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Former DJ buys iconic Rediffusion

SINGAPORE: Former radio DJ-turned-Chinese-language school principal, Madam Chang Mei Hsiang, has purchased the Rediffusion brand, its archives and equipment in an effort to bring the iconic radio service back on air.

A press conference has been scheduled on Friday where she will reveal more of her plans.

Mdm Chang told Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao that she had fond memories of Rediffusion, which she joined in 1985 after arriving in Singapore from Taiwan.

At the station, she was among the most popular DJs and had the support of many listeners.

Apart from being a DJ, Mdm Chang also took on the role of programme producer for seven years.

She told Lianhe Zaobao that her intention is to help preserve a part of Singapore's heritage, as the radio station had witnessed the country's development over the past 63 years.

Rediffusion, Singapore's only subscription-based radio broadcaster, went silent from April 30 as losses piled up.

In its heyday, it attracted more than 100,000 subscribers who tuned in for everything from American rock 'n' roll music to Chinese dialect programmes by master storytellers such as Lee Dai Sor, Ng Chia Kheng and Ong Toh.

The broadcaster's decision to sign off sparked calls from listeners, clan associations and even Members of Parliament to preserve dialect programming. - TODAY


if not, REDIFFUSION shall die another slow death.


Sigh.. I grew up with Redifusion.. Lei Dai Sor was my fav.. from jin yong's novels, to ghost stories.. to anything.. he had that touch. Now.. I only got one CD of his telecasts (and duno if from Redifusion or not).. ONE.. sigh.

When they chose to ban dialects, and started speak mandarin.. I heard it was bcos not many ppl spoke mandarin.. and there was a plan to "go into PRC land". "To show sincerity" to the PRC ppl, they used their "thunder" to eradicate all dialects in radio and TV., (err redifusion considered radio?)

It was interesting that when SARS hit Sg, infos on TV and Radio had to be done in dialects.. to let the elderly.. and those who dun understand mandarin or english to get the message of washing hands properly, and not spitting (sigh.. ppl still doing that even now).

Isn't it funny that we hear HK drama serials that start in Canto.. and den they speak in mandarin? The most funny thing is that some Taiwanese shows has hokkien (or tai yu, as they call it in taiwan), and it is allowed.. but if u were to watch and listen carefully, sometimes the Canto are cut out altogether.

We do haf younger generation who can understand dialects.. but can't speak them.. these are the better ones.. there are those who dun understand or speak at all. It is sad that one can't speak in their mother tongues.. it's like a lost heritage.. but Sg is probably a place where heritages haf to give way to "productivity and growth".. heck.. even cemeteries with history also has to gif way to expressways and roads..

Redifusion.. sigh.. I miss it. err.. does that make me a senior citizen??? Watever.. I love Lei Dai Sor...

let's back track to how SPAKE MANDARIN, KILL DIALECTS began. way back...way way back....

it began with this this old fuck called lau lee who is more malay than chinese; more ang mo than ang mo. the ang mo loved him and he was HARRY TO THEM even though he is smooth yellow chinese.

the PRCs hated him cos as chinese, he was more malay and more ang mo and worst definitely NOT chinese. lau lee couldn't spake a word in chinese. this they neber leeported. it was too embarrasing to leeport. he was slanged and humiliated publicly. someone actually sneered at him saying "what a national embarrassment!! chinese doesn't know how to spake chinese!"

so back in sgp after the not-leeported humiliating trip, he decided to SPAKE MANDARIN. to do that, first he gotta kill ALL THE DIALECTS. as it went, all dialect tv/radio shows and everything dialect - ALL ABOLISHED!

it's SPAKE MANDARIN or JIA CHUAK JEE ( in hokkien sounded like mandarin , means speaking money or chuak jee)

henceforth, the new generation kids and the next to follow become alien to their own dialect groups - their unique cultures, dialects, history....etc were almost totally lost!

does it seem right to a small nation which need such heartfelt and close to heart intangibles to be wiped out by one PRC-insulted tyrant lau lee?

it shows one thing. ALL THE MPS WERE JUST YESMEN and no one got the balls to argue and courage to STOP IT. anything lau lee edicts, it becums martial-lawed. just like the foolish STOP AT 2. this dialect killing spree was another bigtime sin committed. and again, the old goat gets himself scots free - unblemished or unanswerable to the dire consequences that entail.


instead of just blaming the govt, part of the blame must be allocated to you people. u ppl cannot even spare $10 a month to subscribe rediffussion. Another one are the clan associations, only know to NATO. together with the chinese chamber of commerce, they could have provide soft credit to rediffussion to tide over first. KNN, now kopitiam only have TV, why kopitiam cannot apply for a rediffussion too?

The rediffussion set in my home fell silent after april, now my mom have to listen to 95.8 which i hate. no more oldies and plays for her to listen while she cooks, no more hongkong radio programs for me while i eat. And it all you people faults!!!:oIo::oIo:

the main attraction from rediffusion were the DIALECTS PROGRAMS. without that, people would just turn to mediacorpse where it's FOC even though ti can be real bore!


gov always highlight we need "social glue" to enhance cohesiveness on one hand. but on the other hand, they themselves are cuming out with stupid policies that destroy the very fabric that binds the society.

DOES SPAKING MANDARIN really unite all different chinese dialect groups?

NO WAY! that's bullshit! that's their usual IVORY TOWER BLINDSIGHT!!

how do i know? just observe. when GE is around the corner, didn't they also blast out DIALECTS?? why do u need to contradict their own claims? it shows that they themselves betray their own conscious to do something which were really helpful and yet they continue doing that. no mp dares to ve the courage to stand up.

it's like the story in THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTH. no one dares to point the fault out.

this is what singapore is turning into - a city of sheeps poked by the rod of the shepard pap :(


please think of the denizens in aged home, recuperating homes or nursing hospital n etc. they are most old folks and probably non-educated and unfamiliar with mandarin. they may be mostly debilitated but their hearing and sight might be still ok and functional.

their one and only enjoyment could be probably listening to dialect storytellings from REDIFFUSION or watching dialect serials or wayang operas. for that our so called "loving" gov can't even oblige them.

singapore is a sad place. first they lose their heart, soon they would lose their soul.


please think of the denizens in aged home, recuperating homes or nursing hospital n etc. they are most old folks and probably non-educated and unfamiliar with mandarin. they may be mostly debilitated but their hearing and sight might be still ok and functional.

their one and only enjoyment could be probably listening to dialect storytellings from REDIFFUSION or watching dialect serials or wayang operas. for that our so called "loving" gov can't even oblige them.

singapore is a sad place. first they lose their heart, soon they would lose their soul.

Bro.. even wayangs face impending doom.. cos younger generations duno understand dialects.. they can't learn it.. and therefore don't develop any interest in it. I remember reading in newspapers and seen on tv, that when some tv stations in Guangzhou/guangdong cancelled canto shows.. canto ppl in Guangzhou/guangdong and HK protested.. callin it a massacre of the canto language.

i support ur call to bring back dialects to entertainment.. speaking dialects doesn't separate us.. it actually makes life more fun.. cos then we need to learn from each dialect group to understand each other. I really believe it!

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Tension68 said:
i support ur call to bring back dialects to entertainment.. speaking dialects doesn't separate us.. it actually makes life more fun.. cos then we need to learn from each dialect group to understand each other. I really believe it!

I agree with you. See the people singing dialect songs at Karaokes.


Bro.. even wayangs face impending doom.. cos younger generations duno understand dialects.. they can't learn it.. and therefore don't develop any interest in it. I remember reading in newspapers and seen on tv, that when some tv stations in Guangzhou/guangdong cancelled canto shows.. canto ppl in Guangzhou/guangdong and HK protested.. callin it a massacre of the canto language.

i support ur call to bring back dialects to entertainment.. speaking dialects doesn't separate us.. it actually makes life more fun.. cos then we need to learn from each dialect group to understand each other. I really believe it!

when the gov kills DIALECT FREEDOM, they inevitably kill themselves. many of the valuable morals, rich cultures and traditions encompassing each individual dialects are permanently eradicated. along with it, the humanistic values are lost forever. how then shall the young learn from? no other but from the warped western tradition which is totally unnatural to us. just look at their world. it's all messed up!

our gov goofed in the STOP AT 2 and now they would put the final nail to the coffin by eradicating DIALECTS FREEDOM. this is not a very mindful gov. it's a rather self-centred and materialistic based.

i just hope they can awake to all their flaws and faults and rectify the situation asap b4 our dialect roots are forever lost. it's a link to our roots and a link to the cohesiveness our society badly in need of.


our gov is made up of minitoots who are arrogance and probably shameful about their dialect origins. look at the top of the hierachy old man. just becos he was "humiliated"during one of his china trip for not able to spake mandarin, he forced reform that everyone gave up dialects and spake MANDARIN. wtf!! everything begin to mess up - the educational system which over stresses about the compulsory of chinese being one of the critical subjects to be able to enrol in uni. many brilliant students who are weak in mandarin were forced to seek higher education elsewhere.

when they are out of singapore, they realise that there is a certain air of freshness called FREEDOM and realise it would be better to sink their roots there instead of returning to our shore. it all begins with the bloody SPAKE MANDARIN.

is there any good? i doubt so....the angmos mistake us for being mini-PRCs and the PRCs laugh at our neither here non there mandarin when instead we could just have our own unique version of mandarin ala carte singapura style.

our minitoots mostly live high up in ivory towers. all their vision is HELICOPTER VIEW while most singaporeans are grounded and talk and behave like true-blue singaporeans. there is a wall of "separation" and hence their views are totally and adversely detached from the common man.


Sadly it takes a foreign born Singaporean to revive what is a Singaporean institution. With Chen Shao Mao another prominent ex Taiwanese turned Singaporean, perhaps we really need these foreign born Singaporeans to kick start our awareness of what is rightfully ours as those native Singaporeans brought up under PAP rule have had all the brains washed out after years of souless-ness.

Mdm Chang told Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao that she had fond memories of Rediffusion, which she joined in 1985 after arriving in Singapore from Taiwan.



chang mei xiang has such emotional attachment to redifussion. it is like her 2nd home which she is deeply passionate about it.

if more singaporeans could be more passionate like her. this would motivate many of us to fight for the things which are endeared to us and prevent the bloody gov from destroying it.

our icons such as VAN CLEEF AQUARIUM, national stadium, national library and many more had already been forever lost.

for the sake of monetary gain, the gov doesn't care much about endearment to the citizens. just see what kind of craps they cough out to reason for themselves so that they can bulldoze BT BROWN CEMENTERY.

how can we allow the gov to behave in such a mercenary way? if only, we encompass ourselves with PASSION. it shall motivate and unite us to stop the bo cheng hu gov we have :(