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No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences


No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences


Aches and pains, sore throat, fever – although they may feel similar to those suffering from their symptoms, the novel coronavirus is not the same as the seasonal flu, experts stressed Wednesday.

COVID-19, the illness caused by coronavirus, proves deadly in around 3.5 percent of confirmed cases.

While this is not the same as its mortality rate, given many people may be infected but not realise it, it is significantly higher than seasonal flu, which typically kills 0.1 percent of patients.

"There is still considerable uncertainty around the fatality rates of COVID-19 and it likely varies depending on the quality of local healthcare," said Francois Balloux, Professor of Computational Systems Biology at University College London.

"That said, it is around two percent on average, which is about 20 times higher than for the seasonal flu lineages currently in circulation."

Serious cases

But the true danger of coronavirus is unlikely to be the death toll. Experts say health systems could easily become overwhelmed by the number of cases requiring hospitalisation – and, often ventilation to support breathing.

An analysis of 45,000 confirmed cases in China, where the epidemic originated, show that the vast majority of deaths were among the elderly (14.8 percent mortality among over 80s).

But another Chinese study showed that 41 percent of serious cases occurred among under 50s, compared with 27 percent among over 65s.

"It's true that if you're older you're at greater risk, but serious cases can also happen in relatively young people with no prior conditions," said French deputy health minister Jerome Salomon.


Disease experts estimate that each COVID-19 sufferer infects between two to three others.

That's a reproduction rate up to twice as high as seasonal flu, which typically infects 1.3 new people for each patient.


Salomon said that humans have lived with influenza for more than 100 years.

"We've studied it closely," he said. "This new virus resembles the flu in terms of physical symptoms but there are huge differences."

Number one is the lack of a vaccine against COVID-19, or even any treatment shown to be consistently effective.

While some trials have shown promise delivering anti-retroviral drugs to serious cases, as well as some experimental therapies, their sample sizes are too small to roll out to the general population.

Hundreds of researchers around the world are working frantically to find a COVID-19 vaccine, but the development process takes months and is likely too late for the current outbreak.

Even if a vaccine magically appeared, getting everyone access it to it is no small order. Health authorities regularly complain that not enough people receive the flu vaccine to guarantee "herd immunity".


But the new virus does share some characteristics with flu, notably the measures each one of us can personally take to slow the infection rate:

Avoid shaking hands, frequently wash your hands with soap and water, avoid touching your face and wear a mask if you are sick.

Such actions can limit new infections just as they can with the flu, gastro illnesses and other infectious diseases.

France's health ministry says that only two in 10 people regularly wash their hands after using the bathroom.

"And only 42 percent of people cover their mouth with an elbow or tissue when they cough or sneeze," it added, not encouragingly.

© Agence France-Presse


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

If new data suggesting Covid-19 no more lethal than FLU is correct, should the world REVERSE its lockdown strategy?

4-5 minutes

By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics.

With each passing day, we learn more about the coronavirus. And some studies suggest that the virus’s bark may be worse than its bite. Now that the initial panic is over, maybe it’s time to reappraise lockdown plans.

A recent Stanford University study found the Covid-19 infection rate is probably between 50 and 85 times higher than official figures had previously indicated. The study looked for antibodies in 3,330 people in Santa Clara County. Antibodies develop in the blood after someone has been infected with the coronavirus and cleared it. And a much greater proportion of Santa Clarans had them than official figures had at that point suggested.

If the findings — which have yet to be peer reviewed — are sound, then it takes yet another thick slice off the mortality rate of Covid-19. It would now be something under 0.14 percent, putting it on a par with, or even lower than, the seasonal flu. Hence the good news.

READ MORE: Covid-19 much more widespread than thought, and NO MORE DEADLY THAN FLU, suggests new Stanford study

Larger scale studies are underway, but research of this nature should not wash over the coronavirus discussion. It should immediately be brought to the attention of all top public health officials and epidemiologists advising governments on the best course of action. We may be due for a course correction.

A new phase of the crisis

Dr John Lee, a British retired consultant pathologist, has been doggedly making the point that we simply do not know very much about the coronavirus. An awful lot of what’s been presented as facts … is actually hypothesis, supposition and assumption … that’s come out of models about how the virus might behave,” he said on a recent television appearance. And since these models are based on flawed testing protocols and hugely variable data processing from different countries, politicians should not pretend to be on the side of science when sermonising to their nations.

“When the facts change, I change my mind,’’ as the great economist John Maynard Keynes put it. Those were words to live by. Politicians should not feel chained to one course of action for fear that deviating from it would embarrass them—this would be to cut off their nose to spite their face. The stakes are too high now to put political capital ahead of national interests.

We have entered a second stage of the virus crisis. The first stage was a scramble to act in the face of an invisible enemy, whose potential for harm seemed almost unlimited. Governments everywhere felt that they had no choice but to hit the big red button, and like a chain of falling dominoes one after another took unprecedented lockdown measures from around the middle of March.

But now things have stabilized in much of the world, and are clearly on the downswing in badly-hit places like Italy, Spain, China and Australia. In this calm after the storm, politicians and the public health experts advising governments should take the opportunity to re-examine the evidence and decide a new, and more targeted, course of action for the future.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
'They' all knew about everything. We are all in it together. Everyone takes their own truth and sides suitable for their own benefits that's the truth. There were proofs and facts from many sources and researches published worldwide anyone could research them if they want. But due to fear of being ridicule, again humans flaws they would chose to follow the 'Mainstream Media' which might not be always right. That is dogmas at it's best. Poor Humans.....

Same like every household each man their own, with our own rules and regulations is it not ?

What we fail to see is that we're not united as one people despite everything hence the disunity conflicts and chaos.

Like the majority of the posters here from the 30% kiasi kiasu low IQ low education old farts, ignorant types to the pompous, howlian, tuaki, laulanz middle and upper class Sinkies and last but not least the worst of the downright disgusting foreigners trash, racists cockroaches that constantly post anti chinese, anti amdk and anti sg, anti everything propagandas, sometimes even accidentally reading their post makes you feel embarrassed to be human, fucking twits indeed !

Maybe it's due to complete lost of hope and their diminish ways over time to face reality owning to their perverted minds, erectile dysfunction for not practicing Tantra all
these incompetencies and failures, they have to vent out and that's why i've said b4 this forum does have it's positive effects in certain ways.

You or your site and your patience has been practically their salvation and a good deed to humanity. God knows if even this privilege is lost how much more would their family or close ones suffer. Though i understand the diversity in the types of posters does add to its nostalgia and also add an extra layer of cushion. Simply put this site is mad hence your icon remember the Mad Magazine ?

Nevertheless it would be unbecoming if there's no way out but there is. I'm not at all religious which 'excludes' others but spirituality 'includes' all.

May I : Perhaps you've read it: Albert Einstein's letter to his daughter Lieserl regarding the “universal force” of love. It's a beautiful read, offering a universal message that speaks to the essence of the human condition and our incessant yearning to believe in love's conquering force.

Lao Tzu