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news said Kim Jong Nuke sent 31 Ninja Spies Assassins into Kim-Chi-land yesterday!

democracy my butt


兩韓半世紀暗殺史:31 名北韓特工偷渡南韓,拉開血雨腥風序幕


745 人追蹤

換日線Crossing2019年7月21日 上午9:00


遙記當年在臺灣服兵役時,部隊輔導長曾經為了教育營內士官兵意志力,播了一部韓國電影給弟兄看,那是韓國影史上非常著名的特種部隊軍事片《實尾島風雲》(실미도,2003年),此片是改編史實,發生於 1971 年 8 月 23 日,南韓傳說派北的「684」特種部隊叛亂事件,而這是一支當年朴正熙總統,為了報復1968 年北韓失敗的刺殺行動,所組織起來的特殊部隊。
然而,回頭想一想,1950 年代韓戰過後,南北韓兩國之間,不論是斬首行動、炸彈攻擊,抑或情報戰等明爭暗鬥史,隨著近十幾年來,歷史文件、史料的揭露,許多秘辛都重見光日。我們可以肯定的是,南北韓雙方於過去將近半個世紀以上的時間,暗殺攻擊行動幾乎從未中斷過。就算來到 21 世紀,朴槿惠總統執政時期,南韓情報院也曾針對北韓可能使用毒物刺殺總統情報,採取預防措施,訓練總統身邊保全人員,必須學會解毒技能。
南韓這樣的擔憂並非空穴來風,如發生在近年且最為著名的,即是北韓領導者金正恩的長兄金正男,於 2017 年 2 月 1 日在馬來西亞,遭人以劇毒化學武器「VX 神經毒劑」,行刺結束他的生命,而從國內外眾多新聞報導來看,痛下毒手施毒者幾乎可以確定是北韓當局。
北韓 4 次暗殺南韓政權
眾所皆知,南北韓於 1953 年結束韓戰,當年的 7 月 27 日,以北緯 38 度線為界線,簽訂停戰協定後,雙方仍為了韓半島正統統治權,於不同的場合上,明爭暗鬥,頻傳暗殺攻擊事件。
若先從北韓角度來看,根據知名記者麥可‧布林(Michael Breen)的統計(註1),20 世紀北朝鮮至少嘗試 4 次以上實施暗殺韓半島「偽政權」南韓領導者,分別是:1968 年 1 月 23 日(南韓認為此攻擊行動,早於 1 月 21 日就已經開始策劃,故稱為「1.21 事態」1.21 사태)北韓「124」特種部隊,共計 31 位特工,成功穿越邊境,入侵到南韓總統府青瓦臺,準備行刺當時總統朴正熙(박정희,1917-1979)。然而刺殺行動前,卻被南韓軍警驚覺,雙方一陣槍火交戰,南韓成功擊退這批北韓特工,幾乎全數的北韓特工都死在現場,僅有一位特工逃回北韓。
北韓此次的「1.21 事態」斬首行動,可說揭開了雙方暗殺史的正式序曲,且正因為有此挑釁行為,讓朴正熙大感不滿,隨即決定展開報復。1968 年 4 月,朴正熙私下成立一支特別部隊加以訓練,而這支部隊的任務只有一個,即是潛伏到北方,刺殺北韓領導人金日成,然而,最終此部隊以叛亂失敗做結,而這也就是上述《實尾島風雲》的「684 部隊」(684부대)派北特務叛亂事件。
兩年不到的時間,1970 年 6 月 22 日,北韓第二次暗殺行動再度展開。同樣地,這次北韓暗殺斬首行動的對象,仍是當時執政的總統朴正熙,但這次北韓非派遣眾多人力部隊潛入南韓,而是改派 2 到 3 位特工,暗中潛入到朴正熙現身的公開行程現場──於他預計訪問國立首爾顯忠院(국립서울현충원)的前一天,北韓特務在現場的顯忠門(현충문)處,安放威力強大的炸彈,試圖一舉炸碎南韓總統,讓他屍骨無存。豈料,北韓特務精心策劃的炸彈攻擊,不知是否太過於緊張,還是不熟悉此新攻擊模式,當日設施炸彈之際,竟不小心笨手地提前引爆炸彈,讓朴正熙又順利逃過一劫,史稱「國立墓地顯忠門爆破事件」(국립묘지 현충문 폭파 사건)(註2)。
事不過三,北韓第三次斬首行動,日期選定在 1974 年 8 月 15 日韓國光復節,這是一個國慶假日,想當爾韓半島南方「偽」政權,必定舉國歡騰,人員疏於防範,正是一個下手的好時機。當日,正值南韓全國人民,不分男女老幼,共同慶祝擺脫日本殖民統治的國慶佳節時,朴正熙總統於漢城國家劇院,所舉辦的慶祝大會內發表簡短演講時,僑居日本同時身兼北韓間諜年輕小伙子,23 歲的文世光(문세광,1951-1974 年)手藏短槍,於會場盡可能地接近朴正熙,試圖為了祖國,一槍結束朴正熙生命,但他的慌張表情、生澀的行刺舉動,驚動了旁保安人員(註3),儘管文世光掏出短槍,狂打幾槍,但都沒有傷到早已躲到演講桌台底下的朴正熙,反倒是其中一槍,打中了台上朴正熙的妻子陸英修(육영수,1925-1974)。當天陸英修雖然緊急送醫急救,經過 6 小時搶救,仍失血過多中彈身亡,而文世光事後被捕,宣判死刑(註4)。
接連躲過三次北韓暗殺行動的朴正熙總統,1979 年遭刺,政權也經由「雙十二政變」,轉移到全斗煥(전두환,1931-)身上(註5),而全斗煥也理所當然,順理成章成為北韓第四次刺殺行動的頭號目標。
1983 年 10 月 9 日,北韓行刺人員在緬甸仰光的軍人公墓處放置炸彈,等待當天欲前去獻花的南韓總統全斗煥,炸得他粉身碎骨,然而卻因路上塞車,全斗煥座車晚到幾分鐘,也就是這短短的幾分鐘,安置好的炸彈引爆了,導致現場等候長官的的 4 位部長,以及 17 位人員重傷死亡,讓全斗煥於鬼門關走了一回。
綜觀以上,這些炸彈攻擊行動,其實北韓早已計畫已久,次數也遠比外人想像得多,因為根據麥可。布林的採訪,言及「根據一名(北韓)情報官員表示,在此(緬甸仰光的軍人公墓炸彈事件)之前,他們也曾有暗殺全斗煥的企圖,但並未對外公開」,但眾人無法證實此證詞,畢竟人命關天,且又是關聯到最高長官的生命與機密,恐怕難以準確判斷。但能肯定的是,不論是當時北韓領導者金日成直接下指令,抑或相關機構策劃,上述四樁北韓特工行刺事件,多有起因──根據北韓說法,如 1968 年的 124 部隊突襲,是為了報復朴正熙殺死北韓派遣提議談判的中間人,而 1983 年的緬甸仰光的軍人公墓炸彈事件,則是北韓政府不滿南韓並未為許多「未公開事件」負責道歉之報復行動。但話說到底,北韓最大的動力,仍是為了韓半島真正合法統治權,試圖抹殺偽政權南韓統治者。
但當時,除了北韓針對南韓首領的「個人」斬首行動外,於 1980 年代,國際間傳出由北韓 35 號室所策動,針對世界公民的恐怖攻擊「炸機」事件。
※本文由換日線網站授權刊載,原標題為《 兩韓半世紀暗殺史:31 名北韓特工偷渡南韓,拉開血雨腥風序幕》,未經同意禁止轉載
剪去長髮吧──20 世紀初的「摩登女性」都長怎樣?
韓國文化研究者、旅韓作家。弘光科技大學文創系文化科目、雲林科技大學應外系韓語講師。長期關心韓國年輕人與社會議題,善用「現象學」方法,分析文化現象與語言,著有熱銷《背包韓語》(聯經)、《再寫韓國:臺灣青年的第一手觀察》(月熊)、《他人即地獄:韓國人寂靜的自殺》(逗點)等書,目前活躍於「換日線」【現象・韓國】、「關鍵評論網」,與「udn 鳴人堂」【再寫韓國】等專欄。

Two Han and a half centuries of assassination history: 31 North Korean agents sneaked into South Korea, kicking off the bloody hurricane
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Change Line Crossing July 21, 2019 9:00 AM
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Author: Chen Qingde / phenomenon, Korean

When he was in military service in Taiwan, the Force Counselor once broadcast a Korean movie to the brethren to educate the officers and men of the camp. It was a very famous special force military film "Shiweidao Fengyun" in the history of Korean film ( 실미도, 2003), this film is an adaptation of the historical facts, which occurred on August 23, 1971, in the South Korean legendary North "684" special forces rebellion, and this is a former President Park Chung-hee, in retaliation for the defeat of North Korea in 1968 Assassinations, special forces organized.

However, looking back, after the Korean War in the 1950s, between South and North Korea, whether it was a beheading action, a bomb attack, or an intelligence war, the history of documents and historical materials has been revealed for many decades. The secrets of Xin are all seeing the light. What we can be sure of is that the two sides have spent almost half a century in the past, and the assassination attacks have almost never been interrupted. Even in the 21st century, during the reign of President Park Geun-hye, the South Korean Intelligence Agency also used North Korea’s possible use of poison to assassinate the president’s intelligence and take preventive measures to train the president’s security personnel.

South Korea’s worries are not groundless. For example, Kim Jong-nam, the elder brother of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un, who was in recent years, was attacked in Malaysia on February 1, 2017 by the highly toxic chemical weapon “VX nerve agent”. Ending his life, and from the numerous news reports at home and abroad, it is almost certain that the poisoned hand poisoning person is the North Korean authorities.

Before the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the history and assassinations of the South and North Korea assassinations in the last century were many, and they were more delicate, meticulous and wonderful. When we look back to the historical materials and information that are currently visible, the attacks between the two Koreas over the past half century, "under the table", whether it is the prelude or the number of times, are based on North Korea.

North Korea assassinates South Korean regime 4 times

It is well known that the South and North Koreas ended the Korean War in 1953. On July 27 of that year, after the 38-degree latitude line was used as the boundary line, after the signing of the Armistice Agreement, the two sides still held the right to rule on the Korean Peninsula and fought against each other on different occasions. , frequent assassination attacks.

From the perspective of North Korea, according to the statistics of well-known journalist Michael Breen (Note 1), North Korea’s leaders in the 20th century tried at least four times to assassinate the “pseudo-regime” of the Korean peninsula. : January 23, 1968 (South Korea believes that this attack has begun planning as early as January 21, so it is called "1.21 state" 1.21 사태) North Korea "124" special forces, a total of 31 agents, successfully crossing the border Invaded to the South Korean presidential palace, Qingwatai, and prepared to stab the then President Park Chung-hee (박정희, 1917-1979). However, before the assassination, the South Korean military police were shocked. The two sides fought a gunfire. South Korea successfully defeated the North Korean agents. Almost all North Korean agents died at the scene. Only one agent fled to North Korea.

North Korea’s "1.21 state of affairs" decapitation action can be said to have unveiled the official prelude to the assassination history of both sides, and it is precisely because of this provocative behavior that Park Chung-hee was greatly dissatisfied and immediately decided to retaliate. In April 1968, Park Chung-hee privately set up a special unit to train, and this unit had only one mission, which was lurking to the north and assassinating North Korean leader Kim Il Sung. However, in the end, the unit failed to complete the rebellion. This is also the "684 troops" (684부대) sent by the "Shenwei Island" above.

Less than two years later, on June 22, 1970, North Korea’s second assassination took place again. Similarly, the North Korean assassination attempt was still the ruling President Park Chung-hee, but this time North Korea sent a number of human forces to sneak into South Korea, but instead sent two or three agents to sneak into the public itinerary of Park Chung-hee’s appearance- ─ The day before he expected to visit the National Seoul Chung-chung (국립서울현충원), the North Korean agent was at the scene of the Xianzhongmen (현충문), where a powerful bomb was placed, trying to blow up the South Korean president and let him die. . Unexpectedly, the North Korean secret agent carefully planned the bomb attack, I wonder if it is too tight, or I am not familiar with this new attack mode. On the occasion of the facility bomb on the same day, I accidentally and deftly detonated the bomb in advance, so that Park Chung-hee escaped smoothly. The history is called "the National Cemetery Xianzhongmen Blasting Event" (국립묘지현충문폭파사건) (Note 2).

The third thing is that North Korea’s third act of beheading, the date was chosen on August 15, 1974, Korea’s Guangfu Festival. This is a National Day holiday. If you want to be a “pseudo” regime in the southern part of the Dalhan Peninsula, you must be jubilant and the staff will be neglected. It is a good time to start. On the same day, when the South Korean people, regardless of men, women and children, celebrated the National Day holiday of Japanese colonial rule, when President Park Chung-hee gave a short speech at the celebrations held at the Seoul National Theater, he lived in Japan and was also a North Korean spy. The young man, 23-year-old Wen Shiguang (문세광, 1951-1974), possesses a short gun, and approaches Park Chung-hee as close as possible at the venue, trying to end Park Chung-hee’s life for the motherland, but his panic expression, oyster-stricken behavior, alarm The security guards (Note 3), although Wen Shiguang took out a short shot and slammed a few shots, but did not hurt Park Chung-hee who had already hid under the speech table. Instead, he shot one of the wives of Tai Ching-pu’s wife. Lu Yingxiu (육영수, 1925-1974). On the same day, Lu Yingxiu gave emergency medical treatment. After 6 hours of rescue, he still lost too much blood and was killed. Wen Shiguang was arrested and sentenced to death (Note 4).

Assassination target becomes full bucket

President Park Chung-hee, who had escaped three times of North Korean assassinations, was stabbed in 1979, and the regime was transferred to Quan Dou-hwan (전두환, 1931) through the "Double Twelve Coups" (Note 5), and Quan Dou-hwan took it for granted. North Korea’s number one target for the fourth assassination.

On October 9, 1983, North Korean assassins placed bombs at the military cemetery in Yangon, Myanmar, waiting for the South Korean president, Quan Douhuan, who was going to spend the day to lay flowers. He was blown up by the body, but because of traffic jams on the road, the whole fight was late. In a few minutes, that is, in just a few minutes, the placed bombs detonated, causing four ministers waiting for the chief on the scene, and 17 people to be seriously injured and killed, leaving Quandou Huan in the ghost gate.

Looking at the above, these bomb attacks, in fact, North Korea has long been planning for a long time, the number is much more than the imagination of outsiders, because according to Michael. Brin’s interview said, “According to a (North Korea) intelligence official, they had attempted to assassinate Quan Douhuan before this (the military cemetery bomb incident in Yangon, Myanmar), but they were not made public, but everyone I can't confirm this testimony. After all, life is a matter of life, and it is related to the life and secrets of the highest executive. I am afraid it is difficult to judge accurately. But what is certain is that whether the North Korean leader Kim Il Sung directly ordered, or the relevant agencies planned, the above-mentioned four North Korean agents were involved in many incidents. According to North Korea, such as the 124 troops raid in 1968, In order to avenge the mediator of Park Chung-hee’s attempt to kill North Korea’s proposed negotiations, the 1983 military cemetery bomb incident in Yangon, Myanmar, was a revenge for the North Korean government’s dissatisfaction with South Korea’s failure to apologize for many “undisclosed events”. But in the end, North Korea’s biggest driving force is still for the true legal domination of the Korean peninsula, trying to obliterate the pseudo-regime of South Korean rulers.

However, at that time, in addition to North Korea’s “personal” decapitation against South Korean leaders, in the 1980s, international incidents were provoked by North Korea’s Room 35, a terrorist attack on the world’s citizens.

※ This article is authorized by the website of the daily line. The original title is "The history of assassination of two Korea and a half century: 31 North Korean agents sneaked into South Korea, kicking off the bloody hurricane", reprint without permission

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About the Author:

Korean cultural researcher, traveler and Korean writer. Hongguang University of Science and Technology, Department of Cultural and Creative Studies, Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Department of Foreign Languages, Lecturer in Korean. I have long been concerned about Korean young people and social issues, making good use of the "phenomenological" method, analyzing cultural phenomena and language, and selling "Korean Backpacking" (Jianjing) and "Rewriting Korean: First-Hand Observations of Taiwanese Youth" ( Moon Bear), "Others are Hell: Korean Suicide" (comic points), etc., are currently active in the "Change Line" [Phenomenon, Korea], "Key Review Network", and "udn Naruto" [ Write another Korean column.