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MINDEF & the principle of equity


These are statements made by Teo Chee Hean in Jan 2006. You are hereby given notice that I may be taking his words out of context. You are hereby given notice that this post is neither legal advice nor a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional.

"The third fundamental principle of our National Service is equity".
[ Link ]

"…MINDEF does agree that we should apply flexibility and allow Singaporeans…to fulfill their individual goals. But this flexibility has to be exercised within that principle of equity"
[ Link ]

So what exactly is the principle of equity? According to Section 3(1) of the Application of English Law Act, the principles and rules of equity are part of the common law of England.

In the Singapore Academy of Law's website, there's a section on Equity and Trusts.

The Maxims

18.2.4 Some significant maxims of Equity are:
Equity looks on as done which ought to be done.
Equity follows the law.
He who comes to Equity must come with clean hands.
He who seeks Equity must do Equity.
Where Equities are equal the law prevails.
Where equities are equal, the first in time prevails.
Equity is equality.
Equity assists the diligent, not the tardy.
Equity looks to the intent, rather than to the form.
Equity will not assist a volunteer.
Equity acts in personam.
Equity will not suffer a wrong without a remedy.
Equity will not allow a statute to be made an instrument of fraud.

Forget the phrase "military law" that military seniors or MINDEF officials love to throw at you. Just remember equity applies here. It could very well be the case that the so-called military law is based on the principles and rules of equity.

You don't have to be very rich to get flexibility from MINDEF. All you need to do is to apply the principles and rules of equity.

You can make MINDEF offer you lots of flexibility relating to ICT, RT, IPPT etc matters. The question is how to force them to act in bad faith, thus walking into the battlefield with unclean hands. Or make them abandon the battlefield, stop contacting you and avoid you like the plague. :biggrin:

PS: Teo Chee Hean also refers to universality. I think that's philosophy. You've to read up on that yourself to see if it's relevant.


Equality is a just a pony trick to fool all the people from the middle class and lower class

There is no equality on Earth. From the day you are born, your life is pretty much fixed but of course, there are a small number of special cases.

The rich will fight to keep their riches and the poor will fight to become richer. That's equality


That means that anyone we haven't unplugged is potentially an agent. Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and they are no one. - Morpheus


You will do well to remember what happened when a member of the public was frightened by Neo/Trinity? He/she turned right into an agent.


Principal of Equity for NS refers to equal pain - everyone has to endure the same process and form. It was not followed strictly in the past but became more consistent after the mid 1980s. In the past, if you were rich , your kids can go for higher education overseas and then return to do NS. These chaps will eventually do clerk job and assigned cosy projects. Many of them returned with Masters and were more matured so never get picked on by NS instructors.

Nothing to do with what you have written.

These are statements made by Teo Chee Hean in Jan 2006. You are hereby given notice that I may be taking his words out of context. You are hereby given notice that this post is neither legal advice nor a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional.


Equality is a just a pony trick to fool all the people from the middle class and lower class

There is no equality on Earth. From the day you are born, your life is pretty much fixed but of course, there are a small number of special cases.

The rich will fight to keep their riches and the poor will fight to become richer. That's equality

Idiot. People talk about equity, you talk equality. Wake up.


Idiot. People talk about equity, you talk equality. Wake up.

You retarded imbecile gay dog :oIo:

You are so stupid that you fail to see beyond the smoke screen.
There is no equality in the first place so why will the concept of equity on top of it be relevant
Please castrate yourself so we can have a less idiot breeding pinhead offsprings in this world.


Principal of Equity for NS refers to equal pain - everyone has to endure the same process and form. It was not followed strictly in the past but became more consistent after the mid 1980s. In the past, if you were rich , your kids can go for higher education overseas and then return to do NS. These chaps will eventually do clerk job and assigned cosy projects. Many of them returned with Masters and were more matured so never get picked on by NS instructors.

Nothing to do with what you have written.

I do not know what you're talking about, but I accept the whole lot of text that you typed anyway.


For the interested lurkers: The High Court is a Court of law and equity. So is the Court of Appeal. Consider taking the equity approach.

For the agents: I'll be accepting whatever you're saying, regardless of whether I like your statements or not.


Equality and equity are different.
Let me use an saf example.
In a camp, everyone in the cookhouse eats the same food. Everyone gets served based on who arrives first. That's equality.
A platoon has just come back from a 2 week exercise in the field. Everyone in the camp knows that they have been living in bashars and surviving on combat rations. Their PC asks the cookhouse NCO in charge whether his men can eat first. The cookhouse guy agrees. That's not equality, but that's equity.
2 men from the same platoon who have been in camp for the past 2 weeks on light duties come and join their platoon mates to eat first. That's not equity.

Equality means that everyone is treated the same. Equity means that everyone may not be treated the same, but the reasons for the occasional different treatment is generally accepted by most.


Equality and equity are different.
Let me use an saf example.
In a camp, everyone in the cookhouse eats the same food. Everyone gets served based on who arrives first. That's equality.
A platoon has just come back from a 2 week exercise in the field. Everyone in the camp knows that they have been living in bashars and surviving on combat rations. Their PC asks the cookhouse NCO in charge whether his men can eat first. The cookhouse guy agrees. That's not equality, but that's equity.
2 men from the same platoon who have been in camp for the past 2 weeks on light duties come and join their platoon mates to eat first. That's not equity.

Equality means that everyone is treated the same. Equity means that everyone may not be treated the same, but the reasons for the occasional different treatment is generally accepted by most.

I do not know what you're talking about nor do I know how it's relevant to the subject matter, but I accept the whole lot of text that you typed anyway.

It is clear none of you have clicked on the link on Equity and Trusts in the first post.

Equity assists the diligent, not the tardy.


Law and equity are not the same.

3 persons are liable for a $300 loan, each having to pay $100. If a person dies, the other two have to pay only $100 each.

Same story. A person dies, the other two have to pay $150. In equity, the other two must make good the first person's share.

Is it no coincidence that the principles of equity are kept low key, whereas the mass media bombards you repeatedly with the term "law"?

Is the judge not able to sympathise with you (even if he wants to), if you decide to take an action in law out of ignorance instead of in equity?

The mass media caters for the lowest common denominator: primary schools kids and lowly educated elderly. You're better off heading straight to the government branches' websites to read what's going on.

He who seeks Equity must do Equity.