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millions of barbaric chinese laugh at japanese tragedy


The fucking PRC even kill their own babies with fake milk.
PRC are a joke. They only act anti foreigner when they want to distract their own people. But they covered up the part when they actually benefited from the Second Sino-Japanese War and how Japan had paid millions to them as compensation.

If they had so much integrity in the first place, why will they accept the millions? Lol. Same as those idiots who kpkb about PAP but when PAP give carrot, all diam diam.


Wanna know why PRC is so pissed?






Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Wanna know why PRC is so pissed?

Another dumb fuck.

In history, the Manchu rulers massacred the Han Chinese, as the ten day massacre of Yangzhou city and three times of massacre of Jianding people show. Their brutalities were as cruel as the Nanking Massacre of 1937.
Manchus are decendents of Jin dynasty and can be traced back to a tribe in Korea.

So why aren't the PRC pissed with Korea? They forgotten about the genocide of the Chinese during Qing dynasty?

The PRC are fucking idiots.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another dumb fuck.

In history, the Manchu rulers massacred the Han Chinese, as the ten day massacre of Yangzhou city and three times of massacre of Jianding people show. Their brutalities were as cruel as the Nanking Massacre of 1937.
Manchus are decendents of Jin dynasty and can be traced back to a tribe in Korea.

So why aren't the PRC pissed with Korea? They forgotten about the genocide of the Chinese during Qing dynasty?

The PRC are fucking idiots.

please lah, Qing massacre was 360 years ago. The Manchu race is a ethnic group of China today. Qing is classified as a Chinese dynasty in history. PRC bring up massacre of Yangzhou city 3 centuries ago for what, whack who, her own peoples? :biggrin:

Sino-Japanese war was only 65 years ago. Japan never said sorry, her leaders can only express regrets for invasion of China. no sorry word in Japanese dictionary? Japan keep on white-washing her war crimes which of course angered Chinese and Koreans.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
please lah, Qing massacre was 360 years ago. The Manchu race is a ethnic group of China today. Qing is classified as a Chinese dynasty in history. PRC bring up massacre of Yangzhou city 3 centuries ago for what, whack who, her own peoples? :biggrin:

Sino-Japanese war was only 65 years ago. Japan never said sorry, her leaders can only express regrets for invasion of China. no sorry word in Japanese dictionary? Japan keep on white-washing her war crimes which of course angered Chinese and Koreans.

Qing were Manchu and not part of Han Chinese China. Get your fact correct! The Han Chinese were massacred by these Manchu foreign invaders! China was part of Manchurian empire. Also, it is fallacy to think that Han Chinese were of somewhat equal to the Manchu ruler, cos it is not! The Han Chinese were still treated as 2nd or even 3rd class near the end of Qing dynasty. If not why do you think there were so many Chinese rebellion?



It was now claim as part of China cos the current Chinese leaders want to occupy those land. Like how they claim Tibet as part of China too! In fact, if I am not mistaken, if it wasn't for the Soviet Union, Mongolia could be under China rule now.

If you want sorry, ask your grandfather to go look for the Japanese Emperor. What have that got to do with the innocent later generation?
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Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Talking about atrocities, what about the current communist party of China? Mao was very much involved in killing and torture of hundreds of thousands of Chinese during his rule, why those dumb fucking idiots Chinese still worship him like a saint? And did any of the current communist leader apologise? Think!!

http://BrainMind.com/Tiananmen.html Chinese Torture & Atrocities: Beheadings & Death by a 1000 Cuts. Death by a 1000 cuts was utilized in China as punishment for over 1000 years until outlawed in 1905. Beheadings were commonplace for 4000 years.

The pictures of "death from a thousand cuts" are all from China, during the early 1900s. The beheadings are also from China, during this same time period. There is one photograph of a beheading at the very end of the film whose origins or perpetrators are disputed; some claim he is Japanese--though he is wearing a Chinese police officers cap which was still in fashion during the 1980s in Beijing, China.

This video is taken from a much longer film, by Dr. Joseph, that covers the history of China during the 1900s and ends with the Tiananmen Massacre.

Although death by 1000 cuts was outlawed, the communists in China under Mao committed horrible atrocities and torture. Mao's wife recommended "death by a 1000" for the president of Communist China and the co-chairman of the Communist party. It is for this reason that we included the footage from the cultural revolution--she recommended death by a thousand cuts and it fit into the topic of the film. Some complain we are being unfair to the communists by including this; this criticism is ridiculous.

In today's China, torture is commonplace, and a form of death by a 1000 cuts is practiced, i.e. in China's organ donation industry, where hearts, lungs, livers, eyes, are cut from the living bodies of unwilling victims, and then sold to the rich to be implanted in their wasted bodies. Many of the victims are kept alive for days until each organ is needed and then harvested for implantation.

Numerous sources confirm Mao and his communists committed horrible atrocities which continued after his death.

As recently as the 1970s Red Guards burned people alive, cut off heads, and ate living flesh cut from their victims, killing and torturing millions of innocent Chinese. These are the people who now rule China.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/q7iDZnkn1xo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Has anyone forgotten about the Tiananmen Square massacre? PRC and some idiots here are a bunch of fucking hypocrites!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XJBnHMpHGRY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O4xtkpO7ZqU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Alfrescian (Inf)
are you chinese? do you have grand uncle who was beheaded by the jap during WW2? shut the fcuk up! the jap are the most hypocritical being i have ever know on earth, i am not slamming them cos' of the earthquake but why slam your own chinese roots when you not know anything about history!!!

your grandfathers or fathers probably working for the jap during WW2???:rolleyes::biggrin::p sound familiar, tio bor?

Welcome back to SBF, hotbot.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Qing were Manchu and not part of Han Chinese China.
It was now claim as part of China cos the current Chinese leaders want to occupy those land. Like how they claim Tibet as part of China too! In fact, if I am not mistaken, if it wasn't for the Soviet Union, Mongolia could be under China rule now.

If you want sorry, ask your grandfather to go look for the Japanese Emperor. What have that got to do with the innocent later generation?

PRC is is officially a multi-ethnic state, not a Han Chinese nation. Qing was a Manchu and Chinese empire. Manchu are Chinese ( 1 of 56 ethnic groups in China. ) Manchu invasion of Ming was a foreign invasion in origin but Manchu race became a part of the Chinese republic in 1911. Qing dynasty is classified as part of Chinese dynasties like Yuan, Liao, Jin, Dali etc... who were not Han but Chinese. That's PRC history interpretation, not mine.

manchu massacres happened 3.5 centuries ago. PRC pissed for what? you are comparing that ancient era to sino-japan war which happened only 65 years ago and there are still sino-japan war survivors and victims living today.
no Chinese or Koreans will bother to talk about Japan ww2 crimes in 100 years time too.


Seems like the culural revolution still has a lingering effect on the mainland Chinese.

Quake sparks war of words on Net

Said another: 'When China had an earthquake, the whole of Japan donated money. Now Japan has a quake, all you guys are celebrating... Patriotism doesn't mean we extinguish our conscience.'


Alfrescian (Inf)
lianbeng thinks China is celebrating at the expense of Japan's tragedy as they remembered how the Japs tortured their ancestors during WWII.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
PRC is is officially a multi-ethnic state, not a Han Chinese nation. Qing was a Manchu and Chinese empire. Manchu are Chinese ( 1 of 56 ethnic groups in China. ) Manchu invasion of Ming was a foreign invasion in origin but Manchu race became a part of the Chinese republic in 1911. Qing dynasty is classified as part of Chinese dynasties like Yuan, Liao, Jin, Dali etc... who were not Han but Chinese. That's PRC history interpretation, not mine.

That's because PRC want to dominate Mongolia and Manchuria. If Japan had invaded China 500years ago, PRC would also want to claim Japan as part of China like Taiwan. Same with Korea.

manchu massacres happened 3.5 centuries ago. PRC pissed for what? you are comparing that ancient era to sino-japan war which happened only 65 years ago and there are still sino-japan war survivors and victims living today.
no Chinese or Koreans will bother to talk about Japan ww2 crimes in 100 years time too.

At least the Koreans are sensible people and behave like real human beings who can clearly see what is right and not to blame the innocent. Unlike most dumb fucking idiotic barbaric PRCs and some idiots here who celebrate at the expense of those suffering.

When Sichuan earthquake happened, there were Japanese donating and helping out the fucking PRCs while some idiotic PRC laughing at the sufferings of their own kind! Fucking ungrateful and uncouth idiots.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PA8cgEcCg-Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Koreans Rally to Donate to Japan
More than 40,000 Koreans have donated to fundraising campaigns for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

A fundraising committee says individuals and small companies have donated some W240 million (US$1=W1,132) over two full days of campaigning on Monday and Tuesday.

The committee has collected donations from people through account transfers, phone-based systems and popular websites such as Daum.

According to the committee, people have shown greater interest in fundraising efforts for Japan than they did for the people of Haiti, when most of that country was flattened by a massive earthquake in 2009.

South Korean children of Songpa Kindergarten make donations during a fund raising campaign for victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan in Seoul, South Korea on March 18, 2011. (Xinhua/Park Jin Hee)

S. Koreans donate for Japan quake victims
People donate money to rescue efforts for Japan's massive earthquake at Jogyesa Buddhist temple in Seoul on March 15, 2011. Many organizations in South Korea are raising donations to assist Japan's recovery. (Kyodo)


Koreans are indeed more sensible.


South Korean comfort women stop protest to pray for Japan
By Lim Yun Suk | Posted: 16 March 2011 2113 hrs

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South Korean comfort women during World War II put aside their weekly demonstration to pray for the victims of Japan's quake and tsunami.


S.Korean comfort women stop protest to pray for Japan

SEOUL: South Korean comfort women during World War II halted their weekly protests outside the Japanese embassy in central Seoul on Wednesday, to pray for the victims of Japan's quake and tsunami.

The women have been gathering outside the embassy every Wednesday for the past 19 years, shouting chants and demanding an apology from Japan for forcing them to work as sex slaves for Japanese troops during World War II.

However, this week they abandoned their angry emotions and chanted "be brave", as they held a short prayer session for the victims of Japan's disaster.

There were about 200 of them when they first went public in 1992, but only a handful are left to continue their demonstrations.

This is the second time the group has called off the demonstration; the first being the Kobe earthquake in 1995, when a similar tribute was made to the victims.

"We hate the sins they have committed. But we don't hate the people. We really wish for them to recover quickly and get well soon," said Ms Lee Yong Su, a former comfort woman.

In other parts of Seoul, various fundraising campaigns are underway, with reports saying more than 40,000 South Koreans have made donations to different fundraising organisations for Japan.

South Koreans have donated more than US$700,000 so far - as part of a nationwide campaign.

The donations - from ordinary Koreans - will be handed over to charity groups in Japan for relief activities.


This is solid evidence that the Communist ruled China Chinese is really different from democratic freedom ruled country like Singapore, ROC Taiwan, South Korea and much much more...!!! Disgusting Communist Chinese idiot bastard!!!




Alfrescian (Inf)
Koreans are happy about the Japanese earthquake?

Well, i’ve been reading through blogs and most of them are quite…well, no offense, happy about it.

I’m not being pessimistic or anything, but Korea’s don’t really like the Japanese because of the war, they stole koreans artifacts, killed our last and smartest king, raped, murdered, slaved and a lot of other bad things to Koreans, and they changed their history in their history books.

I guess that’s the reason why a large majority of Koreans in Korea dislike Koreans.

This earthquake, it’s gotten as far as to

“This is the first time i’m thankful to japan, thanks for blocking the tsunami”

A lot of Korean bloggers are saying so, a lot of korean tweeters are also the same.

My mothers cousin on her fathers side, her mother was a victim of the japanese taking over korea and a japanese man Killed her husband and sons, and raped her first daughter before killing her, her mother was also raped after she was forced to do work for him, that mother, is actually rejoicing and saying Japan deserves it, that they’re finally getting what they deserve.


Since when do a minority of Koreans represent Korea as a whole? likewise for China, USA and other countries.

Americans celebrate Japan disasters as payback and karma for pearl harbor.


Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Koreans are happy about the Japanese earthquake?

Well, i’ve been reading through blogs and most of them are quite…well, no offense, happy about it.

I’m not being pessimistic or anything, but Korea’s don’t really like the Japanese because of the war, they stole koreans artifacts, killed our last and smartest king, raped, murdered, slaved and a lot of other bad things to Koreans, and they changed their history in their history books.

I guess that’s the reason why a large majority of Koreans in Korea dislike Koreans.

This earthquake, it’s gotten as far as to

“This is the first time i’m thankful to japan, thanks for blocking the tsunami”

A lot of Korean bloggers are saying so, a lot of korean tweeters are also the same.

My mothers cousin on her fathers side, her mother was a victim of the japanese taking over korea and a japanese man Killed her husband and sons, and raped her first daughter before killing her, her mother was also raped after she was forced to do work for him, that mother, is actually rejoicing and saying Japan deserves it, that they’re finally getting what they deserve.


Since when do a minority of Koreans represent Korea as a whole? likewise for China, USA and other countries.

Americans celebrate Japan disasters as payback and karma for pearl harbor.


Well, we can see how dumb these idiots are.

At least we know there are Koreans more sensible and smarter than those dumb fuck idiots who still putting blame on the innocent.

Same with USA. But looking at how USA elect their representatives really show how stupid they are. They don't have to blame others when their financial sector crumbles eventually under the current monetary policy. Oh wait, they will blame China no matter what. Good, let the dumb blame the idiotic.