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Man with no arms or legs sued by his wife for having FIVE MISTRESSES


Man with no arms or legs sued by his wife for having FIVE mistresses and a string of affairs that left her ‘emotionally damaged


A TOP Japanese author born with no arms or legs is being sued by his wife for affairs with FIVE mistresses that left her "emotionally damaged".
And Hirotada Ototake's former partner Hitomi is also suing the five women who he had affairs with during their marriage.

 Hirotada Ototake confessed to five inappropriate relationships during his marriage when confronted by a Japanese publication
Hirotada Ototake confessed to five inappropriate relationships during his marriage when confronted by a Japanese publicationCredit: AsiaWire
 The writer's wife said that his affairs had left her emotionally damaged
The writer's wife said that his affairs had left her emotionally damagedCredit: AsiaWire
 In a statement after his affairs were exposed, the former sports journalist said his action were 'absolutely unforgivable'

In a statement after his affairs were exposed, the former sports journalist said his action were 'absolutely unforgivable'Credit: AsiaWire

He was born without limbs due to tetra-amelia syndrome, a genetic disorder.

Last year the Japanese magazine Shukan Sincho reported the writer went on a trip to Tunisia and Paris in 2015 accompanied by an unnamed woman in her twenties, and that they stayed in the same hotel room.

Hirotada admitted he had "sexual relations" with the woman when confronted by the publication, saying he started the affair to "seek comfort" after marriage trouble.

The Japan Times reported he also owned up to five inappropriate relationships including the mistress in question since his eldest son was born in 2008.

In a statement he said: "My action reported by the magazine amounts to a betrayal against my devoted wife and my supporters, and it’s absolutely unforgivable."
The former sports journalist called it a "sin so serious I can never fully atone for it while alive".

 The 41-year-old and his wife have three children - and married 16 years ago
The 41-year-old and his wife have three children - and married 16 years agoCredit: AsiaWire
 Japanese media reported that the writer went on a trip to Tunisia and Paris in 2015 accompanied by an unnamed woman in her twenties
Japanese media reported that the writer went on a trip to Tunisia and Paris in 2015 accompanied by an unnamed woman in her twentiesCredit: AsiaWire
 Hirotada Ototake said he had 'betrayed his wife and supporters' by having affairs
Hirotada Ototake said he had 'betrayed his wife and supporters' by having affairsCredit: AsiaWire

Hirotada has three children with his wife Hitomi, and the couple divorced last year after marrying in 2001.

Hitomi, who filed her suit at Tokyo District Court, told Japanese media: "It is true that I am suing, but there is nothing for me to say now."
Her former husband is best known for his memoir No One’s Perfect.



he can no hands to.squeeze the MISTRESSES NEHNEH. The mistresses shook meh?


Oh there is a mistress thread. Chicken out of prostitute threads? Highlight MISTRESS woh More lies from your despicable Cantonese son of CERTIFIED SLUT PROSTITUTE mouth 广东狗够贱!


Oh there is a mistress thread. Chicken out of prostitute threads? Highlight MISTRESS woh More lies from your despicable Cantonese son of CERTIFIED SLUT PROSTITUTE mouth 广东狗够贱!
Were you one of his mistress too? Oh you dirty slut, every cock also want to suck. I must flog your old cunt!!


Wow… this guy is JIN Satki… personally I hand down to him. No hands and Legs still can get to fuck 6 x Japan Bu’s at the same time….