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Open Beer! Obama lost Congress Control! Fucked!







* 共和黨奪眾議院控制權 (星島)(15:03)
* 舊議席被奪 奧巴馬燒鬚(明報)(15:15)

(商台) 11月3日 星期三 21:07

美國中期選舉;三十七個州長選舉,共和黨由民主黨手上搶走十個,不過,在加州州長選舉, 七十二歲的民主黨老將布朗,贏得近五成三選票,擊敗共和黨對手、前e-Bay總裁惠特曼,第三度當選州長,布朗在一九七五至八三年兩度出任加州州長,七五年他三十六歲成為美國最年輕州長,而今他就成為美國最年老的州長。...
(商台) 11月3日 星期三 18:43

美國國會中期選舉結束,票站調查顯示,共和黨在選民不滿經濟現況下,在眾議院選舉取得六十多年最大的勝利,重奪控制權,他們在民主黨手中,搶走至少六十二席,贏得二百三十九席,比半數所需還多21席,民主黨至今僅贏得一百八十三席;民主黨就保住參議院控制權,形成國會分裂局面;而三十七個州長選舉,共和黨亦有斬獲,由民主黨手上搶走十個。 共和黨眾議院領袖博納,將會取代民主黨的佩洛西,出任眾議院議長,成為美國政壇第三號人物,總統奧巴馬致電博納,表示期待同共和黨合作,推動國家發展;奧巴馬稍後將會見記者,就選舉結果作出回應。...
(明報) 11月3日 星期三 17:15

(商台) 11月3日 星期三 17:14

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* 民主黨布朗保住加州州長席位 (星島)11月3日 星期三 17:00
* 共和黨拿下眾議院238席(星島)11月3日 星期三 16:59
* 美國中期選舉民主共和兩黨各據參眾兩院(商台)11月3日 星期三 16:46
* 奧巴馬亞洲之行續向中國施壓 (星島)11月3日 星期三 16:21
* 共和黨控制眾議院利金融業 (星島)11月3日 星期三 16:03
* 共和黨控制參院夢碎(星島)11月3日 星期三 15:27
* 舊議席被奪 奧巴馬燒鬚(明報)11月3日 星期三 15:15
* 共和黨奪眾議院控制權 (星島)11月3日 星期三 15:03
* 美國華裔眾議員吳振偉趙美心料順利連任(商台)11月3日 星期三 14:36
* 奧巴馬電賀共和黨參眾院領袖(星島)11月3日 星期三 13:46
* 共和黨眾議院領袖稱奧巴馬已致電祝賀(商台)11月3日 星期三 12:57

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'McCain Democrat' districts swing back to GOP

From Msnbc.com's Tom Curry
House Republicans had great success last night in winning “McCain Democrat” districts: those won by Republican presidential candidate John McCain in 2008, but represented by a Democratic House member.

Of the 49 “McCain Democrat” districts, at least 36 were won by Republicans on Tuesday.

Sixteen of them were in the South, three were in Ohio, two were in Pennsylvania and two in New York.

Casualties from such districts included House Armed Services Committee chairman Ike Skelton of Missouri, who was first elected in 1976.

Among the survivors from McCain Democrat districts were veterans such as House Agriculture Committee chairman Rep. Collin Peterson in Minnesota and Rep. Mike McIntyre in North Carolina, who weathered a $400,000 ad barrage from the National Republican Congressional Committee. Peterson’s race was not targeted by NRCC or outside groups such as American Crossroads.

Two of the McCain Democrat districts were still undecided as of 11 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday, Arizona’s Eighth Congressional District, represented by Gabrielle Giffords and Kentucky’s Sixth, represented by Ben Chandler.

In contrast with their victories in most of the McCain Democrat districts, Republican were less successful in extending their reach into solidly Democratic turf: districts that had voted for John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and Barack Obama in 2008.

Of the roughly 20 Kerry 2004/Obama 2008 Democratic-held districts that appeared to be in play during the campaign, Republicans had won eight, as of as of 11 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday.

Among the big winners were Chip Cravaack, who defeated 36-year Democratic veteran James Oberstar in northern Minnesota, a district that went for Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008 with 53 percent. Oberstar, chairman of the house transportation committee, was a House lifer, having begun his D.C. career in 1963 as an aide to Rep. John Blatnik.

Another GOP challenger who ousted a Democrat in a Kerry/Obama district was Lou Barletta, who defeated Rep. Paul Kanjorski. His Pennsylvania district backed Kerry with 57 percent in 2004 and Obama with 53 percent in 2008. Kanjorski was first elected in 1984.

Republicans still have a chance to win three more Kerry/Obama districts in Arizona’s Seventh, California’s Twentieth, and Washington Second congressional districts. The Associated Press has not declared a winner in those races.



[COLOR="_______"]Obama to face reporters after Democratic bloodbath[/COLOR]
By the CNN Wire Staff
November 3, 2010 -- Updated 1552 GMT (2352 HKT)

* Obama is scheduled to appear before reporters at 1 p.m. ET
* He talked to presumptive House speaker John Boehner overnight

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama faces reporters Wednesday afternoon following a night that saw dramatic losses for his fellow Democrats in Congress and a late-night chat with the presumptive new Republican speaker of the House.

Obama's called Ohio Rep. John Boehner, the incoming speaker, at midnight Tuesday to congratulate him on the GOP takeover of the House of Representatives. The president told both Boehner and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell that he wants to work with them to "find common ground, move the country forward and get things done for the American people," the White House said.

Obama stayed up late in the White House residence keeping a close watch on election returns, according to aides, and knew pretty early in the night that Democrats were going to keep the Senate majority but lose the House majority.

"It was just a matter of how many seats," noted one senior Democratic official familiar with the late-night activity at the White House.

Though no final tally is in, CNN projects Democrats will lose more than 60 seats in the House and at least six seats in the Senate. Republicans are coming into office on pledges to dismantle Obama's signature health-care overhaul, which Boehner warned would bring about "Armageddon" -- but Boehner and Obama held what the congressman's office called a "brief but pleasant conversation" overnight.

"Leader Boehner said he's always been straightforward and honest with the president in the past, and said that's the way he'll continue to be with the president in the future," a statement from the Ohio congressman's office read. "They discussed working together to focus on the top priorities of the American people, which Boehner has identified as creating jobs and cutting spending."

Aides to Obama said he also placed calls to the current Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer from Maryland, who have been knocked out of the majority and now face uncertain futures within the Democratic leadership.




美期中選舉 歐巴馬慘敗 眾院、州長雙輸

中時 更新日期:"2010/11/04 03:06" 閻紀宇/綜合報導











Obama Bin Laden got CHANGED by American Voters!



號召選民改變 歐巴馬反被選民改變

中時 更新日期:"2010/11/04 03:06" 本報訊













Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
5 Sales Lessons for the Democratic Party
By Geoffrey James | November 3, 2010

Well, the Democrats got a big drubbing in yesterday’s election. And rightly so. While the Republicans adhered to the time-honored rules of selling, the Democrats made just about every sales and marketing mistake in the book. Here are the five most obvious:

Lesson #1: Customers don’t buy features and functions. Whenever Obama or the Democratic leadership talked about their accomplishments, they get all wonky about weird little details. That’s the equivalent of a beginning sales rep going into an account and waxing eloquent about the superior widgetness of his firms offering. Dumb!

Lesson #2: Never promise more than you can deliver. Obama swept into office on a wave of enthusiasm that was practically messianic. He set expectations so high for a “transformative” experience that there was no way that the reality of a dysfunctional government could possible fulfill even a fraction of what the “true believers” thought would happen. Disappointing!

Lesson #3: Never sell against your brand. If you’re going to position yourself as the champion of the individual citizen against the excesses big business, it’s madness to kowtow to Wall Street and let them get away with gigantic bonuses after defrauding the American public. It would have been wiser to fix the blame firmly on Wall Street, even if it meant a worse Recession.

Lesson #4: Sell what you’ve got, not what you’ll have. Third rate sales reps sell features that the product will have “in the next release.” In the case of the Democrats, they kept on trotting out promises and possibilities, rather than touting the huge middle-class tax cut they already gave the country, and the changes in healthcare that protect average citizens from predatory insurance companies.

Lesson #5: Be clear on why you won last time. Nothing is more important, when you want to make a future sale, than understanding why you won (or lost) a deal. The Democrats won in 2008 because voters were angry and scared at a collapsing economy. If Obama had fixed that problem (rather than getting tied up in Afghanistan, healthcare and other assorted issues), I wouldn’t be writing this post.


Fucking conman!

Obama is America's biggest disappointment worst than CCB war criminal Bush. Doing wars while receiving Nobel Peace Award, KNNCCB!

One president worse than another.

USA is destined to be finished. Russia or China will take over superpower.