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NS Man died today after hit by falling tree during ICT


Alfrescian (Inf)
Limpeh ICT next week. They should cancel all outfield activity for 2 weeks just to so they can check every tree and not have this happening again


Alfrescian (Inf)
uncle, u not there so dont any-o-how speculate.

ppl die oready, show some compassion lah.

the report bery weird, the saf MO skipped the normal route of going to either gedong MC or Tengah MC, but from ama keng direct to NUH. also very strange to have a MO in field training, so the excerise must be conducted by many big shots.

I just do case study! Why he dont run sure have crack sound. He should have heard the sound.

You are really a cheebye kia. Singaporean died while serving the Nation, yet you still can talk lan jiao way. Remember, what goes around comes around. Shame on you.

I only do case study! Just telling the truth but you dont like it. That you problem.
I just dont understand why he didn't here crack/snap sound????? CSI case study mah!

I was wondering that too, when I am in the jungle, any crackle, louder it is will get my attention or even smell... most likely have his Ipod etc..or whatever ear piece in his ears or playing with his tablets...

Thanks for support! Why dont run????

During my time, our drivers are very street smart, not only they are conversant in recee & "siam" to 'tuan'...any falling things, or sounds or what, they hop in the vehicle & drive off faster than you can say "when"!

I still suspect he play with his Iphone/any gadget........


Alfrescian (Inf)
Obviously you are talking shit here.

In any battalion, there will be a MO with his medics in full troop exercises. As to why he was sent directly to NUH, there could be various reasons like the late serviceman blood pressure dropped to a life threatening level and the MO decided to send him to NUH, which is obviously the nearest govt hospital. If you have went to SAF medical centers before, you will know there are no operating theatre available, except for a few sick bays for chao kengs.

As to why SCDF ambulance was used, there is a SCDF Academy which is situated about 5 minutes drive from Ama Keng. I would advise you to stick with S-League as a punter.

full troop excerise? nothing in that article said abt full troop excerise. that chap just a driver from a support battlion. u r the one that is shitting. limpeh never see my battlion MO outfield until Atec. The farker only outfield when CO himself also outfield. limpeh injure outfield in the past, die die must sit the farking rover back to gedong MC. my platoon M113 fell into the reservior, every personnels inside the M113 also go back to gedong b4 sent to hospital. MO in the field, limpeh dun believe.

like u said, scdf academy at jalan bahar, academy can activate meh? that place is to train only, not operation.


this is something i always worried about, injuries or death while wearing the green uniform seems like no cover by insurance. my agent a fellow reservist give me a template to use in order to claim for medical fee incur while wearing the green uniform. the story use in the template said i got hurt while playing basketball. liddat got insurance yet cannot claim because of saf, sibeh not fair.

Fairness is a Western invention. Singaporeans don't need fairness as long as they can put food on the table. :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Limpeh ICT next week. They should cancel all outfield activity for 2 weeks just to so they can check every tree and not have this happening again

u better pray to every gods u know that ICT can go outfield. if not, HK become LK, lan lan waste time at barrack, then still otang them one HK ICT.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fairness is a Western invention. Singaporeans don't need fairness as long as they can put food on the table. :smile:

for me, it already water under the bridge. just hope brothers out there who still have ICTs to check whether their insurance do cover reservist or not.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The FTs of Singapore would like to thank this NS man for dying on their behalf.


Alfrescian (Inf)
RIP. and to all that had fallen while serving the nation.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KcSTYEBEA48" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Alfrescian (Inf)
RIP. and to all that had fallen while serving the nation.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KcSTYEBEA48" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I used to blow this...have not touch the Bulge for years..don't know if I still can blow reveille.