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PAP vs WP's AHPETC Thread


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

I say he is a ghost writer because roads are not maintained by a town council.

Simply put. The TC maintains areas owned by HDB. Roads are under LTA and LTA maintains them. TC also does not maintain parks under Nparks.

If only he had said "carparks".

Kovan melody is private estate. Same road with the father son who were murdered by mat polis. Private estate residents should chase after sembcorp or LTA for their estate cleanliness as they didn't pay any fee to town council.

Stupig papig supporters.:oIo:


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

That sounds disgusting. Why wait till the stench fill the air or for mp to show up. If lau kok Kok is civil minded he should qut his day job n make cleaning his lifetime ambition. The society should send Lau kok kok to boot camp so he can b properly educated. If he don't public stoning till death is recommened.

You don't believe you ask Sideswipe. He and his platoon of grassroot leaders are what's left to defend the constituency from devolving into a slum. They are young everyday heroes making a difference to residence. Can hear alot of noise from the RCs? Not because they singing karaoke, but they are using music to cover the arguments among themselves whether to tell the truth about their personal sacrifice. Thanks to Mr Lau they need not be modest any more.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: AHPETC’s Problems Traced Back To AIM Deal

Managed to find the removed PAP mis-AIMed, faces blowback Part 1 this forum :eek::biggrin:, here it is.

For the record. No amount of political oppression in the form of legal intimidation can erase a piece of information once it's launched in cyberspace.

PAP mis-AIMed, faces blowback, Part 1

<small class="entry-meta" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5em; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); display: block; ">Published <abbr class="published" title="2012-12-21T00:57:02+0000" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-size: 0.9em; letter-spacing: 0.07em; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; ">21 December 2012</abbr> politics and government 160 Comments

I am a little surprised the story about town council computer and financial systems is not getting as much traction as I think it deserves. Perhaps with the Michael Palmer affair, workers going on strike and climbing cranes, and now a school principal being investigated for corruption, it just got buried by more attention-grabbing news.

However, my sense is that this has the potential to be a big story, causing enormous damage to the People’s Action Party (PAP). Possibly too, the Workers’ Party knows more than they are revealing.

From what has been disclosed so far, it shows the PAP to be a party that is determined to leave a trail of destruction, crippling the state if need be — to hell with the citizens! — should it be forced to leave power. It is contrary to the spirit of democracy and any shred of good governance.

It began with the government trying to be too smart for its own good. The Ministry of National Development said, in its latest Town Council Management Review, that Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) got a red score — the worst band — over its management of arrears of service and conservancy charges. Its score for corporate governance was shown in the review as “pending”, with the explanation that “Aljunied-Hougang TC has yet to submit their auditor’s Management Letter, which is material to the banding of the corporate governance indicator”. Everyone knew what the message was: that the Workers’ Party, which runs AHTC, is incompetent. Many in the PAP must have been gleeful for the chance to take this potshot at the Workers’ Party.

On 14 December 2012, Sylvia Lim, chair of AHTC — she is also chair of the Workers’ Party — issued a statement that attributed difficulties faced by ATHC to the sudden withdrawal of the provider of computer and financial systems just after the party took over the running of the town council. She said:

After the [general election] in May 2011, the Town Council was served with a notice that the Town Council’s Computer and Financial Systems will be terminated with effect from 1 August 2011 due to material changes to the membership of the Town Council. This Computer and Financial Systems had been developed jointly by the 14 PAP Town Councils over a period of more than 15 months but was in January 2011 sold to and leased back from M/s Action Information Management Pte Ltd, a company which was dormant. This effectively meant that ATHC had to develop its own equivalent systems, in particular a Financial System, within a 2 months’ timeframe.

A few days later Action Information Management (AIM) tried to defend itself by saying that it would have continued to extend the lease of the systems to the town council if WP had asked for it.

But yesterday, AIM’s chairman S. Chandra Das said in a letter to The Straits Times: “If AHTC had asked for a longer extension, AIM would have similarly agreed. However, after the second extension, AHTC did not ask for further extension.”

The first extension was until Aug 31 and the next, until Sept 9, added Mr Chandra Das.
Last night, Ms Lim said the first extension was achieved through an intermediary, who said the extra month had to be “fought for”.

She said: “We were certainly not given to understand that there could be any extension after this.”
– Straits Times, 18 Dec 2012, WP, computer firm argue over lease

The name Chandra Das would ring a bell: he was a former PAP member of parliament. In fact, it was soon revealed that AIM”s three directors were all former PAP MPs: Chandra Das, Chew Heng Ching and Lau Ping Sum.

Then — I think it was TR Emeritus which broke the story — it was revealed that AIM had a paid-up capital of only $2. Chandra Das and Lau each owned one share (of $1). The company’s registered office (at 36 Robinson Road #17-01, City House, Singapore 068877) was also a shell office.

As Sylvia Lim pointed out, the questions have to be: Why did the PAP Town Councils relinquish ownership of the computer and financial system, and how much did they sell it to AIM for? It was probably developed with taxpayer money by the 14 town councils, with much input and support from tax-payer-paid town council staff, unless — and it is hard to believe — the PAP paid for the development of the system.

What is even more curious is that the service agreement with AIM allows AIM to terminate the contract with only one month’s notice should there be a material change to the composition of the town council. As Sylvia Lim asked: “How is it in the public interest to have such a thing?” (ibid).

The carcass smells even worse than a week’s garbage lying in the hot sun.

Any half-lucid observer will see it for what it is: an attempt by the PAP to plant booby-traps to snare opposition parties when they win a constituency and take over the town council. But they have done this in ways that raise troubling questions about the possibility of breach of trust.

  • What price was it sold to AIM for? How was that price arrived at?
  • Was there competitive tendering?
  • In discharging their duty as town councillors, how is acting for partisan advantage in the best interest of the residents of the constituency? Shouldn’t they be acting to ensure the continuation of the town council systems?
If a financial controller of a company created some mechanism that ensured that, upon his departure from the company, the financial system of the company would break down, would he not be prosecuted for criminal breach of trust?

If, as they claim, our Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and Attorney-General’s Chambers are independent institutions, we should expect them to mount an investigation immediately.

Aljunied was a PAP ward before May 2011. I assume it was among the 14 PAP Town Councils that participated and paid for the development of the system. If so, there should be information in its accounts indicating how much its share of costs was. There should also be records in its minutes of meetings from before and around January 2011 pertaining to the sale of the system to AIM. Surely, PAP-run Aljunied would have been consulted and its agreement sought.

This is why I think the Workers’ Party may know more than it is currently prepared to reveal.

On the other hand, maybe the records were deleted before the handover. But if so, the question becomes: Wouldn’t such tampering of accounts and minutes of meetings be illegal?

The PAP likes to cast itself as a party of scrupulous integrity. On this matter, they have a lot to answer for, or they’ll be seen as the opposite: foul and dirty. This is not a case which it can dismiss as the mistake of one lone PAP person; the moves they made involved nearly all PAP MPs in the town councils across the board.


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

Without a doubt these are signs of corruptions. But no proof! If you vote the opposition, PAP will spend more time checking and balancing WP, making it difficult to deal with housing and transportation matters.

You must be joking! Don't tell me the whole of Gahman Civil service will be put to check
WP on the accounts and corruption? It shows how incompetent is the PAP, cannot handle
a small issue, they deserve to lose more GRC.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

My answer is YES.


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

What is the difference between the white scums and blue rubbish?

All are sinkie losers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

As a resident of AJ-GRC, I can attest to the fact that my neighborhood ain't no shanty town, Pritam goes to Pasar Makan often, the streets and neighborhood cleaned and swept daily :smile::smile::smile:

Mine too. I see CSM often. Previous MP no sound no picture. Only her porlumpars were seen.


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

Mine too. I see CSM often. Previous MP no sound no picture. Only her porlumpars were seen.

Cynthia or Hwee Hua? Either way, both of them deserved to be kicked out of politics.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

Mine too. I see CSM often. Previous MP no sound no picture. Only her porlumpars were seen.

Even when the pappy MPs magically show up once every five years, their doggies recce in advance and announce to the peasants that the VIPs are coming, better get your places sorted out etc. Big fuck meh? :rolleyes:

Then you have this twit who's swarmed with bodyguards everywhere he goes... exactly what are you protecting him from? :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

Cynthia or Hwee Hua? Either way, both of them deserved to be kicked out of politics.

I think it is the tua pui Cynthia. Wonder what she's doing now. Likely to have a cushy job cbl everyday.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

Lack of transparency ? :rolleyes:
Which fucktard said it will take 55 man years to get the accounts right


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

As a resident of AJ-GRC, I can attest to the fact that my neighborhood ain't no shanty town, Pritam goes to Pasar Makan often, the streets and neighborhood cleaned and swept daily :smile::smile::smile:

SAM should have sung high praises for Marine Patade GRC's TPL who investigated thoroughly but failed to catch the soiled Sanitary Pad litterbug.

Dumping ground at Marine Parade GRC.


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Alfrescian (Inf)
Desperate Lee still barking at the wrong horse


Look at the toad face ...how can such a face with no brains command $1 million salary?

The failure by the Workers' Party (WP) to give answers and respond adequately to questions on the financial well-being of its town council calls into question its leaders' reputation and integrity, said Minister of State for National Development Desmond Lee.

He has nothing to add and he keeps barking the same lines. What for? Or is he helping the PAP Press to fill up the pages?

PAP government doesn't answer any of sinkees questions....so, Desperate Lee is attacking his boss too.

WP should just add this comment into its folio of facts to present to the people during election 2016.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Desperate Lee still barking at the wrong horse

S'pore politics must be great. So many sons of ex-PAP MPs in parliament. If jialak, no father would encourage their kids to join. Take SL for example. Her father was truly upset when she decided to join the SPF.


Re: Desperate Lee still barking at the wrong horse

Lets wait for the next time he opens his mouth again and we shall know how clever he is!

He will do well to keep his mouth close and just enjoy his million dollar salary!


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

You don't believe you ask Sideswipe. He and his platoon of grassroot leaders are what's left to defend the constituency from devolving into a slum. They are young everyday heroes making a difference to residence. Can hear alot of noise from the RCs? Not because they singing karaoke, but they are using music to cover the arguments among themselves whether to tell the truth about their personal sacrifice. Thanks to Mr Lau they need not be modest any more.

Pls lah. If they did a goodjob then why write to complain its a lousy job. Also need"need waste electricity to mask their arguments. They still can do it at void decks and don underwear over their heads like captain America.


Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

SAM should have sung high praises for Marine Patade GRC's TPL who investigated thoroughly but failed to catch the soiled Sanitary Pad litterbug.

Dumping ground at Marine Parade GRC.

Pls lah. The Tintin is a local red neck. For soil tampon she need to do DNA ot sniff out the bugger. Pazi got resources plenty of dogs. So sniffing should b a problem.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

Lau Hiak Tong must be a PAP member.

Sam is now starting thread ...wah lau, his support for PAP has now gone up one notch.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Aljunied Ward going downhill rapidly. Are you sure you want to vote the PAP out??

You know the PAP is in big trouble when the relentless false accusations start.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Desperate Lee still barking at the wrong horse

Someone could make a bundle by selling dolls of PAP ministers ...lots of sinkees would buy those dolls to beat up.

Another person could provide voodoo services for sinkees who would like to hurt these greedy morons.

If there are enough of these voodoo dolls of PAP ministers circulating, you can see a few of them quitting as there are many of them who are kiasi.