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N Korea approves nuclear strike on US


I am sick of all this sabre-rattling. Someone should send in a crack unit in the dead of night to kill off Kim and their top brass. Instant problem rectification.

not really....the next craziest and ruthless warlord will take over that's all.....even if that doesn't happen, you'll get 20m hungry and jobless people crossing over to the south. Seoul will shit in their pants......


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am sick of all this sabre-rattling. Someone should send in a crack unit in the dead of night to kill off Kim and their top brass. Instant problem rectification.

I can think of our elite SOF and STAR teams. Pinky sure to score points with the Americans. Instead of being a clown with Chinese jokes, he should, for once, do something credible.


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
I can think of our elite SOF and STAR teams. Pinky sure to score points with the Americans. Instead of being a clown with Chinese jokes, he should, for once, do something credible.

You want to create a bunch of widows, orphans and grieving parents, carry on. Sinkie 'elite' spec ops team will get slaughtered overseas.

Anyhow, Pinky won't want to antagonize a valuable trading partner - North Korea.


You want to create a bunch of widows, orphans and grieving parents, carry on. Sinkie 'elite' spec ops team will get slaughtered overseas.

Anyhow, Pinky won't want to antagonize a valuable trading partner - North Korea.

yeah NK got embassy in Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually, NK gives a lot of money to their state propaganda like ours to ST. We jealous so we are now heading towards 173 from 149.


[h=1]N Korea warns it cannot protect embassies after April 10[/h]
[h=2]North Korea has said it cannot assure the safety of embassies in Pyongyang after April 10, and has urged Britain, Russia and other European nations to evacuate diplomatic staff amid soaring nuclear tensions.[/h]


MOSCOW: North Korea on Friday warned foreign embassies in Pyongyang that it was unable to guarantee their safety after April 10 and they should consider evacuating their missions amid soaring nuclear tensions.
European countries with embassies in Pyongyang, such as Britain and Russia, reported receiving a warning advisory, as an increasingly bellicose North Korea moved two mid-range missiles to its east coast.
"Their communication said that from April 10, the North Korean government would be unable to guarantee the safety of embassies and international organisations in the country in the event of conflict," a spokeswoman for Britain's Foreign Office said.
"Our understanding is that the North Koreans were asking whether embassies are intending to leave, rather than advising them to leave," she said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow, which has relatively close ties with Pyongyang, was consulting with China over the warning, as well as the United States and other members of the stalled six-party talks on North Korea.
There were "many factors" that needed clarification, Lavrov said.
Bulgaria's foreign ministry said the chief of all EU missions in Pyongyang had agreed to meet Saturday to discuss a common position.
North Korea, incensed by UN sanctions and South Korea-US military drills, has issued a series of apocalyptic threats of nuclear war in recent weeks, and there has been growing international concern that the situation might spiral out of control.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon described the daily threats from Pyongyang as "really alarming and troubling" and Germany summoned the North Korean ambassador to convey Berlin's "serious concern".
Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said he was flying to Seoul on Saturday and would "fully vet" contingency plans for ensuring the safety of 43,000 Filipino workers in South Korea.
The spike in tensions came as Yonhap news agency, citing a top South Korean government official, said North Korea had loaded two mid-range Musudan missiles on mobile launchers and hidden them in underground facilities near its east coast.
"The North is apparently intent on firing the missiles without prior warning," the official said.
A Navy official told Yonhap that two South Korean Aegis destroyers with advance radar systems had been deployed -- one off the east coast and one off the west coast -- to track any missile launch.
The Musudan has never been tested, but is believed to have a range of around 3,000 kilometres (1,860 miles), which could theoretically be pushed to 4,000 with a light payload.
That would cover any target in South Korea and Japan, and possibly even reach US military bases located on the Pacific island of Guam.
White House spokesman Jay Carney said Thursday that the barrage of rhetoric flying out of Pyongyang fitted a "regrettable but familiar" pattern of North Korean behaviour.
"We're taking all the necessary precautions," Carney said.
The Pentagon has said it will send missile-interceptor batteries to protect its bases on Guam, a US territory some 3,380 kilometres (2,100 miles) southeast of North Korea and home to 6,000 American military personnel.
Most experts think the North is not yet capable of mounting a nuclear device on a ballistic missile which could strike US bases or territory.
On Thursday the North Korean army said it had received final approval for military action, possibly involving nuclear weapons, against the threat posed by US B-52 and B-2 stealth bombers participating in joint military drills with South Korea.
There has been speculation that Pyongyang might schedule a missile launch to coincide with the birthday of the North's late founder Kim Il-Sung in mid-April.
"A flight test would make sense," Daniel Pinkston, a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group, told AFP.
"But I'd be surprised if they used an untested missile. At this stage in the game, they don't want to be firing off something that might disintegrate after 30 seconds."
Tensions have soared on the Korean peninsula since December, when the North test-launched a long-range rocket. In February, it conducted its third nuclear test and drew fresh UN sanctions.
The North also warned this week it would reopen its mothballed Yongbyon reactor -- its source of weapons-grade plutonium that was closed in 2007 under an aid-for-disarmament accord.

- AFP/fl



"The language and actions from from the Obama administration in response to North Korea last week was relatively strong. There are signs, though, in the past few days that it may had decided that some of this made have been a mistake, making a bad situation worse. The language of the White House, the state department and the Pentagon has become noticeably more muted."

The US now has decided that the intial strong response of B-52 bombers, stealth fighters to deter the North backfired and actually now worries the US more than its ally, South Korea. Initial casual dismissal of North Korea missiles as duds and its military as out-dated and the threats as bluff seems to change to one that see the very hasty re-deployment of US missiles and forces to Guam and the US mainland.

The South Koreans were also startled by North blockage of Kaesong whom they though the North would not do, leading to hundreds of its citizens stranded inside the zone. With the US changing its dismissal stance, the Skorean defence minister also stop using strong words in its briefings. Already the economic impact began to appear as the crisis drags on...impacting more harder on the south which is Asia fourth largest economy than the north. Now, the movement of North Korean missiles also meant that its unpredictable northern neighbour and its young untested leader threat is more real n dangerous than a bluff.

With the US and Skorea now backing off from direct confrontation, Nkorea should take the cue not to further provoke the crisis which have no benefits to her. She should focus on improving the people livelihood and the economy than on collision course with its southern neighbour.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A strategic distraction from Iran, so it can continue its nuclear expansion and threaten Israel and give Syria a breather.


Americans are a bunch of lazy incompetent technocrats produced failed state of the art war weapon technology. Put in all sort of complex digital geeks on their F35 to show off which no one know how to use them?

Depend on digital technology to fight a war, are you sure? Masak masak Nitendo games maybe.

Look at their complex financial instruments from Lehnman Brothers and Goldman Sach which no one understand and later collapsed and these companies have to be bailed out.

Alone the US cannot even win a war take Vietnam war for example. So were other Western countries to fight a war alone with the Far East.

The US dare not even fight alone with Iraq after 2 of their icon towers were bombed. They relied on combination with many Western countries to go to war with them against the Iraqi.

Take the British opium wars in the 1850s with the Chinese. Alone the British cannot defeat China and had to remind them of the 八国连捆 against the Chinese. The West and US are hypocrite and airheads in warfare and only boosted their so call 'state of the art war weapon technology' but dare not use it to fight one to one with another nation.

The Brit cannot even hold on to Singapore against the Jap and have to surrender consider they had state of the art war weapon technology and their so call British rule the wave (maybe longkang wave lah). Even so the Japs can bombed Hawaii speak loud of US defence capability.

Let's see how US can defend or win this war with NK alone (one to one) without combine with other Western countries?

[h=2]The North Korean army said Thursday it had final approval to launch "merciless" military strikes on the United States.[/h]
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Alfrescian (Inf)


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