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PAP - start of the rot?


We now know there is an issue with PAP recruitment process. We also know that their internal screening process is also faulty having picked the wrong person to be the Speaker of Parliament.

In contrast, WP chose to showcase their newest batch of recruits - 4 in particular at the Punggol East By elections rally. 2 lawyers, an academic and an engineer, 3 Chinese and a Malay. They all spoke and came across well. Prof Daniel Goh stood out and I had flashback. Anyone remember the PAP used to roll out new candidates in batches of 4 as part of the renewal process. Note they all had similar qualifications as those that WP rolled.

Is this an ominous signs of a slide that PAP is facing. It looks to me that good people are no longer offering themselves to the PAP or cannot be convinced. In the last 2 general elections and as well as the 2 by elections, the quality of candidates are suspect. Desmond Choo's uncle is a convicted ex PAP MP and wis again facing new criminal charges. For his campaign, he picked up the most corrupted cop in local history and a lawyer who was detained for secret society activities. Now we have doctor who can't get his story together.

What about the likes Tin Pei Ling, and the white belt and white shoes moron who can't even keep a job. Everyone is also wondering how Halimah ended being picked the speaker. Of the 80 PAP MPs, they could not find a more capable individual. Note the clear drop in quality. We also have first MP and Minister who has not even seen the end of his first term and he is happily suing critics. What does that tell you. Unable to defend the indefensible?

Here is the latest buzz in PAP Town - They actually think that not only East Coast is going to fall in 2016 but others wards are expected to fall, at least 2 more. With the 4 presented by WP, one does get the picture.
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We are eternally grateful to tin palin for singlehandledly destroying the infallible image of pap recruitment and selection process. Otherwise many aunties and uncles will still say that dr koh was misquoted or misunderstood.


We now know there is an issue with PAP recruitment process. We also know that their internal screening process is also faulty having picked the wrong person to be the Speaker of Parliament.

No problem with the rest of what you're saying but to me Michael Palmer and Yaw Shin Leong are mirror images of each other - otherwise perfectly qualified candidates who got caught with their pants down. Their problems are more public, but they are a distinct category from your Tin Pei Lings or Seng Han Thongs who should never have gotten anywhere near a seat.

Good to know that the WP is managing to reach more qualified people. At least two more wards falling in 2016 is an optimistic scenario. For me it is impossible to predict what will happen in 2016. The results of Punggol East will give a clearer picture. I distinctly remember in 2011 that the eventual result was a moderate scenario, the optimistic scenario being 20 seats, and the pessimistic one being no seats.

The difficulty of the PAP to attract good candidates is partially a result of the internet environment, where any new PAP person would be whacked left right and centre. Eventually this will also be bad for the PAP because the only people they can find are those who don't give a shit what people think of them and therefore are ill equipped to serve the people.
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Super Moderator
Here is the latest buzz in PAP Town - They actually think that not only East Coast is going to fall in 2016 but others wards are expected to fall, at least 2 more. With the 4 presented by WP, one does get the picture.

let AMK GRC fall, for goodness sake :p:p:p


Alfrescian (Inf)
We are eternally grateful to tin palin for singlehandledly destroying the infallible image of pap recruitment and selection process. Otherwise many aunties and uncles will still say that dr koh was misquoted or misunderstood.

I agree Tin Pei Lin is a no show, too juvenile for taste and she portrayed herself like pampered princess. Goh Chok Tong was not pleased with LHL's decision to put her under his tailcoat. LKY walked out of parliament when she made her first maiden speech. The old ones know all these PAP newbies are hopeless, but they swallow just to fill the gap in parliament.

The PAP veterans are all dying or demoted for screwing up policies at the expenses of Singaporeans. The existing one like Khaw and Teo Chee Hean were seen too over the board to shun valid questions but quick to make a fool out of themselves when scandals broke. The rest are just tailing around LHL for goodies - the Fools (mee har, grace, cedric) , great sucker Yeo Guat Kwan, Seah Kian Peng, Lim Swee Say and Teo Ho Pin the pretender.

The good-for-nothing ones only know how to issue legal letters like the Nehs in parliament - Sanmugam, Vivian, singh and corpse water drink Vikram Nair, to silent their critique. The rest are too meek and quiet you almost forgot what their names were or whether they even existed. These are mostly scrapped from the bottom of the barrell to fill PAP vacant seat and coatailed into parliament. Dr Asshole Koh will not make any different.

The PAP female wing usually have no power. Lily Neo kena hantum by Vivian, Lee Bee Hua kena hantum by Liu Tuck Yew. Josephine loves to talk theory to play safe in her role. Grace, Irene were the first to cry foul during Salary review, fat Ellen look like hermit and now halima is made useless in the name of newly appointed speaker.

PAP is indeed a dying party not worth wasting the people money. We need opposition parties now. Time has changed. We no longer trust all the PAP people in parliament. They are useless money-faced paper tiger/tigress.

Vote for WP!
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The rot was already clear in 2011 when they presented their slate of candidates. Look at the thoroughly pathetic and uninspiring lineup in the current Cabinet. The by now constant leaks of systemic, endemic corruption within the party and civil service. They are in major atrophy and Sinkies are daft fucking idiots if they think this lot has anything at all in common with the PAP of the 60s and 70s.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The rot was already clear in 2011 when they presented their slate of candidates. Look at the thoroughly pathetic and uninspiring lineup in the current Cabinet. The by now constant leaks of systemic, endemic corruption within the party and civil service. They are in major atrophy and Sinkies are daft fucking idiots if they think this lot has anything at all in common with the PAP of the 60s and 70s.

Those PAP lineup are just for show and ceremonial purposes. They have no obligation to serve their residents except their own master.
The thinking one will not want to join PAP. Those who joined are largely lure by money as we know PAP will use money to solve all problems including finding a candidate. These sort of candidates will think of ways to maximise their money intake once voted in - eg giving themselves multiple directorships and joining several hollow committees - MWC, CASE, AIM, ntuc, PA, clubs for a fees...etc. If people didn't vote for PAP candidate, this selected candidate will dissappear because there is no more monetary benefit to reap after defeat. The heart to serve was not there in the first place because they were recruited with promise of money. Tan Chuan Jin, Grace Foo, Irene Ng and Lim Wee kiat have collectively shed some clues to prove my point and Gerald Ee has relented.
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Those PAP lineup are just for show and ceremonial purposes. They have no obligation to serve their residents except their own master.

When you get old enough, you actually can ask yourself this question: among the people who are your age, are the outstanding ones in parliament on the PAP side? The answer is no. The outstanding ones are not in parliament on the PAP side, and the ones in parliament on the PAP side are not the outstanding ones.


Agreed that PAP has shot itself in its foot by fielding Tin Pei Ling and making her an MP. Cannot understand why and perhaps as scroobal had alluded to, it's a sign of the times.:wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
LHL is upset with his former principal secretary for the Tin Pei Lin fiasco! She got in and by her mediocrity, ruined her husband's career. It will be a matter of time before he will be asked to leave the civil service and Tin will be asked to step down to make way for better talents.


Alfrescian (Inf)
. I distinctly remember in 2011 that the eventual result was a moderate scenario, the optimistic scenario being 20 seats, and the pessimistic one being no seats.


Let me tell you the pscyhological effect of last watershed election. It was moderate scenario and I would call warming up political scenario.

Voters were not sure if oppostion could manage a GRC during 2011 election .Thus GRC swing voters were sitting along the fence whether or not to vote for opposition due to skepticism or lack of confident resulted in wide GRC margin disparity against the ruling party. However the overall score of GRC in WP contested wards were promising because of WP exposure in running town - ahead of other opposition.

As for SMC, you see OPPOSITION margin was pretty close to PAP, people believe opposition can manage a small town easily but still cautious, the losing margin is not as wide as GRC wards.

Come 2016 election, it will be a different election scenario - a great battle in favour of oppositions. By then, WP has proved opposition could manage a GRC independently. These give swing voters more hope than in 2011.

Png Eng Huat last PE rally was also very reassuring to other opposition parties with regard to managing GRC. He hinted that WP will always place public interest above party interest. Thus, should any other opposition win a GRC, I believe WP will past them the knowledge or even help them out in setting up a systems to run town council different from PAP., not to the extend of helping them manage the town though. Thus, oppostion unity may just come in this regard - at operations and administrative level. Such should be the gentlemen opposition unity I hope to see, not so much of parties consolidation aspect.

My point is, opposition can have 3-corner fights as maximum and not to criticise each other at the rally but to focus on diluting PAP power. If other oppostion wins, WP will not fault them and may share with them about operational procedure.

The way KJ criticised WP at PE rally is not very wise. Someday he may need WP knowledge to run his town when PAP decided to terminate the systems within a month notice.

SDP has taken a wise step to avoid headon with WP in this regard.

Vote for WP and be friend with WP.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Leegime is full of rot for 35 years. LKY is the greatest culprit. He know his son is substandard so he had to create even more substandard rubbish around his son. This is not the start of rot but just a late exposure to the public how bad it has always been. It is not a good sign.


We now know there is an issue with PAP recruitment process. We also know that their internal screening process is also faulty having picked the wrong person to be the Speaker of Parliament.

Incisive as always Scroobal,
I am also inclined to believe the rot has set in and GE 2016 will hopefully be a watershed election.

V disappointed with how everything is screwed up with sg society nowadays.

TPL makes sarah palin look like thatcher. Michael and YSL, I believe were fair MPs, but horny fuckers and I still have reservations about judging a person based on his private life. They eat oysters outside marriage, but the cunts also in this too what, so its for the family to sort it out. I mean no one is a saint.

First thing I hope to see is enuf with the silly lawyer letter crap, its chilled the society so much, no one is willing to speak up, the disillusion is also not helping. Folks I know are thinking of which cuntry to chabot to and not about making this island a better place, cos they can see its getting worse.

Second is to get rid of pinky, the guy is a lousy prime minister. and get rid of the nepotism, the latest is the sup ct CEO is prata's daugher, WTF. very sad to hear. shit like that will be flagged in the national papers if this is an actual first world cuntry. but not here

The pappies pls flush yourself down the jamban. dont ruin spore.


Let me tell you the pscyhological effect of last watershed election. It was moderate scenario and I would call warming up political scenario.

Voters were not sure if oppostion could manage a GRC during 2011 election .Thus GRC swing voters were sitting along the fence whether or not to vote for opposition due to skepticism or lack of confident resulted in wide GRC margin disparity against the ruling party. However the overall score of GRC in WP contested wards were promising because of WP exposure in running town - ahead of other opposition.

As for SMC, you see OPPOSITION margin was pretty close to PAP, people believe opposition can manage a small town easily but still cautious, the losing margin is not as wide as GRC wards.

I actually did the sums. Seems like you are right, and opposition polled 43% average in SMC in 2011. But there were some SMCs where the opposition underperformed, like Whampoa, Radin Mas. Considering that some of them were contested by NSP, you have to wonder why the hell you put a member of the old guard there instead of a Hazel Poa, a Nicole Seah. Even Goh Meng Seng himself should have tried his luck there. Well like Forrest Gump likes to say, stupid is as stupid does.

This cycle is the equivalent of 1991. Opposition making inroads for the first time. After GE 2011 I remember thinking "WP must run the town councils well and hold on to what it has. Performance in parliament is a bonus." There's no reason to revise that. 2011 is not only watershed for singapore politics, 2011 is a watershed for the opposition, just like 1991. They have destiny in their hands, and can either progress or screw it up.

This BE will be a hint of things to come.

Moderate scenario: PAP wins with less than 55%.
Optimistic scenario: PAP wins with less than 50%.
Really optimistic scenario: WP wins.

Regarding opposition unity, I also agree. I'd be more than happy if the opposition parties were to behave like they did in 2011. I can ask for nothing more. Don't criticise each other in public (even SDP, with their unity fiasco, stopped short of explicitly criticising WP). Avoid 3 corner fights as much as you can. Encourage everybody to vote opposition whether or not you're contesting in their ward. Don't need to join hands, don't need to campaign together. If you want to walkabout together it is a bonus.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
KJ tarnished himself by participating in this BE. He makes himself an opportunist. CSJ was smart enough to sit out after the negative feedbacks on the net. DL is a PAP mole.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Let me tell you the pscyhological effect of last watershed election. It was moderate scenario and I would call warming up political scenario.

Voters were not sure if oppostion could manage a GRC during 2011 election .Thus GRC swing voters were sitting along the fence whether or not to vote for opposition due to skepticism or lack of confident resulted in wide GRC margin disparity against the ruling party. However the overall score of GRC in WP contested wards were promising because of WP exposure in running town - ahead of other opposition.

As for SMC, you see OPPOSITION margin was pretty close to PAP, people believe opposition can manage a small town easily but still cautious, the losing margin is not as wide as GRC wards.

Come 2016 election, it will be a different election scenario - a great battle in favour of oppositions. By then, WP has proved opposition could manage a GRC independently. These give swing voters more hope than in 2011.

Png Eng Huat last PE rally was also very reassuring to other opposition parties with regard to managing GRC. He hinted that WP will always place public interest above party interest. Thus, should any other opposition win a GRC, I believe WP will past them the knowledge or even help them out in setting up a systems to run town council different from PAP., not to the extend of helping them manage the town though. Thus, oppostion unity may just come in this regard - at operations and administrative level. Such should be the gentlemen opposition unity I hope to see, not so much of parties consolidation aspect.

My point is, opposition can have 3-corner fights as maximum and not to criticise each other at the rally but to focus on diluting PAP power. If other oppostion wins, WP will not fault them and may share with them about operational procedure.

The way KJ criticised WP at PE rally is not very wise. Someday he may need WP knowledge to run his town when PAP decided to terminate the systems within a month notice.

SDP has taken a wise step to avoid headon with WP in this regard.

Vote for WP and be friend with WP.

words in BOLD print is my emphasis

lack of confidence rather lack of confident

not to the extent (noun) of helping them rather than not to the extend (verb) of helping them

not to criticise one another (2 or more parties) rather than not to criticise each other (2 persons or 2 parties)
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LHL is upset with his former principal secretary for the Tin Pei Lin fiasco! She got in and by her mediocrity, ruined her husband's career. It will be a matter of time before he will be asked to leave the civil service and Tin will be asked to step down to make way for better talents.
How can that be? Tin was there to poison woody. LHL knew that woody will likely outlast LKY and therefore is a threat. LHL thought is that it is worthwhile to sacrifice a little to damage woody, but his miscalculated that tin effect is so strong that it permanently damages the pap image of top notch candidates that is better than anyone that opposition can offer.


LKY may no longer be the key decision maker in the PAP, considering there's Tin Tin there. LKY may also never have chosen Palmer as speaker.


words in BOLD print is my emphasis

lack of confidence rather lack of confident

not to the extent (noun) of helping them rather than not to the extend (verb) of helping them

not to criticise one another (2 or more parties) rather than not to criticise each other (2 persons or 2 parties)

Kennasai talk so much cock for fuck. You understand him perfectly right? A few grammar mistakes here and there don't matter.


How can that be? Tin was there to poison woody. LHL knew that woody will likely outlast LKY and therefore is a threat. LHL thought is that it is worthwhile to sacrifice a little to damage woody, but his miscalculated that tin effect is so strong that it permanently damages the pap image of top notch candidates that is better than anyone that opposition can offer.

I think you may actually be overestimating the PAP. You are basically saying that there is a grand total of one PAP candidate so eminently unqualified that she sticks out like a sore thumb. I don't think so. Any of 10 totally mediocre backbenchers could have been bunched up with Goh Chok Tong. Tin Pei Ling was just the tip of the iceberg who got the most adverse publicity.