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Old man kena whacked by ah beng, why police never arrest


Causung physical harm is a seazable offence under the law..ie..the police has under the law power to detain for questioning the assailant .dont need to go for magistrate complaint,,why the police din not act accordingly..maybe the MHA can clarify......
such violant act are becoming very common now.remember the case of a young school boy got badly beaten up in MRT.......


Cynthia - 'hee hee, anyone dares to threaten me on the phone & i'll get him arrested bcos im SPECIAL ... anyone punches u, too bad, just move on, cos ur not special ...' :rolleyes:

Han Tong - ouch, that news reminds me of my own ordeal, ouch' ... :cool:

Harry - 'as for me, ha ha, u all know exactly WHAT im capable of' ... :oIo:


who say singaporean is kiasee. kiabo? this is the hero, who gave a punch and broken the opponent's jaw. we need this kind of rare-feed to protect singapore, not those who can talk but cannot even hold a chicken.

A Shankar

Assaults are classified as voluntarily causing hurt under Section 323 of the Penal Code. However, assailants cannot be arrested for such offenses unless a warrant of arrest or a magistrate’s order has been issued. The police can apply for an order to investigate the assault against a victim if it is “one of clear public concern”

I suggest Mr Lee personally file a magistrate complaint.

How to File a Magistrates' Complaint


No wonder I noticed someone carry "irons" golf stick at the boot of his car.

If I ever kenna bully like that I would also carry one in the boot of my car.

When you kenna hit first counter-strike is the best self defence.

Wait for police end of world already.:biggrin:

so in simpler terms, please fight back and stop standing there like a fool..:biggrin:


that one throw punch is different from using you 5 iron to hit people hor,,,

hit people with golf clubs is under different charges


who promise you justice? the pledge? build a nation based on justice and equality? that one was written to hoodhink small kids only la....

hantum kid till death = grievous hurt and ill-treating
long ga people die = no fine and 1 year jail
tele threat = police midnite go catch and throw into IMH
throw chair on glass = police catch within 24 hours
kena hantum = please apply for magistrate complaint

what justice? should knock that f888er down and die and maybe kena fine $1,000 only


Based on my understanding, our law has offences classified into seizable and non-seizable _
_ I was once a victim of such case and that's how the police explained to me.

ya lor, at one time I and my wife met one bad hat like that and poolice said at most they could say was that, that bad hat was not courteous :eek:


my goodness. this is totally different from what i had in mind. used to cheong in my younger days and got into a few fights but non so serious.
thought that normal scuffle is not chargable. cept when victim is hospitalized. like a friend i know, kena whacked till go hospital, the assailant was jailed for weeks.
in this case, need 10 stiches and the polis not pressing charges ?
sometimes , some people really deserve it ( not this uncle in this case) but i hold back my punches due to my friends story above.
wonder where they draw the line.


Victim must die or nearly die, injury must be serious enough to make the headline and front page news.

Suffered heavy punch and 10 stitches and no action from Police, why pay taxes?

Like this might as well pay protection monies to gangsters, at least there is a good chance the aggressor will get hammered.


what is the defination of seazable offence by the police??????????
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When a person gets older he has to get wiser too, take good care of your health and body, why confront the guy and get unnecessary hurt?

There are ways to punish car park idiots,
Traffic Police Hotline - 1800 5471818
HDB Parking Hotline - 1800 2721409
URA Carparks Hotline - 63293434

Store these numbers in your handphone, Call when necessary.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If these 2 gentleman behave humbly and unsinkifyly, these sort of 10 stitches outcome will not have surface at all.

They might become frens and be more aware of the inconveniences they will cause other and learn from it to become a better unsinkify citizen.

See???? a good behavior will lead to a happy outcome. When will sinkie learn. haizzzz..


If these 2 gentleman behave humbly and unsinkifyly, these sort of 10 stitches outcome will not have surface at all.

They might become frens and be more aware of the inconveniences they will cause other and learn from it to become a better unsinkify citizen.

See???? a good behavior will lead to a happy outcome. When will sinkie learn. haizzzz..

fuck u CB Kia tonychat,

if u stop your thai-best nonsense, this forum would be a better place.. why dun u fuck off n die:oIo::oIo:


When a person gets older he has to get wiser too, take good care of your health and body, why confront the guy and get unnecessary hurt?

well said. fully agree. cant handle the adversary, dont keh kiang.

no point being a dead or wounded hero. :smile:


Based on my understanding, our law has offences classified into seizable and non-seizable. Seizable offences, police will act immediately because under the law, they can act. Non-seizable offences, which include assault like what happen to this ah peh, police cannot act immediate. You are right in point no.2 that they will need a magistrate complaint to be filed and the magistrate directed them to act.

So in this case, you are right that the police cannot act, according to the law. It has nothing to do with the answers to the questions.

I was once a victim of such case and that's how the police explained to me.

A fren had a bad brush with a SCDF guy who accused him of using foul language. His colleague backed him up (which is a conspiracy) and my fren was handcuffed and taken to police station where he was locked up for a day only to be released on bail and bond posted by me.

That is a trivial matter compared to the old guy got beaten up.

Why the disparity? Govt. big izzit?:oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo: