have nowhere else to go except downwards.

Extracts (Pre-’84 election – GE was held on 22 December 1984)

Singapore Monitor – Afternoon Edition, 10 December 1984, Page 2

The People’s Action Party (PAP) leadership cannot allow power to pass on by default to “old faithfuls of past battles,” says Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew as he surveys the political scene in Singapore.

“We have also resisted the temptation, and the pressure, to fill up Parliament with party loyalists,” he says, “We have to field the best that Singapore has.”

‘We have the core of a credible Cabinet. Our younger leaders are men of ability, integrity and commitment. They have gained experience and confidence.

We want to fill out the team in the next elections. The search is now very thorough. We need men with undoubted integrity, well-rounded abilities, stable characters, and a deep commitment to Singapore.’

So, where have these so-called ‘able’ young leaders brought us? PMETs driving taxis and becoming security guards?

Singapore Monitor, 14 December 1984, Page 2

The younger PAP leaders’ vision for Singapore’s future, mapped out in their Agenda for Action, is not an empty promise made at an election.

This was stated by Dr Tony Tan, Minister for Trade and Industry and Finance at a PAP rally last night in Toa Payoh.

Dr Tan said: “We make no empty promises in this election. We do not paint an Utopia which cannot be achieved but we believe that with good leadership, with hard work, with your cooperation we can make our vision come true,” he said to the constituents of Khe Bong and Kuo Chuan at Lorong Four Toa Payoh.

He said the vision for the future was a collective effort by the younger PAP leaders.

So, are we having a Swiss standard of living now, the utopia painted by Tony Tan’s colleague Goh Chok Tong? Instead, as reported by TRE in one of its articles, we now see long queue of people queuing up for cheap $2 meals at hawker centres.

The Business Times, 10 December 1984, Page 1

His successor must also be able to fend for himself because, as Mr Lee pointed out: “I won’t be in Parliament to support him.”

Mr Lee’s comments on the succession issue came in the transcript of a wide-ranging interview he gave to Louis Kraar of the American magazine, Fortune.

On his plans after he retires as Prime Minister in 1988, Mr Lee said: “If the presidency were open, I would not rule it out.”​

LKY’s successors, Goh Chok Tong and his son Lee Hsien Loong, did not fend for themselves. GCT had LKY inside the Cabinet with him when he was the PM and LHL had both LKY and GCT with him. It’s only after 2011 GE when Singaporeans got angry that LKY and GCT resigned from the Cabinet.

In a way, you can say that LHL only fend for himself after 2011, when LKY and GCT quit the Cabinet. But look what has become of Singapore these days!


Based on all that I know about the PAP especially under LKY, many are bootlickers and, naïve and daft followers.

His son is a complete failure. No need to know why. Just look around us everyday. He has said he was fortunate to have had 20 years of apprenticeship before heading the Cabinet. May be he need another 20 years more?

In any case, Singaporeans can forget about the 5Cs we aspired to have in the past. These are now replaced by a new 5Cs proposed by GCT in 2010:


5 Singapore achieved rapid economic growth through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Incomes went up. So did the aspirations of the young. By the 90’s, the Singapore Dream had been elevated to the 5 Cs – cash, credit cards,car, condominium, and country club membership. Owning a HDB flat was the norm. So Singaporeans dreamt of owning condominiums. They also wanted to join country clubs to enjoy a genteel lifestyle.

12 Tonight, whatever your age, I encourage you to spin your dreams. My own dream now is not about my own future. It is about the future of Singapore. If I have to reinvent the 5Cs, my dream is to help create the conditions for a generation of Singaporeans to have a good Career, live inComfort, surrounded by Children, and be Considerate and Charitable.

Just on the first ‘C’ – Career alone, I don’t think we can even hope to have that nowadays. I just hope that they don’t relax the rules further to even let FTs drive our taxis!

I draw my own conclusion, you draw yours.


*Edmund is a retiree who loves to use the internet and go to the library to research old articles about Singapore.

End Of Article​

Reader's comment:

Wil Ball · Top Commenter
Already FT driving buses. I think it's a matter of time. singaporesn will become second class citizens



Le Kapitan got thinking late at night while lying on his bed
That he and his motley crew have been giving so much aid
Why do people still worry more about being sick than dead
Perhaps what's blocking his view is that lanjiao on his head :biggrin:


Excellent gif! :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Le Kapitan got thinking late at night while lying on his bed
That he and his motley crew have been giving so much aid
Why do people still worry more about being sick than dead
Perhaps what's blocking his view is that lanjiao on his head :biggrin:

Was abit puzzle and wonder what lj you are talking about when reading ode to the seaman's son....
Now I know :biggrin: