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NSF dies while doing chin-up!


I've written to ST forum on my experience with the CSM of my company back in 1997. Hope that they publish my account.

Here's how it goes:

<<I am writing to relate an experience of mine during my full time national service stint in 1996-1998 that may shed some light on why Private Joe Foo Wei Rong did not endorse his medical leave with his unit.

Back in 1997, I was serving my full time national service duties in the 3rd Battalion Guards unit as a guardsman. During a 3-day field training exercise, I had developed severe knee pains due to over exertion during field training. After the field training, I had the chance to book out of camp during the weekends. Thinking that the pain might go away after a saturday night's rest at home, it did not and the pain worsened. Fearing for the condition of my knee, I went to Changi General Hospital for consultation on Sunday morning.

The doctor on duty issue me with medical leave and excuse of heavy duties and field training for 3 days, including the Sunday. The doctor wanted me to rest my knee so that the condition does not aggravate.

On the following Monday morning, I went to sign up with my company duty sargeant to report to the unit medical centre for endorsement of the medical leave (excuse of heavy duties) given by a doctor from a public hospital. It was at this time that the Company Sargeant Major threatened all soldiers with externally issued medical leave to either drop the idea of endorsement and go back to normal duties or sign a 3 days confinement punishment before we are allowed to go to the medical centre for endorsement.

As I had a genuine knee condition and I believe that a 2 day light duties for me would be better for both my health and my performance in the unit in the future, I went against the Company Sargeant Major's order and insist on endorsement of my medical leave. I had to sign up for a 3 days confinement punishment. A confinement means a day of the weekend being confined to the camp doing cleaning and other miscellanous non-training related work instead of being able to go home and spent time with family. Weekends are very precious for stay-in combat personnel in an active unit like 3rd Guards.

The Company Sargeant Major blatantly disregarded the safety provisions in the Army and the professionalism of doctors in public practise. This act of abuse of authority is the reason the armed forces had to endure countless safety related incidents that took away lives of young Singaporeans whose duty is to serve the country but ended up losing their lives needlessly. >>

Condolences to Joe Foo's family. Nobody should die will serving his country in peace time.


Full-time NSman who died had not submitted medical certificate
By Valarie Tan, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 02 October 2008 1702 hrs

it is highly likely CO and MO colloborated to burn up the relevant document so as to put the entire blame on the dead NS slave.


See....no matter wat...is NOT SAF fault....

The blame always on the deceased....dun feel well neber report.
dun report how SAF know??
if SAF dunno...how can they stop this unfortunate case happened?

Ended up..SAF had done its duty.
The training program is perfect.

:( :o :(


See....no matter wat...is NOT SAF fault....

The blame always on the deceased....dun feel well neber report.
dun report how SAF know??
if SAF dunno...how can they stop this unfortunate case happened?

Ended up..SAF had done its duty.
The training program is perfect.

:( :o :(

Ya, they always will find thousands and one ways and excuses to cover their backside. Will buy a good coffin for the poor victim and give the family a few thousands and then case closed


I've written to ST forum on my experience with the CSM of my company back in 1997. Hope that they publish my account.

Here's how it goes:

<<I am writing to relate an experience of mine during my full time national service stint in 1996-1998 that may shed some light on why Private Joe Foo Wei Rong did not endorse his medical leave with his unit.

1997, 11 years ago.

Now got someone pass away and then you post out your story.
You need to wait 11 years before you decide to tell?:rolleyes:


I've written to ST forum on my experience with the CSM of my company back in 1997. Hope that they publish my account.

Here's how it goes:

<<I am writing to relate an experience of mine during my full time national service stint in 1996-1998 that may shed some light on why Private Joe Foo Wei Rong did not endorse his medical leave with his unit.

Back in 1997, I was serving my full time national service duties in the 3rd Battalion Guards unit as a guardsman. During a 3-day field training exercise, I had developed severe knee pains due to over exertion during field training. After the field training, I had the chance to book out of camp during the weekends. Thinking that the pain might go away after a saturday night's rest at home, it did not and the pain worsened. Fearing for the condition of my knee, I went to Changi General Hospital for consultation on Sunday morning.

The doctor on duty issue me with medical leave and excuse of heavy duties and field training for 3 days, including the Sunday. The doctor wanted me to rest my knee so that the condition does not aggravate.

On the following Monday morning, I went to sign up with my company duty sargeant to report to the unit medical centre for endorsement of the medical leave (excuse of heavy duties) given by a doctor from a public hospital. It was at this time that the Company Sargeant Major threatened all soldiers with externally issued medical leave to either drop the idea of endorsement and go back to normal duties or sign a 3 days confinement punishment before we are allowed to go to the medical centre for endorsement.

As I had a genuine knee condition and I believe that a 2 day light duties for me would be better for both my health and my performance in the unit in the future, I went against the Company Sargeant Major's order and insist on endorsement of my medical leave. I had to sign up for a 3 days confinement punishment. A confinement means a day of the weekend being confined to the camp doing cleaning and other miscellanous non-training related work instead of being able to go home and spent time with family. Weekends are very precious for stay-in combat personnel in an active unit like 3rd Guards.

The Company Sargeant Major blatantly disregarded the safety provisions in the Army and the professionalism of doctors in public practise. This act of abuse of authority is the reason the armed forces had to endure countless safety related incidents that took away lives of young Singaporeans whose duty is to serve the country but ended up losing their lives needlessly. >>

Condolences to Joe Foo's family. Nobody should die will serving his country in peace time.

This shows that the army has been behaving and thinking very narrow for a long time. It may have been 11 years, but I know from my time in the army that there are still a lot of chaps who behave like your former CSM.

This is prevalent because such attitudes have not been curbed. As long as there are some CSMs who think they're superior in medical knowledge than a trained doctor of 6 years in med school, things will happen.

And as long as the culture of ignorance prevails within the culture and encouraged by the top brass subtly, more young kids will die. In a way, that's why I'm wondering why should anyone, including myself, trust the Singapore SAF with any of my future sons, when their track record is poor and hasn't improved much at all?

Why borne them in Singapore, and run the risk, when you can have a higher re-assurance of mind if your kids are in another country and are in one piece?


1997, 11 years ago.

Now got someone pass away and then you post out your story.
You need to wait 11 years before you decide to tell?:rolleyes:

11 years is not long, these type of CSM is prevalent among operational units for sure. For one, they are cocky and thinks that they know it all. I am not surprise it happen to this fella.

In normal cases, it may be the OC or PC who are mean to impose such punishment for those with MC cases. CSMs are the ones who usually takes the rap for unpopular orders. Overall, these type of rots has been going on for 20 over years. Many who serve knows the nonsense they have gone thru; its not surprising.