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PAP faces a new challenge. Roy and JBJ - a world apart


Yes, but at least he does not fuck his grandson every day, u sick pedophile.
Hahaha.... It is good enough that u agree that well regarded scroobal is a serial bullshitter...
Kukubird is a village idiot , U can call me anything youlike....song boh???


Alfrescian (Inf)
At that time, the PAP always says its the 'social compact'. THe PAP will ensure economy is good and people got jobs etc,,,but of course the PAP gone back on its word,,and the people have limited recourse,,,that is what happens when PAP was given the blank cheque,,,

I have heard of this mythical social compact but no one can show me where I can find a copy in black & white:confused:

LKY is nothing but sleazy politician. Can ask all the people he betrayed e.g. the communists, the old guard , the older generation ..... People have learned that good gov't can turn into bad gov't when one lets a person/party gain too power.


Excellent post.

Ps. The minority angle is something I missed and when Roy and Han, we are now talking about mainstream.

I was discussing something similar with friends just recently and arrived at the same conclusion: the new crop of "trouble makers" for Pap is created by Pap themselves.

Typically in an Asian society, the outspoken dissidents are more than likely minorities. JBJ amd Alex Au are examples. Civic mindedness has never been sinkie's strong suit since most of us (Gen X-ers) have been content to work and live the singapore dream.

With the immigration policy, the rice bowl and life opportunities of normal citizens have been affected. This leads to mainstreamers becoming radicalised. Just consider the demographics of Gilbert (over 40), Han hui hui and Alex tan (under 25) to get the picture. I am quite sure more people from these 2 age groups will emerge in the next 2 years.

Obi good! This is what you get for fucking with people's rice bowls.


Couple of points on the issues raised.

1) it's takes balls of steel to stand as a viable opposition candidate. I am not talking about slipper man type. It is also a huge personal commitment and sacrifice. It is also a high risk activity when you deal with the old man who has Mr Singh at his beck and call.

2) Every time, they take a seat away from the PAP, it's a body blow to the PAP and a personal affront to the old man. When they announced the results at the counting centre, like the Malaysia Cup days, the cry of joy cuts across the whole country. After sex the next best thing. After JBJ won, old man came out and blamed GCT and then scolded the country as though we stole his dildo.

3) Admittedly there are a lot of work to be done by our opposition camp. But the environment is harsh. The stupid ceiling case at the hawker centres took up so much of time and attention. That's how the PAP operates. They wear you down with pettiness. Agree on the macro angle and more clear manifesto.

I think that you are totally off target here. The fact that people like Roy exist is a damning evidence that our oppo parties are totally in adequate. Roy by himself has churned out more thought provoking articles, backed up by facts, than all the oppo parties combined. This is the age of the internet, people want to know right away, and get an alternate view of the news as opposed to the PAP sanction version. The oppo parties are totally timid and he makes them look like fools. Just look at the WP website for example. there is no mention of the hottest recent local topics. eg. Anton Casey, Phillipines NAtional day celebration in Orchard, lawsuit against Roy, high cost of living, crowded out and over populated by FTs, Little India Riots, etc. These are all the talk of the town, and what citizens are discussing, and yet not a peep on these subjects by the WP. One tends to think the WP is just another stooge extension of the PAP.

A perusal of the other oppo website is not much better. NSP's website has not put out any press release since Dec. 2013 and its last mention was about the Little India Riots. SDP is the most active website, but their words are not backed by action like Roy does, when he speaks out in public. Reform Party has an active website too, and has running commentary on recent events, but like the other parties, their outlook is micro rather than macro.


Social compact, national conversation, servant leaders, upturn the downturn, etc are all waste of time. These set of current leaders can't even organise a piss-up in a brewery.

During 2006, the key item on their campaign plan was to convince the new generation of Singaporean who became eligible to vote their ability to govern. They did by organising functions in Zouk, did the hip hop and the trendy thing. It failed.

Now they are courting the new citizens. Every Indian, PRC, Pinoy will now vote PAP. Notice no more activities related to the young, no more trendy places. It's integration and free tickets to the cinema. Look at the YPAP video. They all look like robots.

I have heard of this mythical social compact but no one can show me where I can find a copy in black & white:confused:

LKY is nothing but sleazy politician. Can ask all the people he betrayed e.g. the communists, the old guard , the older generation ..... People have learned that good gov't can turn into bad gov't when one lets a person/party gain too power.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Couple of points on the issues raised.

1) it's takes balls of steel to stand as a viable opposition candidate. I am not talking about slipper man type. It is also a huge personal commitment and sacrifice. It is also a high risk activity when you deal with the old man who has Mr Singh at his beck and call.

2) Every time, they take a seat away from the PAP, it's a body blow to the PAP and a personal affront to the old man. When they announced the results at the counting centre, like the Malaysia Cup days, the cry of joy cuts across the whole country. After sex the next best thing. After JBJ won, old man came out and blamed GCT and then scolded the country as though we stole his dildo.

3) Admittedly there are a lot of work to be done by our opposition camp. But the environment is harsh. The stupid ceiling case at the hawker centres took up so much of time and attention. That's how the PAP operates. They wear you down with pettiness. Agree on the macro angle and more clear manifesto.

Its high risk activity, but its also high reward. An oppo MP makes the same money as a PAP one. That's over $200K a year for a part time job. Roy should just run as a private independent candidate, I think he stands a good chance of winning. they have to bankrupt him now to stop him from running in the next GE. hence the libel lawsuit.

The oppos do not have to play the PAP game. The ceiling fan issues is just stupid and to engage the PAP is useless. The questions that WP should be tabling can be far more hard hitting. eg. Please tell us specifically what is Desmond Quek's qualification to run the SMRT. or what is the total compensation from all sources for the Prime Minister. If they don't dare to reveal his salary and bonuses from all sources, just stand up in Parliament and call the man corrupt. he WP cannot be sued for anything it says in parliament. Its parliamentary privilege. many more such examples. The reason they don't ask it is they are afraid to rock the boat. Their MPs are over $2 million a year in salary.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Hahaha.... It is good enough that u agree that well regarded scroobal is a serial bullshitter...
Kukubird is a village idiot , U can call me anything youlike....song boh???

Scroobal may be a serial bullshitter, but you are a serial child rapist. you song boh?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Scroobal, I am afraid it may not be a new challenge. On the contrary the PAP's job has become easier.

As you said, the people getting sued these days shifted from politicians like JBJ, Chee and Tang to Roy and Alex Au. But unlike JBJ, Roy and Alex are not politicians and cannot milk sympathy votes from what happens to them.

PAP can also claim they have no political agenda behind suing Roy and Alex, since these people are not politicians.

We not talking about milking votes....the younger ones are better informed & information fly faster than the speed of light... for example,the photo of that FUCK PAP in TPY to me from a very young one who got in from FB & I received it from that young one via Whatsapp....that within a faster time frame that, when JBJ was around..we have to hear it from the 'grapevine' & the coffee shops talk...

The younger people are standing up more for their rights & what they feel about the government & the older ones are now "gathering" behind them, for they too have access to the Internet & are able to receive & know that information, many of the older folks have also taken to voicing their displeasure....

This is not just the politicians who are doing this now...it is the citizens of the country...


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Kukubird never did anything to justify you calling him that.

Kuku likes me to call him names. he folllows me every day do that I can insult him easier. he is a sicko. and child rapist particularly his grandson. He already admitted that he licks balls.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
We not talking about milking votes....the younger ones are better informed & information fly faster than the speed of light... for example,the photo of that FUCK PAP in TPY to me from a very young one who got in from FB & I received it from that young one via Whatsapp....that within a faster time frame that, when JBJ was around..we have to hear it from the 'grapevine' & the coffee shops talk...

The younger people are standing up more for their rights & what they feel about the government & the older ones are now "gathering" behind them, for they too have access to the Internet & are able to receive & know that information, many of the older folks have also taken to voicing their displeasure....

This is not just the politicians who are doing this now...it is the citizens of the country...

Yep, technology is really opening it up. and so many social media outlets too. When the 5 kids sprayed painted the HDB block, it was out in minutes on FB, twitter, etc. In the old days, the shit times will not report it, and the maintenance people will just cover it up the next day. If not for Youtube, u will never see the cowardly policemen running out of the ambulance for their lives. In the old days, SBC would never show that footage. This is only going to escalate. I still recall when JBJ was sued for libel. It was only discussed in hushed tones and among trusted friends. Now Roy gets sued, and he has it out the same day. And thousands are commenting online and in the social media. The PAP is still living in the tech dinosaur age. They have really no clue how to play this new game. U cannot use the iron fist approach anymore. The more you bully, the more it gets out in the internet.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
i don't have an issue with starting stating the obvious or everyone knows threads. all kinds of everything is welcome. but this screw is always jeering at other forummers for clearly stating the obvious so he shouldn't do the damn same thing. he always has fucking double standards when it comes to himself. it just shows he is a bloody hypocrite shit. he fucks PAP day in and day out, he seems very pro-Opposition on the surface, but i wonder, he voted for the Opposition ever before ?? there are some really despicable people in this world...

Scroobal's an internet moniker not a person.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yep, technology is really opening it up. and so many social media outlets too. When the 5 kids sprayed painted the HDB block, it was out in minutes on FB, twitter, etc. In the old days, the shit times will not report it, and the maintenance people will just cover it up the next day. If not for Youtube, u will never see the cowardly policemen running out of the ambulance for their lives. In the old days, SBC would never show that footage. This is only going to escalate. I still recall when JBJ was sued for libel. It was only discussed in hushed tones and among trusted friends. Now Roy gets sued, and he has it out the same day. And thousands are commenting online and in the social media. The PAP is still living in the tech dinosaur age. They have really no clue how to play this new game. U cannot use the iron fist approach anymore. The more you bully, the more it gets out in the internet.

We have too be fair on this, I am surprised at this Roy, not for his guts, which I admire but for his stupidly in this day & age, must not allow the PAP bring their old game into the forecourt...he must be more savvy & expert, to play the PAP game & beat them at it, not allowing them to beat him at the old game. If he cannot do that...it is a stupid move.

If he wants to a matryr for a cause...make sure he has enough "lives" to live to prolong that fight..if not, it will be just another loud voice from the crowd & get silenced by a big bully & as time go by...the memory fade...just a tiny fire fly...it is good only when it is lighted at that moment...soon extinguished..who remembers?

Like old saying, "there are many ways to skin a cat"...but sadly the voices & the oppositions have not mastered that, they GET SKINNED!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
We not talking about milking votes....the younger ones are better informed & information fly faster than the speed of light... for example,the photo of that FUCK PAP in TPY to me from a very young one who got in from FB & I received it from that young one via Whatsapp....that within a faster time frame that, when JBJ was around..we have to hear it from the 'grapevine' & the coffee shops talk...

The younger people are standing up more for their rights & what they feel about the government & the older ones are now "gathering" behind them, for they too have access to the Internet & are able to receive & know that information, many of the older folks have also taken to voicing their displeasure....

This is not just the politicians who are doing this now...it is the citizens of the country...

In the past, PAP sued politicians and locked activists under ISA. Today, they "downgraded" by smearing politicians and suing activists. In short, activists are treated more harshly than politicians. What can be done to protect activists without giving them unfettered absoluteness.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We have too be fair on this, I am surprised at this Roy, not for his guts, which I admire but for his stupidly in this day & age, must not allow the PAP bring their old game into the forecourt...he must be more savvy & expert, to play the PAP game & beat them at it, not allowing them to beat him at the old game. If he cannot do that...it is a stupid move.

If he wants to a matryr for a cause...make sure he has enough "lives" to live to prolong that fight..if not, it will be just another loud voice from the crowd & get silenced by a big bully & as time go by...the memory fade...just a tiny fire fly...it is good only when it is lighted at that moment...soon extinguished..who remembers?

Like old saying, "there are many ways to skin a cat"...but sadly the voices & the oppositions have not mastered that, they GET SKINNED!!

Maybe it was Roy's intention to draw a response, to heighten awareness of him as a brand.
See how he now applies to be NMP.
He knows his chances are zilch, with the kind of lapdogs in the selection panel but his profile is up a notch or two.
Who knows which party flag he will be waving in next GE.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What do you expect from a guy who openly says he will fix the opposition and a serial "suer "(as in lawsuits against opponents).
The lessons to be drawn from this Roy Ngerng episode are :

1.we must have more opposition MP's in Parliament.
MP's have parliamentary immunity and cannot be sued for what's said in parliament.
This can be used by the opposition during the hustings-that the PAP like to sue critics so we need more opposition MP's to speak up in Parliament and fight for the truth and our rights.

2.we need more vocal and aggressive opposition MPs.Why opposition MP's are not saying in parliament (in a more polite language) what Roy and the Toa Payoh 5 are saying,Imagine if one of the opposition MP's(eg Chen Shao Mao?) had said in Parliament what Roy and the Toa Payoh 5 did (not Fuck PAP but eg people are really fed up with the PAP's CPF minimum sum and pro foreigner policies)-what can the PAP do?-only can challenge him to repeat it outside-nothing else.

A more effective way for Roy in the meantime would be to channel his views via one of the opposition MP's -until he get elected.
In the meantime he should get help from friendly members of the legal fraternity to vet his speeches so as to avoid such legal problems.

We can all help Roy by contributing to his defence funds -and also to the Toa Payoh 5.
Last edited:


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
We have too be fair on this, I am surprised at this Roy, not for his guts, which I admire but for his stupidly in this day & age, must not allow the PAP bring their old game into the forecourt...he must be more savvy & expert, to play the PAP game & beat them at it, not allowing them to beat him at the old game. If he cannot do that...it is a stupid move.

If he wants to a matryr for a cause...make sure he has enough "lives" to live to prolong that fight..if not, it will be just another loud voice from the crowd & get silenced by a big bully & as time go by...the memory fade...just a tiny fire fly...it is good only when it is lighted at that moment...soon extinguished..who remembers?

Like old saying, "there are many ways to skin a cat"...but sadly the voices & the oppositions have not mastered that, they GET SKINNED!!

Well, he is young and he probably did not get some experienced advice on this. But by suing him, they have made him into a martyr. People may not buy that gay loong stole CPF money as Roy insinuated, but they would have read his other post on the blog and they can see the other stuff makes a lot of sense. It is the age of the internet. Nothing is ever forgotten and memory does not fade. just look at all the posts and threads here. people recalling things that happened 30-40 years ago. I would say JBJ is more widely spoken off now than when he was alive. there are many like Roy now. The main thing that is happening that all these blogs, bloggers and forums like this is eroding the PAP's hold. Die hard PAP porlumpars will not see it, but if they held an election tomorrow, I will be surprised that they garner 50% of the votes. Even for anonymous people like us. Just look at the SBF. Maybe 90 active members on, but 1500 people browsing the forums. They are reading what u and i write. Some will find it refreshing and it will strike a chord with them, others will think its bullshit, but all will get an alternative point of view to Mediacorpse. Those that agree could very well vote oppo the next GE. Its all cause and causality.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
What do you expect from a guy who openly says he will fix the opposition and a serial "suer "(as in lawsuits against opponents).
The lessons to be drawn from this Roy Ngerng episode are :

1.we must have more opposition MP's in Parliament.
MP's have parliamentary immunity and cannot be sued for what's said in parliament.
This can be used by the opposition during the hustings-that the PAP like to sue critics so we need more opposition MP's to speak up in Parliament and fight for the truth and our rights.

2.we need more vocal and aggressive opposition MPs.Why opposition MP's are not saying in parliament (in a more polite language) what Roy and the Toa Payoh 5 are saying,Imagine if one of the opposition MP's(eg Chen Shao Mao?) had said in Parliament what Roy and the Toa Payoh 5 did (not Fuck PAP but eg people are really fed up with the PAP's CPF minimum sum and pro foreigner policies)-what can the PAP do?-only can challenge him to repeat it outside-nothing else.

A more effective way for Roy in the meantime would be to channel his views via one of the opposition MP's -until he get elected.
In the meantime he should get help from friendly members of the legal fraternity to vet his speeches so as to avoid such legal problems.

We can all help Roy by contributing to his defence funds -and also to the Toa Payoh 5.

U have asked why the oppo MPs already in Parliament (and there are 6 of them) have not spoken out like Roy. I also wonder why. Which is why I think Roy is better standing as an independent. he will not be constrainted by the party apparatus telling him what questions to table, and to tiam tiam. he is free to whack the PAP in public in the manner that u and I envision.


Did anyone notice the difference between the 2. What is a clear emerging trend is that PAP is now facing a new set of detractors. They are not politicians, they do not speak like politicians and they certainly do not look anything like politicians. Roy looks like an ordinary citizen that has decided to stand up. Han Hui Hui is another. Prepared to voice their concerns publicly.

They are also different from usual NGO materials such as the Mauruah lot who are social activists but work within the system and pretty much the intelligentsia that differs. The fact that the name "Mauruah" does not resonate with most people but to those that came up with it tells a lot.

This does not not bode well for the PAP. The use of OB markers, laws governing political donations, constraints placed on political parties and candidates are not enough to contain dissent. A second front has opened up. Its the young ones that have stepped forward.

Compare Roy to the morons that you see on the YPAP video that went horribly wrong.

JBJ is miles better than Rory. JBJ struck them down in and out of parliament.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Well, he is young and he probably did not get some experienced advice on this. But by suing him, they have made him into a martyr. People may not buy that gay loong stole CPF money as Roy insinuated, but they would have read his other post on the blog and they can see the other stuff makes a lot of sense. It is the age of the internet. Nothing is ever forgotten and memory does not fade. just look at all the posts and threads here. people recalling things that happened 30-40 years ago. I would say JBJ is more widely spoken off now than when he was alive. there are many like Roy now. The main thing that is happening that all these blogs, bloggers and forums like this is eroding the PAP's hold. Die hard PAP porlumpars will not see it, but if they held an election tomorrow, I will be surprised that they garner 50% of the votes. Even for anonymous people like us. Just look at the SBF. Maybe 90 active members on, but 1500 people browsing the forums. They are reading what u and i write. Some will find it refreshing and it will strike a chord with them, others will think its bullshit, but all will get an alternative point of view to Mediacorpse. Those that agree could very well vote oppo the next GE. Its all cause and causality.

nothing is forgotten and memory does not fade,but u can never change the nature of sinkies,sinkies may be extremely pissed off and infuriated but balless and humji sinkies will never fight back no matter how many times u punch their face and pay them $500 a month.