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Maths teacher probed for hugging, kissing teen student



Maths teacher probed for hugging, kissing teen student​

  • Sunday, 24 Mar 2024
    6:01 PM MYT

SEPANG: A teacher is being investigated for allegedly having a sexual relationship with one of her students.

Sepang OCPD Asst Comm Wan Kamarul Azran Wan Yusof said police learned of the matter after the student's mother lodged a report on Dec 12.

"We received a report from the 46-year-old woman after she noticed her son had red marks on his neck.

"She claimed that she noticed the marks after her 16-year-old son came home from studying with his mathematics teacher," he said in a statement on Sunday (March 24).

He said investigations revealed that the incident occurred at around 4.50pm on Dec 12.

"The boy was supposed to have gone home but claimed to be at the library with the teacher.

"The boy claims that he was hugged and kissed by the teacher which led to the marks on his neck," he said, adding that the teacher has been identified as a 37-year-old woman.

He said the victim was referred to the hospital for a medical evaluation.

"We have opened investigations under Section 14 of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 for physical sexual assault on a child.

He said there had also been several social media postings claiming sexual misconduct involving a teacher and student.

ACP Wan Kamarul Azran said the investigation paper was being completed and would be referred to the deputy public prosecutor for further instructions.

He urged the public to refrain from speculating and sharing unverified news on the matter.


The main point for consideration is that whether the teen student maths grades got improve after this ?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Maths teacher probed for hugging, kissing teen student​

  • Sunday, 24 Mar 2024
    6:01 PM MYT

SEPANG: A teacher is being investigated for allegedly having a sexual relationship with one of her students.

Sepang OCPD Asst Comm Wan Kamarul Azran Wan Yusof said police learned of the matter after the student's mother lodged a report on Dec 12.

"We received a report from the 46-year-old woman after she noticed her son had red marks on his neck.

"She claimed that she noticed the marks after her 16-year-old son came home from studying with his mathematics teacher," he said in a statement on Sunday (March 24).

He said investigations revealed that the incident occurred at around 4.50pm on Dec 12.

"The boy was supposed to have gone home but claimed to be at the library with the teacher.

"The boy claims that he was hugged and kissed by the teacher which led to the marks on his neck," he said, adding that the teacher has been identified as a 37-year-old woman.

He said the victim was referred to the hospital for a medical evaluation.

"We have opened investigations under Section 14 of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 for physical sexual assault on a child.

He said there had also been several social media postings claiming sexual misconduct involving a teacher and student.

ACP Wan Kamarul Azran said the investigation paper was being completed and would be referred to the deputy public prosecutor for further instructions.

He urged the public to refrain from speculating and sharing unverified news on the matter.

Thank God that PAP teachers are more upright! Majulah PAP!
  • Haha
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