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My fellow Sinkies this is how u do a mass demonstration properly, have no fear!!


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
There is no fear, as these Hong kongers have demonstrated. Look at how similar the situation there is to the situation here. The people there are fed up with their govt., they want a larger say in how they are ruled. Like sinkieland, the govt. there is very controlling, and heavy handed. But unlike sinkieland, HKGers actually have balls. If you have tens of thousands peacefully marching for your CPF, your jobs, your future, the PAP cannot arrest all of you. In this case, the Hong Kong Police arrested only 511 people out of the tens of thousands that were there. Imagine these people are standing up to a PRC govt. noted for human rights abuse, for killing opponents with no problem, for shooting kids in Tianamen, for corruption, etc. and yet, these people are not afraid of them. Why are we afraid of a bunch of stupid overpaid scholar jiak liao bees led by a bapok? It makes no sense, right?

Police in Hong Kong arrested at least 511 demonstrators Wednesday who refused to leave city streets following one of the largest pro-democracy protests in the former British territory since its return to Chinese rule in 1997.

Demonstrators were arrested for “participating in unauthorized assembly and obstructing police officers in an operation,” according to a statement released by Hong Kong Police.

“The public meeting on Chater Road on July 1 should have concluded according to the finishing time stated in [the permit letter]. After repeated advice and warnings by police including the display of warning banners, those refusing to leave in fact took part in an unauthorized assembly,” the statement said.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in the city’s financial district Tuesday afternoon, chanting slogans such as “Universal suffrage!” and demanding a larger say in who runs this city.

As night fell, a group primarily composed of students started a sit-in on Chater Road in the city’s central financial district to display their anger toward the city’s unpopular chief executive. The students are among the supporters of a civic group, Occupy Central with Peace and Love, that has been pressing for entirely free elections for the chief executive position in 2017.

Tuesday’s demonstration and the subsequent sit-in were peaceful; pictures circulated on social media websites showed that many protesters held both hands up in an effort to convey to officers that they had no intention to be violent and to not give the police any reason to use force against them.

When the officers started to forcibly remove the demonstrators on Chater Road early Wednesday, some who were being taken away kicked and screamed. But there was no report of any serious injuries.

Police officials did not indicate how long they planned to hold the arrested. Lawyers were also not allowed to meet immediately with the detainees, the local Sing Tao Daily reported.

Johnson Yeung Ching-yin of the Civil Human Rights Front, which organized the annual July 1 mass rally, told a cheering crowd in the financial district that an estimated 510,000 people participated in the demonstration, slightly more than the record crowd of half a million who took part in the 2003 event. That year, many local citizens were up in arms over a proposed piece of anti-sedition legislation that was later shelved.

But police in Hong Kong estimated that only 98,600 participants took part at the peak of Tuesday’ demonstration, according to Hong Kong based South China Morning Post.

Tuesday marked the 17th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong, a former British territory, to China in 1997, when agreements between Britain and China’s Communist leaders promised to allow the region of 7 million a wide range of civil liberties and a large degree of automony for at least 50 years.

Local residents in Hong Kong have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the way the city’s government operates and how its chief executive is chosen. In June, nearly 800,000 participated in a volunteer, non-binding referendum on how Hong Kong’s next chief executive should be elected.

Beijing has pledged to allow a citywide vote for the chief executive position, but has said any candidates must “love China and love Hong Kong.” The June referendum aimed at influencing rules for the election was illegal and invalid, Beijing has declared.

“The size of the protest or number of votes cast will not change the central government's stance, which remains firmly on the side of universal suffrage in Hong Kong,” said Zhang Xiaoming, director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, the state-owned Global Times newspaper reported.


Alfrescian (Inf)
So hong Kong wants to be Taiwan no.2.

Poor hong kies they are fighting the impossible fight.

We should just give Singapore to hong kies and let sinkies take over hong Kong...since daft and stupid sinkies love dynasties so much.
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