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Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
The Different Colors of Ghost Orbs and Their Meanings


Orbs of light are highly debated phenomena in paranormal circles. Some people believe seeing orbs of light is visible evidence of spirits. However, many researchers doubt whether orbs are ghosts at all. No one knows whether spirits are able to consciously harness this energy or not, but orbs are often witnessed or photographed at locations where some form of paranormal activityhas reportedly taken place.

Energy Colors and What They Mean

If they are paranormal, the color of orbs may relate to energy colors, so you can find the meaning in the colors associated with various types of energy. There are many theories about what different orb colors mean, with many colors potentially meaning a variety of things. Interpretation of the colors varies according to different beliefs. However, in most cases, people interpreting orb colors and assigning an orb a meaning do so based on spiritual beliefs about the meaning of various colors. It is important to note these are spiritual theories only and have no basis in scientific fact.

One theory of orb meanings for different colors is that spirits are manifesting in the best way they can. In these cases, the colors may have no meaning at all, or a spirit could be trying to communicate something with the color. Use your own feelings as a barometer to see what you believe the orb and its color means to you. If you're still looking for guidance, some common interpretations follow.

Clear Orbs

Clear orbs may be a sign an entity is trying to communicate with you. The spirit may be trying to let the living know that some kind of significant event happened in that location and that the spirit wants help to move on.


White or Silver Orbs

Spiritually, white or silver is associated with spirituality and connection with a higher source. Some investigators believe orbs that are either white or silver in appearance are an indication that a spirit is trapped on this plane. It may also be a sign the spirit is there to offer protection to the people in the area. White energy is typically perceived as highly positive in nature.


Black or Brown Orbs

Spiritually, many feel black or brown colors are associated with lower spiritual vibrations or heavy energy. Some people interpret this as evil although it isn't necessarily the case. When black or brown orbs appear, some investigators interpret them as a sign the area may be unsafe or negative in nature. Examine such a place with caution, and if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, leave.


Red or Orange Orbs

From a spiritual perspective, red and orange colors are associated with safety and security, as well as a sense of belonging. While these warm colors are often associated with strong emotions, such as anger and passion, this may not be the case when it comes to ghost orbs. Some paranormal investigators believe a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has assumed the role of a protector. This could be someone who was charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker.


Green Orbs

In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature.


Blue Orb Meanings

Blue is spiritually associated with psychic energy and truth. It is a very calming color, and many people associate it with spiritual guidance. Some people feel blue orbs are a sign of a calming presence or energy while others feel they indicate the presence of a spirit guide in that location.


Gray or Smoky Orbs

Gray may indicate depression or spiritual lack, or it may represent fear or ambivalence. If you see an orb that's this color, it may indicate the presence of a depressed spiritual entity, or an entity lacking in spiritual awareness. Smoke, like the color gray, may indicate confusion or trouble.


Pink Orbs

It is a common belief that pink orbs are messengers of love. This can be universal love, such as the spiritual love of an ascended master, guide, teacher or archangel. It can also be a more specific love, such as the love of a deceased family member who takes on the mantle of a spirit orb to say they are still with you. Whoever the messenger is, a pink orb brings the message of encouragement, hope, peace and, always, love.

Possible Orb Colors Explained

In some orb photos, camera lenses have coatings with different colors in them. Sometimes these colors are reflected in orbs that are photographic artifacts, and this has nothing to do with the paranormal. This is known as a lens flare orb.

Orbs in Video and Photos

Orbs are very common in paranormal photography and video. In digital photography, orbs are a known artifact of the process. The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) explains this in their case study on Orb Zone Theory.
  • In the case of digital and film photography where colored orbs appear, this is often associated with the subtle coloring of the camera's lens.
  • Other items can cause orbs to appear including reflective surfaces, dust, rain, water spots, and bugs.
  • In video, infrared lights can reflect off of these same objects and give them a lighted orb-like appearance. People often mistake bugs and dust as flying orbs. These appear even as flying orbs in houses that are well cleaned and not dusty as infrared light easily picks up even the smallest amounts of dust.
For these reasons, many paranormal investigators do not consider orbs as paranormal evidence because there are too many natural world explanations for them. However, it is a possibility that some orbs could be paranormal in nature. This may be particularly true of orbs seen with the naked eye, especially those that appear to have their own light source and unusual patterns of travel.

What Do Orbs Look Like?

Orbs in photos appear as flat, cloudy disks. They may have color tinting them, or they may have a mottled appearance. Some people believe they see faces or angels in orbs, but this is most likely a trick of the mind called pareidolia in which the mind seeks to see the familiar in random patterns. Orbs in videos often look 3-dimensional. They may appear to be lit, or they may be white or dark. Orbs seen with the naked eye tend to have a 3-dimensional appearance that looks lit from within, like the bulb of a flashlight.

What Do Orbs of Light Mean?

Are orbs good or bad? The truth is, they are neither. They may be photographic or video artifacts, or they may be something more. While the jury is still out on whether ghost orbs are truly caused by paranormal activity or if they are merely dust flecks left on a camera's lens, remember that most information about ghost orb colors comes from theory rather than science. While many researchers have compiled data on ghost orbs and their various colors, no one can be exactly certain about their meaning. Remember to keep this in mind as you work with the paranormal.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Spirit Orb Size and Color

By Sally PainterParanormal Researcher and Seer


The meaning of orbs is believed to be the true form of spirits or souls. This belief of orb meaning has evolved into a commonly accepted truism among many paranormal investigators. The framework of this theory includes meanings of various orb colors and in some circles, the size of orbs is considered significant, as well.

Rainbow of Orbs of Many Colors
Orbs may come in different colors, and some orbs even seem to have faces. Many of the orbs people witness are only visible in digital photos. This type of orb raises the question if it's a dust particle or an actual energy sphere captured in a photo. There are, however, many instances of witnesses seeing orbs in person with the naked eye, and those are the most credible as far as potentially being orbs of energy, spirit orbs or some type of paranormal phenomenon.

Colors and Meanings of Orbs of Light
The colors of orbs are assigned various meanings that have become the accepted norm among some in the paranormal community. These include almost every color of the rainbow. The orb colors have been assigned an emotional attribute instead of a stage of life or some other characteristic driving the determination of color designation.

Angel Orb Colors and Emotions
In fact, some have taken the color-emotion correlation to the extreme of creating variant degrees of a specific emotion. For example, if a red orb is clear, then it's an orb of great energy, but if it's a dusty red orb, the energy governing the orb is angry. A tomato red means the energy or the entity the orb represents is stressed.


Potential meanings of orb colors include, but aren't limited to:

  • Black: Malevolent
  • Blue (dark): Shy spirit
  • Blue (light): Tranquil, peace
  • Blue (medium): Protection
  • Brown: Danger or earthbound
  • Gold: Angelic, unconditional love
  • Green: Healing orb or spirit
  • Lavender: Messenger from God
  • Orange: Protection, forgiveness
  • Peach: Spirit sent to comfort you
  • Pink: Accepting spirit
  • Purple: Orb of information
  • Red: Anger or passion
  • Silver: Messenger
  • Violet: Guide for spiritual matters
  • White: Protection of holy light and power
  • Yellow: Warning


Influence of Auras and Chakras on Color on Orbs
Some researchers theorize that if an orb is that of a deceased person, then the color is dictated by the aura of the person's soul in its disembodied form. Other paranormal and supernatural investigators espouse the idea angelic energy creates gold and purple orbs.

  • Hope from Beyond: Chakra orbs are described as energy emitted by a person's own chakra system, as well as spirit chakras that take on the color(s) of the spirit's chakra(s).
  • Aura Readings: The website reports orbs have shown up within a person's aura in Kirlian and regular photographs. It's believed the orbs are the spirits of loved ones attracted to the person.

Are Orb Colors Significant?
There is no scientific proof to validate the theories orbs are ghosts, angles, spirits, or spiritual in nature. Additionally, there's no proof the various definitions of what each orb color represents or signifies is true. The assigned colors and meanings of orbs are widely accepted by some in the paranormal community, even though it's unclear where these defining attributes originated. Some of the meanings can be traced to the same color significance given to the main chakras of the human body, and those associated with auras.

Meaning of Orb Size
The size of an orb is often believed to be significant. However, there is more research available on colors than size. The little information given about orb size mostly distinguishes between small and large sizes.


Spirit and Nature Orb Sizes
Kerrie Erwin, a professional psychic medium, author, and TV host, makes a distinction between spirit and ghost orbs. Spirits are people who have died but crossed over, while ghosts are spirits still in the earthly plane. According to Erwin, spirit orbs are lighter and can be as small as a pin prick up to the size of an orange. She also states they often intermingle with are nature orbs that contain elemental spirits. These are transparent orbs that shine and tend to bounce or bob over nature and along the surface of water. This type of orb usually travel in large groups.

Small Orbs Meanings
Small orbs are often believed to contain a lower frequency or less energy. The elements are often the source of what many believe to be orbs captured in photos. Small orbs may also be caused by water particles and not supernatural. It's important to recognize some orbs may be caused by natural phenomena.


Possible Meanings for Large Orbs
There are many thoughts and theories about the meaning of large orbs. Some believe a large orb harnesses tremendous energy. This type of orb usually radiates energy beyond its basic shape.

  • One theory states the size of an orb indicates the level of soul evolution. For example, the bigger the orb, the more spiritually evolved the spirit is or was at the time of death.
  • Some people believe the size of the orb indicates the power of emotion. A huge red orb would indicate a very angry spirit or even a demon, whereas a large gold or white orb would be a powerful angelic or divine energy.
  • Some people believe ghost orbs are bigger and denser than spirit orbs. These may be lost souls and can have a negative effect on those living in a home where ghost orbs reside.
Photos of Orbs in Different Colors and Sizes
Some photos that show various sizes and colors of orbs include:

Spirit Orbs or Simply Dust Particles
It's important to differentiate between known causes of orbs, such as dust, insects, and other environmental elements and what may be an actual spirit orb. There are several scientific explanations for many of the orbs people capture in photos and videos.
  • Many of the orbs that show up in photos are nothing more than dust particles reflecting light.
  • Other phenomena, such as bouncing orbs in swamps, have been identified as manifestations of methane gas or other gases created by plant life.
  • Flying insects captured while in motion creates a blur or an irregular orb, such as oblong or tube like. Even in videos, insects are sometimes mistakenly identified as spirit orbs. Upon examination, such as magnifying a photo, wings are often revealed.
  • According to the International Ghost Hunters Society, high-resolution cameras and good lighting can help minimize the misinterpretation when dust orbs show up. High-resolution pixels means there is less blurring when the photo is magnified.
  • TNT Paranormal Investigators, Incexplains how digital cameras have a higher UV and IF light sensitivity than 35mm cameras. The digital cameras are capable of capturing more dust orbs. A flash reflects off dust particle surfaces to create more dust orbs.
Deciding What You Believe About Orbs
It is possible someday science will also be able to explain energy orbs dubbed as being paranormal. Until then, you must decide if you believe these orbs are natural phenomena that are not yet understood, or if they are the energy orbs of disembodied souls.