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In a two-part article published in March 2024, Dr. Wasfi Ashour Abu Zeid, a member of the Qatar-backed International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), considered how the Al-Aqsa Flood – namely Hamas' deadly October 7, 2023 attack, in which over 1,200 Israelis were killed and over 200 were kidnapped, and the ensuing war in Gaza – can be used in education, i.e., as a tool to instill correct values in children and to shape their personality. Writing in the magazine Al-Mujtama, the mouthpiece of the Social Reform Association, which is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Abu Zeid states that "this great event, the like of which has not been experienced by our nation for long decades," can be utilized in different kinds of education and serve to teach children many important principles and aspects of Islam.
For example, Abu Zeid notes that the Al-Aqsa Flood is an effective means of teaching children the values of jihad, because the Gaza war "is pure jihad, not contaminated by anything else." Stressing that jihad is "the pinnacle of Islam" and the source of the Muslims' glory, he states that children must be "raised on love of jihad, a yearning for it and [constant] contemplation of it," and that "today more than ever before, we desperately need to spread the culture of jihad." This, he explains, includes not only jihad in the sense of combat but also "financial jihad, media jihad, jihad of words… [and] jihad against evil scholars, hypocrites and the infidels."
Abu Zeid also addresses the relevance of the war to many other kinds of education, including religious, political, moral and intellectual education, among other kinds. Regarding religious education, he notes that the war is highly relevant to this domain since it is replete with religious significance. This is because the enemy is motivated by religious creed and beliefs, and so are the resistance fighters: the latter seek to protect what is sacred, liberate the land, defend their honor and please Allah – and this is what drives them "to seek martyrdom as eagerly as the aggressive enemy strives to preserve his life." The religious aspect is also reflected in the reaction of the martyrs' families when they are killed: they display "steadfastness and certainty, persistence and continuity, defiance and survival, faith and anticipation" of Allah’s reward.
In the context of moral education, Abu Zeid states that the war exemplifies the superior morality of the jihad fighters, which is reflected in their treatment of the "prisoners" – i.e., the Israelis kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, among whom were civilians, including children and infants. Ignoring the brutality of the kidnappings and the dire conditions in which the hostages are kept, evident in many videos and testimonies, Abu Zeid claims that the treatment they received from their kidnappers was so good that it caused embarrassment to the Israelis and their government and also persuaded many non-Muslims around the world to embrace Islam. Fathers and mothers should explain all this to their children, he says,
Furthermore, the war can be used to teach about da'wa (i.e., preaching and propagating Islam), since it exemplifies the power of jihad in attracting people to Islam. The "contentment, firmness and defiance" of the Gazan jihad fighters, Abu Zeid explains, made a great impression on people all around the world, and moved them to learn about Islam and adopt it it. "This [result] cannot be achieved by preachers or scholars," he states. "It is part of the blessings and effects of jihad." Moreover, thanks to this persuasive power of jihad, "many writers and educated people renounced their former position of hostility towards Islam and its adherents, and corrected their views and assumptions completely." Parents, he concludes, must present these facts to their children, in order to persuade them of the importance of da’wa and "the greatness and beneficial effects of jihad."
The war also clarifies some important political points that children should be made aware of, Abu Zeid adds. On the Palestinian level, it "exposed the shameful weakness of the Palestinian Authority" and the futileness of its attempts to make peace, and clarified "that there is no way to free the homelands except through jihad." On the regional level, it exposed the "betrayal" of the Arab regimes and their "collaboration" with the enemy. And on the global level, the events of the Al-Aqsa Flood clarified that "the war is not just between 'Israel' and Palestine or 'Hamas', but between two civilizations. It is an existential war rather than a dispute over borders, and a religious and ideological war rather than a war over political interests." These political ideas, he says, must be explained to children in clear and simple terms that they can understand.
Yet another aspect Abu Zeid addresses is media education, i.e., teaching children about the importance of the media. Israel, he says, uses the media to spread "false stories about the [Palestinian] resistance and its treatment of the prisoners and the so-called 'civilians.'" Therefore, children should be taught about the impact of the media, learn how to wage "media jihad" and use their personal social media accounts to support the war effort.
Dr. Wasfi Ashour Abu Zeid (Image: Islamanar.com)
The following are translated excerpts from his article:
"This War Will No Doubt Be Recorded In Our Annals As One Of The Great Battles That Transformed Our History," Like The Conquest Of Mecca
"The Holy Quran and the Sunna are full of reports about events, [and] the holy verses and noble prophetic hadiths direct us towards education through events. [In fact,] the commentaries on events and military operations that appear in the Holy Quran can constitute a complete educational encyclopedia. Another encyclopedia is contained in the Prophet's noble biography and Sunna, which exemplify an important and effective method, namely the method of education through events.
"We are now experiencing a huge event, namely the Al-Aqsa Flood war. This war will no doubt be recorded in our annals as one of the great battles that transformed our history, along with [the Battle of] Badr [in 624], the conquest of Mecca [630], [the battles of] Hittin [1187], Ayn Jalut [1260] and the Court of the Martyrs [i.e., the Battle of Poitiers; 732]… and other battles and events that the Muslims regard as temporal milestones that transformed the world and changed history.
"All this prompts us to face [the Al-Aqsa Flood war] and consider it from various aspects, primarily form the educational aspect, especially as regards our children, and particularly while the event is [still] 'fresh.' So how can this event become a gateway to cultivating a perfect personality in our children? This great event, the like of which has not been experienced by our nation for long decades, helps us to educate our children through events and to shape their personalities through events, using more than one kind of education, as follows:
Religion Is "What Drives [Hamas'] Fighting Heroes Seek Martyrdom As Eagerly As The Aggressive Enemy Strives To Preserve His Life"
"First religious education. The Al-Aqsa Flood battle can be used in religious education for two reasons. The first is that [faith] is what all Muslims are raised on, and it is the first thing they invite others to embrace…
"The second [reason] is that the most prominent significance of the Al-Aqsa Flood [war] is its religious significance, because the concepts of the doctrine and the faith manifest themselves most prominently in the events and in the course of the war that we are witnessing and following. [Everything about] the enemy, from beginning to end, [including] his point of departure and his conduct, is completely based on [his] doctrine, and so is the course of the battle. The incentive motivating the resistance is the protection of that which is sacred, the liberation of the land and the defense of honor, [with] boldness rather than indecision, [and while] hoping to obtain what Allah has [promised the believers] and desiring His approval. This is what drives the fighting heroes to seek martyrdom as eagerly as the aggressive enemy strives to preserve his life.[1]
"This aspect is evident in the reactions of the martyr's family when he ascends [to Heaven]: steadfastness and certainty, persistence and continuity, defiance and survival, faith and anticipation [of Allah’s reward]. Hence using the event [to teach] faith and doctrine is the most important thing that fathers and mothers can establish with children...
"The Intellectual Education Derived From The Event Will Increase The Muslims' Ability To Resist"
"Second, Intellectual education. One of the most important kinds of education that can benefit from this event is intellectual education – because reading history, delving deep into the divine social laws, and contemplating reality through the prism of Allah's laws and the lessons of history deepen the intellectual dimensions [of our understanding] and the teachings that are based on these [dimensions]. The events of the Al-Aqsa Flood war are a link in the chain of occupation and liberation. Occupation starts brutally, and then gradually wanes while the resistance intensifies. In the end the resistance has its turn, the occupation ends and the land is freed. The [best] outcome is for the righteous [Quran 7:128]
"Muslims should read the history of this issue and [see] the periods and stages it has gone through: occupation, conquest and liberation. They should examine the reports about the occupation in this country [i.e., Palestine] and read about the occupation’s morals and conduct in the land. The Muslims should also examine the morals of the conquerors and the conduct of the liberators, and compare their deeds and conduct [to those of the occupier]. This will double their confidence in their religion and bolster their faith and obedience [to Allah]. What a difference there is between the morals of the occupiers and those of the conquerors and liberators.
"There is a lesson and a method in history. All we need do is look back at the document [drafted] by Umar ibn al-Khattab when he conquered Jerusalem, and learn about the morals of the conquerors it embodies and the [principles of] interaction with Muslims and non-Muslims. Known in history as the Covenant of Umar, this document says: 'This is the assurance of safety granted by Allah's servant Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, to the people of Jerusalem.' He guaranteed the safety [of the Christians] and of their property, their churches and their crosses, of the sick and the healthy, and of all their religious rituals. [He promised them that] their churches would not be inhabited [by others] or be destroyed or diminished, including the spaces around them, [and the same applies] to their crosses and all their property. They would not be forced to convert [to Islam] and none of them would be harmed. No Jew would live with them in Jerusalem.
"[The covenant stated further that] the people of Jerusalem must pay the poll tax as do the [non-Muslims] in other cities, and must expel the Byzantines and the robbers, [but that] the lives of the deportees would be safe, as well as their property, until they arrived at a safe haven. Whoever stayed would [also] be safe and would have to pay the poll tax like the people of Jerusalem...
"This document and covenant needs no explanation if you compare it, for instance, to what the Crusaders did when they entered Jerusalem. Without intellectual education Muslims will not be able to address the [Palestinian] issue, talk about it or promote it. Exercising one's mind is very significant and important, and it makes a big difference. Teaching in light of this event [the Al-Aqsa Flood war] is a consequential matter. It is a legal obligation and is mandated by religion and reality. The intellectual education derived from the event will increase the Muslims' ability to resist and express themselves clearly and enhance their steadfastness in confronting lies and warding off suspicion. Hence the importance of intellectual education.
The Treatment Of The Israeli Hostages Exemplifies The Superior Morals Of The Resistance Fighters And Convinced Many People To Convert To Islam
"Third, moral education. The message of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is known to be a moral one. It is he who said, 'I was sent in order to impart good morals.' The Quranic verses and the Prophetic hadiths that clarify the status, rank and the reward of morality in this world and the next need no further elucidation, for they represent the laws of Islam.
"Morality [too] is manifest in this event, the Al-Aqsa Flood [war], in the ethics of the people [when dealing] with one another, for the ethics of Islam are apparent in [mutual] support, manliness, rescue, solidarity and cohesion.
"Morals are also manifest in the treatment of the prisoners. This matter is well-known, and it is the reason many people converted to Islam. This is yet another triumph that revealed itself in this war. The testimonies of the 'Israeli' prisoners put the occupiers' government and their entire society in a state of anxiety, due to the good treatment they received from the brigades of the resistance despite the crimes of the enemy, who kills women, old people and children, as well as the wounded and the sick, and leaves the structure of society in ruins.
"Fathers and mothers should explain all this to their children, in order to benefit from the event, and they should strike the iron while it is hot, so that the child will be saturated with the glory of Islam, will be prouder of it and more confident in it, and will compare these glorious and eminent ethics with the criminal and base morals of the occupying, aggressive enemy.
Children Should Be Raised On "Love Of Jihad, A Yearning For It And [Constant] Contemplation Of It"; "We Desperately Need To Spread The Culture Of Jihad"
"Fourth, jihadi education. Islam made jihad the pinnacle of [the faith]. Muadh ibn Jabal conveyed the words of the Prophet, who said: 'The head of the matter is Islam; its [central] pillar is prayer and its ultimate pinnacle is jihad in the path of Allah.' [The Prophet] made the glory of the community dependent on [jihad], and stipulated that neglecting it brings humiliation and disgrace…
"The Al-Aqsa Flood war is pure jihad, not contaminated by anything else.[2] This is blatantly obvious and as clear as day for those who have eyes to see. An occupying enemy [is faced by] brigades of resistance. Blood flows and lives are lost, and Allah chooses martyrs. The whole atmosphere is jihad within jihad, and this is what children should be raised on: love of jihad, a yearning for it and [constant] contemplation of it. Today more than ever before, we desperately need to spread the culture of jihad.
"Truly, spreading the concept and meaning of jihad, propagating its message, highlighting its facts and performing what it stipulates are considered the greatest aims of Islam, and they are the most important goals at this stage, which will be achieved by propagating the full legal meaning [of jihad].
"This includes financial jihad, media jihad, jihad of words – [i.e.,] articles, fatwas [legal opinions] and visuals – jihad against evil scholars, hypocrites and the infidels, as well as jihad against the negative feelings of the soul. All this is in addition to jihad in the sense of combat, with its legal restrictions, and other kinds of jihad that require all the energy of the entire nation, including all its various classes, parties and social sectors, while seeking to fulfil the requirements of Islamic law by adhering to its concepts and [providing] broad support to our brothers and to the just causes of the nation...
The Events Of The Gaza War Prompted Many Around The World To Take An Interest In Islam And Even Embrace It; "Gaza – With The Blood Of Its Martyrs… Became An Epic Source Of Da'wa And… Acquaintance With Islam"
"Fifth, education to da'wa. We observed the great effect that these events and the course of this war had in terms of da'wa [i.e., the propagation of Islam], for they prompted many people around the world to follow this religion and embrace it. Seeing the [fighters'] displays of contentment, firmness and defiance, they asked themselves: what is the amazing secret behind all of this? If the source of it is religion, then it must be the true religion. How can we become acquainted with this religion? What are its beliefs and its laws?
"Many people thus embraced Islam, so that Gaza – with the blood of its martyrs, the wounds of the injured and the sick, and the firmness of its people – became an epic [example] of da’wa and a practical, applied source of acquaintance with Islam. This cannot be achieved by preachers or scholars; it is part of the blessings and effects of jihad. Some people [are persuaded to] embrace Islam with good words or agreeable conduct. But some would have never embraced Islam had they not witnessed this contentment and firmness, the manifest spirit of defiance and steadfastness and the will to resist and survive in spite of the deep wounds and great pain.
"There is another aspect of da’wa that must be mentioned, [namely that] many writers and educated people have renounced their former position of hostility towards Islam and its adherents, and corrected their views and assumptions completely. A radical change occurred in their thinking and perception and in the way they write and speak about Islam and the Muslims or write about the specific issue. This too is one of the blessings of jihad and one of the effects of the pure [spilled] blood.
"All this should be presented and explained to our children, and the current situation must be clarified to them by comparing it to the situation in the past, so that the importance of da’wa and the need to practice it will become deeply rooted in their souls, and so that the greatness and the beneficial effects of jihad will be engrained in their consciousness.
The Gaza War Showed That The Palestinian Conflict Is Not A Dispute Over Borders But A Clash Of Civilizations, Exposed The Futility Of Pursuing Peace With Israel
"Sixth, political education. Many people talk about 'politics'; in fact, you can hardly find anyone who will refrain from talking to you about it. Whether he is studying it or is ignorant about it, he will talk about the reality as he perceives it. This great event, the Al-Aqsa Flood [war], doubled the [volume of] political discourse, so it is necessary to contemplate [this event], elaborate on it and consider how it can be used in the political education of our children.
"The vast political transformation brought about by the Al-Aqsa Flood war is evident on more than one level. On the local level, [the war] exposed the shameful weakness of the Palestinian Authority, which for decades made a profession of pursuing the method of “arrangements” [with Israel], the mirage of peace and the peace of mirage. Today it is clear that there is no way to free the homelands except through jihad.
"On the regional level, [the war] exposed the blatant cooperation with the Zionist enemy and the supportive stance taken towards this enemy at the expense of the Muslims in Palestine. The [border] crossings are closed, and no attitude has been taken that could force the enemy to stop his aggression. How shameful are the betrayal, collaboration and intrigues of the 'official' Arab world [i.e., the Arab governments].
"On the global level it has become clear that the war is not just between 'Israel' and Palestine or 'Hamas', but between two civilizations. It is an existential war rather than a dispute over borders, and a religious and ideological war rather than a war over political interests. This is patently clear from the statements of the Western leaders. Many of them talk [exactly] like Zionists, including U.S. President Biden and others. The president of 'Israel' also stood up one day and said that 'the ongoing war is not merely between Israel and Hamas, but is a war to save Western civilization.'
"This obvious change should be explained to our children in simple, easy language that will engender a deep awareness of what this event has revealed, foster a stronger adherence to Islam and its creed, law and ethics, and help them make sense of these events and their unfolding, based on this intended perception.
The Events Of The War Illustrate The Importance Of Boycott As A Form Of Economic Jihad
"Seventh, economic education. The Quran and the Sunna [Prophetic tradition] are replete with discourse about economics, the preservation of property and the avoidance of overindulgence and waste. They compare those who waste to devils: 'The wasteful are the brothers of devils, and Satan was ungrateful to his Lord' [Quran 17:27]. The events unfolding in Gaza as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood war are an important source of economic education, on more than one level, including:
"The practice of [waging] economic jihad by imposing a complete boycott on the enemy by the masses, the states, the governments and the social institutions. The boycott will not be truly effective unless the peoples' desire to boycott converges with measures taken by the governments to impose a political and diplomatic boycott.
By Allah’s grace, the events have generated considerable popular awareness of [the power of] boycott. The popular movements, and their economic jihad waged by means of boycott, preceded the speeches of the scholars, preachers and writers. [This happened thanks to] the general Islamic sentiment and was meant to help our people in Gaza and try to harm the enemy. The popular impact of the boycott – the economic harm it inflicts on the enemy and the enemy's supporters – is no secret. Furthermore, living in parsimony and devoting some of the economy to supporting the troops and the fighters, while feeling and showing solidarity with them, are [deeds reflecting] true determination [Quran 31:17].
"The great event of the Al-Aqsa Flood should be used to raise our children by the light of all these concepts and this culture: the culture of economy, boycott and economic financial jihad. For Allah drew a connection between the personal [military] jihad and economic jihad in many places in the Quran. Sometimes economic jihad precedes personal jihad, because without economic jihad, military jihad is impossible. Allah says, 'Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew' (Quran 9:41); 'Believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know ' (Quran 61:11)…
The War Obligates Us To Promote Solidarity Among Palestinians And Muslim Solidarity With Palestine And Gaza
"Eighth, social education, one of the most important kinds of education Islam imparts to its followers is social education. It is difficult to find any message that addresses social features and social conduct as much as [the message of] Islam...
"The Al-Aqsa Flood [war] obligates us to [implement] this education and exploit the events for social instruction on communicating with people, explaining the issue to them, and promoting solidarity among the people of Palestine, as well as solidarity of all Muslims with the Palestinians in general and the people of Gaza in particular, which is mandated by our religion!
"This internal and external solidarity conforms to the legal concepts and the texts of the Quran and the Sunna, which encourage solidarity, cooperation, mutual responsibility and a mutual call [to do good]. According to [a hadith] cited in Bukhari and Muslim, which belongs to this category and has a chain of transmission leading to Numan ibn Bashir, the Prophet said: 'In their Mutual love, compassion and empathy, the Muslims are like one body: if one limb aches, the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever. Islam is a humane religion. It does not accept that one Muslim should go to sleep sated knowing that his neighbor is hungry. So what about those whose homes have been destroyed and who have been deported to camps, where they are assaulted by enemy war planes morning and evening[?] Not to mention the [suffering] women and children we see on the screens, the martyrs and the [severed] body parts, the corpses torn in half that have been pulled out from under the rubble! All this demands social education and makes this huge event a means to reinforce this education in the minds of our children.
"Ninth, Collective education. Collective education is a solid, genuine [kind of] Quranic and Prophetic education. The Quran does not address the Muslims in the singular form: 'O you believer' or 'O you Muslim,' but rather in the plural form: 'O you believers,' 'O my servants.' In fact, it addresses all of mankind: 'O People,' 'O Sons of Adam.' Even when a Muslim prays, reading the Fatiha [the first surah of the Quran, which is part of the Muslim prayer], he does not say 'guide me,' but bears the [entire] Muslim community in his mind and says 'guide us to the right path.'
"Everything recorded in the Prophetic tradition, which is vast and commands solidarity, mutual responsibility and mutual empathy, is [couched in] collective [terms]. The Prophetic Sunna confirmed the Quran and made it a human principle when the Prophet made his farewell pilgrimage [i.e., his last pilgrimage to the Kaaba, in 632], in which he declared in his sermon: 'O you people, your Lord is One, your father is one, all of you belong to Adam and Adam is made of dust. The most noble among you are those who are most pious; no Arab has any merit over a non- Arab except through piety.'
"We must use the battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood to engrain this lesson in Muslims in general and in our children in particular. Individual activity is not enough in this great war. I do not speak only about the fighting arena, which requires coordination between the resistance groups inside and outside [Palestine], as well as coordination and connection among Palestinian politicians abroad. I also speak about general Muslim support for the Palestinians: through intellectual work and charity, and jihad by word, fatwa, clarification, rallying and mobilization…
"Education through [specific] situations and events has an effect that, in normal circumstances, can only be achieved after long years and with great effort and continuous labor.
The War Can Be Used To Teach The Importance Of "Media Jihad"; Children Can Use Western Social Media Platforms To Help The War Effort
"Tenth, media education. Today the media has become accessible to everyone; there are innumerable media platforms and they are influential in shaping public opinion and forming convictions. A large part of war is based on the media.
"We saw what 'Israel' did: circulated false stories about the resistance and its treatment of the prisoners and the so-called 'civilians.' These stories soon turned out to be completely false and dissolved with the passage of time, the unfolding of events and the testimony of many of the released [Israeli] prisoners.
"The power and great influence of the media can be seen here. It is a war alongside the war, a battle alongside the battle, bullets alongside bullets. Whoever underestimates [the power of] the media has only himself to blame. Today, the occupying and oppressing organizations employ PR companies to improve their image in the world. Our era is the era the media, and media jihad is the call of the day.
"Our duty during and after this great event, the Al-Aqsa Flood [war], is to use [this event] to educate our children about the media: how they can wage media jihad and understand the importance of the media, its great impact, its effect on the general public and its influence on the war itself. It is the duty of our children to use their personal accounts on the various social media platforms, and the various tools they provide, to [help] in this great war. Our duty is to raise them on that [principle] and guide them towards it. Thank Allah, the children are the ones who teach their parents how to use [social media], but it is now the turn of the parents to guide and instruct them.
"Although it is the West that created these platforms, there is nothing to keep us from using them in a positive way, as far as possible, until Allah allows us [to create our own] platforms, which are appropriate for us and our message, and until Allah allows this nation its own independent means of communication.
"These were several kinds of education in which, I believe, we can use a great event like the Al-Aqsa Flood [war] to energize our children, and ourselves along with them. In education, there is nothing like using [real-world] events to inculcate concepts, reinforce values, broaden the horizons and produce faster results and practices. Many events make long speeches unnecessary in the educational process, and replace decades of explaining and elucidating!"
For example, Abu Zeid notes that the Al-Aqsa Flood is an effective means of teaching children the values of jihad, because the Gaza war "is pure jihad, not contaminated by anything else." Stressing that jihad is "the pinnacle of Islam" and the source of the Muslims' glory, he states that children must be "raised on love of jihad, a yearning for it and [constant] contemplation of it," and that "today more than ever before, we desperately need to spread the culture of jihad." This, he explains, includes not only jihad in the sense of combat but also "financial jihad, media jihad, jihad of words… [and] jihad against evil scholars, hypocrites and the infidels."
Abu Zeid also addresses the relevance of the war to many other kinds of education, including religious, political, moral and intellectual education, among other kinds. Regarding religious education, he notes that the war is highly relevant to this domain since it is replete with religious significance. This is because the enemy is motivated by religious creed and beliefs, and so are the resistance fighters: the latter seek to protect what is sacred, liberate the land, defend their honor and please Allah – and this is what drives them "to seek martyrdom as eagerly as the aggressive enemy strives to preserve his life." The religious aspect is also reflected in the reaction of the martyrs' families when they are killed: they display "steadfastness and certainty, persistence and continuity, defiance and survival, faith and anticipation" of Allah’s reward.
In the context of moral education, Abu Zeid states that the war exemplifies the superior morality of the jihad fighters, which is reflected in their treatment of the "prisoners" – i.e., the Israelis kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, among whom were civilians, including children and infants. Ignoring the brutality of the kidnappings and the dire conditions in which the hostages are kept, evident in many videos and testimonies, Abu Zeid claims that the treatment they received from their kidnappers was so good that it caused embarrassment to the Israelis and their government and also persuaded many non-Muslims around the world to embrace Islam. Fathers and mothers should explain all this to their children, he says,
Furthermore, the war can be used to teach about da'wa (i.e., preaching and propagating Islam), since it exemplifies the power of jihad in attracting people to Islam. The "contentment, firmness and defiance" of the Gazan jihad fighters, Abu Zeid explains, made a great impression on people all around the world, and moved them to learn about Islam and adopt it it. "This [result] cannot be achieved by preachers or scholars," he states. "It is part of the blessings and effects of jihad." Moreover, thanks to this persuasive power of jihad, "many writers and educated people renounced their former position of hostility towards Islam and its adherents, and corrected their views and assumptions completely." Parents, he concludes, must present these facts to their children, in order to persuade them of the importance of da’wa and "the greatness and beneficial effects of jihad."
The war also clarifies some important political points that children should be made aware of, Abu Zeid adds. On the Palestinian level, it "exposed the shameful weakness of the Palestinian Authority" and the futileness of its attempts to make peace, and clarified "that there is no way to free the homelands except through jihad." On the regional level, it exposed the "betrayal" of the Arab regimes and their "collaboration" with the enemy. And on the global level, the events of the Al-Aqsa Flood clarified that "the war is not just between 'Israel' and Palestine or 'Hamas', but between two civilizations. It is an existential war rather than a dispute over borders, and a religious and ideological war rather than a war over political interests." These political ideas, he says, must be explained to children in clear and simple terms that they can understand.
Yet another aspect Abu Zeid addresses is media education, i.e., teaching children about the importance of the media. Israel, he says, uses the media to spread "false stories about the [Palestinian] resistance and its treatment of the prisoners and the so-called 'civilians.'" Therefore, children should be taught about the impact of the media, learn how to wage "media jihad" and use their personal social media accounts to support the war effort.

Dr. Wasfi Ashour Abu Zeid (Image: Islamanar.com)
The following are translated excerpts from his article:
"This War Will No Doubt Be Recorded In Our Annals As One Of The Great Battles That Transformed Our History," Like The Conquest Of Mecca
"The Holy Quran and the Sunna are full of reports about events, [and] the holy verses and noble prophetic hadiths direct us towards education through events. [In fact,] the commentaries on events and military operations that appear in the Holy Quran can constitute a complete educational encyclopedia. Another encyclopedia is contained in the Prophet's noble biography and Sunna, which exemplify an important and effective method, namely the method of education through events.
"We are now experiencing a huge event, namely the Al-Aqsa Flood war. This war will no doubt be recorded in our annals as one of the great battles that transformed our history, along with [the Battle of] Badr [in 624], the conquest of Mecca [630], [the battles of] Hittin [1187], Ayn Jalut [1260] and the Court of the Martyrs [i.e., the Battle of Poitiers; 732]… and other battles and events that the Muslims regard as temporal milestones that transformed the world and changed history.
"All this prompts us to face [the Al-Aqsa Flood war] and consider it from various aspects, primarily form the educational aspect, especially as regards our children, and particularly while the event is [still] 'fresh.' So how can this event become a gateway to cultivating a perfect personality in our children? This great event, the like of which has not been experienced by our nation for long decades, helps us to educate our children through events and to shape their personalities through events, using more than one kind of education, as follows:
Religion Is "What Drives [Hamas'] Fighting Heroes Seek Martyrdom As Eagerly As The Aggressive Enemy Strives To Preserve His Life"
"First religious education. The Al-Aqsa Flood battle can be used in religious education for two reasons. The first is that [faith] is what all Muslims are raised on, and it is the first thing they invite others to embrace…
"The second [reason] is that the most prominent significance of the Al-Aqsa Flood [war] is its religious significance, because the concepts of the doctrine and the faith manifest themselves most prominently in the events and in the course of the war that we are witnessing and following. [Everything about] the enemy, from beginning to end, [including] his point of departure and his conduct, is completely based on [his] doctrine, and so is the course of the battle. The incentive motivating the resistance is the protection of that which is sacred, the liberation of the land and the defense of honor, [with] boldness rather than indecision, [and while] hoping to obtain what Allah has [promised the believers] and desiring His approval. This is what drives the fighting heroes to seek martyrdom as eagerly as the aggressive enemy strives to preserve his life.[1]
"This aspect is evident in the reactions of the martyr's family when he ascends [to Heaven]: steadfastness and certainty, persistence and continuity, defiance and survival, faith and anticipation [of Allah’s reward]. Hence using the event [to teach] faith and doctrine is the most important thing that fathers and mothers can establish with children...
"The Intellectual Education Derived From The Event Will Increase The Muslims' Ability To Resist"
"Second, Intellectual education. One of the most important kinds of education that can benefit from this event is intellectual education – because reading history, delving deep into the divine social laws, and contemplating reality through the prism of Allah's laws and the lessons of history deepen the intellectual dimensions [of our understanding] and the teachings that are based on these [dimensions]. The events of the Al-Aqsa Flood war are a link in the chain of occupation and liberation. Occupation starts brutally, and then gradually wanes while the resistance intensifies. In the end the resistance has its turn, the occupation ends and the land is freed. The [best] outcome is for the righteous [Quran 7:128]
"Muslims should read the history of this issue and [see] the periods and stages it has gone through: occupation, conquest and liberation. They should examine the reports about the occupation in this country [i.e., Palestine] and read about the occupation’s morals and conduct in the land. The Muslims should also examine the morals of the conquerors and the conduct of the liberators, and compare their deeds and conduct [to those of the occupier]. This will double their confidence in their religion and bolster their faith and obedience [to Allah]. What a difference there is between the morals of the occupiers and those of the conquerors and liberators.
"There is a lesson and a method in history. All we need do is look back at the document [drafted] by Umar ibn al-Khattab when he conquered Jerusalem, and learn about the morals of the conquerors it embodies and the [principles of] interaction with Muslims and non-Muslims. Known in history as the Covenant of Umar, this document says: 'This is the assurance of safety granted by Allah's servant Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, to the people of Jerusalem.' He guaranteed the safety [of the Christians] and of their property, their churches and their crosses, of the sick and the healthy, and of all their religious rituals. [He promised them that] their churches would not be inhabited [by others] or be destroyed or diminished, including the spaces around them, [and the same applies] to their crosses and all their property. They would not be forced to convert [to Islam] and none of them would be harmed. No Jew would live with them in Jerusalem.
"[The covenant stated further that] the people of Jerusalem must pay the poll tax as do the [non-Muslims] in other cities, and must expel the Byzantines and the robbers, [but that] the lives of the deportees would be safe, as well as their property, until they arrived at a safe haven. Whoever stayed would [also] be safe and would have to pay the poll tax like the people of Jerusalem...
"This document and covenant needs no explanation if you compare it, for instance, to what the Crusaders did when they entered Jerusalem. Without intellectual education Muslims will not be able to address the [Palestinian] issue, talk about it or promote it. Exercising one's mind is very significant and important, and it makes a big difference. Teaching in light of this event [the Al-Aqsa Flood war] is a consequential matter. It is a legal obligation and is mandated by religion and reality. The intellectual education derived from the event will increase the Muslims' ability to resist and express themselves clearly and enhance their steadfastness in confronting lies and warding off suspicion. Hence the importance of intellectual education.
The Treatment Of The Israeli Hostages Exemplifies The Superior Morals Of The Resistance Fighters And Convinced Many People To Convert To Islam
"Third, moral education. The message of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is known to be a moral one. It is he who said, 'I was sent in order to impart good morals.' The Quranic verses and the Prophetic hadiths that clarify the status, rank and the reward of morality in this world and the next need no further elucidation, for they represent the laws of Islam.
"Morality [too] is manifest in this event, the Al-Aqsa Flood [war], in the ethics of the people [when dealing] with one another, for the ethics of Islam are apparent in [mutual] support, manliness, rescue, solidarity and cohesion.
"Morals are also manifest in the treatment of the prisoners. This matter is well-known, and it is the reason many people converted to Islam. This is yet another triumph that revealed itself in this war. The testimonies of the 'Israeli' prisoners put the occupiers' government and their entire society in a state of anxiety, due to the good treatment they received from the brigades of the resistance despite the crimes of the enemy, who kills women, old people and children, as well as the wounded and the sick, and leaves the structure of society in ruins.
"Fathers and mothers should explain all this to their children, in order to benefit from the event, and they should strike the iron while it is hot, so that the child will be saturated with the glory of Islam, will be prouder of it and more confident in it, and will compare these glorious and eminent ethics with the criminal and base morals of the occupying, aggressive enemy.
Children Should Be Raised On "Love Of Jihad, A Yearning For It And [Constant] Contemplation Of It"; "We Desperately Need To Spread The Culture Of Jihad"
"Fourth, jihadi education. Islam made jihad the pinnacle of [the faith]. Muadh ibn Jabal conveyed the words of the Prophet, who said: 'The head of the matter is Islam; its [central] pillar is prayer and its ultimate pinnacle is jihad in the path of Allah.' [The Prophet] made the glory of the community dependent on [jihad], and stipulated that neglecting it brings humiliation and disgrace…
"The Al-Aqsa Flood war is pure jihad, not contaminated by anything else.[2] This is blatantly obvious and as clear as day for those who have eyes to see. An occupying enemy [is faced by] brigades of resistance. Blood flows and lives are lost, and Allah chooses martyrs. The whole atmosphere is jihad within jihad, and this is what children should be raised on: love of jihad, a yearning for it and [constant] contemplation of it. Today more than ever before, we desperately need to spread the culture of jihad.
"Truly, spreading the concept and meaning of jihad, propagating its message, highlighting its facts and performing what it stipulates are considered the greatest aims of Islam, and they are the most important goals at this stage, which will be achieved by propagating the full legal meaning [of jihad].
"This includes financial jihad, media jihad, jihad of words – [i.e.,] articles, fatwas [legal opinions] and visuals – jihad against evil scholars, hypocrites and the infidels, as well as jihad against the negative feelings of the soul. All this is in addition to jihad in the sense of combat, with its legal restrictions, and other kinds of jihad that require all the energy of the entire nation, including all its various classes, parties and social sectors, while seeking to fulfil the requirements of Islamic law by adhering to its concepts and [providing] broad support to our brothers and to the just causes of the nation...
The Events Of The Gaza War Prompted Many Around The World To Take An Interest In Islam And Even Embrace It; "Gaza – With The Blood Of Its Martyrs… Became An Epic Source Of Da'wa And… Acquaintance With Islam"
"Fifth, education to da'wa. We observed the great effect that these events and the course of this war had in terms of da'wa [i.e., the propagation of Islam], for they prompted many people around the world to follow this religion and embrace it. Seeing the [fighters'] displays of contentment, firmness and defiance, they asked themselves: what is the amazing secret behind all of this? If the source of it is religion, then it must be the true religion. How can we become acquainted with this religion? What are its beliefs and its laws?
"Many people thus embraced Islam, so that Gaza – with the blood of its martyrs, the wounds of the injured and the sick, and the firmness of its people – became an epic [example] of da’wa and a practical, applied source of acquaintance with Islam. This cannot be achieved by preachers or scholars; it is part of the blessings and effects of jihad. Some people [are persuaded to] embrace Islam with good words or agreeable conduct. But some would have never embraced Islam had they not witnessed this contentment and firmness, the manifest spirit of defiance and steadfastness and the will to resist and survive in spite of the deep wounds and great pain.
"There is another aspect of da’wa that must be mentioned, [namely that] many writers and educated people have renounced their former position of hostility towards Islam and its adherents, and corrected their views and assumptions completely. A radical change occurred in their thinking and perception and in the way they write and speak about Islam and the Muslims or write about the specific issue. This too is one of the blessings of jihad and one of the effects of the pure [spilled] blood.
"All this should be presented and explained to our children, and the current situation must be clarified to them by comparing it to the situation in the past, so that the importance of da’wa and the need to practice it will become deeply rooted in their souls, and so that the greatness and the beneficial effects of jihad will be engrained in their consciousness.
The Gaza War Showed That The Palestinian Conflict Is Not A Dispute Over Borders But A Clash Of Civilizations, Exposed The Futility Of Pursuing Peace With Israel
"Sixth, political education. Many people talk about 'politics'; in fact, you can hardly find anyone who will refrain from talking to you about it. Whether he is studying it or is ignorant about it, he will talk about the reality as he perceives it. This great event, the Al-Aqsa Flood [war], doubled the [volume of] political discourse, so it is necessary to contemplate [this event], elaborate on it and consider how it can be used in the political education of our children.
"The vast political transformation brought about by the Al-Aqsa Flood war is evident on more than one level. On the local level, [the war] exposed the shameful weakness of the Palestinian Authority, which for decades made a profession of pursuing the method of “arrangements” [with Israel], the mirage of peace and the peace of mirage. Today it is clear that there is no way to free the homelands except through jihad.
"On the regional level, [the war] exposed the blatant cooperation with the Zionist enemy and the supportive stance taken towards this enemy at the expense of the Muslims in Palestine. The [border] crossings are closed, and no attitude has been taken that could force the enemy to stop his aggression. How shameful are the betrayal, collaboration and intrigues of the 'official' Arab world [i.e., the Arab governments].
"On the global level it has become clear that the war is not just between 'Israel' and Palestine or 'Hamas', but between two civilizations. It is an existential war rather than a dispute over borders, and a religious and ideological war rather than a war over political interests. This is patently clear from the statements of the Western leaders. Many of them talk [exactly] like Zionists, including U.S. President Biden and others. The president of 'Israel' also stood up one day and said that 'the ongoing war is not merely between Israel and Hamas, but is a war to save Western civilization.'
"This obvious change should be explained to our children in simple, easy language that will engender a deep awareness of what this event has revealed, foster a stronger adherence to Islam and its creed, law and ethics, and help them make sense of these events and their unfolding, based on this intended perception.
The Events Of The War Illustrate The Importance Of Boycott As A Form Of Economic Jihad
"Seventh, economic education. The Quran and the Sunna [Prophetic tradition] are replete with discourse about economics, the preservation of property and the avoidance of overindulgence and waste. They compare those who waste to devils: 'The wasteful are the brothers of devils, and Satan was ungrateful to his Lord' [Quran 17:27]. The events unfolding in Gaza as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood war are an important source of economic education, on more than one level, including:
"The practice of [waging] economic jihad by imposing a complete boycott on the enemy by the masses, the states, the governments and the social institutions. The boycott will not be truly effective unless the peoples' desire to boycott converges with measures taken by the governments to impose a political and diplomatic boycott.
By Allah’s grace, the events have generated considerable popular awareness of [the power of] boycott. The popular movements, and their economic jihad waged by means of boycott, preceded the speeches of the scholars, preachers and writers. [This happened thanks to] the general Islamic sentiment and was meant to help our people in Gaza and try to harm the enemy. The popular impact of the boycott – the economic harm it inflicts on the enemy and the enemy's supporters – is no secret. Furthermore, living in parsimony and devoting some of the economy to supporting the troops and the fighters, while feeling and showing solidarity with them, are [deeds reflecting] true determination [Quran 31:17].
"The great event of the Al-Aqsa Flood should be used to raise our children by the light of all these concepts and this culture: the culture of economy, boycott and economic financial jihad. For Allah drew a connection between the personal [military] jihad and economic jihad in many places in the Quran. Sometimes economic jihad precedes personal jihad, because without economic jihad, military jihad is impossible. Allah says, 'Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew' (Quran 9:41); 'Believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know ' (Quran 61:11)…
The War Obligates Us To Promote Solidarity Among Palestinians And Muslim Solidarity With Palestine And Gaza
"Eighth, social education, one of the most important kinds of education Islam imparts to its followers is social education. It is difficult to find any message that addresses social features and social conduct as much as [the message of] Islam...
"The Al-Aqsa Flood [war] obligates us to [implement] this education and exploit the events for social instruction on communicating with people, explaining the issue to them, and promoting solidarity among the people of Palestine, as well as solidarity of all Muslims with the Palestinians in general and the people of Gaza in particular, which is mandated by our religion!
"This internal and external solidarity conforms to the legal concepts and the texts of the Quran and the Sunna, which encourage solidarity, cooperation, mutual responsibility and a mutual call [to do good]. According to [a hadith] cited in Bukhari and Muslim, which belongs to this category and has a chain of transmission leading to Numan ibn Bashir, the Prophet said: 'In their Mutual love, compassion and empathy, the Muslims are like one body: if one limb aches, the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever. Islam is a humane religion. It does not accept that one Muslim should go to sleep sated knowing that his neighbor is hungry. So what about those whose homes have been destroyed and who have been deported to camps, where they are assaulted by enemy war planes morning and evening[?] Not to mention the [suffering] women and children we see on the screens, the martyrs and the [severed] body parts, the corpses torn in half that have been pulled out from under the rubble! All this demands social education and makes this huge event a means to reinforce this education in the minds of our children.
"Ninth, Collective education. Collective education is a solid, genuine [kind of] Quranic and Prophetic education. The Quran does not address the Muslims in the singular form: 'O you believer' or 'O you Muslim,' but rather in the plural form: 'O you believers,' 'O my servants.' In fact, it addresses all of mankind: 'O People,' 'O Sons of Adam.' Even when a Muslim prays, reading the Fatiha [the first surah of the Quran, which is part of the Muslim prayer], he does not say 'guide me,' but bears the [entire] Muslim community in his mind and says 'guide us to the right path.'
"Everything recorded in the Prophetic tradition, which is vast and commands solidarity, mutual responsibility and mutual empathy, is [couched in] collective [terms]. The Prophetic Sunna confirmed the Quran and made it a human principle when the Prophet made his farewell pilgrimage [i.e., his last pilgrimage to the Kaaba, in 632], in which he declared in his sermon: 'O you people, your Lord is One, your father is one, all of you belong to Adam and Adam is made of dust. The most noble among you are those who are most pious; no Arab has any merit over a non- Arab except through piety.'
"We must use the battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood to engrain this lesson in Muslims in general and in our children in particular. Individual activity is not enough in this great war. I do not speak only about the fighting arena, which requires coordination between the resistance groups inside and outside [Palestine], as well as coordination and connection among Palestinian politicians abroad. I also speak about general Muslim support for the Palestinians: through intellectual work and charity, and jihad by word, fatwa, clarification, rallying and mobilization…
"Education through [specific] situations and events has an effect that, in normal circumstances, can only be achieved after long years and with great effort and continuous labor.
The War Can Be Used To Teach The Importance Of "Media Jihad"; Children Can Use Western Social Media Platforms To Help The War Effort
"Tenth, media education. Today the media has become accessible to everyone; there are innumerable media platforms and they are influential in shaping public opinion and forming convictions. A large part of war is based on the media.
"We saw what 'Israel' did: circulated false stories about the resistance and its treatment of the prisoners and the so-called 'civilians.' These stories soon turned out to be completely false and dissolved with the passage of time, the unfolding of events and the testimony of many of the released [Israeli] prisoners.
"The power and great influence of the media can be seen here. It is a war alongside the war, a battle alongside the battle, bullets alongside bullets. Whoever underestimates [the power of] the media has only himself to blame. Today, the occupying and oppressing organizations employ PR companies to improve their image in the world. Our era is the era the media, and media jihad is the call of the day.
"Our duty during and after this great event, the Al-Aqsa Flood [war], is to use [this event] to educate our children about the media: how they can wage media jihad and understand the importance of the media, its great impact, its effect on the general public and its influence on the war itself. It is the duty of our children to use their personal accounts on the various social media platforms, and the various tools they provide, to [help] in this great war. Our duty is to raise them on that [principle] and guide them towards it. Thank Allah, the children are the ones who teach their parents how to use [social media], but it is now the turn of the parents to guide and instruct them.
"Although it is the West that created these platforms, there is nothing to keep us from using them in a positive way, as far as possible, until Allah allows us [to create our own] platforms, which are appropriate for us and our message, and until Allah allows this nation its own independent means of communication.
"These were several kinds of education in which, I believe, we can use a great event like the Al-Aqsa Flood [war] to energize our children, and ourselves along with them. In education, there is nothing like using [real-world] events to inculcate concepts, reinforce values, broaden the horizons and produce faster results and practices. Many events make long speeches unnecessary in the educational process, and replace decades of explaining and elucidating!"