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No body give face to USA any more, Direct War @ Syria any time, stand off!



美俄在叙利亚即将开战? 俄罗斯封锁美军基地, 两国陷入对峙!
2018-04-09 09:45 女神说军事











The United States and Russia are about to start fighting in Syria? Russia blockades US military bases and the two countries fall into confrontation!

2018-04-09 09:45 The goddess says the military

Special statement: This article by the novelty culture team original article, the whole network push, prohibit copying plagiarism! If found, it will be handled seriously. Thank you.

The first day of the war of the goddess No. 1605, which has been going on for several months since Syria began warfare, has not only begun to show signs of war, it has become increasingly fierce, and it seems that the end of the war is nowhere in sight. The culprit for letting this war not end is not Syria, but the United States and Russia. Why do you say that?

Those who are concerned about this war all know that the United States and Russia are behind Syria’s support for the Democratic Army and one for Syria. Although the two countries have not directly started war, it is clear that the Syrian battlefield has completely evolved into a contest between Russia and the United States. The two countries are tit for tat. In Syria, there has been a successful confrontation between North and South.

It is reported that Russia is still sending troops to Syria. Weapons and equipment, Russia's participation in this battlefield is also getting higher and higher. At present, in the south-central region of Syria, which is 70% of Syria’s territory, there are Russian air, land and air forces and various air defense forces.

In northern Syria, more than a dozen US military bases have been deployed, and the United States continues to build new bases and continue to expand its presence on the battlefield. It is reported that the United States will continue to send troops to Syria with the goal of The U.S. military in Syria has increased to 6,000.

Although Russia and the United States have not been directly involved in the war, the two countries have been fighting all over the country. It seems that the war has been triggered. Currently in the Euphrates, the U.S. ground forces and the Russian ground forces have already faced each other directly. In southern Syria, the Syrian and Russian forces have blocked the U.S. military bases in the area.

It is reported that from time to time, the U.S. military will use the unmarked transport plane to transport large quantities of weapons and ammunition to the secret base of the U.S. airport, which seems to have been actively preparing for war. According to a survey report from the United States, 71% of Americans believe that the United States and Russia will have a civil war in Syria. It is only a matter of time.



Several killed & injured in ‘missile attack’ on airbase in Homs – Syrian state media
Published time: 9 Apr, 2018 01:32 Edited time: 9 Apr, 2018 03:51
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A military airport in Homs province has been targeted in a “missile attack,” SANA reports. Although Syrian air defense systems allegedly intercepted at least eight projectiles, several people were reportedly injured and killed.
Several missiles were launched at Syria’s T-4 air base in the east of Homs province, SANA reports, citing a military source. There are several “martyrs and wounded” as a result of the strike, the agency added, without specifying the number of casualties. According to SANA, the attack has “probably” been carried out by the United States.

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Moscow calls ‘chemical attack’ in Douma ‘fake news,’ warns against Syrian intervention
While the US Defense Department is "aware" of reports of an alleged missile strike, it has dismissed the reports of any US involvement.

“At this time, the Department of Defense is not conducting air strikes in Syria,” the Pentagon told Reuters in a statement. “However, we continue to closely watch the situation and support the ongoing diplomatic efforts to hold those who use chemical weapons, in Syria and otherwise, accountable.”

According to Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen broadcaster, the missiles were coming from the Mediterranean Sea, through Lebanese airspace. Meanwhile, Al Masdar News is reporting that “unknown jets” have entered Syrian airspace from Lebanon, and is speculating that the jets could be Israeli. In response, the Syrian Air Defense system at Mezzeh Air Base was activated, the report added.

Almost precisely a year ago, on April 7, 2017, the US carried out a strike against Syria’s Shayrat Airbase, launching a volley of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea. Back then, Washington justified the attack as a necessary response in the wake of reports of a deadly chemical attack in Idlib province, without waiting any on any investigation into the incident.

READ MORE: Red Crescent found no trace of previous 'Ghouta chem attack' used by US to blame Damascus & Moscow

The latest news come as Damascus faces fresh accusations of allegedly targeting civilians in a chlorine attack, which were put forward by the controversial White Helmets group, which is always to the fore in Western media coverage of the Syrian conflict.

Damascus, meanwhile, has denied the accusations, while the Russian Foreign Ministry denounced the latest reports as another example of a “continuous series of fake news about the use of chlorine and other chemical agents by the government forces.”

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Forget about Gaza, bomb Assad! Israeli hawks urge US to strike Syria over Douma ‘chem attack’
Amid escalating tensions, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the US Central Command (CENTCOM), have allegedly been compiling lists of potential targets and attack options to present to Trump and his national security team, senior US military officials told Israel’s i24NEWS.

Israeli officials had, throughout Sunday, advocated striking targets in Syria, calling on Washington to retaliate against Damascus in response to the alleged Douma chemical attack. The charge was led by the Israeli Strategic Affairs and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, who told the Army Radio on Sunday that he personally hopes that the US would take military action against the Syrian government. Among an array of politicians, Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog also called on the US to take “decisive military action” against Syria. The idea of Israel’s intervention in Syria was also supported by the Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, who urged his followers “to try and stop this massacre.”

Donald Trump’s fury, meanwhile, focused on Damascus and the Syrian president Bashar Assad, whom the US president called an “animal.” The US leader also lashed out against Iran and Russia for supporting Assad, saying there is a “big price” to pay for the latest chemical attack.

Trump has already held talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, after which both leaders decided to form a united front against Russia at the upcoming United Nations Security Council meetings, planned for Monday. Macron previously indicated that France might consider unilateral actions, including a military strike if chemical weapons were ever used in Syria again.

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Moscow calls ‘chemical attack’ in Douma ‘fake news,’ warns against Syrian intervention
Published time: 8 Apr, 2018 15:23 Edited time: 8 Apr, 2018 17:06
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FILE PHOTO: Syrian soldiers are seen in the rebel-held Douma district in the Eastern Ghouta countryside, Syria, on March 28, 2018. © Ammar Safarjalani / Global Look Press
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Reports of an alleged gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma are ‘fake news’ aimed at justifying potential strikes against Syria, Moscow said. It warned of “dire consequences” in the event of any military interference.
The Russian Foreign Ministry denounced the latest reports about a chemical attack that allegedly affected dozens of civilians in the militant-controlled town of Douma. It said the reports were another example of a “continuous series of fake news about the use of chlorine and other chemical agents by the government forces.”

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US holds Russia ‘ultimately responsible’ amid reports of dozens gassed in Syria’s Douma
The ministry pointed out that the source of the reports was the notorious “civil defense” group, the White Helmets, which has been repeatedly accused of having ties to terrorists, as well as other groups based in the US and UK.

Russia has warned about a false-flag chemical attack being prepared in the recent months, the ministry said. Those who are not interested in a genuine political settlement of the Syrian crisis are seeking to complicate the situation on the ground, it added.

“The goal of this… baseless speculation is to shield the terrorists and… the radical opposition that refuse to engage in a political settlement [process], as well as to justify potential military strikes from the outside,” the statement said. It then warned that any military interference in Syria conducted under “far-fetched or fabricated pretexts” would be “absolutely unacceptable” and could lead to “dire consequences.”

Meanwhile, the reports by various rebel-linked activists about the alleged chemical incident in Douma seem to have provoked yet another wave of hysteria in the West. US President Donald Trump rushed to denounce the unconfirmed attack as a “mindless” atrocity and a “humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever.” He also warned that those behind the alleged attack ‘will pay a big price.’

Accusations against the Syrian government and Russia soon followed. In his Twitter posts, Trump declared “President [Vladimir] Putin, Russia and Iran… responsible” for the attack because of their backing for Syrian President Bashar Assad. Earlier, the US State Department also said that “Russia ultimately bears responsibility for the brutal targeting of countless Syrians with chemical weapons.”

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US tried to play 'controlled chaos' among Muslim nations and lost – Iran
However, US officials admitted that they were unable to independently verify any information about the alleged incident and had to rely solely on “reports” made by rebel-linked sources.

The EU claimed on Sunday that there is “evidence” pointing to “another chemical attack” conducted by Damascus. It provided no specific details to substantiate the claim. Instead, the bloc called for an immediate “international response” and urged Russia and Iran to use their influence to prevent any similar incidents in future.

Damascus rejected the accusations, calling them “boring and inconclusive propaganda.” Only countries that “speculate on the blood of civilians and support terrorism in Syria” could be convinced by such reports, a Syrian Foreign Ministry official told SANA news agency. They pointed out that similar allegations emerge every time the Syrian Army makes advances in its fight against terrorists. The official added that Damascus had warned about a pre-planned false-flag attack.

Tehran has denounced statements made by US officials, describing them as “baseless accusations” that could be used as a pretext for military actions against the Syrian Army.

Meanwhile, the US administration appears to be already considering a potential response to the alleged chemical incident. “We'll be reviewing the situation later today,” US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CBS, commenting on a possible response. He refused to outline any particular options that are being considered, but said that Donald Trump and his national security team will be reviewing “all different alternatives.” Asked about the possibility of another US strike, the president’s Homeland Security Advisor Thomas Bossert said: “I wouldn’t take anything off the table.”

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143k civilians & rebels left E. Ghouta amid humanitarian ceasefire – Russian MoD
This is not the first time that reports of chemical attacks pinned on Damascus have surfaced on social media.

Moscow had warned that unconfirmed reports of atrocities and false-flag chemical incidents were likely to appear at a time when militant factions are losing ground in Syria. The latest report came as the Syrian Army pushed to liberate the remaining militant-occupied settlements in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, with the city of Douma being the last such city in the area.

It comes as Jaysh al-Islam militants holding the city of Douma reportedly held talks with government forces and agreed to leave the enclave. Damascus said on March 31 that nearly all militant-held settlements in Ghouta were liberated, and a major Syrian highway had been cleared after a seven-year militant blockade.

In February 2018, Syrian troops began the operation to retake the area that has been under militant control since 2012, and Russia brokered the creation of humanitarian corridors to allow locals to escape the siege. A total of 153,240 people have left the area through humanitarian corridors since the start of the operation, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Center for Syrian Reconciliation.

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The USA should just make peace with Syria and accept Assad as president. Assad has done more to look after its Christian minorities than other middle East countries