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non-stop beheading of Ang Mohs 2014 onwards



Outrage after IS kills British hostage Alan Henning
Saturday 04 October 2014 09.41
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Alan Henning was a 47-year-old former taxi driver from Greater Manchester
International leaders have condemned the killing of British man Alan Henning by the Islamic State (IS) group.

The 47-year-old former taxi driver from*Greater Manchester*was captured in Syria last December*while he was helping to deliver a convoy of aid.

In a video released yesterday, a masked IS fighter beheads Mr Henning and threatens a US captive, aid worker Peter Kassig.


Watch: Diane and John Foley remember their son James who was killed by the Islamic State group
US President Barack Obama said the United States would bring those responsible to justice.

"Standing together with a broad coalition of allies and partners, we will continue taking decisive action to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL," he said in a statement, referring to IS.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to "hunt down" the killers.

He said the killing "shows just how barbaric and repulsive these terrorists are", and promised to "do all we can to hunt down these murderers and bring them to justice".

The United Nations Security Council described it as "heinous and cowardly".

French President Francois Hollande expressed outrage, saying: "This crime, like previous ones, will not be unpunished."

American reporters James*Foley and Steven Sotloff*and British aid worker*David Haines*were all previously executed on camera.

The parents of Mr*Foley, who was*beheaded by IS in August, have called on the world to unite against the militants.

Speaking on RTÉ's Late Late Show, John and Diane Foley*said Mr Henning was "another innocent" who had been bringing aid to Syrians.

They said the world community needed to come together "in a big way" to defeat the Islamic State group.

They said what had happened to their son and to Mr Henning could happen to anyone be they humanitarian worker, journalist, tourist or foreign student.

Canada to vote on joining fight against IS in Iraq

Canada is poised to join the international coalition launching air strikes on*IS*in Iraq after Prime Minister Stephen Harper sought parliament's support yesterday.

If politicians approve the action on Monday, it will be Canada's first military expedition since Libya in 2011.

Mr Harper said members of the House of Commons, where his Conservative Party enjoys a solid majority, would be asked to vote on the six-month "counter-terrorism" mission.

In making a case for war, Mr Harper said: "The threat ISIL (IS) represents is real, serious, and explicitly directed in part at our country."

"Left unchecked this terrorist threat can only grow."

F-16 fighters from the Netherlands are poised to join the action against the IS in Iraq as early as this weekend.

The Netherlands previously said it would send six F-16s to take part in the campaign to smash the jihadists, plus two in reserve.

However, the country said it would not join air strikes in Syria without a UN mandate.

Dutch personnel will also train Iraqi security forces, among other measures, as the Netherlands join a growing international coalition against IS, which has seized large areas of Iraq and Syria.

In Syria, the*US-led coalition has carried out new air strikes against jihadists from IS outside a key Kurdish border town, activists and a monitor have said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group, said the coalition hit at least four areas late yesterday on the southern and southeastern fronts outside Kobane, also known as Ain al-Arab.

Related Stories
Cameron confirms murder of Henning by IS group
Turkey vows to resist IS takeover of Kobane



2014 ISIL beheading incidents
In 2014, two journalists, two aid workers, and an unknown number of soldiers were beheaded by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (IS/ISIL/ISIS), a radical Sunni Islamist group operating in Iraq and parts of Syria, with beheading videos being posted to social media.[1][2] A central figure, nicknamed "Jihadi John", is shown in several videos speaking English with a British accent and appears to be the executioner in the aforementioned videos.

The beheadings received wide coverage and condemnation in the West. Political scientist Max Abrahms posited that ISIL may be using well-publicized beheadings as a means of differentiating itself from Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and identifying itself with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the jihadi who beheaded Daniel Pearl.[3]

James Foley
Steven Sotloff
Ali al-Sayyed
Abbas Medlej
Kurdish soldier
Syrian soldiers
Khaled Sharrouf incident
David Haines
Alan Henning
Peter Edward Kassig
Alleged Australian beheading plot
Hervé Gourdel
ISIL-allied Taliban in Afghanistan
International response
See also

James Foley
Main article: James Foley (journalist)
James Wright Foley (October 18, 1973*– c. August 19, 2014) was an American freelance journalist and photojournalist of the Syrian Civil War when he was abducted on November 22, 2012, in northwestern Syria. Foley is the first American citizen to be killed by Jihadi John.[4] Foley's beheading by ISIL received wide condemnation in the United States.

Steven Sotloff
Main article: Steven Sotloff
Steven Joel Sotloff (May 11, 1983 – c. September 2, 2014) was an Israeli-American[5] journalist for TIME magazine and The Jerusalem Post, although the Post disavowed any relationship once Sotloff's life was threatened. In 2013, he was kidnapped in Aleppo, Syria, and was held captive by Islamic militants. On September 2, 2014, a video was released purporting to show Jihadi John beheading Sotloff.[6][7]

Ali al-Sayyed
Main article: Ali al-Sayyed
Lebanese Army Sergeant Ali al-Sayyed (July 15, 1985*– c. August 28, 2014) was beheaded following his capture by ISIL during the Battle of Arsal.[8][9] ISIL member Abu Musaab Hafid al-Baghdadi posted pictures of the beheading on Twitter.[10] The beheading sparked public outrage in Lebanon.[11] Sergeant Al-Sayed's body was delivered to Lebanese authorities on September 1, and the body confirmed through DNA tests on Tuesday September 2.[12] The funeral ceremony was held on September 3, with family, friends, members of the public, comrades, and Lebanese Army Commander Gen. Jean Kahwaji.[13]

Abbas Medlej
Lebanese Army soldier Abbas Medlej is believed to have been beheaded following an attempted escape from his captors.[when?] ISIL members claim that he was contained following an escape attempt, where he fired upon his captors, according to comments made by an IS Leader on the Turkish Anatolia news channel. Gruesome photos of the slaughtered soldier were posted on several pro-jihadist Twitter accounts on September 6.[14][15] Abbas Medlej was captured by ISIL during the Battle of Arsal.

Kurdish soldier
An unidentified Kurdish soldier was beheaded following capture.[16][17]

Syrian soldiers
Photos of the executions by beheading of an unknown number of Syrian soldiers were posted by ISIL members to social media on July 25.[18][19][20]

Khaled Sharrouf incident
In 2014, Khaled Sharrouf, an Australian citizen, joined the ISIL group, proscribed by Australian authorities as a terrorist organisation.[21] Sharrouf's activities reached wide coverage in Australia following his posting of a photo of his seven-year-old son holding the decapitated head of a Syrian soldier.[22] The incident received strong condemnation from Australian leaders[23][24] and from the public.[25] Sharrouf's activities are thought to be war crimes.[26] The incident raised concerns over Australian Muslims being recruited for terrorist activity abroad and the possibility that the recruits would return to Australia and conduct further attacks.[27]

David Haines
Main article: David Cawthorne Haines
David Cawthorne Haines (May 9, 1970 – c. September 13, 2014)[28][29] was a British aid worker who was captured by ISIL in early 2013, and later executed by beheading in early September 2014.[30] Haines was born in East Yorkshire, moving to Perth, Scotland as a child and prior to his capture resided in Sisak, Croatia[31] as a father of two.[32][29][33] Haines had been an aircraft engineer in the Royal Air Force before turning to work in humanitarian aid in 1999.[34] He helped victims of conflict in the Former Yugoslavia, Africa and the Middle East. In 2012, he was an unarmed security worker for Nonviolent Peaceforce, a civilian peacekeeping group in South Sudan.[35][36]

Haines was abducted in March 2013 by ISIL while working in Syria for the aid group, ACTED, assessing refugee camp locations in the north of the country. He was kidnapped near the Atmeh refugee camp near the Turkish border and the Syrian province of Idlib.[29] He was seized along with an Italian aid worker and two Syrians who have since been freed.[29] The Syrian translator who was with Haines, now freed, claimed that insurgents shot out the tires and surrounded their vehicle on a country road.[37]

Haines' family requested that his abduction be kept a secret.[38] The abduction became public when Haines appeared in the purported Sotloff execution video, being held by Jihadi John who threatened that Haines would be the next victim.[39][40] The UK Foreign Office originally requested the British media to not publish Haines' identity fearing for his safety, though international press had published his name.[41] Later, the UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond confirmed that Haines was one of the intended targets of the 2014 American rescue mission in Syria.[41] The mission failed reportedly because the jihadist group had moved the hostages prior to the arrival of American commandos. Hammond suggested that the UK could launch another rescue attempt to recover the captured Briton.[41]

A video of the lead up and aftermath of Haines' beheading, entitled "A Message to the Allies of America", was released by ISIL on September 13, 2014. The video, following a similar format to the ones for Foley and Sotloff, started with a clip of a press statement by UK Prime Minister David Cameron followed by a title screen.[42] It then showed Haines delivering a prepared speech.[a] Next, the executioner makes a statement, then puts his knife to Haines throat and makes cutting motions as the video fades to black. The next scene is a shot with the camera panning over Haines' body with his dismembered head on his back.[43][44][42] In the final scene, the executioner is holding the orange jumpsuit of another person, named as British aid worker Alan Henning, saying "If you, Cameron, insist on fighting the Islamic State then you, like your master Obama, will have the blood of your people on your hands."[42]

Alan Henning
Alan Henning (August 15, 1967 – c. October 3, 2014)[45] was a British humanitarian aid worker.[46] Henning was the fourth Western hostage killed by ISIL. Henning was captured during ISIL's occupation of the Syrian city of Al-Dana in December 2013, where he was helping with humanitarian relief.[47] The British Foreign Office withheld news of Henning's capture while they attempted to negotiate his release. Henning was shown at the end of Haines's execution video, released on September 13, 2014, and referred to by "Jihadi John" as the next victim.[43][44] A video of Henning's beheading was released by ISIL on October 3, 2014.[45]

Peter Edward Kassig
Peter Edward Kassig is a former U.S. Army Ranger who was working in Syria and Lebanon as a humanitarian worker, aiding Syrian refugees.[48][49] He was named as the next victim in the video released by ISIL that showed Alan Henning's death.[50]

Alleged Australian beheading plot
Main article: 2014 Australian terror raids
In a pre-dawn police raid on September 18, 2014, Australian law enforcement detained 15 individuals in Sydney and Brisbane allegedly plotting a "demonstration execution".[51] The purported plan was to kidnap a random resident of Sydney and behead the individual on camera draped in the black flag of the Islamic State.[52]

Hervé Gourdel
Hervé Gourdel (September 12, 1959 – September 24, 2014) was a French citizen and mountaineering guide.[53] Gourdel was kidnapped on September 21, 2014 while hiking in the Djurdjura National Park.[54] The following day, a recently formed ISIL affiliate in Algeria, Jund al-Khilafah, released a video which showed Gourdel being held hostage. The group threatened to kill Gourdel if the French government continued to conduct airstrikes against the Islamic State. On September 24, they carried through on threats to behead him after a 24-hour deadline passed.[55] The beheading was captured in a video titled "A Message of Blood for French Government."[56][57]

The video is similar to other ISIL execution videos. It opens with a news clip of French President François Hollande and a title screen. It then shows Gourdel handcuffed and kneeling in front of four armed masked men. After Gourdel delivers a statement one of the militants reads a statement. In it he declares that this kidnapping and execution were in response to the order of ISIL spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani to attack citizens of countries participating in the US-led coalition against the Islamic State. Like the other beheading videos, it does not show the actual beheading, but the final scene does show Gourdel's dead body with his severed head in his lap, and then the fighters holding it up.[57][54]

The day after the beheading, approximately 2000 Algerian soldiers and 500 marines assisted by helicopters and sniffer dogs searched the Tizi Ouzou region to try to find the militants responsible for the beheading. A spokesperson for the Algerian government reiterated its commitment to protecting foreign residents living inside the country, which includes around 30,000 French citizens.[54]

ISIL-allied Taliban in Afghanistan
On September 20, 2014, local officials in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan reported that Taliban insurgents from different regions of the country lead by camouflaged men wearing black masks had captured several villages, set at least 60 homes on fire, killed more than 100 people and beheaded fifteen family members of local police officers. The masked insurgents reportedly carried the black flag of ISIL, openly called themselves soldiers of Daesh, and did not speak any local languages.[58]

Deputy Police Chief General Asadullah Ensafi reported that Taliban ambushes stopped reinforcements from the Afghan National Army and provincial police from reaching the area. Afghan commandos inserted by helicopter were able to reinforce units already defending the area and Ensafi reported that the "immediate threat to district's center had been nullified."[58]


How come nobody talk about the 2,000 Palestinians murdered by jews in Gaza ?? Are these 2,000 people including mostly women and children less human than the few beheaded westerners when they are doing their work in Arab land ??


How come nobody talk about the 2,000 Palestinians murdered by jews in Gaza ?? Are these 2,000 people including mostly women and children less human than the few beheaded westerners when they are doing their work in Arab land ??

Because the PAP IB will silence anyone who does that in this forum.

I am here to fuck the PAP IB for their antics through the reputation system. It's payback time but u won't find my clones like this one getting a ban because these aren't the ones that i will use. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Seems like Islamic State (IS) have a infinite amount of hostages for their online beheading videos. At this rate they're beheading once every two weeks or so and Peter Edward Kassig looks to be next unfortunate on the list.


Seems like Islamic State (IS) have a infinite amount of hostages for their online beheading videos. At this rate they're beheading once every two weeks or so and Peter Edward Kassig looks to be next unfortunate on the list.

I am awaiting to see defections from US military to ISIS. Also to see Obama's generals captured and decaptitated by ISIS. I am very sure it's just a matter of TIME only.


Alfrescian (Inf)
How come nobody talk about the 2,000 Palestinians murdered by jews in Gaza ?? Are these 2,000 people including mostly women and children less human than the few beheaded westerners when they are doing their work in Arab land ??

U see. The angmos will always be superior and attas class.:rolleyes: Their lives very "precious".:rolleyes: Why? Cos we Asians always quarrel and look down on ourselves.:( Even in this forum...calling each other names like Keling, m&d, chinks and wat have u.