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No Palestinian government of any kind in Gaza after war, Netanyahu says



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected any Palestinian involvement in the leadership and administration of Gaza following the end of Israel's war on the enclave, according to a report on Friday.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, citing Israeli security sources, reported that Netanyahu continues to oppose Fatah, which is the ruling party in the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, participating in Gaza's administration after the war.

The report pointed to statements by Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Galant last month criticising Netanyahu, saying: “The day after the war will only come with Palestinian control of Gaza with international support, and this body will be an administrative alternative to Hamas (...) This is an Israeli national interest.”

However, Netanyahu broke with Gallant and rejected this idea completely.

“I am not ready to replace Hamas-stan with Fatah-stan,” indicating that he is not prepared to let Fatah govern Gaza through the Palestinian Authority instead of Hamas.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Way to go Israel you have my wholehearted support and I will continue to donate to your cause till all the middle east scum are eliminated.